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Does anyone else enjoy the pinata bashing adventure the most from the dragon bash festival?


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I'm talking about the adventure in hoelbrak where you have to get 19 in in under a certain amount of time to get gold. you get 7 coffers as a reward which is basically 1.5 gold. you can do it daily, and i always enjoy it because its hard. not too hard, but just the right amount of challenging, a decent reward you can get quickly if you are skillful, and a unique mechanic to boot. I enjoy the race as well, but that is much easier by comparison. but for some reason, this particular adventure is tuned just right for a satisfying challenge.

I wish every adventure had a carefully tuned "platinum" medal, one that was obtained by some QA testers to obtain a really good run and then had like a 1g reward. then, if you were good, you could hit up all the adventures every day and farm gold while also having fun.

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43 minutes ago, Fipmip.7219 said:

 but for some reason, this particular adventure is tuned just right for a satisfying challenge.

I don't want to spoil your enjoyment of the adventure with my answer. I like some adventures, but I don't like this one. I haven't figured out exactly what I don't like about it yet. But that's OK, it doesn't bother me, because I can do other things for the daily/weekly festival achievements. That's one of the good things about GW2, that you have different paths to the goal/success for many things. 

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56 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

No - I don't like any "adventures" and avoid them whenever possible. Fortunately it's optional for the Annual achievement.

I mean what, do you like smashing 300 pinatas? whats your favourite activity to get coffers? also im talking as a daily, its probably the best one for dragon bash.

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I actually like Dragon Bash overall as a festival. Winter's Day still is the best atmosphere but as far as activities go, I think I like Dragon Bash the best. As far as the activity you're referring to, I do like it. I also like the race over 3 rounds.

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One of the 2 reason why dragon bash is an "ok" tier festival and not a "bad" tier festival (the other being the race). I love it, maybe one day i'll aim for the all pinata run (my best is 25, right now)

Dragon bash is still the worst festival of the game.

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Dragon Bash is my second favorite festival (after only Halloween) but I am not particularly fond of this specific aspect. Of course that is just fine as I can get whatever I want from the festival rewards without doing this specific activity.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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After the first year where it took me forever to get my timing right, I now thoroughly enjoy the pinata adventure.  It's fast, doesn't take a lot of time, and I like to see if I can add one more pinata to my score every year.  

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I like it, the first activity I did this season. Took quite some time to get my gold path down, still don't make it every time. The skill set is really fun. I wouldn't mind an even crazier version that would require huge blind jumps and soars. Maybe in Divinity's Reach, seems a good place to jump over buildings. Hey maybe during Wintersday we would have an option to deliver presents as Hulk.

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I like this much too , jumping around flying like a ....

23 hours ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

It's quite fun. I pretend I'm the hulk.

...yeah that's it !

Contents with high mobility and speed involved are quite fun to me.

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It is actually fun. Had trouble on my old computer (graphics slow to load when I moved fast lol) and when I did not know some details about the skills. But even then I managed gold with a bit learning. Now I can safely do like 22 all the times. Even up to 24. I do not try t compete with the top players that can get all (trying to compete for time then) - but it still is fun. Faced paced and your own skill set (=everyone is the same, mount stuff might be affected by people having different masteries unlocked if there are new players also doing it) and not to hard.

The only other one where I can think of (where it even is fun to be better than min requirements for gold and where gold is insanely easy virtually impossible to NOT get) is the Dolyak one at Festival of the Four Winds. I like to try to combine the earlier aspect skills (jump one) later at the area where you mainly need the purple skill to get to the next platform. Can save you time and be fun to optimize there.

I mean ... the beetle race at Dragon Bash feels a lot less fun compared to the Pinata Adventure and needs you to focus more to not make mistakes. (Still easy to get gold.) More exhausting and I would not do it twice in a row or do the race (only time trial once per day) but the adventure can be fun multiple times (that is probably why they did not want to give weekly points for it ... they wanted people to "work" for the weekly by doing other stuff ... not just having fun lol).

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