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This new system is absolutely trash....fights are one sided

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6 hours ago, shrew.3059 said:

I don’t envy the developers who have to determine the key metrics for matchmaking, but that is really important to this system working. Outside of skirmish wins, how do you pair teams against each other in a way that rewards success and generates challenge?

There is a lot of things going on at the same time.

It's something new which players always have issues with.

It's issues with scale of play and players that are used to knowing their environment and what to expect. I call it Pub theory, I know Jane will be there and Bob so my back is covered when I decide to jump the group that just came thru the door before they even ordered drinks since they were already looking for trouble.

Same time it's only day 2, so we have groups that linked with people that know their comms versus pugmanders that need to get players to trust them.

We have bad initial server placements in what seems all tiers across both EU and NA.

I am not going to give the devs the easy out since they didn't try and make the hard decision to just close the lower pop servers and didn't learn from the 2012-2014 period of free transfers that players are bad at self balancing. They implemented paid transfers to try and restrict the issue and that didn't fix it either, so now we went back to a new style of free transfers.

Now as players adapt we will see issues where people complain about coverage, PPK and PPT balance, people avoiding fights, people zerging, people not fighting others, and other repeat issues.

So expect trouble, ride the wind, or find the comm guilds that fit your mindset. Now to be fair, this is Forum Wars 2 we should all also expect that the game within the game will happen here.

So keep sharing what you see here to give insight on what is happening in different places since a number of us can only see 3 servers at a time if single account players.

Good hunting.

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6 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

Did they say, they are going to balance teams arround anything else but average play hours?

Yes, but I would have to dig it up, hours, counts, tags and later on time of play (coverage). 

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34 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

WR was suppose to help lessen the effect of a lower tier world not being competitive enough with a higher one. If we're just back to "well just wait until your world drops in tiers for a better match"... what was the whole point of doing WR if the experiences turn out to be the exact same as before?

Not to mention whole concept of "finding your tier" becomes ridiculous when you think that you first have to float to whatever tier you belong to over a set number of weeks, get to the tier but then you have the potential to be booted out of that tier because of a win or loss because of 1u1d, and then in 4 weeks it all gets reset anyways and your world is randomly potentially dumped into a tier you don't belong to, again. You potentially spend more time "out of tier" rather than "in your tier".

WR was suppose to help balance worlds so there's less potential for outnumbered time periods, better spread of coverage if the time zone sorting factor actually works, T1-6 shouldn't be a huge difference, yet we see matches that have 20-39 victory point differences already.

I don't see a difference between systems right now other than allowing try hard players to stack fatter for free. 🤷‍♂️

Nothing to add here. This joke is the last nail in the coffin of WvW. Looking at the KD of all the matchups, i cant remember such an unbalance through all the matchups ever.. And this will even get worse once the roamers and small guilds are fed up just being loot bags for the boon balls of the dominant server. Imagine ruining server communities for this..

Edited by lindstroem.3601
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I don't get it.  What does K/D have to do with match balance?  I don't recall us, as a WvW community, using that stat for population balance discussions in the past.  K+D sure, but not the ratio.  gw2mists.com isn't showing that stat though.  You have to manually add K+D if you're looking at gw2mists.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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On 6/15/2024 at 1:34 AM, Arheundel.6451 said:

What an awful system. There is no distribution of quality, a complete disaster, far worse than previous system.......

Give it time before you judge. There were no metrics they could have used to properly balance this new system on day 1. It will take a while to sort out which alliances should be in which tier.

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13 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I'll be honest, even as a strong supporter of the new system, that is not a good look for K/D disparities.

It's about as bad as regular K/D disparity in the past and that should not be the case if the distribution algorithm was done properly.

Now will this improve over time as worlds move up and down, sure. Still that's some heavy dominant servers on each tier.

On the upside: activity seems well spread between all tiers for now.

I think it probably has to do with the extra tier when it was doubtful we were getting more players. Seems like the alliances were placed on servers, and randoms were dumped on the remaining servers.

At least on my shard it seems like there aren't many pugs.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Okei now i really stopped. Tier 6 in EU has garbage balance. Even more worse than with Server System. Red has like Blobs on all maps and my team is like 10 peoples and that in the primetime. This is unplayable. And this won't get any better after relik because the Green's (Forst Citadel) also seems to have popluation issues. During day there is literally no content left. Anet pls Revert and work on a proper Alliance System. This is hot garbage with garbage meta. This is a unplayable mess, unfun and just stupid. Login for getting steamroll farmed by 60 idiots who chase you even when you are alone is kitten.


Enough of that kitten for real. WvW Is Endgame and now peoples can't really play because of complete unfair kitten and that now or over 1 month? Jesus christ.

Edited by senftube.6081
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1 hour ago, Kitty.4806 said:

Give it time before you judge. There were no metrics they could have used to properly balance this new system on day 1. It will take a while to sort out which alliances should be in which tier.

I totally agreed. Anet doesn't have much alliance data to balance out. Give it couple weeks and we will see

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1 hour ago, Kitty.4806 said:

Give it time before you judge. There were no metrics they could have used to properly balance this new system on day 1. It will take a while to sort out which alliances should be in which tier.

