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How has the restructure changed your GW2 life?

How has the restructure changed your GW2 play time?  

244 members have voted

  1. 1. How has your time in-game changed since the most recent update?

    • I play more than I did before
    • Nothing changed
    • I play less
    • I basically quit
  2. 2. Do you prefer the new system or the old system?

    • I prefer the new system
    • I prefer the old system

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I play considerably less since the first week of the WR. Completely unbalanced matchups for the first two weeks and in the third week it would appear that the numbers might be similar, as in all three have virtually none during the timezone I play. I've just lost all interest in WvW and for the first time in a long time, I've not bothered about the pips or weeklies, not that I actually need them in the first place.

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12 hours ago, Zamiel.2130 said:

I've just lost all interest in WvW

This is something that is affecting a part of the players. including me. But we like this game, we've always liked it. So we're going to have to digest it somehow. I still don't know how and how long it will take to accept it. Personally, I put all my last faith in the overhaul/update of our points system.

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They thought guilds will ally together to have a better chance against their competition. Top guilds ended up collaborating together and killed the game mode entirely.

How did anet not take this into consideration just baffles me.

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I essentially quit. I do come back from time to time for currencies but I don't play for the game mode anymore. As soon as I got what I need I leave again. I don't care about WvW itself anymore really. It's not just the restructuring that did that though. There are a couple of other things that Anet refuses to fix that already made it difficult for me to care anymore.

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I think they underestimated the importance of "server identity" for the game mode to work properly in its current iteration. The wvw sandbox kind of depended on the illusion that the structures you fight over matter (the enemy tries to take away something from your server to which you belonged) and are not only there to provide "content".

I don't think teams/guilds can replace that - teams are too artificial (after four weeks you'll be on the next team), guilds too small (the hbl garri is not the home garri of the guild but of the team, if something goes wrong you can blame the other kitten guilds on the team because, again, in four weeks they'll be gone).

It might just be my experience being on a pretty dead team but when I log-in I have a hard time caring about what happens and soon log out again.

I won't pretend that server identity mattered for all players (it surely did not matter very much for server hopping guilds) but it mattered for many players that may have formed the backbone for the gamemode. They old system had a lot of problems but at the moment I am not sure if the new problems created by the current system are not even worse.

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For me the server community was what made WvW a unique gamemode.
Guilds, roamers, home border defenders, … all made up one community that worked together to defend and represent our server.
This community has been formed over the years and led to a very dynamic and engaging gameplay.

With WR we lost our community and our server identity. People playing in multiple guilds on different raid nights suddenly had to choose which guild to stay in and which to leave behind since we can’t all fit in some artificial limit. Those without a guild were lost to the void since alliance guilds filled up quickly. In other words people who’ve been happily playing together for years (without being obliged to be in the same guild) are now scattered all over the place with no way to get back together.

Team chat was always full of scout reports and roamer info so we knew which objective needed help. In the current system, Team chat has devolved into flame wars, insults and continuous complaining, all speckled with a dose of salt. 99% of the names in Team chat I don’t even recognize.

Each server had their own way of working, their own playstyle. These now all got mixed together. I’m not saying one is better than the other, but there is a reason why like-minded people were playing on a server together. In between Guild raids I would join the roamers to help defend our border. When I now log in between Guild raids there is a bunch of random people with zero interest in defending anything.

Where previously everyone would come and help defend home garri, today the sentiment I see is “not my tower” i.e. there is no affinity with the random gibberish name now floating on our garri. Different groups have zero incentive to work together since in a few weeks everything gets randomly shuffled again anyway.

And why did we lose our community? Don’t say “b4l4nc3” because that’s the one thing I haven’t seen in any match-up ...

Here’s to hoping this ‘beta’ gets shelved quickly so we can get back to our proper servers and enjoy this gamemode again.

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JW has to be amazing for me not to quit. As a casual WvW player the mode is no longer the fun game mode I hit up on a random night. Without WvW I can not get any GoB. Without GoB I can't make legendaries. I've been playing off and on for years. Without my goals to make legendaries there's no reason to keep playing. This is my favorite game and now it just feels so empty. Soto left a really bad taste in my mouth and now this. I WANT to keep playing, I WANT to support the game and spend money in the gem store, I want to look forward to the yearly expansions. But these two fumbles back to back really broke my trust in Anet. I know it's  dramatic to say but I do feel like I'm in mourning.

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I used to play wvw a lot, casually, not in a guild, just jump in find a tag  and play, or roam a bit off hours with anyone I ran into, flipping camps, skirmishing with anyone we found.

