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Why are Cele stats still in WvW, when they are removed in PvP for a reason ?

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39 minutes ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

Yes but you're acting like these occurs from the start of 0 to the end of 1, and then you're ignoring that it resumes at full values at the start of 2.

What actually happens here is that the boons aren't even applied until around 0.5s and at around exactly 1.5s benchmark, it has ticked all 6 of the passive regens.

That is all occurring in one second. And then in about .5s right at the start of 2, in them resumes at normal full values.

What are you not seeing here? It heals 1105 with 6 ticks in 1 second, and then not a second later, but almost immediately, goes directly into normal full ticks again.

I think the confusion here is you are not wrapping your mind around the fact that the boons/ticks do not start at the beginning of the 0 time stamp. You're acting like the first 4 integers happen during the start of 0.00 to 0.99, and that the next 4 occur between 1.00 to 1.99. That would be a full 2 seconds and it would make sense. I can see how you might be seeing that way, but that isn't what's happening.

What is happening is at around 0.5 first 4 boons occur, and by the time 1.5 rolls around, 6 passive integers have occurred. This is one second. And then at about 2.10 "only half a second later" it resumes 360/370 ticks as normal. It does this every time prot is reapplied. Somehow it grants goofy bonus heals and/or causes the server's internal clock to speed and move to the next second interval like 25% more quickly than normal or something. When you're dodge rolling a lot, reapplying protection often, this is a serious boost to sustain over the course of time.

These numbers are messed up and I don't understand how you can't see it.

Also, I noticed that you completely dodged answering the question that I asked you, and instead are continuing to act like it didn't happen. This is because you can't explain where the hell the extra integers are coming from, and you'd rather ignore it, and continuing saying the same thing, even though I've finely pointed out to you that you are mistaken in looking at it as if it were a 2s interval, when it is in fact a 1s interval that is spitting out 8 integers, 1 IB, 1 EP, 1 LV, 1 RG, 1 R, and then 3 of them can't be explained outside of double upticks. So you thought you'd keep acting like it was a 2s time frame instead of a 1s time frame. But the immediate application of 360/370 not even .5s later shows that it was definitely a 1s time frame.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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20 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

These numbers are messed up

i watched it... and its a complete mess.

The numbers shown on screen, dont even match with the ammount of healing you are getting.


Edit: personally, what i think is happening, is that everytime you reapply protection, the "heal while you have protection" timer gets reset.  Thus producing a healingprocc whenever you gain protection, regardless of when the other healingtick happened.  Something else is happening too tho.  i added some of those numbers up... and you are getting less healing, then the green numbers would suggest you get.   But only slightly.

It might also be "live vicariously" acting up?   it could be anything kinda....


It would help if you could upload a clip where less is happening and you slow it down before uploading.  even when playing it a x0.25 speed that YT allows, its still rather fast.. Combat log would also help.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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13 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

i watched it... and its a complete mess.

The numbers shown on screen, dont even match with the ammount of healing you are getting.

It does, you have to look at the small damage being taken over the course of say that first second of healing, vs. the inc damage same time.

The small damage makes it look like the healing is doing less than it is. If it says it heals 2500 in a second, the small damage makes the health bar look like it's only reflecting 1800 of it. Because like, if a 500 damage attack hits you same time a 400 heal occurs, yeah, you see what I mean.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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5 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

You're acting like the first 4 integers happen during the start of 0.00 to 0.99,

They do happen somewhere between 0:00 and 0:99 - video timer still shows 0:00 after the first 4 heal numbers appeared. HP after those heals = 7417. At1:00 you have 7009 HP - less than in the picture before, because you took dmg and haven't healed again yet.

11 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

and that the next 4 occur between 1.00 to 1.99

They have to happen after 1:00 (and before 1:99), because at 1:00 you still have only 7009 HP - less HP than what you had after the first 4 Heals happened.

