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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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49 minutes ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

Hi, sorry for weird topic name but idk how to name it.

And yes, this is a complain topic... in a way. I was happy to see some changes to fashion in todays patch notes but I still can not believe that the most important and the biggest thing is still missing. 
Why we can not still have mounts, mount dyes, gliders, outfits, legendary accessories checkboxes AND hair styles/hair colors for each individual template?
Nothing is more annoying than switching from blue themed build to red themed build but still having blue mounts (for example).

We like fashion, majority of ppl use more than one build on each character and I am almost sure that majority of those players dont have same look on both builds unless they really love the one they have...so why?
This game was always about fashion and skins and yet its missing this one very important feature....besides dyable weapons but we know it will not happen so its alright but this, what I am asking, I know isnt impossible.

Why would anyone even buy new mount skins if they have to change it all every time they change build?

Blue + red = purple.  So dye your mounts purple and your problem is solved 🙂

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1 hour ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

Hi, sorry for weird topic name but idk how to name it.

And yes, this is a complain topic... in a way. I was happy to see some changes to fashion in todays patch notes but I still can not believe that the most important and the biggest thing is still missing. 
Why we can not still have mounts, mount dyes, gliders, outfits, legendary accessories checkboxes AND hair styles/hair colors for each individual template?
Nothing is more annoying than switching from blue themed build to red themed build but still having blue mounts (for example).

We like fashion, majority of ppl use more than one build on each character and I am almost sure that majority of those players dont have same look on both builds unless they really love the one they have...so why?
This game was always about fashion and skins and yet its missing this one very important feature....besides dyable weapons but we know it will not happen so its alright but this, what I am asking, I know isnt impossible.

Why would anyone even buy new mount skins if they have to change it all every time they change build?


3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Still would be nice to have outfits, mount skins/dyes, glider skins/dyes, headgear/shoulder/gloves/back item visibility ticks saved separately between the different gear tabs.

As it is now, my fashion is half-kittened and I don't like it.


QoL thread is there for a reason 😄

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Would be nice, but given the mess of code the UI apparently is, it’s prob low on the priority to wedge into the game. It took years to get build templates designed and added in and that ended up a bit of a calamity.

But, I support the idea

Great reply👍

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7 minutes ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

Is it? If it is we would already have it, since I am sure has been said milion times 😉 but yes, sorry, I actually didnt think about that thread.

It also has been said in separate threads/posts plenty of times, so if that's what you want to go with, this one also has no sense? 😉

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Why is there no PIRATE themed skiff, or a skiff representing the races cultures?
Steampunk clockwork mounts would be nice, Frog/hopper mounts, machine mounts
Pirate capes or a parrot shoulder piece
crowns for those RP as royalty, excalibur-themed weapons
Decorative Molten Jetpack Glider, you got the model add flames and make it glide.
Make the "How to Dance vol 1" into normal emotes without taking up novelty space, grant the ability to share and synch dances through book.
Make the "Flames of Kryta" part of a gimmick for future stories, or at least allow it to shine light as a tool.

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Why in gods name do you think it's ok to use up 3 shared slots to put in a set of 3 ori tools so you can swap out your infinite tools between characters, this is a waste of 3 shared slots, I have 46 toons an as you can imagine this becomes a pain in the rear constantly swapping between consumable to unbreakable and then back to consumable, for 4 or 5 toons this wouldn't be a problem, but 46?

yea, I have a load of toon slots, but why not? I paid for like most of them and got a couple free with the expansions..

So give us multi toon players a break, PLEASE!

Tool Armory, just like the leggy, all toons can use it, make money from the skins, you're already doing it with the jade bot, I think this is a more finacially viable option than what it is now, as when players buy 3 of the tools, that's it, they buy no more, but, if the skins were available at a cheaper price than the tools (well this is fashion wars after all)  they will sell

As Pokka would say

Edited by DrWhizbang.1630
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Suggestion: In Character Creation menu, remove the requirement that we confirm each use of the randomize button.  This is getting annoying having to confirm Yes / No that I actual want to use the button every single time I press it.