With the restructure it was such a s....show that i basically quit for a while. Jumped back in recently to see if it had improved...its actually worse.

I'm just getting the last few tickets I need for a 2nd conflux and I'll probably abandon the gamemode entirely.

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Posted (edited)

Anet, Good Job  

for me its same as old "system" nothing has changed,only now we dont have Toxic WSR with AutoDodger's but we have Mirror of Lyssa that has 10x more people then other servers.

as i said,Good Job Anet 😄




Edited by Boki.8156
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I can't see the point of this so-called World Restructuring. How is this better/different? Even alliance guilds are complaining that they are matched up with people whose language they don't speak. Fun and performance seem to have worsened. What's the point, really?

It starts to feel like they only did this change for a lack of better, innovative ideas for WvW, like a new map, new directives and mechanics (siege turtles?). Same old same old, only worse. 😄

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On 6/28/2024 at 11:13 PM, Ronin.4501 said:

The reality for probably 75% of the players, especially in this particular gamemode, is that they expect others to do things for them. They want to reap the most rewards from putting forth the least effort. And so a lot of those same players expected someone else to set up their alliance, put forth the effort to bring balance to their alliance by recruiting guilds that would give maximum coverage, fight guilds and ppt guilds, etc.  And when that didn't happen they got stuck with guilds and players they either don't know or don't mesh well with, and now they want to complain about it. And the sad reality is if Anet wiped the slate clean and did this all again, the results would probably be exactly the same. And I'm sure I'll get 3x the confused emojis that I get in likes, but that's just because it's coming from those players who didn't want to make the effort. I really don't feel sorry for them.

Amen preach 

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Like everyone complaining about restructure to be balanced on launch  your mental. Every month it will improve as how others systems were introduced were dog in begining but got better as months went. 

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Personally i don't even see the point on whole thing as it took like 4 hours or so to WvW return its unbalanced state only difference is that server community feel is now gone and i have no idea who any of these people are that i am with in the battle. Also there seems to either be no commanders on our team or tags are constantly just hiden which itself makes the whole gamemode unplayable because you can't see where our team is or what is going on.

Whole new system is just dog crap.


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Someone came in the bl map I was in just to yell at us for being "casuals" because we weren't fighting in EB, complaining about how there weren't any fights despite me having fought 5 people in the time they were complaining. Because apparently EB is the only place real pvp exists. And this was during dead hours and even EB was pretty quiet. Just a tiny sample of the experience that is WR.

Suffice it to say that I've been in a pretty bad mood while playing. It wasn't a surprise as I, alongside most of my server, dreaded this since we learned about it. I already didn't enjoy server links as it meant getting tossed in with some incredibly toxic people who couldn't care less about anything but "fights" (but only fights they deemed worthy of the term). Obviously this system just made that worse.

I want to play in the way that I want, and I want these "fights" people to play how they want, but this system is making all of us clash and it's really not serving anyone except for a very select few.

Edited by meerfunkuhtron.9725
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12 minutes ago, meerfunkuhtron.9725 said:

Suffice it to say that I've been in a pretty bad mood while playing. It wasn't a surprise as I, alongside most of my server, dreaded this since we learned about it. I already didn't enjoy server links as it meant getting tossed in with some incredibly toxic people who couldn't care less about anything but "fights" (but only fights they deemed worthy of the term). Obviously this system just made that worse.


i've found the complete opposite. back on gh with some of the links there was some right nasty folks (and some lovely) maybe you've some of my old lot. it does highlight that regardless of the grouping method there's some players that will pull more than their share of weight and create content and some that are just going to gripe

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On 7/10/2024 at 2:04 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

 What's the point, really?

The point is automatization. Laying the groundwork for putting GW2 into maintenance mode.

They no longer have to put in 5 minutes linking servers every few weeks which makes it easier to completely shift their focus to GW3 in the future. That's the only reason why they'd force this garbage system on us.

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- I don't bother checking the map for contested stuff anymore. Especially Towers get flipped like camps nowadays, so why bother? Just recap.

- Unlike previous expansions, i did not pre-order Janthir Wilds because of their recent wvw kittenups. 🙂

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I sleep less, more to do since I know others are not there to do it. Was asked this tonight and hadn't said yet, but it is a thing. Like the tourney days we need peeps minding the walls. So there is much to do.

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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Conceptually I don't care about restructuring at all but mostly stopped playing WvW because the team I'm on is empty except during OCX time. Outnumbered buff on all maps during EU/NA times. Also the extra tier makes roaming even more dead. 

Cut out the extra tier, fix time zone balance for team creation and I'll come back. 

Edited by Zephyrus.9680
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