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Janthir Wilds Spear Beta Event Feedback: Guardian

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I think it lacks some self-sustain and it probably should be put on 2. At the same time movement speed feels a bit too slow and I'm not a big fan of a heal on passing through allies, I'd prefer it to either heal/deal dmg in area on arrival or deal damage to enemies it passes through, but heal in area on arrival (with healing including the caster).

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7 hours ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

Very good and salient points! But I feel like all your suggestions would seriously overtune the weapon from something a bit lackluster to way OP. Maybe just a few you listed for each skill? I bolded/underlined the ones I like most. 😉 

Haha yea might be, but not sure if it does only deal little power damage and has kinda no damaging conditions it still could be fine. It doesn't have to much healing potential yet. In the end it depends on the other numbers. And those are just ideas and suggestions what i think is missing on the weapon to be viable. But yea in the end i often compare it to what a staff on warrior is cabable of because i thing that playstyle is really refreshing and i currently enjoy it as a healer in wvw.  But i guess that is also due to boon rip, unblockable and elite banner. All things the guardian is missing.

In the end i think the most important is part to have an idea what a skill should be used for. and a global vision what rike the weapon should fill. The other stuff are just some suggestions and ideas.

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Skill 1 hits like a pathetic wet noodle on full Berserker's, and it should also probably hit 5 targets. It somehow doesn't feel as fun as Ye Olde Lootstick. 

Skill 2 is not particularly satisfying on the kit. I guess the idea was to give the Guardian weapon some mobility; however, as is, it feels like a suicide charge into enemy mobs or sometimes off the cliff. It has no self-healing. It seems like Resistance should be on this skill since most non-damaging conditions affect movement. I'm not really a fan of it, but I'm not sure how I would change it. I would probably prefer a ground-targeted leap, possibly with a leap back. Let's just go Dragoon on this weapon kit. 

Skill 3 is okay. I guess it grants Might and Fury since Skill 1 hits like a wet noodle, but I'm not sure if these boons are what I would go with. 

Skill 4 is apparently where the damage is. I wish the Illuminated version did more than just create more shards. I think it would be nice if the Illuminated version granted Aegis to allies. 

Skill 5 is a symbol, but its design does not feel like other symbols. Knockback is a bit weird. Seems like Knockdown would be more appropriate. 

The Illuminated version of all skills feel weak. Like I feel like Illuminated skills should feel different or more impactful, but they don't. I also wish that the Symbol was on Skill 2. 

Overall, it also feels like the Spear needs something else or to replace something. If it is to compete with our other weapons in WvW, I feel like it needs Aegis or Protection on the kit. 

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From a WvW perspective:

Skill 1: Good

Skill 2: Overpowered. Should have only one charge not two. Do you guys understand how much mobility the Willbenders have already and now you want to give them more. This is ridiculous, there is barely a cooldown timer too. <roll eyes>

Skill 3: Good

Skill 4: Good

Skill 5: Good


Overall, this weapon is something to look forward too. Unlike the Revenet spear <face palm>

Edited by Lionwait.4815
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2 hours ago, Nero.7369 said:

Haha yea might be, but not sure if it does only deal little power damage and has kinda no damaging conditions it still could be fine. It doesn't have to much healing potential yet. In the end it depends on the other numbers. And those are just ideas and suggestions what i think is missing on the weapon to be viable. But yea in the end i often compare it to what a staff on warrior is cabable of because i thing that playstyle is really refreshing and i currently enjoy it as a healer in wvw.  But i guess that is also due to boon rip, unblockable and elite banner. All things the guardian is missing.

In the end i think the most important is part to have an idea what a skill should be used for. and a global vision what rike the weapon should fill. The other stuff are just some suggestions and ideas.

Warrior staff is a high bench to match, but it's more for a dedicated support role. Guardian spear is mostly a DPS weapon with some offensive boon support and healing instead of max damage output. I guess for WVW?

With my tests on the golem, I got within 85% of axe/torch DPS and 90% of scepter/torch DPS. This was on a condi FB build. Testing on power gear was significantly worse cuz FB. 

