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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I've been going through the Charr story on a new character in anticipation of the new Expansion, Elite Spec Weapon limitations being removed has made me quite excited about Necromancer in particular, and I noticed that a number of Charr NPCs in the Ash Legion and Loyal Soldier quests have pink/red fur!

Here are the two in question:

And Korukhan the Blacksmith has apparently blue fur:

I would kill for the pink options here- Charr fur colors are so limited and these colors have been canon since launch, can we players get some access?

(Unrelated, but how about making the Omalkhan horns an option as well, instead of having to do the janky gender switch trick to access them.)

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A million times yes! It's a nice, dark pink that doesn't feel out of place, as evidenced by an NPC designer finding it a good shade. When players can decorate themselves with a bunch of overtly bright prestige effects, there's no reason they can't add some subdued variety to character creation. It could even be added to the Makeover Kit; we just want the option available.

(Huh? Why'd this topic get merged? I don't remember my topic asking the same question being shoved into here)

Edited by Smoky.5348
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idk if this has been suggested before but can we have something like a faint line indicating the area in which a heart is active? too many times have i killed stuff just on the border without seeing i have left the area of a heart so it doesn't count... and considering you have 303 for each world completion it kinda gets annoying after a while...

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Please build in a way to change the color of the personal target or a size scaling or anything to make the personal targe or the comander more visible.

I don't know how it is for other players with mild or even more severe color vision deficiencies. For me, unfortunately, the personal target is currently useless. I can see it as long as the wearer doesn't move, but when the player it's on starts moving, it's nearly invisible.

Following a commander tag in combat in WvW when everything is going haywire is already very difficult. If the colors aren't all visible, it becomes that much harder. The normal target has always helped me a lot so far.

Since there is the personal target, this is no longer possible in foreign groups, often not even on request. The result is a suboptimal support on my part, because I don't see the com in fights anymore.

In the guild this is no problem (Thanks to my Gildies for your consideration!) But now and then I like to run along with random groups. Something to support the visibility of the com would be really helpful.

Or maybe anyone has a tip?


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unfortunately, arenanet doesn't seem to have a team dedicated to accessibility, as we've had very few accessibility changes over the years. i think what the game needs the most is a color-blind mode, rather than just continuing to add more effects to make things visible.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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For a game that is all about customisation, not having the ability to swap weapon skills is really weird, specially when skills placement often doesn't make any sense.

Exemple: Revenant having a block ability with greatsword on 4 but having it on 3 with the staff, etc.

Please can you add this feature ? This will be a huge QoL for the game and help modernize it.


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Any chance for some "colored gems"(no stats) that you can mix and match (blue +yellow= green gem)  that offer temporary  augmentations  to your character (use Jackal in combat once per 3 min to escape  , chance to find a "combat-WvW-warrior-greatsword as Thief" every 2 min, turtle can use "dig"  and you gain a combined shorter effects if you mix two kinds ) .

Or the darker the color , the more damage each aug does.

They only last for one day (then they get grayed out) and some content have more chance to drop specific gems (Hot-Octovine at 14:00>green gem) , but  if you collect all (even grayed out) and combine to the legendary "black gem" you have a chance for a Void Weapon from the next Fractal's chest . Essentially aim to do various content per day

Edited by Woof.8246
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Regarding the Level 80 Boost Item:

Could we please have the ability to take the level eighty boost item out of the shared inventory slot and store it in the bank?

The upcoming expansion has no new race and no new classes, so for people who have the characters they're happy with already, that item is taking up space they could be using right now.  I don't want to delete it on the off-chance an even later expansion could have new races and classes. It's just that right now, I am not planning to add to the 30 alts I already have.

Just asking for a way to take it out of the shared slot  so that the slot is usable; to store it instead of having to roll up a character only to delete it just to clear the slot. After all, we already paid for the slot AND the boost item. We should be able to use one and store the other without having to destroy it. Just a thought.

Edited by SnowMochi.7602
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3 hours ago, SnowMochi.7602 said:

Regarding the Level 80 Boost Item:

Could we please have the ability to take the level eighty boost item out of the shared inventory slot and store it in the bank?

The upcoming expansion has no new race and no new classes, so for people who have the characters they're happy with already, that item is taking up space they could be using right now.  I don't want to delete it on the off-chance an even later expansion could have new races and classes. It's just that right now, I am not planning to add to the 30 alts I already have.

Just asking for a way to take it out of the shared slot  so that the slot is usable; to store it instead of having to roll up a character only to delete it just to clear the slot. After all, we already paid for the slot AND the boost item. We should be able to use one and store the other without having to destroy it. Just a thought.


I would really like this as well!

