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New PvP Mode Speculation Thread

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Posted (edited)

It was announced they are working on a new pvp mode, any guesses what it'll be?

My hope is 10v10 Rush type mode similar to Battlefield, with large conquest-styled nodes to attack/defend.\

Here's the preview tease of the map:


What are ya'll hoping for?

P.s. Anet can't afford another Stronghold so they better get this right.

Edited by Yerlock.4678
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32 minutes ago, Yerlock.4678 said:

It was announced they are working on a new pvp mode, any guesses what it'll be?

My hope is 10v10 Rush type mode similar to Battlefield, with large conquest-styled nodes to attack/defend.\

Here's the preview tease of the map:


What are ya'll hoping for?

P.s. Anet can't afford another Stronghold so they better get this right.

dyeing flowers with blood

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i wish they gave us this and also a 1 vs 1 mode. i think many people would be up for a 1 vs 1 mode where they can focus on a build. Just put diferent win conditions, so that you can win by rotating, capturing, killing enemy etc and lets see what happens. 

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Pic looks beautiful btw. Maybe the flowers are supposed to be these ones: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Red_Iris_Flower

I also wonder about the game mode. Some want capture the flag. I think something totally new with 10-20 vs 10-20 would be fun. Combining different mechanics where people need to split the bigger team cleverly. (Like ... holding a cap point so a door gets opened and stays open while other people move through it to attack somewhere.)

And please close to zero PvE stuff. Nobody needs stuff like stronghold. Multiple mechanics: Yeah! - but they should all be perfomed by a player. Even in capture the flag we'd have players carrying the flag. Not some weird NPC we escord to the flag and defend when it moves back. That would just be a bad sign and indicate that the devs played too much MOBA-games instead of their own game. 😄

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8 minutes ago, Luthan.5236 said:

Pic looks beautiful btw. Maybe the flowers are supposed to be these ones: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Red_Iris_Flower

I also wonder about the game mode. Some want capture the flag. I think something totally new with 10-20 vs 10-20 would be fun. Combining different mechanics where people need to split the bigger team cleverly. (Like ... holding a cap point so a door gets opened and stays open while other people move through it to attack somewhere.)

And please close to zero PvE stuff. Nobody needs stuff like stronghold. Multiple mechanics: Yeah! - but they should all be perfomed by a player. Even in capture the flag we'd have players carrying the flag. Not some weird NPC we escord to the flag and defend when it moves back. That would just be a bad sign and indicate that the devs played too much MOBA-games instead of their own game. 😄

Capture the flag would be so imbalanced

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Yerlock.4678 said:

It was announced they are working on a new pvp mode, any guesses what it'll be?

My hope is 10v10 Rush type mode similar to Battlefield, with large conquest-styled nodes to attack/defend.\

Here's the preview tease of the map:


What are ya'll hoping for?

P.s. Anet can't afford another Stronghold so they better get this right.

It’s Capture the Flag. 

However, I would much prefer a 5v5 death match very similar to guild wars 1 PvP where the winning team moves forward to the next match. If a player leaves before the next match, their slot is filled by another random player without penalty. Every 10 wins grants the team gold and some other goodies. This would also be great for encouraging new AT team formation.. but it would also be solo que exclusively (up for debate..)

Edited by JosephKatz.9375
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3 hours ago, JosephKatz.9375 said:

It’s Capture the Flag. 

However, I would much prefer a 5v5 death match very similar to guild wars 1 PvP where the winning team moves forward to the next match. If a player leaves before the next match, their slot is filled by another random player without penalty. Every 10 wins grants the team gold and some other goodies. This would also be great for encouraging new AT team formation.. but it would also be solo que exclusively (up for debate..)

Cause spirit watch went over so wonderfully as a map 😞

I don't think it could be death match cause we had a map without points where you just killed people before and they said a new mode.   That would be a like a recycled mode.

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4 hours ago, JosephKatz.9375 said:

It’s Capture the Flag. 

However, I would much prefer a 5v5 death match very similar to guild wars 1 PvP where the winning team moves forward to the next match. If a player leaves before the next match, their slot is filled by another random player without penalty. Every 10 wins grants the team gold and some other goodies. This would also be great for encouraging new AT team formation.. but it would also be solo que exclusively (up for debate..)