So damage is fine imo; it mostly needs sustain to be viable. And for Hello Rush to not make you feel like a slug trucking through mud. I don't mean mud, but Anet censors will kitten the true feeling it gives off. 😄

Edit: Oh I should also mentioned I was able to keep 2 of my friends alive in the mild damage field while boosting their DPS with just spear skills, but I would have died if I didn't drop DPS to heal myself. So even more proof in my mind that it needs sustain.

1 hour ago, Lionwait.4815 said:

From a WvW perspective:

Skill 1: Good

Skill 2: Overpowered. Should have only one charge not two. Do you guys understand how much mobility the Willbenders have already and now you want to give them more. This is ridiculous, there is barely a cooldown timer too. <roll eyes>

Skill 3: Good

Skill 4: Good

Skill 5: Good


Overall, this weapon is something to look forward too. Unlike the Revenet spear <face palm>

And when it's used by something other than WB? I'm not even sure how much this weapon is useful for WB right now. Seems like they have better options.

Edited by Gaiawolf.8261
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Loved the visuals of the guardian skills! They felt true to Guardian's theme and flowed pretty well, fun to play! 🙂

One piece of feedback would be to adjust Skill 2 to something like a dash to a target area or stop once you reach targeted enemy (or ally). Accidentally rushed out of the symbol a few times while using this skill, so it would be nice you could control where it stopped.

Edited by Logan.3840
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I didn't think much of the spear, until I learned quickness makes Helio Rush bullrush forward!  Never make that immune to quickness!  (Or better yet, make that the base speed.)

Didn't do much for me as willbender, but Firebrand was amazing.

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Dead on arrival. Damage is low, mechanic is clunky, skill 2 line rush is worthless. Cooldowns are too long, and it is made of tinfoil and cardboard, and breaks as such. Would probably function reasonably well as a healer in some raid wings with a vanilla build, but mace/shield/staff is already better for this purpose. Ultimately very poorly thought out. Very pretty, but severely lacking in playability.

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From my play/game-time in a bit of WvW with my made up build just following whatever commander or a group of people. I Chose to play as DH as well.
My thoughts from beta event(I'm not sure about the damage numbers as highest or what the damage potential is, I'm sure many people demo'd this way) as I Did not try WvW on DH / Spear (beta) as a high damage/glass build) : This reply/info is more to do with the playstyle + abilities and effects.

Skill 1 : Daybreaking Slash : TL:DR / MY summary .. Major overhaul/change: throw spear + heal(Cone/Start) + pierce enemy's / heals allies in path.
Notes/recommendation : needs more range to be ideal / effective, not just in damaging enemy's from SOME distance, but also healing allies.  ..My recommendation / idea would be a major overhaul/change. Make this skill a throwable weapon, it's a spear and we are Guardians. I know Guardians are also light/flame magic involved but..  Check this out, Make the spear throwable like some of the other classes, better range, The spear can heal in a cone at the start of the throw when it leaves your hand, while also healing those it passes through. - Also the spear pierces through enemy's, or a certain amount of enemy's. with the heal at the start and the spear going out healing those further, you're not confined / restricted to just those right near you/directly infront of you.. This makes the class more mobile for healing and using other skills. Plus you'll have your range SKILL 1 which is what we want and need.  I Get that people like the old-staff skill 1, but this isn't even like that, and tbh / imo for a spear I wouldn't want the old staff skill,  do you? ( Or do you want something more ideal/appropriate and great ) Give my idea some thought please. One last thing, I Think this skill should heal the user too; Maybe heal yourself as well, but heal more if you're healing x-amount of more / other players.. think it through.

SKill 2 : Helio Rush .. TL:DR / MY summary .. Too Slow + make faster + remove delay on end of a lot of movement abilities. Run distance short.
Notes/recommendation : the skill felt slow, I know there's a setting to make it instant cast where your mouse/curser is, I Think I have mine to show the mark/pointer then let go and it casts it. I like to see where it's going at least, with this setting it's usually fine. With Helio Rush the running speed is very slow, I'm pretty sure quickness effects it somewhat, sometimes I'd notice it would be faster. IMO / IDEA, the skill should be faster at default. one you have to aim it whether it be instant cast or not, you put your mouse curser where you want it activate the skill + the run / animation is slow.. I'm not sure how MUCH faster it should be, you decide. One note I will say a lot of the movement skills have delays at the end, I wish this were changed some way. Run seems short of the distance-marker too.

