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Will you stop playing WvW with the new system?

Do you think you will probably stop playing WvW under the new system?  

190 members have voted

  1. 1. The WvW change has been implemented. Do you see longevity here? Will you stop playing WvW under the new system?

    • Yes
    • No

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What I was working on from before was having fun when peeps knew what to do and pugmand when they just stood still while there was no tag. WR, its a matter of the same. Are they feeling it or not. If not, tag and see what trouble you can make. Just with WR it's getting more peeps used to seeing familiar faces before resets actually occur, else repeating the same exercises with new peeps over and over.

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I should add, back when Alliances/WR was originally announced.  I thought, that even though it was a terrible idea, that it would lead to a brief renaissance, where people would play WvW again, for a month or 3.

But nah, that didn't happen.  It's ALL pip/newb/pug farming simulator now.

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2 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

A guild can hold up to 500 members. 

There are now 6 guild slots. 

Why isn't there a community guild then? Like literally every single server had on EU? 

If all people you claim were part of the community were in said guild and chose it to be their Wvw guild, there would be no problem then. 

Seriously, you guys had YEARS to prepare for what's gonna happen. We knew exactly how the system will work for years. 

If your community it now split apart, that's 100% on you. 

There is a world/community guild. But each of the 3 pre-existing guilds from that world that I play with regularly asked their members to select either that guild or a mega guild (both the WvW fight focused guilds joined different mega guilds, the less WvW focused guild picked themselves to represent). So I could have picked the world/community guild as my WvW guild but in doing so I would be very unlikely to end up playing with the guild members I am used to playing with. Furthermore, if significant numbers of other guilds (which I am not a member with but am used to playing with scattered members of) also were picking their own guild or other mega guilds then it's likely that only a small fraction of the world players were picking the world/community guild.

There was no way for me to win. I can't force the guild leaders of all the guilds on our world to pick the community guild and if I could it would go WAY over the 500 limit. So whichever guild I picked (one of the three I played with or the community guild) would have ended up with me playing with less than a third of the people I know from my world.

You throw out phrases like WvW is all about the community, then when I point out I was unable to stay with my community you say that's my fault rather than the system. You are demonstrably wrong.


Edited by Mistwraithe.3106
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Your asking 2 different question here which one is the one answer yes / no is for?

Wvw will last as long as we see another good rvr mmorpg come out and so far there has been non and its looking like there will be no others. That always been true though.

I will keep playing wvw as its the best mmorpg rvr that we have.

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You asked 2 questions that are different. 

Do I see longevity? Yes

Do I plan to quit because of the new system? No

So far the new system has created excellent back and forth fights that I have seen.  Don't have to worry about spies from other servers so much or tag watching exploiting from enemies boxing alt accounts. 

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Best change WvW has ever had. I almost quit because this change DIDNT happen for so long. I have guild members and friends returning to the game who haven't played for years, or who couldn't play with us due to server loyalty/inertia/lack of funds to transfer. 

Everything is fresh and new and I'm loving it. Meeting new people, new guilds. If you were on a full, high-end server before, maybe its a bit more difficult to find easy content, but realize most of us on dying linked servers did not have any community left or any way to get into your ideal full servers. You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet, and so far its pretty tasty.

Guilds are the backbone of WvW and always have been. I'm glad they are the basis for teams now, instead of loyalty to some dumb name people picked years ago at launch. I'm also glad players can't pay to win and bandwagon transfer to the link of a winning server mid match. The system needs more data to learn and get better, so I expect improved matchmaking every time. 


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22 hours ago, Vavume.8065 said:

When I logged in on reset and there was no queues on any border I knew it was over.

Mind me asking region and tier? NA T3 myself and saw all maps queued during reset, though pre-release it was the same as well on my old server. Do wish there was a third party site that showed queues, would be interesting. 

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1 hour ago, Yolaus Kriff.3465 said:

who couldn't play with us due to server loyalty/inertia/lack of funds to transfer. 

