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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

You don't need to be interested in it, you can still do it once for the reward you want. I think it's a daily today. You can also make a squad saying KO for turtle and people will join. If you don't care about effort, I really don't know what the issue here is supposed to be.

Thanks, I do realize all I have to do is do the strike once; just not interested. Honestly, the turtle isn't that big a deal to me either, but it'd be nice to have -- and it'd be nice to not have this progress-turtle following me around Arborstone all the time, haha. Different players have different interests in how they want to spend their gaming time. Many, many (just do a few searches) have no interest in strikes but do want to earn the turtle.

I do realize this will probably never change, but they did make the skyscale a bit easier and they did make an alternate way of getting the original turtle egg (I did the meta on a good map, but still, it was an option if I needed it).

I suppose they're trying to get more people into strikes, and maybe it worked out really well for them. In which case, players like me are just sol, which is fine. Not everything has to be for everyone.

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Allow setting of mount ability hotkeys per mount, or allow reordering the skill assignment to the mount hotkeys, or something to alleviate the "what is up and what is down?" issues.


Skimmer: Ability 1 = Up, Ability 2 = Down

Griffon: Ability 1 = Down, Ability 2 = Up

Skyscale: Ability 1 = Forward, Ability 2 = Down

It's a bit disorienting when you get used hitting Ability 2 to go downward and your griffon soars into the sky. I haven't had too much trouble the other way, as I usually hit backwards to go up with the griffon, and spacebar with the other two.

Anyway, bring on the [confused] emojis you cheeky bunch.

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So we have Dynamic HUD that allows us to hide or show specific parts of the UI dependent on whether we are in combat or not.

Then we have Cursor Contrast that's the same all the time.


Can you combine these features please to allow us to choose a higher contrast when we're in combat?

The contrast cursors sadly have a very ugly hot spot that actually covers what you're trying to click and not useful when interacting with trading windows or other stuff.

During combat, however, targeting is exact enough and has additional highlights.


Please add this. Achromatopsia makes this game hard enough to play already with all the particles swirling around. Thanks!

Edited by Ray Koopa.2354
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I too was underwhelmed with the cursor contrast options and display. I did find a solution that works great, for me. I use BlishHUD https://blishhud.com/ and its Mouse Cursor module. It has a combat-only mode, though honestly I always have it showing as the custom cursor I use works really well, again, for me. 🙂

I wasn't super crazy about the cursor options the module had, but there a lot to choose from and some are pretty good. But, since they're just PNG files, I modified and created my own -- might work well for you too. https://imgur.com/tka8VVn

Edit: Oh, forgot to mention, if you want to try my (or make your own) custom cursor, just plop it in <GW2>/addons/blishhud/mousecursor as a png and restart BlishHUD. Should end up an option in Mouse Cursor at that point.

Edited by araiya.5160
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2 hours ago, araiya.5160 said:

I too was underwhelmed with the cursor contrast options and display. I did find a solution that works great, for me. I use BlishHUD https://blishhud.com/ and its Mouse Cursor module. It has a combat-only mode, though honestly I always have it showing as the custom cursor I use works really well, again, for me. 🙂

I wasn't super crazy about the cursor options the module had, but there a lot to choose from and some are pretty good. But, since they're just PNG files, I modified and created my own -- might work well for you too. https://imgur.com/tka8VVn

Edit: Oh, forgot to mention, if you want to try my (or make your own) custom cursor, just plop it in <GW2>/addons/blishhud/mousecursor as a png and restart BlishHUD. Should end up an option in Mouse Cursor at that point.

Thanks, it's great to see BlishHUD has the necessary combat specific option, I'll try it soon.

I still wish this could be in the game, built in. It seems like a logical thing to have in the dynamic HUD section.

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13 hours ago, Ray Koopa.2354 said:

Thanks, it's great to see BlishHUD has the necessary combat specific option, I'll try it soon.

I still wish this could be in the game, built in. It seems like a logical thing to have in the dynamic HUD section.

Yes, absolutely a built-in option would be better. Also, maybe a few cursors to choose from as the one they provide is pretty cruddy to be honest -- as you said, when it's on you lose precise pointing as it obscures the exact click spot. >_<

Another option you might try (and one that I also wish they would implement as an option) is to have a hotkey that jumps your mouse cursor the center of the screen. I use https://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/dmt_cursor.html to make Win+F do this. Honestly, I think this helps /even more/ than the more visible cursor.

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I think this falls under QoL:

Make a chromakey room for doing character screenshots without scenery.