Skill 3 : Gleaming Disc .. TL:DR / My summary .. improve / add cripple + Increase both Radius effects range.
Notes/recommendations : Not a lot to say, had to give this one some thought, seeing I was just using it for the boons mainly going in and out of the fights, BUT, I Can see this skill having a lot of potential combined with skill 4 and 5. IMO .. I Think it would better if it crippled when you cast it, and does the blinding when illuminating effect as well. Both the " Radius " + " Shockwave Radius " could be increased.

Skill 4 : Solar Storm .. Liked this one a lot.
Notes/recommendations : I like the way this skill works and looks as a ranged or over-head aoe attack. I tried ' Permeating Wrath ' trait with this, for its multi-hit capability. I wonder how this might be on a high/higher damage build than what I was using...   🙂

Skill 5 : Symbol of Luminance .. / increase knockback + lower CD.
Notes/recommendations : In play I'd usually use this skill before the others because it made sense. Add more than ' 0 ' knockback distance I think.  Also, lower the cool down slightly.

I found it pretty fun on DH in WvW. I Can't speak/say for the other elite-specs, or core Guard.

Main change to make is SKILL 1 ... PLEASE ANET CONSIDER MY IDEA!! 🙂 (and other peoples ideas too..)

That's all I have for now.

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Regular spear skills

I think that spear skills in their regular form are quite well rounded: cone AoE auto, movement skill, melee cleave attack, ranged attack, symbol with a CC and weakness.


Illuminated spear skills

My issues lie here. Illuminated skills are very uniteresting and weak. I can only guess that they are balanced this way because in a perfect scenerio Guardian can constantly chain illuminated skills. Which is wrong. If we can do this then there is no point in having this mechanic in the first place. Illuminated skill should be way more impactful than its regular version.

My idea is that there should be no individual conditions we have to fulfill to get the next spear illuminated. The only condition would be that every second skill gets illuminated. It would promote a combo oriented playstale and smarter skill usage. Symbol of Luminance would be even more fun because it would create a window where you can really unleash your all.


Illuminated Daybreaking Slash

Yes. Symbol of Luminance should enable Illuminated version of Daybreaking Slash. When you stay on top of your own Symbol of Luminance the auto attack would be empowered. That would increase player choice of skill usage.

Illuminated Helio Rush

Regular version is a dash which heals allies and damages enemies you pass through. Illuminated version should be a rapid charge. You charge forward healing, transforming 1 condition into a boon on allies you pass through. The first enemy you hit with the spear point takes massive damage and gets stunned.

That's what I mean by illuminated skills being more impactful. Right now illuminated helio rush heals but a bit more. That's the most boring design there is especially when compared to some other professions and their spear designs. 

Illuminated Gleaming Disc

Blind and Fury on a delay. This has to be looked into. Every Guardian spear skills except Symbol of Luminance features design choices I don't fully comprehend. Why is there blind on delay? It's just pointless random condition application. That's the entirety of what the illuminated version does. Why would I ever want to empower this skill? 

Illuminated Solar Storm

My only issue is tht the Illuminated Solar Storm increases number of damage instances but the limit of hits on each target remains the same. It should also be increased from 3 to 5 (at least).

Illuminated Symbol of Luminance

The best skill in the kit. A proper interesting design. Both the regular and illuminated versions are good. Regular version can be used in stationary builds while illuminated works great with movement oriented builds. This skill opens a window to unleash the full power of spear. I like how it tells power oriented enemies "You don' want to fight me now." I really like this skill. Even though it has long cooldown I think it pays off with weakness application and reapplication as well as CC and some healing if we trait for symbols. 


All in all I think devs shhould look into the Illumination mechanic. Rework it to be more impactful and player choice oriented as well as bring other skills to the Symbol of Luminance level of impact. I would Also like to see Illuminated auto attack only when the symbol is on. That's my feedback. 

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Great weapon, cool design.

Would like to see the Illuminated bonuses be a bit strongly and more broadly useful regardless of the type of build or content you're playing (Power / Healing, PvE / PvP, etc.)

