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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Let me turn off other people's infusions and floating globbules. It can be client-side of course, just like Character Model Quality.

I'd like a spot to store all the books and other readable lore items that we collect over the years so that we can return to it and read through them as we please. Little bookcase in the home instance maybe.

Something to hold all the teleport scrolls and tomes that we've collected for lounges and living world and such.

With novelty items like chairs and musical instruments, it'd be nice to be able to preview them with my character in place as well.

The LFG tool needs a bit of work I think (and I think a lot of people thing this) but at the very least, if it could remember what tab I had open when I close and reopen it, that'd be swell.

Bonus for others: more accessibility options. Bigger font options, colour blindness assistance, controller support, those sorts of things.

Edited by Kiki.9450
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Does anyone else think that it's time for us to get new weapons? I am thinking something like Lance and Great Axe. I'm eager to play heavy armor Lancer. Also is anyone else hoping to get some new playable races like Dwarfs or those bird people? 

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23 minutes ago, ANDREJA.9318 said:

Does anyone else think that it's time for us to get new weapons? I am thinking something like Lance and Great Axe. I'm eager to play heavy armor Lancer. Also is anyone else hoping to get some new playable races like Dwarfs or those bird people? 

You're better off proposing exactly what you want to see. Anet could give warrior a lance, but it is a pew-pew laser weapon. Great Axe could be a thrown AoE weapon for Mesmers. Maybe not at all what you are envisioning.

Races...search the forum. Discussed to death. Rez'd...discussed to death...again and again.

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In winteberry map the svanir helmets could be target of sell to vendor for 1copper, you just get a lot of this crap by killing random mobs, and they clutter inventory. Destroying trash actually takes a lot of time, so just sell it for 1 copper is less clicks.

In similar fashion some resources could be 1 copper vendor, like dragonite ore, empyrium, and blooddust.

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9 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

You're better off proposing exactly what you want to see. Anet could give warrior a lance, but it is a pew-pew laser weapon. Great Axe could be a thrown AoE weapon for Mesmers. Maybe not at all what you are envisioning.

Races...search the forum. Discussed to death. Rez'd...discussed to death...again and again.

I cannot imagine lancer warrior with pew pew lasers 😂😂🤣🤣

Well for lancers play styles I have something like the Lancer in Fate series anime, or roman and spartan warriors/soldiers. And the threat axe would be something like Gimli from lord of the rings obviously with lots of spinning, leap smashing and charging. Although I can see mesmers with pew pew laser axe and lance XD 

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23 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

He throws it back at you , followed by a meteor, and knock you out.

Then comes grenth and scythes you and you will have to wp.

Then, for an hour, you will force wear donkey ears, and you will gnarl every 30 seconds.


I was thinking about something way milder to happen but.. why not? 😄 Let Zommoros have some fun with those pesky Tyrians throwing trash into the Forge!

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About the jumping puzzle from earlier, perhaps much like the clocktower, other players could be turned into motes for the Winterday jumping puzzle? Or perhaps into characters using the Hologram outfit? It's nicely see through.


Also can the Celestial Challenge have a minute kick timer or something? Or perhaps lose the effect to open the final chest if inactive for over minute? It's not very doable when you constantly join instance where most the players are afk. (Yes I'm that unlucky)

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Greetings fellow Tyrians,

I hope this message finds you well in the world of Tyria! I come to you today with a proposal that I believe would enhance the quality of life for many adventurers across the land of Guild Wars 2. As we embark on countless journeys, we find ourselves amassing significant quantities of valuable materials, namely Bloodstone Dust, Empyreal Fragments, and Dragonite Ore.

Currently, these materials are consumed by various items such as Mawdry II, Star of Gratitude, Princess, and the Gleam of Sentience. While these items provide valuable rewards, the daily limit on their consumption can sometimes be a hindrance to those who wish to fully utilize these items for progression and convenience.

Therefore, I propose the implementation of an account-wide unlock feature that allows players to toggle auto-consumption of these materials within the inventory screen. This feature would remove the daily limit, providing a more streamlined and convenient experience for players who wish to continue receiving rewards from these items beyond the current restrictions.

Here are a few key points to consider for this proposal:

1. Account-Wide Unlock: The feature would be account-wide, ensuring that all characters on the same account can benefit from the auto-consumption of Bloodstone Dust, Empyreal Fragments, and Dragonite Ore.

