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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Please, please, please let us EXCHANGE bad Black Lion Chest drops for statuettes! I know I don't need more revive orbs, repair cannisters, mini vouchers and crafting drops. Let us get more statuettes now that the offerings are updating and you are promoting them!

Also, make the "tiny" crafting items category be in the rotation for the promotional exchange. Mithril prices were fine, while T1 and T2 crafting stuff is almost worthless.

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Two big QoL changes I'd like to see in the future are:

1. Wishlisting items in the BLTC; I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to wishlist a glider pack or mount skin pack so I could purchase it the next week or something only to forget until it leaves the store and returns.


2. When getting a cosmetic item like a glider skin pack, weapon skin, etc.  Please just make it a direct-to-wardrobe acquisition and give us a transmutation charge.  It can be pretty annoying to have to type in "New Kaineng Glider Skin" and the same for the backpiece skin every single time I purchase a skin on the BLTC.

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Story Instance Skippable Dialogue. (only if the host has already done it before)

Please i am getting real tired of standing still listening to an NPC speak for 2mins just so another NPC can speak for a minute and so on. Then travel across the map to listen to more chat.

I have done the full story once. Would like to replay it but honestly all this dialogue is making me extremely bored

Edited by LunaDeviner.6514
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On 2/27/2023 at 2:09 AM, circuitnerd.5863 said:

Please for the love of the Six. Let us keybind fishing, personal waypoint and skiff to all separate keys. Just like how we got for mounts. The arrow to bring up those 3 options is so incredibly tiny. And binding J to just 1 is pointless cause you still need to bring up the little menu to select the others. 

You... Already can...

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Please, please, please ArenaNet.  Could you make the upper right dye channel for the samoyed mount be more saturated. It only takes any effect from the darkest of any of the hues.  I know, it's a Samoyed, and they are white, but that spitz model would work for Keeshonds, Pomeranians, etc.  The husky mount skin does dye darker, but my keeshonds are fluffier!


(Seriously though, any dye channel should be able to be very close to whatever dye we put in it.  There are plenty of dyes out there to find one that has the saturation we prefer.  The warlords armor is the opposite.  Finding dyes that can be light enough for what one wants can be problematic.)

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6 hours ago, Lupini.6938 said:

Please, please, please ArenaNet.  Could you make the upper right dye channel for the samoyed mount be more saturated. It only takes any effect from the darkest of any of the hues.  I know, it's a Samoyed, and they are white, but that spitz model would work for Keeshonds, Pomeranians, etc.  The husky mount skin does dye darker, but my keeshonds are fluffier!


(Seriously though, any dye channel should be able to be very close to whatever dye we put in it.  There are plenty of dyes out there to find one that has the saturation we prefer.  The warlords armor is the opposite.  Finding dyes that can be light enough for what one wants can be problematic.)

What parts does that channel affect? 

Also, I've been incredibly torn about this skin because as an IRL samoyed addict I absolutely want it BUT the eyes are too wrong shaped and look more pomeranian/spitz than samoyed 😭

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Please add an option change the walk key to a hold binding instead of a toggle. This is mainly for gamepad users, though it could also be useful K/M users. A hold-to-walk key would allow gamepad users to map it to the inner ring of the stick, so pushing the stick slightly would walk, pushing it fully would run. This would greatly improve the feel when playing with controller, especially in jumping puzzles.

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Why we can't have a proper achievement display under the main mission log at the right when doing the story instances? Achievements are tiny buffs at your bar which are easily missable if you have a ton of buffs and the colours are close to the same what signets are on some classes. Many even are on timers which start right away. Replaying the specific missions are already PITA on top of this. Feels like the achievement system was built on top of this existing system and was not thought from the start design wise. Instead of having that clunky achievement tracker why not have dynamic real time achivement log based on the current mission or event whatever you are in which is tracked right under the mission objective? Or both?


Kill all the mobs before time runs out : 3minutes left

Kill all the chickens progress 3/15 

Rescue 3 choyas around the map progress 1/3 


Instead it's tracked in buff window or the achievement character page


I dislike modding MMORPGs but this is part i really wish there was WoW/FFXIV modding community here


I don't see any negative point from this apart it taking some time from the UI designer/coder.



I expect at least one specific person to say "No" without explaining the reasons

Edited by Jin.8501
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17 hours ago, anninke.7469 said:

What parts does that channel affect? 

Also, I've been incredibly torn about this skin because as an IRL samoyed addict I absolutely want it BUT the eyes are too wrong shaped and look more pomeranian/spitz than samoyed 😭

First image is in the dye panel.  The 2 top channels are for the mount's body, the blue circled channel is the one that I'm trying to get darker.  But all of the channels for this are kind of funky.  The "gold" ends up kind of green.  The brighter white you put on the "furnishings" channel just ends up also blowing out the other colors.  Trying a more off white seems to pick up the underlying color in the white, i.e., crushed bone makes it very yellow.  The 4th is for the eyes, hence I have it a dark brown.