Helio Rush doesn't seem to grant the boons/healing to yourself, so it's only really useful for a healer. Granting Resolution to allies isn't as useful in PvE as in PvP.  The range indicator is much longer than the actual range of the skill, which is misleading. I would really like to see a rework of this skill or at least some significant tweaking to make it more reliable, reactive, and useful.

All the other skills are thematically cool, mechanically interesting, and seem powerful from multiple angles. Overall, this is a well-designed weapon! Thanks for all your hard work, ANet. 🙂

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  • The autoattack needs to be a two part chain. It has the animation for it. This will allow you to put more damage on to it because it is lacking. A chain auto attack would help add more ways to get illuminated.
  • Helio Rush feels off. It definitely needs to be sped up as it doesn't feel very good in any mode. The illuminated bonus needs to be reworked, self protection or aegis would be a nice addition to the illuminated bonus
  • Gleaming Disc is the best skill on the kit.
  • Solar Storm is alright. Damage is decent, the illuminated effect should increase the amount of hits a target can be hit. 
  • Symbol of Luminance cooldown needs to be lowered. This symbol's cooldown is 60% longer than any other guardian symbol. A cooldown between 16-18 seconds would feel much better. The knockback tooltip is weird, not sure why they didn't do a knockdown instead. 


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My take on Guaridan.

PVE tried with full zerker, and cleric (semi-worthless in the spear context, but had to try). Willbender and Dragonhunter.

Willbender; too much mobility.

Dragonhunter feels much better.


The range of the habilities ARE a mess, you can't find the good range, and by the time you do, better go melee.

The illuminated mechanic is,... so so; You don't need to play arround getting illuminated as you always are, so why bother playing arround getting the buff? Reduce the ways to get illuminated and buff their effects on skills.   


 1) It's me or it doesn't heal you? either way the range is too short. It should have and illuminated buff (more healing or extra range or something)

2) It's fine outside willbender. On willbender you get sick and move too much arround. 

3) Weird melee option on a short distance ranged kit. Odd. Well timed has perma fury.

4) Ok hability on paper. you should change the illuminated buf. If illuminated more strikes, no need to be inside the circle.

5) Should blind by default on deployment. The spear encourages you to move outside the circle (skill 2 and very short ranged options). The illuminated version is worthless; you are "always" iluminated. You should change the illuminated version and make the circle bigger and more time active symbol.     

Edited by Dresde.4170
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My feedback on Spears GW2

I focused on the Guardian using the female human character animations. Everything below is my opinion. I don’t play PvP, WvW, or high end PvE, so my opinions are centered on how I think the animations look and how fun the skills are.


Non-Skill Animations:


Static Stance. The design here is kind of strange. The whole point of a spear is to have a melee weapon with great reach and more power by using both hands. Holding the spear behind you with your hand out front doesn’t make sense to me. If you hold a spear one-handed, it’s because you are either riding a mount or you have a shield in the other hand.


Static Idle Animation 1. Spinning is a cool trick, and this animation looks nice, though I’d prefer this to be the less common animation of the two.


Static Idle Animation 2. Switching to underhand as if preparing to throw the spear is a very pleasant way to show the character fidgeting with the weapon. I’d prefer this to be the more common animation.


Walking forward, forward left, forward right. Again with two hands, this animation would look a little nicer and more realistic. If I’m moving forward with a spear, there’s probably an enemy I’m pursuing. Therefore my weapon needs to be thrust-ready.


Strafing left and right, walking backwards, back left and back right. I like these animations for acknowledging the need to tuck this very long polearm under your elbow to carry it one-handed.


All of that said with animations, The transition from two-handed carry to one-handed carry just with a change of direction doesn’t make much sense with this style of game. I wish the spear was either one-handed so you can use a shield or two-handed.


Skill Animations:


  1. First animation is a one-handed stab that somehow has the other hand in there for a brief moment? Not sure what is supposed to be going on here. Second animation is a reckless swing as if it was a Greatsword. These weapons were meant for their superior thrusting power. And as for the blast of light, I get it, Guardian is GW2’s version of a Paladin, but it just looks tacky.

  2. Two-handed charge! Finally an animation in the right direction, though why is the non-dominant hand forward?

  3. For the sake of a move focusing on magical effect, the big spin jump looks satisfying.

  4. The transition from over-handed to under-handed before throwing the spear is clean and the throw looks good. The glowing spears emerging in all directions from the symbol in the sky looks amazing. 