Edited by Annia.2740
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It’s a hassle to change the dyes for all 8 equipment templates.

These days I have to take screenshots of the equipment and dyes,

note the dye names (in the screenshot file name) and wardrobe names,

then manually reapply to all 8 equipment templates.



This can be a headache when finally applying newly unlocked legendary armor on 20+ toons.

Even when a legendary armor piece is copied to all 8 other tabs, the dye colors don’t carry over.

They need to be manually applied to each equipment template.


Can we have templates for fashion?

Both for wardrobe transmutes and dye choices. 

Edited by Chrysline.2317
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One quality-of-life change I'd love to see is to make the Skyscale cliffing mechanics more responsive.

There are sooo many times when you are almost on top of a cliff, your Skyscale just hanging on the edge, or there's a tiny piece of blocker and your Skyscale decides to hang on it...

What if the dev can introduce a mechanic where when the Skyscale is almost reaching the top of a cliff (like a few meters away), it can then do a small animation and "climb" on top of it? That can make the Skyscale so much better to use and since it's the mainly used mount it will make the entire game more fun to play.


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EDIT:  Not sure why this response was moved to this section; it was in reply to another suggestion and doesn't really have any context floating within this section, detached from the OP...  I would simply delete this post.


'just hanging', because you've exhausted your stamina?  Isn't that part of learning to navigate with the Skyscale? 

I feel your pain; I've been there many times... just not sure that a 'close enough' approach is warranted... easier yes, but... that limitation is part of the skyscale... You could apply the same logic to a raptor leap, bunny jump, etc... at some point you're going to reach the limit of the mechanic and simply come up short


You can also "Bond of Faith" and then "Jade Bot Glide Booster" to get you that extra burst of height... 

Edited by Garrison Storm.3046
clarity; suggest deletion
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CM 100 — every PUG does /gg in between Ai & Dark Ai. This makes it so hard to get the DwD title even though you have the skills for it.

Can you make Ai’s RP shorter so the transition is faster? So PUGs don’t need or want to GG.

Roleplay is cool the first time, but not 300 times later.

With KP removed and moved to the wallet, PUGs now ask for DwD on LFG.

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Would it be possible for the home instances to get a little love? They really feel like a feature that was dropped in and forgotten about, which is a shame because it has a lot of potential. 


Some things I'd personally love to see;

- The chance for nodes to proc as rich (the nodes aren't cheap to acquire , why not make them occasionally not suck)

- Add all of the new Dragon's End content, ore, plants, etc

- Fishing content, perhaps fish traps you can check for fish? Fishing holes? Maybe a boat dock that has your skiff sitting there so you can flex the latest skin.
- Mount stables? We have awesome mounts! Why not have each one that is unlocked, chilling in the home instance in some sort of mount zoo, haha.
- Perhaps toss in a dynamic jump puzzle that changes, or isn't always available, it would be something else to do in there.
- The ability to acquire bank access, trading post,  etc
- The ability to decorate home instances using the same mechanics from Guild Hall decorating

Anywho, just some thoughts! 


Please throw an intern at the home instances, and set them loose as a pet project! :)





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41 minutes ago, Disconnect.4891 said:

- The chance for nodes to proc as rich (the nodes aren't cheap to acquire , why not make them occasionally not suck)

Maybe allow us to upgrade them like it is possbible with the candy-corn node?

Also, I still hope for home instance dogs analogue to the cat collections.