2. Toggleable within Inventory Screen: To maintain flexibility and control, the auto-consumption feature could be easily toggled on or off directly within the inventory screen. This allows players to decide when they want to utilize this functionality.

3. Reduced Rewards: To maintain balance and prevent potential abuse, the rewards from the items mentioned (Mawdry II, Star of Gratitude, Princess, and Gleam of Sentience) would be adjusted accordingly when the auto-consumption feature is active. This ensures that while convenience is increased, the overall economy and progression remain fair.

I believe that implementing such a feature would be a significant quality-of-life improvement for many players who find themselves juggling these materials across multiple characters. It aligns with the player-centric approach that ArenaNet has taken in the past and continues to make Guild Wars 2 an enjoyable and accessible experience for all.

I encourage you to share your thoughts and support for this proposal. Let our voices be heard, and together, we can enhance the way we experience the world of Tyria!

Safe travels and may the Mists guide you!

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I don't think nerfing the converters is necessary, the rewards are mostly junk items anyway.

And most people don't exactly have such a tremendous amount of these materials that would threaten the markets stability, all the valuable stuff you can get out of them are so rare that even a player with 500 stacks of these mats wouldn't get much value outside of...Unidentified Gear maybe? Which we're low on supply in the TP rn anyway. After the first fluctuation things would return to normal.

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Could you give Karka Queen world boss a little more health like twice as much, and make it spawn tiny karkas or mid size from eggs?

Or maybe like this: give it 3x health, but each 25% it spawns egg which you can kill, or wait for them to spawn little karka hatchlings. And when it reach 50% there will be 3 champion bread males. So overall longer fight, and more mobs to fight, and more fun for everyone. And it will take more time to reach karka. More little mobs is also good, as some builds are aoe heavy so it would be something for them.

There is actuall problem that it dies in 60sec flat, and if you miss waypoint it will die before you manage to tag it. 😞

Edited by evilcat.6817
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On 1/23/2024 at 11:46 PM, DeanBB.4268 said:

Please explain. I can equip all Mighty infusions if desired. I know of no limits to slotting infusions.

Aesthetic infusions for example ghostly infusion. You can't stack the effect/intensity of it without each infusion to be of different stats.

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No valuable rewards are provided - I don’t think I’ve ever even got a rare in all the years of using them. Shove them in shared inventory and just use them daily. I can’t imagine any but a tiny handful of players have so much dust and ore they can’t quickly get rid of it.

The only change I think we need is adding options for airship oil and auric dust and leyline sparks

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1 hour ago, Randulf.7614 said:

No valuable rewards are provided - I don’t think I’ve ever even got a rare in all the years of using them. Shove them in shared inventory and just use them daily. I can’t imagine any but a tiny handful of players have so much dust and ore they can’t quickly get rid of it.

The only change I think we need is adding options for airship oil and auric dust and leyline sparks

As I'm typing this, I use my converters daily, I have 2,5k Empyreal shards shards in the Storage, and I still have 5,000 sitting in my inventory that keep going up, at the moment I can kind of handle them by converting them into stars, but I already have 1,200 of those as well, so I'm 50% capacity on my Mat storage.

The Oil/Dust/Sparks also have a similar issue, true. 

Edited by jason.1083
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39 minutes ago, jason.1083 said:

As I'm typing this, I use my converters daily, I have 2,5k Empyreal shards shards in the Storage, and I still have 5,000 sitting in my inventory that keep going up, at the moment I can kind of handle them by converting them into stars, but I already have 1,200 of those as well, so I'm 50% capacity on my Mat storage.

The Oil/Dust/Sparks also have a similar issue, true. 

If you are getting that kind of gain, you are definitely an extreme outlier - esp if you have 1200 Empyreal Stars. I play daily and never have more than 2k of any of the 3 base ascended except at festival season and I quickly burn down through eaters or converting them into the next tier up.

So yes, you do have an issue with saturation of those items, but the vast majority of people will not and I can't see Anet adjusting an item for such an outlying circumstance, when we can't even get an eater for the other ascended items after nearly 8 years of asking.

Alternatively, just delete the excess. You aren't missing anything apart from a handful of silver

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1. Junk drops

Please make these options a reality:

A. Convert every single bit of junk into karma or jade shards. Even those from bags, which at the moment are not converted.

