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do you have an alt ranger ?

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so i have been maining ranger for yeras but  iwann cahnge race , since its not possible i was thinking about to make alt ranger but what is making me not doing it is to collect all the pet all over agian 

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Posted (edited)

i only have alt rangers, but they do have all the pets just going down the list in the wiki didn't take too long ,only the electric wyvern is a bit annoying as you need to progress the DS meta.  farming the gold for more bag slots + equipment/build template slots  does take longer.

the list is mostly complete, currently only the sky-chak is missing on it. sorting it by region and map the pets are in using the arrows at the top of the table does help.

Edited by bq pd.2148
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yep i have a few rangers!

i have a dagger dagger condi ranger with a Black Widow (for the condi and the SWAG 😎),

a hammer melee thumper with a Sand Lion (it looks cool with my thumper ranger!),

and an Eir clone who uses power longbow and a Wolf (alas no Garm!) 😄

i only tame the pets that best suit the builds/themes on each of the alts, but i do have quite a few extra pets on the thumper,

i could imagine it would be a big pain collecting all of the pets again!

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14 hours ago, Liewec.2896 said:

i only tame the pets that best suit the builds/themes on each of the alts

This is what I do as well, although over time I will pick up the rest of the pets but I don't make it a priority.  Usually, I'm in a zone and find a pet that the alt doesn't have by stumbling across it.

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Feel like an issue that someone using level booster would encounter. Personally I do enjoy going through all the map and story lines whenever I create a new character. So catching the various pets is merely a bonus when I enjoy the leveling phase. Also, to be fair, only a few pets amongst the pets added with the various x-packs are tricky to find and catch, it's not much of an effort to do.

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If Ure a Ranger enjoyer and you have more than one Ranger character, the huge dilemma is how to name all your pets without using the same name from the first Ranger character. Also take into account how the character race would determine the kind of name it likes to set for their pet.

Asura might choose more of a scientific name, norns would think a bit savage and hunting and spiritual, sylvari... Idk, hoomans would like to use cute names for their pets, charr... Blegh...

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/9/2024 at 8:59 PM, BadSanta.6527 said:

do you have an alt ranger ?

I have 6.

On 5/9/2024 at 8:59 PM, BadSanta.6527 said:

i was thinking about to make alt ranger but what is making me not doing it is to collect all the pet all over agian 

Get a guide, bag them in a jiffy, oooooor do the power move and get only the ones you use.

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On 5/16/2024 at 11:50 PM, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

If Ure a Ranger enjoyer and you have more than one Ranger character, the huge dilemma is how to name all your pets without using the same name from the first Ranger character. Also take into account how the character race would determine the kind of name it likes to set for their pet.

Asura might choose more of a scientific name, norns would think a bit savage and hunting and spiritual, sylvari... Idk, hoomans would like to use cute names for their pets, charr... Blegh...

All three of my rangers have different naming schemes. My mushroom Sylvari uses Irish names as if his pets were other Sylvari, my Charr ranger uses descriptive names like Sootmouth and Joltwing, and my Sylvari Untamed gives his pets silly names based on noble titles like Baron von Barkbark, Sir Smokesworth, and Lord Quiverbottom.

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3 hours ago, Ehecatl.9172 said:

All three of my rangers have different naming schemes. My mushroom Sylvari uses Irish names as if his pets were other Sylvari, my Charr ranger uses descriptive names like Sootmouth and Joltwing, and my Sylvari Untamed gives his pets silly names based on noble titles like Baron von Barkbark, Sir Smokesworth, and Lord Quiverbottom.

That's too much dedication... Now I'm not gonna make another Ranger ever...

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On 5/9/2024 at 8:59 PM, BadSanta.6527 said:

so i have been maining ranger for yeras but  iwann cahnge race , since its not possible i was thinking about to make alt ranger but what is making me not doing it is to collect all the pet all over agian 

I relate to this so much. My main is a sylvari ranger, she's 100% leveled, got all the pets, elite specs trained, etc - there's nothing left to "complete" with her.

Part of me wants to have more rangers, because I love creating characters, thinking about their names and developing their backstories, customising their looks, and going back to Core Tyria maps for map completion. 

But the thought of collecting all the pets again is overwhelming - and yes I would have to collect all the pets for all rangers (I have a bit of OCD, plus I love naming them all). So for my other rangers I'm collecting a few pets at a time (e.g., by map). 

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