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So this sucks

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So the "new system" didn't aligned or associate any of my accounts with the people I've been playing the game with for years. What recourse do we have to remedy this? Or, is it simply better luck next time and come back to the game in a couple months?

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Love visiting the WvW forums and seeing the same accounts that act like they are on anet payroll and go on damage control anytime a topic comes up that isn't 'everything is perfect!' 😂

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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55 minutes ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

So the "new system" didn't aligned or associate any of my accounts with the people I've been playing the game with for years. What recourse do we have to remedy this? Or, is it simply better luck next time and come back to the game in a couple months?

The only factor that was accounted for is if you set your guild to be the wvw guild in the guild panel.

This beta is different because they added a 6th guild slot, so people made an alliance guild to cover all of them, to make sure all associated guilds were together, and you had to pick that.

If you did that, you should make a support ticket, but just do it anyways.

If not, then yea it's 6 weeks til the next relinking, you'll be best off selecting the proper guild.

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12 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

The only factor that was accounted for is if you set your guild to be the wvw guild in the guild panel.

There are supposed to be more factors too, just don't recall if they were implemented in the previous betas already.
Still none of those factors are "matching you with the people you been playing the game with for years" as the OP said. To make sure you always get matched with friends or people you have been playing, the OP does indeed needs to get into a WvW guild with them before the team creating lockout.

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1 hour ago, Visirale.6097 said:

explicit announcements of how to go about organizing yourselves to play with people you wanted to

Worlds were likely 5,000+ active WvW accounts. 500 accounts in a guild doesn't even come close to being able to recreate it to properly "organize yourselves".

Maybe it was simply luck of the draw but, previous beta's seemed to keep core players from worlds together. This beta seems to have purposefully spread everyone out. Maybe its adding the 5th tier??? Either way, the outcome isn't acceptable for me.

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27 minutes ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

Worlds were likely 5,000+ active WvW accounts. 500 accounts in a guild doesn't even come close to being able to recreate it to properly "organize yourselves".

Maybe it was simply luck of the draw but, previous beta's seemed to keep core players from worlds together. This beta seems to have purposefully spread everyone out. Maybe its adding the 5th tier??? Either way, the outcome isn't acceptable for me.

No shot, lmao. That number per world is ludicrously high. Maybe we have very different definitions of active. I've been on a lot of servers, and the group of core active community players that play 3+ days a week is not that high, especially when you consider each one was 2 worlds linked in almost all cases over the past few years. 

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11 minutes ago, Visirale.6097 said:

That number per world is ludicrously high

There was almost 400 accounts active in WvW or waiting in the queue at reset. That's just one 2 hours skirmish and it can almost fill an entire guild. Now imagine 24/7/365. Add in players that play only on weekends or a couple times per week. Add in players with multiple accounts. Worlds are likely several thousand accounts.

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1 hour ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

Worlds were likely 5,000+ active WvW accounts. 500 accounts in a guild doesn't even come close to being able to recreate it to properly "organize yourselves".

Words were around 2-2.5k active players the last few years. 500 players bandwagoning had a VERY noticeable effect. Even "only" 200 active players moving would already push any server to T2 or T1 over the match-up guaranteed.


Maybe it was simply luck of the draw but, previous beta's seemed to keep core players from worlds together. This beta seems to have purposefully spread everyone out. Maybe its adding the 5th tier??? Either way, the outcome isn't acceptable for me.

I'm sorry, this reads as: "I didn't select a WvW guild and rolled the dice but now am unhappy". You were active on the forums, you knew how this new system works. If you decided to roll the dice on "all your accounts" then the new system works just fine. Players are not supposed to circumvent the system with many alt accounts.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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3 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Love visiting the WvW forums and seeing the same accounts that act like they are on anet payroll and go on damage control anytime a topic comes up that isn't 'everything is perfect!' 😂

Then don't open a support ticket if you don't like the messenger. No one said it was going to be perfect. It's better that players get the help they need than imaginary forum wars.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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9 hours ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

I know this wasn't a reply to me but, I did take your advise and opened a support ticket. 😃👍

I hope they fix it for you.

Also, consider joining one of the alliance discords where this information is being passed around:


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2 hours ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

Nope, they gave me the finger. So, it's either a summer of pip farming, map completes, or taking a break from the game enitrely.


Could we have some more context for this?

Did you have a WvW guild set at all before? And did other people set it? If the rest of your guild did not do it, that would also be a problem.

Did you try for more than 1 account?


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Doesnt sound like the OP was in a guild with their friends...

Find a few people you like playing with and join their guild, mark it as your wvw guild, done. You should be able to guarantee that your in a guild with at least a few friends you like. 

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4 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Could we have some more context for this?

Yes, I set my WvW guilds on all my accounts. In previous Beta's I always still paired with other JQ guilds that I usually run with like HK, DENT, or GONE. Now my accounts are all over the place without any logical sense.

Even funnier to me is that I've got a couple accounts on Mosswood and Tombs of Drascir who are steamrolling their matches. I asked for two of them to be moved to Throne of Balthazar who's getting wrecked in Tier 5 and the Dev's said no.

Anyone with the slightest sense of fairness and balance would be like, "yeah, go help them out".
Instead the Dev's have gone all authoritarian and basically saying, "play here or don't play at all."

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9 minutes ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

Yes, I set my WvW guilds on all my accounts. In previous Beta's I always still paired with other JQ guilds that I usually run with like HK, DENT, or GONE. Now my accounts are all over the place without any logical sense.

Even funnier to me is that I've got a couple accounts on Mosswood and Tombs of Drascir who are steamrolling their matches. I asked for two of them to be moved to Throne of Balthazar who's getting wrecked in Tier 5 and the Dev's said no.

Anyone with the slightest sense of fairness and balance would be like, "yeah, go help them out".
Instead the Dev's have gone all authoritarian and basically saying, "play here or don't play at all."

I don't understand, you thought you would end up in same world or team as other guilds you didn't have as your WvW guild? 

Or that support would move you to another not because some bug put you on the wrong world away from guildmates,  but because you suggested some random worlds might need help after the MU had lasted like... one day?  

Edited by One more for the road.8950
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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, One more for the road.8950 said:

you thought you would end up in same world or team as other guilds you didn't have as your WvW guild? 

Yes I did as that was my previous experience in the Beta's. Why should I expect it to be otherwise this time???

This system is obviously flawed without a guild alliance feature. The 500 player limit of a guild is not even remotely enough.

Edited by DeWolfe.2174
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Apparently outnumbering everyone isn't enough for Mirror of Lyssa - they have to hack/glitch into stuff as well. saw a MoL player capping NE alpine tower when all walls and gate were fully intact and no siege. - just didn't make it to ring in time to contest.
Anet really need to get their act together and sort both population imbalance as well as hacking/glitching in WvW.

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3 hours ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

This system is obviously flawed without a guild alliance feature. The 500 player limit of a guild is not even remotely enough.

Alliance cap was 500 as well because any more caused unbalance in the teams. If 500 is not enough that is the unfortunate state for balance play. Any this first week is a mess because a bunch of people that have not played in months came back for WR so the algorithm is a mess so the "balance" will take another reshuffle.

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