My thought was maybe adding it to the Special Forces Training area or something, so that you could get multiple players in there at the same time too. The idea would be that you'd walk into a room with solid color walls, floor, and ceiling. Before you enter the room you interact with a door offering a selection of green, blue, white, or black for the room color.

This allows someone to much more easily create cool group photos of the characters on their account. 🙂 Right now I screenshot the Hero Panel previews and futz around in Krita for a while trying to clean up and merge these screenshots into one. It's kinda time consuming and the result is "pretty good". Example: https://imgur.com/a/Nbw5ZJs A chromakey room would make it all "great".

As an aside, I know there are chromakey possibilities by using something like reshade, but that's quite fussy to work with as well, many effects are just lost, etc.

Maybe somebody knows some cool places in-world for chromakey-like screenshots?

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Can we, for the love of the thrice blessed God, skip in game engine cutscenes? I love to run the stories with multiple characters, but when I am literally reading a book with my headphones off for most of the time I'm playing them, it's not exactly what I want to do when my computer is running your Audio-Visual experience.

I've given up replaying the expansion as there is just so much kitten sitting around talking, or walking around talking.... I've heard it all before, I don't need to spend ages just sitting there.

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QOL for Guild Halls.

I and my guild members feel that Guild Halls should be more advanced. Private maps are great idea and we absolutely love them. There's something magical in the feeling of growth and freedom of customisation. Although we feel that they're becoming more and more useless.

It's 2023, you've released lots of passes (Mistlock Sanctuary, Armistice Bastion, etc.) which give easy access to TP, teleport, bank, crafting - everything you need in one place just for 1,000 gems. Why are Guild Halls left behind? Game should promote guild content so much more.

We feel that Guild Halls would be so much better if you just add few things: 
- Trading Post,
- Crafting Stations,
- Unlimited Fishing Nodes (Cap is now 30 fishes per day 😞),
- Higher decoration limit cap,

Please Anet, give us the solid reason to improve our guilds.

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Another small list of ideas:
WvW - claiming priority

The claim-priority-system is odd to say the least. The guilds of participants get into a queue, where each guild has 15 seconds to claim the object. The order of the guilds does not seem to follow any real rules. If you happen to reach the claim-area 1 second before the progress is done, you often end up as first priority - while contributing 0.

In addition there is a problem with claim-rights. A lot of players in WvW cannot claim objects, due to their guild rank. But the claim-priority-system does not care, it just registers their guild in the queue. So we often end up either grabbing only 15 supply per character, or wait an extended time period to claim the thing and unlock the +5 bonus. While none of the guilds in the queue can actually claim the object anyway.

Can you remove that queue system for camps? Or change it to be less tedious?
WvW - siege

Can we get an option to salvage our own siege? After a certain time-window of remaining un-used, we can turn it into a supply-stack, that offers about 25 % of its original costs?
Zunraa's Gift

Given how long the achievement is and how difficult it is to complete, can you please add bells to all EoD maps? Having access to it in Arborstone does not make much sense to begin with. On the other hand, it is completely inaccessible in DE.
Guilds - Favor

Please remove the weekly favor-cap from guildmissions. 
Guilds - Storage

Please give us an option to retrieve Guild Banquets in the same manner as siege-blueprints.

Most people who powerlevel scribe craft a ton of these and they just pile up. Either at the Assembly Device. Or if a kind soul decides to assemble them, in the storage which is capped at 25! The only way to use them currently is to place them in the world with a long cooldown. Siege blueprints, when used from the storage, are moved into the player's inventory. Guild Banquets have an item and can be stored in player inventory anyway.
Guilds - Ascended Food

Can you please add proper tooltips to the food? Tooltips that show the effects of the food.

Can you please expand the radius of the placeable markers by 20%?
Inventory - Research Kit

Can you please add a salvage-all option, similar to the salvaging kits? Preferably with a rarity-selection option as well.

Could you add an option to auto-salvage gear with a rarity filter by gemstore kits?

When I enable the option, my Copper-Fed gets a checkbox on rightclick behind the rarity options. If it is checked, any item that fits into the selected function gets automatically salvaged by the kit. Only available for gemstore kits with infinite charges. 

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Give us an option to not see are bank contents in the Mystic Forge.

Give us an option to hide Virtuoso's floating particle waste already, even if it's only when our weapons are sheathed. Alternatively, if that's too hard to do, give us the option to opt out of the out-of-combat Blade generation.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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1. *Inspect Player*

I want to be able to see other player's equipment and build, like you can in WoW. Add Inspect option to right-click portrait drop-down menu. Even if I can just see current equipment, stats, and build that would be sooooo nice! What armor skin is that? Which slot skills are you using? What's your build? Etc.