In vanilla GW2 there was a new team deatch match map introduced into the rotation called Court Yard. It ended up being so extremely unbalanced that the entire community complained about it non stop till the idea was completely scratched. Team composition was a huge indicator of who would win. Classes like thief and mesmer were legit  useless while guardian and necro reigned supreme. Trust me, you think you want it, but you really don't. It's just way too unbalanced


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3 hours ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

In vanilla GW2 there was a new team deatch match map introduced into the rotation called Court Yard. It ended up being so extremely unbalanced that the entire community complained about it non stop till the idea was completely scratched. Team composition was a huge indicator of who would win. Classes like thief and mesmer were legit  useless while guardian and necro reigned supreme. Trust me, you think you want it, but you really don't. It's just way too unbalanced


Yeah I have serious doubts about Deathmatch in any form. I'm guessing some sort of king of the hill-type experience or rush or some variation of Conquest. It's what they know and straying too far from that (even adding a spirit orb on Spirit Watch which is technically still Conquest, but adds some CtF mechanics) has never yielded good results. 

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Posted (edited)

Bomb Defusal 5v5 mode. No Respawn. 

Extraction Mode. You go in, 30 people FFA, then you extract the many loots. Every map will have ONE unique infusion and if you pick it up, your location is displayed to everyone.

Destiny Gambit Mode.

Edited by keramatzmode.1906
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I’ve not played PvP much as of late (over a year since I really tried at this point), a 1v1 mode would have me playing daily. A 10v10 mode where we can actually organize a 10 man team to queue with would likely have me getting groups together in my guild(s) for weekly or biweekly PvP nights. 

1v1 would obviously be a duel, 10v10, maybe capture the flag? Maybe just a death match with rounds. There’s a few cool ways to do it I think. 

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  I think it would be a mistake if it's anything other than a 1v1. Maybe there could be like 6 people in a lobby and everyone takes turns 1v1ing and spectating. The player who wins the most duels gets the most elo.    

  Back in vanilla GW2, people would do this organically in a hot join server. People would spectate and take turns in a 1v1 that took place at the beach between spawns on Forrest of Nifel. The winner would remain to fight the next combatant.  

  People would socialize in map chat and you could personally view the builds people were using. It built a very strong community. 

   I think this would be a fantastic format for new players trying to get better. You can see the builds people are using for inspiration for your own and 1v1 really is the best practice to both learn the game and improve skill. This gamemode would be a net positive for the game. 

   I understand that gw2 isn't exactly balanced around 1v1s, but the fact that you're not fighting over a conquest node will influence to a more level playing field between builds. One thing ANet could do for this new format would be to remove the "reset" or "out if combat" mechanic where you rapidly regain your HP. 


  If anyone sees this same write up on the reddit, it's cause it was also me, lol

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54 minutes ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

  I think it would be a mistake if it's anything other than a 1v1. Maybe there could be like 6 people in a lobby and everyone takes turns 1v1ing and spectating. The player who wins the most duels gets the most elo.    

  Back in vanilla GW2, people would do this organically in a hot join server. People would spectate and take turns in a 1v1 that took place at the beach between spawns on Forrest of Nifel. The winner would remain to fight the next combatant.  

  People would socialize in map chat and you could personally view the builds people were using. It built a very strong community. 

   I think this would be a fantastic format for new players trying to get better. You can see the builds people are using for inspiration for your own and 1v1 really is the best practice to both learn the game and improve skill. This gamemode would be a net positive for the game. 

   I understand that gw2 isn't exactly balanced around 1v1s, but the fact that you're not fighting over a conquest node will influence to a more level playing field between builds. One thing ANet could do for this new format would be to remove the "reset" or "out if combat" mechanic where you rapidly regain your HP. 


  If anyone sees this same write up on the reddit, it's cause it was also me, lol

Lost ark did this where it was last man standing. It was teams of 3, where a person from each team 1v1s each other. If someone won a duel, the cds and healthbar on the next duel would be where they left off from the previous duel so they didnt full reset. Basically if someone did a clean sweep theyd have to be really good or the enemy team was really bad. (Or the build was broken AF)

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If it's more than 5v5 it will need to have a large appeal (e.g unique/flashy rewards that are not just ranking based) or it would get empty pretty fast - remember they're adding something to a stale game mode that didn't see the light of day for years now.

That said, any variation of capturing the flag/capture a moving asset/progressively advancing through points would be nice no matter the amount of players. Deathmatch while probably very unbalanced would also be pretty fun - and I guess we should not be so stingy on balance after not having it for so long anyway lol. A 10v10 or 20v20 mode would be awesome as we only see larger battles in WvW but again, they would need to draw in the population for it.

It is also very important that the mode would be simple to join in. Either a hotjoin that immediately puts you even into long term existing matches or at least that the system has a more relaxed MMR criteria at first so the queue times won't be too long.