  5. While personally, I wouldn’t want to dull my spearhead in the dirt, the animation looks good for a big AoE magic effect. That said, the 4 Skill’s animation looks more befitting of a huge 5 Skill effect, and this skill would probably better serve as a 4 Skill animation.


Skill Mechanics:


  1. Damage and a heal, can’t ask for anything else from a holy warrior.

  2. I think this move either needs to move faster or further, though probably not both. As for the second 2 Skill that stops the charge, I think the 1 Skill would be a better way to stop a charge with a final thrust. Also, similar to Dragonhunter’s Longbow 3 Skill or all 5 of Engineer’s Grenade Kit Skills, this move probably doesn’t need a targeting step. Just charge the already targeted enemy, no?

  3. A short range AoE with Might, Fury and Blindness when Illuminated isn’t bad, but I think some more “oomph” from the Illuminated version would be nice. I’m not sure what this skill is missing, but it is a little underwhelming. Also, the tooltip puts Might below Illuminated and Fury, but it is granted even without Illumination, I think the tooltip could be more clear.

  4. As mentioned above with the animations of the 4 and 5 Skills, I think this skill should be dialed up and moved to 5 with 5’s illumination trigger and requirements.

  5. Furthermore, since 5 is a Symbol (or is it? Since Symbol isn’t highlighted, maybe that could be addressed as well) I believe it should be the 4 Skill similar to how Greatsword and Longbow have their symbols on their 4 Skill slot.


Maybe I’m too harsh in my opinions, I always viewed Guardian character to be a Lancer/Spearman in my mind, so seeing the new spear be mostly one-handed and swing in circles with odd cones of light just made me a little disappointed.

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Well., first of all, lets not pretend this is final, for every class we know they will make small changes, either in area, in numbers, in duration, in boons, etc, and so far what i have seen with spear seems fine, not AMAZING and not HORRIBLE either, an ok first draft, but here is the "BUT"..... BUT, for most parts, all classes were granted something they were lacking in some sence, be it mobility, or that particular class didnt have a ranged strike damage build for example (warrior), but the one and ONLY thing that guardian to this day still doesnt have was not given to it, and that is any form of boon removal, that would have been a value, a reason to actually play spear.... if is only damage, i have two handed sword or bow, if is for healing, staff is better, if is condition, axe or pistols.... spear does NOT give anything we already have in some form, so what is the point? give us a reason, something we dont have in other weapons, and then maybe we will consider it

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Hate the dash on spear 2. Throws you out of combat every time and is difficult to cancel in mid dash. Found myself hitting it accidentally in combat and that made it really frustrating. Also the symbol doesn't seem to last long enough and if there's some sort of healing I didn't feel it at all while using the spear's various attacks. Feels lackluster compared to other guardian weapons. The ranged bombardment is pretty cool though the graphic is a bit too solid and hard to see through. PvE feedback of course.

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I love how spear 1 is just like the old staff 1. At least, I wouldn’t mind to get the Wave of Wrath back somehow. While I love the staff’s rework, I still miss the wide hit in an advanced melee range.
Maybe, they should just reintroduce this skill on spear 1 with its old, less “shiny” animation and effects.

Edited by AllNightPlayer.1286
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From the viewpoint of a player who spends it's majority of time in open world soloing. :)

  • Spear 1: I'd prefer if it could do dmg Around you, not in a cone in front of you, for more convinience, and less struggle with aiming. FurthermoreI also find a bit low on dmg, when playing it on solo open world. 
  • Spear 2: I really don't like the forward charge animation. It's slow and also puts you in unwanted positions most of the time.. A nice change woud be really nice. For example, it could have target like willbender's F1, or like Sword 2 ( that's fast and has target + mobility., also don't want the exact same skill on spear :D ) 
  • Spear 3: I think it's an okay skill, but a nice heal or CC would be really nice on it. 
  • Spear 4: I really like that skill. Altho I'd wish that it would not have that rain effect. Instead of that I'd really love to have a Pulsating effect on it. ( That would look soooooo cooool ^^ ) Also increasing the targets from 3 to 5 would be awesome. 
  • Spear 5: Love the artwork on it! :classic_love: But I think it dosen't last long enough. + it could do a bit more CC. 