I don't know about tier placement, since Anet usually doesn't give a kitten about initial placement. But it terms of putting teams together - at least in the EU there are cases where they put very strong alliances in terms of k/d together on one team and everyone with a passing knowledge of the EU scene would have told you that they would wipe the floor with the competition. Why they thought this was a good idea - no clue.

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14 hours ago, T G.7496 said:

Since then, several blue groups have put up a fight for things, and I acknowledge that it's been rough on them - not that we've always had full squads, but that on average our players seem more capable.

Absolute wild blob mindset

Edited by schloumou.3982
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Thats pug life for ya, i've lived through the hoping of "next week match/relink will be better", i have been in one-sided fight many times. This is pretty much the same as before, find and join guild to steam roll unorganized pug group. So nothing worst or better.

Edited by Ultramex.1506
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Same guilds doing the same exploits into objectives with thieves to port their people to skip siege part. AMX leads this practice, now as Bloodstone Gulch. 

Ye, some things just don't change regardless how you reshuffle teams. 

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10 hours ago, Kitty.4806 said:

Give it time before you judge. There were no metrics they could have used to properly balance this new system on day 1. It will take a while to sort out which alliances should be in which tier.

The metrics were already turned on before the WR system was turned on permanently. How do you think they measured server populations in the first place, by activity play time, and it wasn't the only information they had access to or tracked. And you don't get it, this system was suppose to bring parity to the tier system, not be the exact same as the old one, well your server is a t6 server so you don't belong in t1, just wait until you get dunked to t6 and be happy then, oops oh wait time to reset again. We don't need "weeks" to know what it's like playing inside of wvw, just one day was enough to tell it was exactly the same as it has been for years now. 🤷‍♂️


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On 6/15/2024 at 7:28 PM, Ronin.4501 said:

So many people who are coming here to complain are the same ones who sat back and did nothing while others on their servers were preparing for this. And now that they've gotten the short end of the stick they want to whine about it.

Why when I hear players talking like this... does it sound like they haven't touched grass in a bit? This isn't a full-time job, its supposed to be fun. Anet has a responsibility to deliver on that fun. The moment you rely on the community to take the wheel, GAME'S TOAST.

The core issue with WvW and how they've handled it's implementation (over the past decade), is the mentality that this is supposed to be a full-time job for their player base. The gaming world has long moved on from playerbases that are supposed to prop the game up on their greasy keyboards. Heck, most of the remaining MMORPG playerbase is gearing up to have grandkids at this point. It is a early 2000s pipe dream to get people to care more about the company and game, than they do their own time and family.

In short: If it ain't the problem, don't fix it. How about you add player statistics so we can care more about our contributions to WvW, then we can talk about restructuring/population/balances.

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11 hours ago, senftube.6081 said:

Okei now i really stopped. Tier 6 in EU has garbage balance. Even more worse than with Server System. Red has like Blobs on all maps and my team is like 10 peoples and that in the primetime. This is unplayable. And this won't get any better after relik because the Green's (Forst Citadel) also seems to have popluation issues. During day there is literally no content left. Anet pls Revert and work on a proper Alliance System. This is hot garbage with garbage meta. This is a unplayable mess, unfun and just stupid. Login for getting steamroll farmed by 60 idiots who chase you even when you are alone is kitten.


Enough of that kitten for real. WvW Is Endgame and now peoples can't really play because of complete unfair kitten and that now or over 1 month? Jesus christ.

Indeed, this is unplayable and definitevely unfair. Red MOL complaining about no content when they mainly attack the weakest tier's group... Massive boonblob vs 10 players. All day long. 😔

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13 hours ago, Kitty.4806 said:

Give it time before you judge. There were no metrics they could have used to properly balance this new system on day 1. It will take a while to sort out which alliances should be in which tier.

This would be player based rolled up in to team based. They said they were already working on this in earlier years. 

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11 hours ago, Sonderm.4639 said:

I don't know about tier placement, since Anet usually doesn't give a kitten about initial placement.

This has been in question for a while.

11 hours ago, Sonderm.4639 said:

But it terms of putting teams together - at least in the EU there are cases where they put very strong alliances in terms of k/d together on one team and everyone with a passing knowledge of the EU scene would have told you that they would wipe the floor with the competition. Why they thought this was a good idea - no clue.

This is a new issue with sorts.

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7 hours ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

That pug life ya, i've lived through the hoping of "next week match/relink will be better", i have been in one-sided fight many times. This is pretty much the same as before, find and join guild to steam roll unorganized pug group. So nothing worst or better.


I am working at oh hai. 

Ran with the leaf on the wind mindset to see what's what. You know me, mental. Knew what my pugs could before, Now testing what the new ones can do. It's going to be a wild ride. 😉 

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3 hours ago, Altex.6083 said:

Les mêmes guildes font les mêmes exploits dans les objectifs avec des voleurs pour transporter leurs gens afin de sauter la partie de siège. AMX dirige cette pratique, désormais sous le nom de Bloodstone Gulch. 

Oui, certaines choses ne changent tout simplement pas, quelle que soit la manière dont vous remaniez les équipes. 


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3 hours ago, Altex.6083 said:

Same guilds doing the same exploits into objectives with thieves to port their people to skip siege part. AMX leads this practice, now as Bloodstone Gulch. 

Ye, some things just don't change regardless how you reshuffle teams. 


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