Those are some really weird excuses. They were not ok with moving because of server loyalty, but totally ok now playing on a completely random world? lack of funds? really? this isn't 2013, way easier to get gold to buy gems to transfer, especially with the new systems in the last year. 🤔

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2 hours ago, Yolaus Kriff.3465 said:

Guilds are the backbone of WvW and always have been. I'm glad they are the basis for teams now, instead of loyalty to some dumb name people picked years ago at launch

If you don't understand that it's not about a dumb server name, but about the community behind it that has grown over a long time, does a guild essentially just consist of a dumb guild name for you?

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I played WvW since the beta and spend hours only god knows in it. But thats it probably once and for all for me. Not gonna be the punching ball for stacked alliance servers and for boring boon balls in general with some other randoms i have no clue who the kitten they are and probably never will because reshuffle after 6 weeks to be the punching ball for just a different stacked alliance server.

The fact that they destroyed server communites for this hot pile of sh... is really shocking me.

Edited by lindstroem.3601
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Meh. I log in. Maybe get in a group and kill downies till we wipe. Maybe I roam and get some plat thief kill me, or kill some plat necro or whatever. It's the same except I don't know all the commanders anymore.

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1 hour ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Those are some really weird excuses. They were not ok with moving because of server loyalty, but totally ok now playing on a completely random world? lack of funds? really? this isn't 2013, way easier to get gold to buy gems to transfer, especially with the new systems in the last year. 🤔

Players are weird, what can I say. 

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29 minutes ago, Zok.4956 said:

If you don't understand that it's not about a dumb server name, but about the community behind it that has grown over a long time, does a guild essentially just consist of a dumb guild name for you?

Not even remotely similar.

I've played on several different servers, and the guild has moved with me. I didn't enjoy the communities of some of them. 1 died when several guilds transferred off. Nothing about those communities was worth saving, or even enjoyable in my opinion. Nothing was left that 'has grown over a long time', and it really was just a name for me at that point.

Guilds are players who actively want to play together, in the same way, at the same time. Servers were just teams of convenience (or inconvenience in many cases).


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Could get a bit better with time for some. Finding myself in an alliance full of people with steady sub .5 KDR, where even the blobs hide away until they can ninja a camp and port back to spawn. Not even numbers will fix that...which we don't have either. Even pitting us against 2 teams with equal coverage and player skill won't fix the quality of play. Would be better to dissolve our alliance and divide it up between the rest, dropping all of their KDRs by like 40%. Or maybe just ban the whole alliance from the game.

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2 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Mind me asking region and tier? NA T3 myself and saw all maps queued during reset, though pre-release it was the same as well on my old server. Do wish there was a third party site that showed queues, would be interesting. 

You don't say which T3 NA team you are on. That's a pretty uneven matchup, Abbaddon's Prison are getting absolutely hammered on both score and K/D (so I'm guessing you aren't on that team) while Tombs of Drascir presumably have some serious fight guilds as they are murdering everyone for K/D (1.96 ratio) and Domain of Torment presumably have either some very good PPTers or more likely strong OCX players to recap everything overnight as they are actually winning the score.

Would be interesting to get some feedback from all three teams on that matchup as it's a prime example of how poor the team making has been on some matches.

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2 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Those are some really weird excuses. They were not ok with moving because of server loyalty, but totally ok now playing on a completely random world? lack of funds? really? this isn't 2013, way easier to get gold to buy gems to transfer, especially with the new systems in the last year. 🤔

Well, I suppose there is one excuse-- not incentivizing anet by buying gems to transfer; which is why I almost never transferred myself. Not that I actually cared too much about my server xD  Though I still have an alt account as an embassy as sorts to some  former server mates that were worth a kitten. (not too many!). I don't ever completely burn bridges which I suspect many do....

But what do you expect? A lot of players in this game are bad and can't follow simple directions. You expect them to know how to farm gold or use it sensibly? Or understand they can sell material storage?

