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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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In FF14 it might fine, as the jobs generally have only one stat combination, but GW2 has many of them. Some people may be offended, if you call them out for not wearing optimized gear.

To implement such a function, Arenanet would need to update their ToS to combat such potentially offensive behaviour and possibly even add a new report option for it. I can't see them doing that though.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Would it be possible to get what amounts to a /gg button on our downed bar for PvE?  There are times when it would be a real time saver to be able to just give up, die and go to a WP instead of trying to bandage; particularly when the mob you were fighting died before you went down and there is nothing around to rally from.  

I do not see a downside to this, although I'm sure others can point it out if there is something I've missed.

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6 hours ago, Vainture.4678 said:

Hey guys, I recently stopped playing Final Fantasy 14 and I realized a few things which could be pretty cool in GW2 aswell. In FF14 you were able to right-click someone and examine them. Meaning I could see what their gear level and what Transmogs they use for their gear.

I find that pretty cool for GW2 aswell. But since I know GW2 doesn't like "gear-check" how about still give that preview of other player what they wear incase I like their fashion? You could show the preview without any sort of stats so I only see how the item is called. I find myself often enough seeing cool looking armor of other people but I even thou I play since 9 years lose track of that kind of gear it is. It would be awesome to have that in-game to find out easier 🙂

You could always ask the player what he's wearing - that's an easy solution that works surprisingly well most of the time.

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My QoL wishes:
1) That the guild bank's UI worked like every other bank and bag in the game (stacking things when you drag them together, double-click to remove items, etc.)
2) That you didn't need to queue stuff for scribing (nobody wants to babysit the queue, especially when you just crafted a couple hundred guild siege; it doesn't need to be instant, just not manual)
3) That all vendors had a 'search' box
4) That 'Use all' were available on all usable items
5) That there was no cooldown on consuming tactivators to put them in the guild storage
6) That you could search the trading post with a filter for whether you've already unlocked it (skins, nodes, novelties, whatever)
7) Just stop with the Experience Tomes already. Also the WvW drops that are for an item you can't actually make anymore (slumbering confluence I think?).

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In 2016, an update was made so learning a recipe from a consumable on one character will unlock it for all other characters on your account, according to the wiki. Why not make crafting levels account-wide also? So that if you complete a level of one crafting discipline on a character, that level of that crafting discipline is unlocked for all characters on the account, even the ones you haven't created yet. It would remove the inconvenience of having to switch back and forth between characters to get components from different characters' inventory. This would also be nice for players who deleted a character, perhaps if they were thinking of quitting the game.


If the devs think this is too easy, the feature could also be made into a mastery unlock, or an unlock by gem store purchase. I would buy it.

Edited by Calanthe.3857
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The guild bank is sorely lacking functionality in comparison with the regular bank. Can you make it so we can click deposit into stacks from bag to bank instead of having to pull out the stacks merge them then put them back. Do you know how messed up and time consuming it is to straighten a guild bank? I would also like an organize by type button on all inventory banks gbanks and bags, man the QoL that would be. 

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More ways of getting infusions, other than with laurels or the agony ones please.


Even if it is just a mere +1 stats.

I wanna fill in those empty holes with a fusion that is useful in pve without having to spend a fortune, and days on end; or looking like mister marshmallow man.


Please make this available for artificers and jewelers to craft infusions. 

Even if you just make it a max of +3 

Starting at +1 which you can craft with materials or buy.


Please guys. Make this a reality.


I don't do fractals. 

It's just not my thing... and wvw is either full with private parties that change map if you try join them, or totally empty.


Please and thank you.

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Would it be possible to have elite specializations show during character creation? Like, on the profession selection screen, if you click on, show some info about the elite specs it can use (general blurb, weapon(s) it unlocks, and the expansion needed). It may help with new players when selecting a class to start with.

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On 11/12/2021 at 10:42 AM, Vainture.4678 said:

Hey guys, I recently stopped playing Final Fantasy 14 and I realized a few things which could be pretty cool in GW2 aswell. In FF14 you were able to right-click someone and examine them. Meaning I could see what their gear level and what Transmogs they use for their gear.

I find that pretty cool for GW2 aswell. But since I know GW2 doesn't like "gear-check" how about still give that preview of other player what they wear incase I like their fashion? You could show the preview without any sort of stats so I only see how the item is called. I find myself often enough seeing cool looking armor of other people but I even thou I play since 9 years lose track of that kind of gear it is. It would be awesome to have that in-game to find out easier 🙂

I don't really like the idea.

You could just ask the person, which would be an  expression of appreciation.

Your proposal is akin to scanning someone's clothes with Google Lens instead of asking them in real life.

Edited by Kerbezena.3804
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5 minutes ago, Gwyxxlthothle.6371 said:

Would it be possible to have elite specializations show during character creation? Like, on the profession selection screen, if you click on, show some info about the elite specs it can use (general blurb, weapon(s) it unlocks, and the expansion needed). It may help with new players when selecting a class to start with.