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 Additions to Special Forces Training area

- Condition pulse to test condition cleanse / duration
- CC pulse to test stun break / duration and when disabled traits
- Ally npc for heal tests
- Food and utility options
- WvW balance toggle
- Multiple golems
- Way to stack sigil of bloodlust etc


Edited by Abyssuz.9208
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THANKYOU so much for the random wardrobe thing, this made me suddenly think HEY, how about we get 'wardrobe outfit tab' not unlike the equipment tab, give us a couple for free and then we can buy em from the gem store. I have some FAVORITE looks for different things..like a WVW FB look, and a WVW DH look, and a FRACTAL guy look. you get what im sayin,. anyhow give it a think...wow im a fashion diva after all!!! hugs <3


oh incase its unclear. a favorite outfit so i dont gotta go lookin for the gear and dyes all the time.

Edited by mrfrostybeer.9328
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While this is mostly a suggestion to the Devs, I would like to hear what other players think as well.


As of today, to my knowledge there is currently no method of reducing your camera rotation speed, below what you can set it to using the In game camera speed slider, without reducing the DPI on your mouse.


Why is this a problem you ask? While I understand many players are fine with setting their camera speed to whatever feels good enough and calling it a day, there are a decent amount of you who wish you could make your camera turn a little (or a lot) slower or faster than the limited slider values that are provided to you, one option you have is to set your DPI to a lower value but that in turn will cause your in game and cursor to be slower and this trade-off can put many players off from reducing their DPI from what they are used to, as it will ruin their feel of the game.


My personal problem is that I use a DPI of 800, and that is considered on the mid-low end relative to the DPI values you can get on mice these days, and have the in game camera speed slider set to the lowest setting, however despite these settings the camera speed is way too fast for me, for reference if I move my mouse roughly 4-5 inches horizontally the camera will do a full 360 degrees while in comparison to almost every other game I play that includes camera movement whether it be an FPS game, a different MMO or a an Action game I am able to have it set so that moving my mouse roughly 16 inches horizontally (this is my total horizontal mouse space on my mouse pad) will result in turning my camera about 270 degrees, and as you can see that is a huge difference.


I tend to keep my camera speed/in game mouse sensitivity the same in every game that uses camera movement because it helps maintain my muscle memory in games where your aim matters such as FPS games and switching between the different types of games won't interfere with said muscle memory, in Guild Wars 2 you can also manually aim projectile/skill-shot abilities when you do not have a target selected using the camera so it does hold some significance mostly in PvP situations (for example: when an opponent is in stealth and you cannot target them).


Lowering my mouse DPI that I have been used to using for more than a decade, will slow down my desktop and in game cursor speed and feels very slow and uncomfortable, especially when sorting my in game bags, navigating the UI, or using mouse targeted abilities, not to mention that it will interfere with my mouse cursor speed muscle memory, that is important in games that rely on fine cursor/click accuracy such as MOBAs or OSU.


My suggestion is to allow players to pick from a wider range of camera speed values, one way you could do this is by allowing the player to input number/decimal values/negative values as the multiplier to your DPI, instead of the current slider to allow for more accurate and more varied camera speed settings. Thank you.


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No replies needed but comment if you want.


Have legendaries that takes a moderate amount of time and resources to obtain (half or less of current materials and time) but features of it are unlocked parts at a time so progression is not so steep and goals are more steady.  Things like stat switching and rune/sigil/skin etc changing are unlocked in segments with materials and content completion in minimal increments at a time.  Players can then get legendaries earlier and use it as they progress features of it.

An encounter where enemies have multi-layers of health where when one layer is reached, a new mechanic is added that builds to rebuilds the lost layer of health with a segmented progression gauge and players would need to periodically counter that mechanic; otherwise if the gauge is filled, the health layer is partially filled and more punishing mechanics are added.  Healing and protecting unique npcs and repairing things can be used as parts of some mechanics while CC and conditional damage can be used in other mechanics.  Some mechanics can be done to buff players with certain buffs too.  Group stealth and superspeed could be a buff that could be given during the encounter and is needed to complete portions of it.  Group condition removal and healing may also be a skill or ability that is given to players and would be needed to be used also as a part of the encounter.