B. Make it so once a player has + 100% more magic find, it gets better loot, and not any junk of any kind.

For those who have jade bots converters could have the option to still get junk, which then option A would kick in.


2. Please, please, take into consideration the weapons requests from other players, including Long bow for elementalists, aswel as great sword, which the latter has also been requested for thieves.

A engineer like rifle for rangers, and more.


3. Please sort ranger pets into categories. 

A sub menu in which all other types of pet would be tucked in, inside a single icon for each type of pet.

For instance, when you click pet menu, the first window would only display one icon for each type: One feline, one canine, one avian, etc.

Once you click on the species you want, that window then is replaced by one which displays  all of the pets from that category. 


4. Please give us an option to be able to choose whether we want to display All of the weapons we have equipped. 

E.g. A sword, a dagger, and a great sword.

All of them could be displayed at once, and you'd still pick up the one active as always.

Personal note: I would really really, like this one.


5. Tomes of knowledge for spirit shards. 

Please make it possible the option to get tomes of knowledge from L.A. vendor in exchange for spirit shards. 

This is a highly requested option.


Thanks people.

Keep up the good work.

I'm so looking forwards for the new weapons.

Hope it doesn't take long now.

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8 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

If you are getting that kind of gain, you are definitely an extreme outlier - esp if you have 1200 Empyreal Stars. I play daily and never have more than 2k of any of the 3 base ascended except at festival season and I quickly burn down through eaters or converting them into the next tier up.

So yes, you do have an issue with saturation of those items, but the vast majority of people will not and I can't see Anet adjusting an item for such an outlying circumstance, when we can't even get an eater for the other ascended items after nearly 8 years of asking.

Alternatively, just delete the excess. You aren't missing anything apart from a handful of silver

That's why I started with that it's not a big deal to nerf the converters to introduce what OP was suggesting, I know most people don't have this much of an issue, and even people like me who do wouldn't really cause problems if we could convert our materials. Certain routines in game will just get you in that spot where you're bottlenecked with these materials, especially the Empyreal shards. And honestly the adjustment wouldn't be that big, simply remove the daily limit to some (if not all) the converters. 

And I'm not against any other kind of converter for the other ascended materials, I would probably grab those too, I'm capped on Airship Oil/Auric Dust/Leyline Sparks as well, I just resorted to throwing them out as they come in instead.  I also long for the day we get a solution for Essenes of Despair/Greed/Triumph, making them into materials did help a little but there's still too many of them.

Edited by jason.1083
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  • Let us zoom and move in the preview window
  • allow effects on gear and infusions to be optional (toggle)
  • add a collection that unlocks a teleport book that can hold other tomes and teleport items
  • allow changing the order of template tabs (instead of ordering them with a 3-way copy, just let us move them or reassign numbers)
  • maybe add shortcut NPCs for different types of content (from raid aerodrome to eye of the north to arborstone to wizards tower) ... or let us access alll of the content from all of those places. Going from one of the content tyspes to the next results in multiple loading screens and that should not be needed.
  • Instead of /wiki opening the browser outside of the game, open it inside of the game. We have chromium already running in the game. It feels bad to tell other players to outside of the game to look things up.
  • add a glossar/knowledge library that adds explainations to game mechanics, when you encounter them. First time being close to a "stack on green" mechanic, unlock a glossar entry that explains the mechanic
  • allow us to disable popups with a checkbox or something "do not show again"
  • allow us to at least customize the position and size of boons/buffs/debuffs (those icons are hard to see)
  • fix the position of buffs in the buff bar. Ist is almost impossible to track what buffs you have at the time, because the position of the icons shifts around all the time if buffs or conditions run out
  • show/hide effects should be split between player effects and enemy effects. Currently some mechanics are bound to that setting and are not shown anymore, if you turn down player effects. Suddenly you don't see the soulless horror walls anymore or something similar. Such a setting should never effect boss mechanics
  • please finally fix the mount bug in wing 5. If you get frozen by the Broken King (icy boy) you are stuck in a state that you can now on no longer move with any mount anymore. It looks like the frozen state gets removed from the player, but not from the mount or something. The mount T-poses and doesn't let you move until you relog. This has been in the game forever and it is a pain in the .. you know what.

I will stop here for now.


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