It is important for the new player experience that the character creation process is clean at kept free from any kind of clutter that could distract inexperienced players.

The information you are asking for is freely available on the wiki, but it wouldn't mean anything to a new player or worse, big them down on the third page already.

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1. Make classes easier to play, i bought this game for my kid, he couldn't understand the rotations, i couldn't either. Takes eons to kill mobs and he went back to playing wow.


2. Dailies, go to ascalon, gather lumber. Great but where is ascalon? Why is there no point marker? Nightmare for newer players who don't know the map


3. Crafting is too convoluted. windows upon windows. Make crafting simpler and mats easier to get. Eg if a legendary needs 40 woods 50 ores etc and 15 prerequisites, if i have ALL the mats give me the option to craft it immediately. Fewer clicks ftw


4.Give us an option to hide friendly effects. Its a mess with all the cosmetics, i like to see cosmetics but not when i m trying to kill a world boss and have all these flashes in my face


5. Maps are great, i like HoT and PoF biomes, but i die soooooooo easily it makes me want to stay in Tyria. Those maps are empty, you ever wonder why? Only very good players play there, Sure i m a bad player but when i fight x mob and y-z-w mobs join the fray and start attacking me what gives?


If you want to stay relevant do these and many other great suggestions in this thread. If not, oh well i can move on

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Hey guys, I reckon it's great to be rewarded this 'Prismatic Champions Regalia', but who'd 2nd the idea of having an option as to what type of trinket you get. With slots missing

here or there I'd love the option to have it as an 'Accessory'. Just as we get a choice or precursor for the Gen 3 wep of choice, I'm sure alot would love not to double up on what we

may already have.


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HI there, So i had an idea for character Selection screen to where we can sort the characters, By class, race, proffession, Or By level

I feel this would help people find there characters faster for people with more than a 20 characters, Personally i have 59 characters because i do fashion and alot of my guild mates have about the same. But i feel this would be a beneficial idea for a lot of players.


Love Winter

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Do you mean the default ones that are available at character creation? Unlikely.

Changing your character's hairstyle and hair colour is tied to gem store items like the Self-Style Hair Kit or the Total Makeover Kit. These provide a long list of choices for colours, many of which, in my opinion, are barely distinguishable from each other in-game.

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ANET problem is you don’t promote how good the game is. ( selling dream)

Like people ask about elite

if you see website , you just talk about profession but no elite details. The n how you sell idea or pull customers? They need something to inspire and imagine it will be good if I can play this elite.


One thing that I can think 

you may add new condition  “slippery or oily. “  the condition that make player slip. ( slide away from position). That make player hard to hit other in WvW or pvp. 


some new event like dungeon break. ( monster rampage) In random map. 

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With the Legendary Armoury now live and allowing for items to be equipped account wide, I find I have less use for Ascended Gear Chests. One thought that occurred to me would be to have a merchant that would allow us to exchange them for other materials. The first one that occurred to me was Mystic Clovers, although I suppose other account bound items like Legendary Insights/Divinations, Pristine Fractal Relics, Ascended Shards of Glory or World vs. World Skirmish Claim Tickets could be other options.


This idea would exclusively be for gear that you get as drops, not for the ones that can be purchased via Strike or Raid currency..

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QoL that I would LOVE to see:

Ability to directly delete items without typing the entire name, by allowing brackets so we can link, copy, paste, delete.

Mostly because I am getting extremely annoyed with the sheer amount of "type item name" on items that are trivial to me.

Your system is too simple, let me give you an example.

When I receive Instant Repair Canisters from whatever source, I delete them, since I have the infinite one, sitting RIGHT THERE in my shared inventory. Your system does not recognize this and demands me to type the name of this item in order to delete it. 

Not to sound disrespectful, but to someone owning the infinite ones, these one-time use are simply merely trash clogging inventory, and therefor always will be deleted.

Please investigate a better way to seek confirmation instead of typing the entire name into the field.

I already link the item in chat, copy paste and delete the brackets.

Please make it easier on us.

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Hello guys,

Please do something about the skyscale grappling.

I'm getting really frustrated with its sticky fingers, placing its claws everywhere, everytime... I'm trying to dodge roll, or even just take flight, or landing.

That function is totally useless as is, at the moment.

Either make it so it recovers endurance when in that position, or remove it all together.

Getting stuck on walls and trees without doing absolutely nothing, makes no sense to me.



Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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there should be SQUAD PERMISSIONS for kicking.


IE: commander should be able to set permissions so only commander and/or lieutenants can kick players. (implying that "open kick" option would allow anyone in squad to kick, if thew commander chooses that option.)


sometimes i'm in an open squad in WvW where random players start kicking invitees who take a long time to respond, against the commander's wishes, and the only way to solve the issue (because the person repeatedly kicks after being asked NOT TO) is to kick them from the squad.


so a setting would be very nice.

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