If in a party and a player creates a commander tag, automatically move the party to the squad.

Wvw, show a count down timer on each siege weapon before they self destruct without needing to mouse over the siege.

Be able to resize Gui individually

Wvw, when mousing over on capture points on the minimap, enlarge all items near it to make them easier see and click.

Wvw, guild leader chooses a team and members representing the guild are in that team when representing that guild.

Wvw, add an option for health bars that are displayed for all players on screen in the world.  A stamina bar underneath with orange and red dots to represent boons and buffs on players could be useful too.

Have more mouse cursors to choose from.

Wvw, show a graphical arch pathway of a siege projectile so players can see if things may be obstructing to target.

 Have an option to make a sound when loot is picked up.

Label the level number on xp bar "Level".

Label deposit material button to make it more noticeable to newer players.

Label the stamina bar.

Have option to remove labels to reduce clutter for experienced players.

Label party and squad icon to show what it is.

Make "press F to loot" message more noticeable by flashing it or some other way.

Make high contrast cursor more accurate and not obtrusive by not covering the tip of the pointer.

Wvw, a larger wvw map with at least 10x more capture points.  Has moderate neutralizing time and long capture time.  Capture points turn white when neutralized until captured.  

Add a short distance dash ability like dodging?  To increase standard movement abilities.  It can have it's own stimina or share the stamina with dodging.

Add an option to have a target bullseye or graphic to easily to which thing is being targeted.

Wvw, add more rewards and things to get at capture points.

Make selling materials in the bank easier.

Mesmer shatter skill runs to target and execute on first usage and instant execute on second use.

Wvw, show what server the player is playing on in the main screen so when a player records and streams a match video online, it is easier to identify what server the player is playing on.

Display account name all the time in all game modes in large color bold with character name underneath in smaller white so players can see who is playing no matter their character.  Makes it easier to recognize players when they change characters and is less confusing.

Squad group, when clicking on a name of a person in the squad ui, pulse flash their location on the mini map to easily find them.

Make legendary armor scale down for low level alt characters.

Wvw, not require as many hours a week to get the final reward chest.

Legendary item infuser.  Turn items into legendary items that can be used by any character.

A skill or effect that gives allies a special action skill that sinks them into the ground protecting them from physical damage and effects while healing and buffing them.  A player is unable to move while sunk though.  When used on enemies, the enemies enemies are sunked into the ground; they are also immobilized but they receive damage and gain conditions.  Allies of the enemy nearby the sunked target gain fear  and damage causing then to move away from the sunked target.

Give a bonus for overlapping legendaries like back pieces, rings or amulets as a reward for attaining them.  Maybe a pack of special shared inventory slots, boost base build template numbers or something of that sort or of some incentive to craft each.  This would help improve the game economy and end game objectives.

Be able to add weapons and accessories to mechs and mounts which add or changes skills.

Have different skills that can be slotted for mounts with a limited trait system for them.

Add all weapons to all professions.  Tie elite specs to weapons afterwards or untie all elite specs to weaoons but give bonus or unique ability when using specific weapon or weapons.

Add all armor weights to all professions with unique bonuses for each armor wieght used.

Have one free full character change (name, appearance) for all characters after one year age of each one.

Expansions to expansions and existing systems and content.

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Please add an option to Invert Camera X-axis.


This has probably been brought up before, but could we please have a option to invert the X-axis in the camera options? The game already has an Invert Camera Y-axis option. I see so many games these days only have invert Y-axis and I just don't get why, if you're already implementing camera inversion surely you would just do it for both X and Y?


I understand that this isn't a feature that everybody will use. I personally use the standard controls, but my wife plays inverted on both X and Y, and as it is the game is unplayable to her, as every time she tries to rotate the camera, her brain breaks. And I feel that adding accessibility options that allow more people to experience the game is never a bad thing.


Thank you for your time.

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