Edited by gousgou.5438
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I'm pretty sure this has been discussed before, but I figured it was worth reiterating.
Having used commander's functions in squads for a good while, I often find myself wanting to use them in party settings. For instance, if I'm trying to teach someone in fractals, not being able to place markers makes explanations rather difficult at times, as I can't be anywhere near as precise and end up either having to use my character to move around in an awkward attempt to draw mental images for the people I'm helping, or draw on the minimap. Similarly, if I'm helping someone on the open world and I form a party with them, I usually end up forming a squad, setting it to private in order not to trick people into thinking I'm doing something exciting and then place markers for the person that way instead. 

Now, this isn't a major problem in most content as in any kind of overland situation, you get to just form a squad instead and deal with it that way. Story instances are easy enough that you rarely, if ever, need help in the first place, let alone need to place markers to help or organize people. But in the case of fractals, or dungeons for instance, where you are prevented from entering with a squad (as no 5-man squad option exists) it feels awkward.
All in all, I find the tools that come with the commander's tag to be greatly useful, and it feels a shame to not be able to use them under certain circumstances.

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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A (potentially) small QOL request

The one QOL feature i miss the most is the ability to "Hide/show bank slots", like how you can "Hide/show bags".
I'm a bit of a item hoarder, and my bank is kind of a mess. Being forced to organize my items in 3x10 blocks really makes organizing things a lot harder for me. 

I feel like since this feature already exists for inventory bags, it probably wouldn't be a ton of work to implement a small change like this.
But then again, this code probably have not been touched since launch. so it could be a lot more difficult than it seems on the surface. 

Anyone else feel like this would be a nice feature, or is it just my OCD? 
I feel like this feature would definitely make people (at least me) buy more bank slots 😉 (Hint hint Anet)


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Give us an NPC to automatically farm our home for us lol 

Even if its a gem store item, people will full homes can use it while letting those that haven't made their house full have to manually do it by joining our homes.

I wanna give an NPC some specific tools and have him go off and do it for me lol

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I recently commented this idea on Reddit and people liked it so I thought I would post it here in hopes it gets some dev attention.

I would really love for an option that will automatically trigger certain emotes when you say certain things in chat while standing still. (but won't put the narration text in chat and continuous emotes would end after a few seconds)

For example:

"hello, hey, hi, o/" would trigger  /wave

"o7, yes sir, aye aye"  -  /salute

"yes. yep, uh huh"   -  /yes

"lol, lmao, rofl,etc"  -  /laugh

stuff like that, and then non specific things could be /talk


This seems like something that would be easy to do on paper and I think it would make players chatting in LA feel a lot more alive imo. I'd love to hear people's thoughts. 

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I don't need that, but if it was implemented, I'd rather see them add an alternative text which would trigger emotes without showing in the chat. For example simply by adding square brackets, as per your example typing:

"hello, hey, hi, o/  [/wave]"
would return "hello, hey, hi o/" in chat and use the "/wave" emote.

Not that I think anything like that will happen, but I'd rather not have my character emote because I wrote something without intending to use any emote.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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+ Add more idle animations, bring back old Human female ones.
+ Let us choose which animations we want to see and how often.
+ Option to completely turn off idle animations.

This would help build better character themes. Like, I don't want my dark and serious Sylvari Reaper to happily swing her arms! Please, Anet. 😭

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Allow Warclaws to use their chain pull skill in PvE in certain areas of the game. Drizzlewood Coast, Taidha Covington immediately come to mind. It's nothing huge, just a tiny bit of flavor to add to the game and something to make PvE Warclaws mildly relevant. Can even have the chain pull consume supplies in DWC or something.

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can you make more garments that are flowy (like the winged pants), many are stiff or bulky, and flowy is an entirely different mood

and more choices for how medium armor characters can style themselves, instead of almost all trench coats

and more pants for women characters (you know, without necessarily having to have a coat or skirt covering it, or bulky bits of armor plating on the thighs and so on)


Edited by willow.8209
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8 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I don't need that, but if it was implemented, I'd rather see them add an alternative text which would trigger emotes without showing in the chat. For example simply by adding square brackets, as per your example typing:

"hello, hey, hi, o/  [/wave]"
would return "hello, hey, hi o/" in chat and use the "/wave" emote.

Not that I think anything like that will happen, but I'd rather not have my character emote because I wrote something without intending to use any emote.


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I'd like the Black Lion Expedition and resource boards to be able to be collected by visitors to my home instance. Like it doesn't mail them stuff but if they run up and interact, they can collect whatever I have it set to.

Or if that's not wanted, I'd like to designate a few player accounts who can collect from it (like a family member, SO, or bestie, or you know a handful of people like this). maybe these designated accounts can enter my home instance and collect while I'm offline even. There could be a notice like when you run up to a guild hall portal, to select theirs or mine.

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