  • The Illuminating mechanic:: I love the concept, but giving how the spear works currently, the only viable option for u RN is SKill: 5-4-3-2 to get the maximum benefit. After that it's pointless to stay on spear. On the other hand, I absolutely loved the mech of the mesmer spear. I think it's much more enjoyable to have 1 spammy skill, that can empower the rest of your ki, giving u the option for what u want to empower. Also with that u can keep cycleing through the skills, wich leads u to use the spear more than just spamming all ur ksills, than switch. The same mech would feel awesome on gua in my oppinion. :classic_wink:( I also love playing mesmer, and find those skills awesome! Congrats ont hose! <3 :classic_love:)
  • And the last thing on Gua spears, I find the Cooldowns of the skills a bit high. a Nice cut like 1-3 sec from all skills, especially Skill 5 would make it more usable in my oppinion. 

All in all I think it has some issues but the concept is good, and U can fix it for sure! Though the heal / damage mix of this waepon feels a bit strange. I think it should focus either heal or dmg. If u try to mix this together u end up with a weapon that lacks on both sides.


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Disclaimer: I exclusively played small-scale WvW roaming on a power burst build during the beta.

Spear was incredible, though a good chunk of that was due to the bug where Helio Rush (2) could multi-hit downed players (most I saw was 5 hits for a total ~30k dmg). If/when this bug is fixed, it'd be cool if we could at least partially preserve it with a 3x damage mod against downed foes. Kill-secure tools are awesome, and I wish we had a few more of them in the game.

Daybreaking Slash (1): 5/10. Echoing the comments above, I'd consider increasing the target caps on the auto to 5, at least in PvE, and maaaaybe giving the ability to self-target with it if the heal remains as small as it is. The range/arc could also use a slight bump, as it was often VERY difficult to land on allies in an actual fight.

Helio Rush (2): 8/10. Great mobility tool, especially for the less-mobile specs like core and FB. The heal is either a touch too weak, or should at least heal the user as well. While the animation windup felt awkward at first, I got used to it after a few hours and it didn't bother me after that. The ability to cancel it early at any time is the perfect solution to the "forced movement" complaint people often have with these types of skills. (I think a lot of the forced-movement feedback was due to people not knowing that you could do this.)

Gleaming Disc (3): 9/10. The delayed 2nd hit made it great for combos, and the extra effects are icing on top. Could maybe stand to be a blast finisher instead of whirl, though.

Solar Storm (4): 10/10. I love the consistent pattern on this one. Damage is good, cleave potential is great, and having a cleanse tool on a weapon is fantastic.

Symbol of Luminance (5): 11/10. CC? Resistance? Weakness? Buffs all of your other weapon skills? People complaining about the 20s cooldown are NOT appreciating how overloaded this thing is. I'd maybe reduce it in PvE just for the Zeal GM trait that relies on symbol procs to upkeep a damage mod though. 15s would make it 12s w/ alac, which would be fine for upkeeping the 15s duration buff (and squeezing a little more damage per weapon swap rotation into it, making up for the weak autos).

Edited by cat.8975
forgot to mention the helio rush cancel flipover
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1 hour ago, cat.8975 said:

People complaining about the 20s cooldown are NOT appreciating how overloaded this thing is. I'd maybe reduce it in PvE just for the Zeal GM trait that relies on symbol procs to upkeep a damage mod though. 15s would make it 12s w/ alac, which would be fine for upkeeping the 15s duration buff (and squeezing a little more damage per weapon swap rotation into it, making up for the weak autos).

They are, but you are forgetting about Honor guards. Spear is a great fit for the Honor trait line, except for the overly long CD. Most of us would be happy with lower durations on the boon and condition if it means a lower CD for WoP.

And let's be honest, right now most of these illuminated effects are not that stellar. I do hope that changes, however.

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Can we please overhaul Guardian Spear, It's not an interesting weapon at all and has the most basic skills and Spear doesn't need any Healing we have better weapons to achieve that role.