     1.a. Mimic WoW's Armory (official version of Gw2efficiency's "Account" feature)

We want more data, and to be able to share it with each other!


2. More comprehensive stats and data in general!

This includes sPvP and PvE. Why do we need 3rd-party UI mods for core things like tracking DPS? Why can't I look at recaps of my performance in past PvP games to learn from? I'm not asking for a recap feature, just a data sheet! The community would like to track things like comps, spec winrates, etc. and that's fine too! The data is there, we just want to see it. 🙂


3. Let us link achievements!

It would be sooooo helpful for tracking progress, sharing progress, or even as KP!


4. Communication - Engage directly with us more often.

It really helps us know you care what we think about your game if you engage with us directly. Be responsive on the forums, maybe set up a Discord or other communication network for the community to talk with each other AND you, to ask questions and give feedback.


As always, keep up the great work!

Guild Wars 2 is an excellent game and the hard work of the team at ArenaNet shines through every aspect! 💕

Edited by Aalter.2950
ease of reading
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Two words: Craft queuing.

It doesn't need to be more than 1 new item to craft next. I don't need to be able to queue up everything I'm making, but being able to queue up 300 crafts of x while I wait for 1000 crafts of y would at least give me the ability to do something else while literally just sitting there, waiting, actual dozens of minutes, for things to craft in end game. I understand and even appreciate the point of not letting us autocraft, and not having it be instant, but I'm sure that I'm not the only one who finds babysitting crafting to finish it quickly, quite excruciating. I'm sure there are even devs who dislike it.

This shouldn't be a hard ask, especially now when research notes are required for legendaries which just adds more time spent brainlessly watching items craft, unavoidably, for QoL items. I don't need any changes to crafting beyond that. And the knowledge I don't have to babysit my toon every second while they craft 700 of a single item so that I can be ready to queue the next item to finish crafting, sooner than later, would be amazing?

If you don't craft constantly for profits, then this is more apparent when making legendaries. Not everyone crafts legendaries over time, some of us make nearly everything all at once after we have all the time-gated/account-bound items. And end game crafting is time consuming as hell. Being able to effectively have a continuous queue if one is paying attention I think is a good trade-off because they're actually paying enough attention to continuously queue. Having to pay attention specifically for the end of a craft cycle to type up the next quantity and to either mess up the amount or accidently queue the same item again in the rush to finish always feels awful. There is no involved way to guarantee being ready for the next item, instead only passively staring at a number go down until zero.

Sorry about my tone, if I sound a little aggravated, it's because making 3000+ items every day and making the aforementioned mistakes despite having constant practice attempting to avoid them tends to wear at you when you know the currently system doesn't need to really change much to nearly completely eliminate those issues. We don't even have a notifications to tell you when you're done. Not when the notification for the first of 500 items is the same as the 500th.

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The plus side of Strikes is that we don’t need instance openers like with raid wings. No more long dialogues either.


However, the downside is loading screens. 😆 We have to leave the previous strike by returning to Arborstone/EotN, then another loading screen for the next strike. This adds up when doing this daily/weekly.

It also makes it difficult for guildies with slow PCs who have 30 second to 1 minute loading screens.


Can we have an NPC to take us to the next IBS/EoD Strike — from within the current strike?


Edited by Chrysline.2317
Edited for clarity, typos
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Still would be nice to have outfits, mount skins/dyes, glider skins/dyes, headgear/shoulder/gloves/back item visibility ticks saved separately between the different gear tabs.

As it is now, my fashion is half-kittened and I don't like it.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Hi, sorry for weird topic name but idk how to name it.

And yes, this is a complain topic... in a way. I was happy to see some changes to fashion in todays patch notes but I still can not believe that the most important and the biggest thing is still missing. 
Why we can not still have mounts, mount dyes, gliders, outfits, legendary accessories checkboxes AND hair styles/hair colors for each individual template?
Nothing is more annoying than switching from blue themed build to red themed build but still having blue mounts (for example).

We like fashion, majority of ppl use more than one build on each character and I am almost sure that majority of those players dont have same look on both builds unless they really love the one they have...so why?
This game was always about fashion and skins and yet its missing this one very important feature....besides dyable weapons but we know it will not happen so its alright but this, what I am asking, I know isnt impossible.

Why would anyone even buy new mount skins if they have to change it all every time they change build?

Edited by Cernoch.8524
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