PS:  Yes, the eyes aren't right--but us spitz fanatics!  *rolls eyes at self*

Edited to add:  It appears the one fur dye channel is driving both the fur dye channels.  Here it is with red in the "first" square, and white in the other 3.  Cute mount, but too bad the dye channels are linked.


Edited by Lupini.6938
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32 minutes ago, Lupini.6938 said:

First image is in the dye panel.  The 2 top channels are for the mount's body, the blue circled channel is the one that I'm trying to get darker.  But all of the channels for this are kind of funky.  The "gold" ends up kind of green.  The brighter white you put on the "furnishings" channel just ends up also blowing out the other colors.  Trying a more off white seems to pick up the underlying color in the white, i.e., crushed bone makes it very yellow.  The 4th is for the eyes, hence I have it a dark brown.


PS:  Yes, the eyes aren't right--but us spitz fanatics!  *rolls eyes at self*


Thank you.

Is that Shadow Abyss in the slot-in question? If so it's a very harsh change. Also gold dyes going greenish sucks most of the time.

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27 minutes ago, anninke.7469 said:

Thank you.

Is that Shadow Abyss in the slot-in question? If so it's a very harsh change. Also gold dyes going greenish sucks most of the time.

It is Shadow Abyss.  I tried others just to see if it was that dye, but all the darkest barely end up grey.  I tried the "shadow" versions of other hues, but they just pull a lot of that hue in and aren't black/grey.  The other is White.  Anything brighter just makes the grey even more dilute.

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So some big deals to me that constitute real QoL:

1- Being able to use our turtle mount cannons even if alone. At the current day, I consider the turtle mount to be the greatest scam of history. Why did the players put so much efforts and gold coins in them if we can't even use the two big cannons on its back? The mount was badly implemented. If you want to keep a disadvantage of being alone, well code it so if I want to shoot I can't move, if I am not fixed for shooting i can move... this is one of the biggest errror of implementation, no mount should force the player to be with another one to enjoy all skills. The recent map is painful, and show you even more Anet, that it is a stupid idea. Yesterday, I saw 6 poors players bumping the heads of their mounts to break walls... it is so dumb we can't shoot by ourselves. I DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT SINCE EOD LAUNCH, THIS HASN'T BEEN CHANGED.

2-Since 2013, I opened ton of bl chest, as we speak, they gave me 200 mystic forge stone, 100 revive orbs, 170 waypoints to friends, piles of heroic boosters, several merchants, bank or trading post access. ENOUGH. For sanity sake, let players exchange those useless goods against statuettes! Efforts were invested to get keys to just piles those useless no values good in bank! It is time for change. EVEN IF 5 BL GOODS FOR 1 STATUETTE I DON'T CARE. My bank is almost full because of them to not fill my characters invs!

3-Really. Regarding new map, create a new event icons for ambushs. Reuse the one of bounties... they are easy to miss, map is filled with blades events icons. Regarding visibility, increase event detection range or make them all visible on minimap. It is a pain to have to wander everywhere to know about all events present, which thing is at what upgrade level and so on...

4- I got an idea some times ago about key currencies in chests farms map like dragonstorm or that new delve map; instead of indicating the numver of keycard/machettes/bandit keys/miner keycard whatever in inventory; you should put the icon at the top right of the screen with near it the number we have. That will greatly help to keep track of if we can open chests or not while enjoying events or exploration.

5- If an achievement is not available, please mention it will comes later with an update. I didn't find any way to listen to gorrik logs, jade researcher logs... if those are added week after week or next update, at least, please write in red in the achiev "not yet available"...

Edited by hugo.4705
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That mystical Deer skin for jackal takes way too long to appear.

Could you guys make it so that it appears instantly please?

Sometimes I can run half the lenght of a map before the Deer skin pops up.

So what I've got is a bare colourless jackal skin for something like 30 seconds to an entire 2 minutes.


Also, any chance that you consider making mount skins tradeable? 

I have about 4 mount skins that i got from random purchases, That I never use, just sitting there.

Feels a waste of gems, when someone could be enjoying it.


Peace ✌☺

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The mount menu (Change Mounts) is important but quite big, 8 or more depending on expansions and current progress. Although any mount may be linked to a keybinding, memorise them all isn't quite easy. And there is no any tip for this in main UI, if you forgot a particular key combination, need to look in Options, Mounts to remind it.


Please add the user-selected keybindings to the mount menu: either in the parentheses after the mount name, or in tooltips in this menu, what you decide better. For example:  Griffon [G] or Skimmer [Shift + G] etc.

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I know you people said several times that GW2 is a social game; but let's brush aside wishful thinking, and face real hard facts:


1. Most maps are completely deserted, except for the occasional lone soul doing map completition.

2. Most population hangs idle camping in Lion's Arch, Eye of the North, and Divinity's Reach.

3. Doing missions, quests, most world bosses do not get enough people to complete.

That includes guild missions too, as most of my crew haven't played for months... and no, they haven't returned for this new EoD episode.