Although in reality, what is the cost in $$? What like $10? If your friends aren't worth $10, then danggggg. Heck, $10 won't even treat friends to a meal; gotta buy them drinks basically. Though I'm pretty sure the people we're talking about probably forget their wallets and ask to be treated. 🤢


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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33 minutes ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

You don't say which T3 NA team you are on. That's a pretty uneven matchup, Abbaddon's Prison are getting absolutely hammered on both score and K/D (so I'm guessing you aren't on that team) while Tombs of Drascir presumably have some serious fight guilds as they are murdering everyone for K/D (1.96 ratio) and Domain of Torment presumably have either some very good PPTers or more likely strong OCX players to recap everything overnight as they are actually winning the score.

Would be interesting to get some feedback from all three teams on that matchup as it's a prime example of how poor the team making has been on some matches.

I didn't, it's already in my signature. DoT. And yes there are a lot of roamers and havocs and a number of pugmanders on DoT. After reset players knew when to get out of the way of the map large Alliance guilds that are just in mass lumping when they run around together.  

My previous question was more about which servers/tiers regions didn't have queues across all maps at reset since that was the norm for my server even before WR. WR seems a little less maybe but not much.

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On 6/17/2024 at 11:27 PM, Gud.6829 said:

as a new player, this system is closed.  there is no point of entry.

As a longtime player I agree with this.  

Before with a server you could at least identify with the name as a baseline--and get a feel for what community existed at the moment.  Even with transfers that community spirt always seemed to persist, which is how on NA we got infamous servers like Mag, Blackgate, Dragonbrand, etc. 

With this system, there is no baseline, and the community will drastically change every remake; have to go through the extra step of finding a guild to have any semblance of stability.  Something a lot don't want to do as they won't even follow a public tag majority of the time let alone join a guild full of randos to try and find a stable community.

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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2 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Well, I suppose there is one excuse-- not incentivizing anet by buying gems to transfer; which is why I almost never transferred myself. Not that I actually cared too much about my server xD  Though I still have an alt account as an embassy as sorts to some  former server mates that were worth a kitten. (not too many!). I don't ever completely burn bridges which I suspect many do....

But what do you expect? A lot of players in this game are bad and can't follow simple directions. You expect them to know how to farm gold or use it sensibly? Or understand they can sell material storage?

Although in reality, what is the cost in $$? What like $10? If your friends aren't worth $10, then danggggg. Heck, $10 won't even treat friends to a meal; gotta buy them drinks basically. Though I'm pretty sure the people we're talking about probably forget their wallets and ask to be treated. 🤢

Meh one time visit to clear out your bank material storage can round up enough gold for a one time transfer. I don't pve, I don't play the market, yet I've had enough loot from wvw to make several transfers over the years, never had to drop any real money for it. Have to wonder what these people been spending their gold on, and why it wasn't worth a one time transfer to move to be with their guild in wvw. Even stockpiling memories of battle could get you a pretty penny for years.

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3 hours ago, Yolaus Kriff.3465 said:

Servers were just teams of convenience (or inconvenience in many cases).

The new worlds are still teams of convenience.  The difference is now the illusion has been removed.

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2 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Before with a server you could at least identify with the name as a baseline--and get a feel for what community existed at the moment.  Even with transfers that community spirt always seemed to persist, which is how on NA we got infamous servers like Mag, Blackgate, Dragonbrand, etc. 

And we got a ton of imploded servers in their wake.

How your post looks to me is like: "Anet forced us to destack" and #OpenBG

BG players used to always claim they had a good community when really all they had was being overstacked 24/7 by players who long ago exploited a transfer loophole so they could all be "winning".  It was called a "retirement server" jokingly for a reason.

Not really a good argument for "server community".

Edited by Chaba.5410
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2 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

My previous question was more about which servers/tiers regions didn't have queues across all maps at reset since that was the norm for my server even before WR. WR seems a little less maybe but not much.

EU t5 my team was not all queued up at reset.
but for one we had and still have buggy queues here, they dont show at all even if they are there and when you get into a queue it might also be wrong which is fixed by a restart. and the more important factor was people watching some sports event where there is too many people thrown onto a field and not everyone gets a ball to play with.

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