19 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

What is happening is at around 0.5 first 4 boons occur, and by the time 1.5 rolls around, 6 passive integers have occurred.

Well yes, healing happening at arround 0:5 and then again at 1:5 is exactly what is expected with heals that are supposed to occur once every second. And yes, if you start measuring the time right when the first tick happens and then stop right when the second tick happens, you get 2 ticks in like 1,00001 seconds. But those ticks are still 1 second apart and the next one won't happen until 0,99999s later, so everything is working as intended.

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5 minutes ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

Well yes, healing happening at arround 0:5 and then again at 1:5 is exactly what is expected with heals that are supposed to occur once every second.

You're still dodging my question my dude.

Where are the 3 extra integers coming from, and why is it inflating the heal for that 1 second so much?

There is something seriously wrong with the Ranger health over second equation and it is healing more than intended.

It's as simple as that.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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1 minute ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Where are the 3 extra integers coming from, and why is it inflating the heal for that 1 second so much?

  I have already listed every single heal occuring in the first few seconds - with pictures even. There is no other healing but what i have listed here:

1 hour ago, Zyreva.1078 said:


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6 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

So what I have seen from all this is Zyreva sees Cele as op on all angels due to ranger sustain needing nerf and not basing that off of any other class. So ranger nerf when?

Again your Cele witch hunt. Get over it. You just showed in all these posts that there are issues with ranger and not Cele.

Wait, are people getting wrecked by roaming ranger in 2024? On NA all I see are thieves, WB, ele, and the occasional rev.  

Not to derail the discussion about real numbers and whatnot, but what part of ranger sustain needs nerfed? In two month's will you be back complaining about ranger stealth needing nerfed? 

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Thanks for the build. Now that I tried it here is what I found out in my combat log.

Every second I get Regeneration + Rugged growth.

When I dodge with the build I trigger Evasive Purity + Vigorous recovery (I found the name strange, this is most likely a mistranslation in my language but the correct trait is Live Vicariously because it triggered on other healing sources I tested and it matches the description) (edit 2 : I tested if this would trigger every time but the icd seems to work. If I go staff 3 then dodge LV only triggers on staff 3 and not on EV)

As far as I am concerned I do not see any bug.

Now if I put that in the context of the video here is what happens.

I slowed down to 0.25 after the pet F2.

  1. Ranger has 7009 HP
  2. He dodges for 7009  + 334 (EV cleanse blind) + 144 (LV) -> 7487hp
  3. 7487 + 248 (RG) + 247 (R) – 48 (poison) -> 7934hp
  4. End of dodge
  5. 7934 + 370 (RG) + 369 (R) -> 8673hp
  6. Second dodge for 8673 + 499 (EV cleanse cripple) + 215 (LV) -> 9387hp
  7. 9387 + 370 (RG) + 369 (R)-> 10126hp (harder to see here as the numbers are cramped)

The regen and rugged growth do happen every second (4 if at 0.25) which is the expected result while the other heals come from different trait interactions.

edit : same results as @Zyreva.1078

Edited by aymnad.9023
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7 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

So what I have seen from all this is Zyreva sees Cele as op on all angels due to ranger sustain needing nerf and not basing that off of any other class. So ranger nerf when?

Again your Cele witch hunt. Get over it. You just showed in all these posts that there are issues with ranger and not Cele.

Do you actually think ranger has the strongest cele build out there?

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1 hour ago, schloumou.3982 said:

Do you actually think ranger has the strongest cele build out there?

No as I have discussed with them before that they think Cele is BiS for all builds versus Cele is meant for Cele builds. 

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2 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Wait, are people getting wrecked by roaming ranger in 2024? On NA all I see are thieves, WB, ele, and the occasional rev.  

Not to derail the discussion about real numbers and whatnot, but what part of ranger sustain needs nerfed? In two month's will you be back complaining about ranger stealth needing nerfed? 

No, this is just another thread like Willie threads or teef threads or name it.

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