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Personal Housing, A New Raid, A New Weapon, and More: Janthir Wilds launches August 20! [Merged]

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@Rubi Bayer.8493 


Wielding Spears on Land

Previously only available for underwater combat, spears will now have all-new skills for each profession on land. Spears can be used interchangeably in the aquatic and terrestrial weapon slots, but you will need to equip multiple spears to use them in both slots. The unlocked spear skins in your wardrobe will work with both versions, and if you’ve made Kamohoali’i Kotaki, the legendary spear, you can equip it through the legendary armory in either slot!

Can you confirm that if we use the Legendary Spear, we can use it in both the aquatic and terrestrial weapon slots at the same time with only 1 unlocked?

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all seems pretty interesting and the raid wing was a pleasant surprise (and the CM and legendary CM seems pretty good).

I have one question, this expansion comes with strike missions as well??

thank you and looking forward to the expansion ^_^

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5 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I thought that sentence referred to the Wizard's Vault skins/cosmetics.  🤷‍♂️

But, it might be something else, as there is usually only 1 set of armor in each WV season. 

Yeah, same. Then I read about leggies and I thought 'hold on, leggies from the WA doesn't sound right. Ohhhhhh, they aren't talking about the WA anymore.

@Rubi Bayer.8493  I recommend checking this paragraph again, it's not quite as straightforward as I'd like it to be if it were my text. 🙂

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Really disappointed that its just spears. There are still so many holes in weapon selections (especially in offhands) that really should have been filled before this.

Kind of feels like fishing all over again where they lean into a meme that isn't really going to have any lasting appeal in the end.

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Will this also grant access to SotO, similar to how FF14 expansions grant you access to older expansions?

Why is it 25€ again? Just like it should have been with SotO, a mini expansion should also come with a mini price. It shouldn't come with a price that is over 80% of the price of an actual expansion.

Also, I dislike Warclaws becoming available in PvE. If anything, WvW needs more exclusive rewards, not less.

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Little bit saddened, I kind of like my city living with my garden plot etc.  I guess like a true Hero I will adapt.  However I am happy I kept telling everyone to get their War Claw.

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3 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Will this also grant access to SotO, similar to how FF14 expansions grant you access to older expansions?

Why would Arena Net do that? The content is still relevant, they still sell those expansions, and you can buy whatever content you want to play whenever you want to play it as opposed to having to play everything in order like FFXIV. You don't want to play an expansion, you are not obligated to buy it. SotO content is not abandoned because Janthir Wilds releases, you still see people doing Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire or End of Dragons maps despite having cleared the story. I played FFXIV and I didn't see a single soul for like 25 levels unless I was physically standing at a gathering node.

Arenanet makes every expansion playable as a standalone experience, so if you decide "I leveled to 80 in core Tyria, and this expansion just came out... I'm going to buy it!" and while you destroy story contiguity you are not going to be road blocked for not owning the other expansions.

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Very, very excited to see what the teams have created... player housing must have required some serious back-end work! It could also form a good foundation for an alternative to titles - somewhere to display collections or achievements; maybe incorporate home-instance style gathering and NPCs... not to mention the next generation of fashion wars...!

A new area of the world with exploration of the Kodan sounds very exciting. I'm interested in how the spear integrates into existing land combat too - as melee or ranged or both? Plently of scope here.

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3 minutes ago, Hsanrb.1570 said:

Why would Arena Net do that?

They also bundled HoT with PoF, so they might do it again.

The people who didn't pay for SotO, because they judged it too expensive for what it offers, likely won't pay for this one either. However, they might pay for the combined version. That way, Arenanet can make money from higher sales.

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23 minutes ago, Mor The Thief.9135 said:

@Rubi Bayer.8493 

Can you confirm that if we use the Legendary Spear, we can use it in both the aquatic and terrestrial weapon slots at the same time with only 1 unlocked?



Learn the secrets of the spear from the lowland kodan! Spears, which were previously only used in underwater combat, will now have all-new skills for each profession on land. Some professions wield spears as formidable melee weapons, while others hurl them at range with devastating accuracy. Spears can be used interchangeably in the aquatic and terrestrial weapon slots, but you will need to equip multiple spears to use them in both locations. One of the post-launch releases will also introduce a new legendary spear to acquire. Any unlocked spear skins in your wardrobe will work for spears equipped on land.

please read the WHOLE article, and please quote the whole paragraph, instead of ignoring something you don't agree with...

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34 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I thought that sentence referred to the Wizard's Vault skins/cosmetics.  🤷‍♂️ 

I'm certain this was not a WV reference but refers to in-game items. And that sentence (along with another iteration of Convergences) makes me reluctant to buy the Janthir Wilds expansion. 🫤

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Would love to know if this will kill off strikes for content moving forward? 

I can see fractal was announced, but I was under the impression that when SOTO was announced that they stated going forward expansions would come with two strikes or am I misunderstanding?

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47 minutes ago, Forgotten Legend.9281 said:

the coolest thing about the raid: There is also world event style way to complete it...!!!!

Raids needed a story mode, so I agree, this is a good call.

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I guess we'll get to see armor on screens/pictures before the release. If it can be previewed on the character? ... well that depends on the type and how it gets awarded. Vendor with the skin there should allow for preview. But not if it comes in a box (unless the box also allows the preview option for the content that some boxes with drops have).

From the wording (and us having enough legendary stuff) it seems like normal skin sets - and working towards them in the game. in the new content. Not from the vault. Could just be a simple "buy the recipe with unusual coins then craft it" thing. (And an upgraded version with maybe some minor achievements tied.) Like the Sunspear/Canthan thingy.

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41 minutes ago, Mor The Thief.9135 said:

@Rubi Bayer.8493 

Can you confirm that if we use the Legendary Spear, we can use it in both the aquatic and terrestrial weapon slots at the same time with only 1 unlocked?

As it said in either slot and not both it would indicate that you can only use in 1 at the time unless you got two unlocked.

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I'm not so sure about this... considering how fast SotO went, I'm hoping y'all don't speedrun develop Janthir Wilds and then leave it so lackluster aside from the 1 or 2 ooh shiny.

Hopefully there's gonna be spear combat animation refinement since it kinda made me cringe a little at watching the trailer's initial display.

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1 hour ago, Dark Red Killian.3946 said:

Sounds pretty interesting to me overall. The warclaw was a surprise which I'm wondering what the use will be for it. I do have some cool warclaw skins that are underutilized. The new raid will be nice too! Am I to assume that the new raid will replace the strike missions, or will be still be getting 2 strike missions on release, a fractal, and a raid later on?

Yeah no mention of strikes so I assume the raid is an 'instead of', which is ok, but I wish they could manage both.

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Really curious to explore Janthir. White Mantle who still continue to make speaking of them again. Time to finish the work of what our ancestor did in Guild wars 1 o7.

Housing, raid,  false god again well, i'm in for sure.

*Going to pre-order my extension* 

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