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1 hour ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

  I think it would be a mistake if it's anything other than a 1v1. Maybe there could be like 6 people in a lobby and everyone takes turns 1v1ing and spectating. The player who wins the most duels gets the most elo.    

  Back in vanilla GW2, people would do this organically in a hot join server. People would spectate and take turns in a 1v1 that took place at the beach between spawns on Forrest of Nifel. The winner would remain to fight the next combatant.  

  People would socialize in map chat and you could personally view the builds people were using. It built a very strong community. 

   I think this would be a fantastic format for new players trying to get better. You can see the builds people are using for inspiration for your own and 1v1 really is the best practice to both learn the game and improve skill. This gamemode would be a net positive for the game. 

   I understand that gw2 isn't exactly balanced around 1v1s, but the fact that you're not fighting over a conquest node will influence to a more level playing field between builds. One thing ANet could do for this new format would be to remove the "reset" or "out if combat" mechanic where you rapidly regain your HP. 


  If anyone sees this same write up on the reddit, it's cause it was also me, lol

Such a twerkback memory. I was talking to a friend last night about this lol. We eventually called it 1v1 King of the Hill. The loser had to leave the team, while everyone else who was waiting in lobby had to spam click their way into the map to 1v1 the winner. It eventually led to people making spam click macros to nearly guarantee a chance to get in the map.

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On 6/7/2024 at 3:42 AM, rui falo.1097 said:

It's a 15v15 objective based deathmatch. Theres already a CTF in the winter map with Orb. Its a guild war game mode. Already been leaked.

Can you guys link the announcement and leaks pls? 

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If it was just another death match it would be pretty boring though. Especially with 15 vs. 15 not really being the mode for death matches. (Didn't they have already a map with death match ... at times when I did not play ... ages ago? And they moved to 2 vs. 2 and 3 vs. 3 instead. Too big teams and it will favor the people will get early kills and out number the others then. At least I read there was another map - wiki lists it as "Courtyard".)

Imo the most important thing still is to have no PvE stuff (mentioned this already): Stronghold is annoying because of this. The NPCs to protect when players could just carry a bomb (similar to an orb) - then you'd already have a complex combination of two mechanics: Killing the lord + having kind of a capture the flag (only that there it would be the bomb) to destroy the door before you can get to the lord.

2nd thing is to have just something different from conquest - but no simple killing. Team size could vary. I would prefer bigger and if there were different mechanics combined - to force people to split the team - bigger teams could work. The thing with conquest is that technically you would have to split as well ... but still many people playing a 4 vs 4 with one thief just trying to cap somewhere else lol. It is not necesary to split (though the "better" tactic is actually to defend and try to split a bit do intercept others but often nobody cares).

In death match with a bigger amount of people would just stack (since it is the best to provide boons) - like a mini version of a WvW zerg. Boring. Just go WvW (the PvE game mode withother people as enemies playing it but where it mainly is vs the objective lords and PvE. :D)

My favorite thing still would be multiple objectives giving different advantages when being hold + allowing for forward spawns (big map) with the goal trying to kill the enemy main base (spawn) ... which they can repair (when they stand near it  and channel a repair skill that .... takes them away from combat while they stay there to repair). That could split the player.s  Highley experimental though ... to try such a thing in a game like GW2.  One or two smaller side mechanics + one main goal would be easiest. The simplest approach would be trying to rework stronghold into a non-PvE version. Letting players to something that the NPCs did there (kind of an ob carrying mechanic). With split between the carrier and protectors + people that tried to intercept the enemy guys.

That already would be a huge improvement over simple NPCs walking the same route over and over again where yo can just send 1 guy to nuke them. (When the NPC is a player instead and can move forward and backwards.)

1 vs 1: You have guild halls and the arena in the mists that are enough. Can't see them making anything smaller or with death match. Something else than conquest with at least 5 vs 5 is safe to asumme imo. Everything else would be a waste to time to develop. And regarding the playerbase: They could just announce it big. Make different rotations or weekly events to push people to play it. (At release a lot might try it.) People might be willing to wait longer in queue (while playing other content) if it is good/unique.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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On 6/6/2024 at 3:18 AM, Yerlock.4678 said:

It was announced they are working on a new pvp mode, any guesses what it'll be?

My hope is 10v10 Rush type mode similar to Battlefield, with large conquest-styled nodes to attack/defend.\

Here's the preview tease of the map:


What are ya'll hoping for?

P.s. Anet can't afford another Stronghold so they better get this right.

PvP flower gathering

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