Skill 1, Daybreaking Slash:
Opinion: Scrap this Skill Type and Name. FB Mantra Skills already have a Cone and AoE effect, having a Cone AA for a Spear Weapon looks thematically strange/weird/dumb for a thrusting and slashing weapon type. Healing doesn't make a lick of sense on Spear, I'd rather a offensive-boon/condi and Power DPS focus.

Suggestion: As for changing Skill 1, I enjoy the flow of having a Ranged Attack at distance and then dealing Melee Attacks at close range. As for naming the Ranged Attack, Helios Thrust. Melee Attack would be, Helios Strike. I think using the Greek Sun God's name would be better fitting for the Auto Attack(s).

Helios Thrust should be a 3x channel attack, throwing three Yellow Spears in a row and increasing in damage, this would be a Power Based attack.
Illuminated: Afflict Burning.

Helios Strike could be a Yellow Spear Head (visually made of Light) that'll forum at the tip of the Spear as if channeling Sunlight at the Spear Head and dealing Power & Burning Damage.
Illuminated: Apply Might to you and Allies.

Note: These changes would work better with the Illuminated mechanic of Skill 5.

Skill 2, Helio Rush:
Opinion: Please don't make a Ground Targeted skill that's only based on the Positioning of your Cursor and ignores Snap to Targeting of a Enemy, this is extremely difficult to use effectively and just clucky/old design. I don't see any use in it being a Amo Skill while also having a secondary skill that stops the action which is really weird. Yet again, please rename the skill.

Suggestion: Rename to, Sun God's Wrath (Skill Flip: Sun God's Strike). I believe a Dash Forward skill would still be very fun but need drastic changes. Make Skill 2 only be activated/used by needing a Enemy Target, with a full 900 range the player Dashes Forward and Through a Targeted Enemy, leaving a AoE trail of Damaging Light that's a ground Trail of Yellow Spear visuals pulsing Power Damage over 3-5 seconds.

Skill Flip: Sun God's Strike. Charge at Targeted Foe and Strike with a upward Spear attack (Launch CC) 100 Break Bar Damage.

Illuminated: Remove Cripple & Immobilize for you and Allies you pass through, Skill Flip; applies Immobilize to foe. (Keeping to the original theme)

Skill 3, Gleaming Disc:
Opinion: Why? I don't think this skill is very good for Damage and using it with Luminated feels like a waste for Boons I can obtain with easier means. It's confusing . . . spinning around and then exploding seconds later. The name doesn't add up either with the visuals, when I think of a Disc I picture a spinning circular light that's flat, not a weird Star Symbol that's completely static. I think this skill needs to be scrapped as well even with the original Name.

Suggestion: Rename the skill to, Dawn's Judgement. Leap at your foe (600 Range) and land with a devastating AoE attack causing Damage and Confusion, trapping foes within a Light Field of Spears. Lasting for 3 seconds.

Luminated: Applies Protection & Regeneration to you and Allies, afflicting Blind on Foes.

Skill 4, Solar Storm:
Opinion: I like the name, and I wouldn't overhaul this skill, it behaves normally with the Targeting Functions.

Suggestion: Add the Cripple Condition to the Luminated Mechanic.

Skill 5, Symbol of Luminesce:
Opinion: Visually very confusing for the function of this symbol having Defiance Damage, I think a Light pulsing affect would help with the dishing out of Symbol/CC Damage and active Affects.

Suggestion: I would change the CC type from, Knock Back, to, Knock Down, so the Defiance Damage makes a little more sense and I agree with upping the Defiance Damage amount to 300.

Luminated Application: When this effect is done being worked on I hope it has a cool Golden Buff Affect (visual) while active. But I feel like the Buff should last longer than the Symbol Duration, 4-6 seconds (Wit of Persistence, Trait) to use the Luminated Effects is very short from a skill that has a 20 CD (Cool Down), I'd like the buff to last for 15 seconds to give the player enough time to use it effectively in combat.

The End:
I'm really disappointed in the current design of Guardian Spear and I hope you'll strongly consider my suggestions, I think my ideas make this weapon more ideal for aggressive game play and would work between PvE and PvP game play, people like skills that close in on enemies quite fast and have a higher chance to land hits while disrupting other players.

I think these are good ideas. Thanks for reading. ❤️

Edited by Tearthy Flame.1463
Wit of Persistence Added.
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