4. Most Raids, Dungeons, etc are also deserted. Most people who enjoy end game stuff are mostly in WvW or Fractals.

5. A whopper 95% aprox. of metas are empty.

6. There are still far too many free accounts in the silverwastes. I do it sometimes a lot if I have to; but when you can't get players to move past that, even with full accounts, you know there's something wrong here.

7. As hard as it is to admit, a lot of players went on to play other games such as FF14.

8. Steam was not the success that was expected. As I said way before steam release, and was right. Once the hype is over, they will leave to play the vast collection of games they can get free from steam.  Once the Raptor trial ends, they won't play no more.

I hate to say I told you so. But hey.


I could give out a lot more examples, but I think you get the idea.

So... where am I going with this?

Please, for the love of the 6, spirits of the wild, or whatever rocks your boat, just give us the Mercenaries already.


I am a guild leader, and my top contributors and highest ranks haven't played on average 2-4 months.

I keep trying to rebuild my guild with new members, but 99% won't accept the invite, the ones that do only play for a week or so.

I can't get guild missions done, i cannot do certain end game content because of the lack of team members.

I've been playing mostly WvW for the past 6 months, because it's the only place ingame I can still find people actually being active and have some fun in the process. 


ANet, it's time to admit that Europe server doesn't have the players to make up the numbers no more, and just give us the option to bring our own characters with us in missions, etc controlled by AI.


You don't wanna call it mercenaries? Call them sidekicks, helpers, party, or whatever else, but please, for sanity sakes just give it to us.


I'm starting to get really bored with the game, not being able to do a lot of stuff solo, because "social" and honestly, i can see no reason whatsoever why "social" should be shoved down our throats. 


There are a ton of people who absolutely love this game, but for their own unique reasons just don't wanna rely on other people or are not very sociable... otherwise they would not be gamers on the first place.

If that's still not making sense, I don't know what else I can do.

You're not sure? OK.

Start with them being available on private instances, dungeons, and raids.

Then later add the option to when maps are empty or are bellow a certain number of players.

... and take it from there.


I would like to form a party of my own characters for such occasions. 

Maybe 1-6 or 7 to make a party of 8.


People can still be sociable, if they choose to do so. It's not like you're taking away their freedom of choice.


I hope you take this into consideration. 

I really do.

Thank you.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Hello everyone!


A bit sad, that in most games, event ancient RPGs character has so called quick slots for consumables, like potions or food. As keyboard shortcut heavy guy it really bothers me that every time I want to use some food I have to open inventory window, find this particular item going through all these bag slots (especially fun in combat), double click it, close inventory window (not even saying that when you have 200+ slots it's very annoying that you can see though half of your bag but is different issue). What really would be significant QoL improvement, if we had either 4-5 slots for usable/consumable items where we can drop whatever or let us assign a hotkey for some slots in bag (make them slight different color or maybe only first/last shared slots).

Something similar is already in the game - chairs, tonics, other. Why no such thing for consumables?


Another thing - crafting window. Every time I have to change option, for example, "have materials" - I have to click gear icon, click one of the options. Why this way, if much better would just these more often usable categories assign to icons next to gear? (And don't get me started on topic that when I close accidentally crafting window, I have to fold all these other items over again, like I want to craft a staff for example, and have to go through categories foci, scepters and so on - in other words, there is no consistency in crafting UI - filter stays, "have materials" option stays, but categories always unfolded, at least give us a button to fold them all at once).


And side notice - would be very, very nice if dowels were moved from refining into crafting category.


Character panel needs same feature as in first paragraph - one key bind for panel and then 10.000 options - gear, build, dyes, story, some of these tabs in dire need of their own hot keys, all these clicking and pixel hunting is so frustrating to be honest.


Also, as an altoholic with ~20 characters parked in different spots and who goes through them daily (can't even imagine what people with 70 alts do feel) every time I have to click, click, click to login on last character in line. Like, seriously, I can use mouse wheel, left and right buttons, enter to login but can't press home/end button to skip whole list and select first/last character on the list?


What do you think? (if you had enough stamina to go through my wall of text)

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Now that you can no longer accidentally leave a story instance by running into the red zone, I also have no way to intentionally exit as the story instance host. When I am running for Achievements where I only need to collect an item and then I can exit, I have no way to leave without having to log out of my whole character.


Could we get exit buttons on all stories, just like people who are joining you get? It even just helps if you wanted to change your mind about doing a story, etc.

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A joint Asura/Sylvani research project with the intention of allowing others to share in the Dream, which functionally is a device (whether it's at one location only or one in every capital city is up to you guys) that allows you to replay your completed Personal Story segments (but does not let you change your path, nor does it give you XP or other rewards for doing so, this is purely for RP/story enjoyment; might also want to debate setting a rule that you cannot bring in or use consumables as well, as using food or potions or whatnot in what is essentially VR might be a logical/disbelief suspension stretch).

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