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World Restructuring Status Update

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2 hours ago, MercurialKuroSludge.8974 said:

Most ppl in the forums were begging for Tier reduction again, and now that most ppl finally have what they wanted, they are unhappy again.
I mean sure, you can blame the algorithm for MAYBE assigning too many ppl, but the que has always been nuts on resets.

Lol this has been the case for years. 

No queues: "WvW is dead, no one is playing!"
Queues: "WvW is dead, I cant play!"

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2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Lol this has been the case for years. 

No queues: "WvW is dead, no one is playing!"
Queues: "WvW is dead, I cant play!"

Dawdler stop being contrive, what did you see? What were your queues? Did the remove help or hurt during reset? That was the question.

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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4 hours ago, MercurialKuroSludge.8974 said:

Most ppl in the forums were begging for Tier reduction again, and now that most ppl finally have what they wanted, they are unhappy again.
I mean sure, you can blame the algorithm for MAYBE assigning too many ppl, but the que has always been nuts on resets.

Agree, saw excess queues that people logged out versus trying to wait. The biggest queue versus what Riba implies was RBL at 60 compared to others at 20-40 in NA. So those not in were locked out for the night. 

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8 hours ago, MercurialKuroSludge.8974 said:

Most ppl in the forums were begging for Tier reduction again, and now that most ppl finally have what they wanted, they are unhappy again.
I mean sure, you can blame the algorithm for MAYBE assigning too many ppl, but the que has always been nuts on resets.

Sorry, I think you misunderstand what I'm trying to ask. I'm not making a comment one way or the other about which set of tier numbers is good; I'm asking if anyone knows of anything put out formally that said they were reducing the tiers back down to the previous number of tiers. The fact is, none of us could find anything stating that they were planning to do that, which suggests that - yet again - there is a bug in team creation. 

We had a quite a few discussions in our guild about if the extra tier was necessary or not. Our experience over the last six weeks was that the extra tier led to teams being heavily unbalanced in terms of population; the teams we were again were heavily populated and effectively "blob central" while our own team was highly outnumbered (both in reality and in actual status condition) 90% of the time. The internal thought was that the extra tier may have been the cause of that, and reducing it back to what it was might help to fix that. But we decided to give this new system another chance before changing out we were affecting our how team assignment through guild selections, based on the thinking that the next four weeks would have teams created under the same parameters (ie, increased tier numbers) to see if the so called changed to the team building process would actually work.  It's hard for us to evaluate if something is actually working (in this case, both tier numbers and team creation) if we're 1) not told that the thing is actually changing intentionally or 2) the thing changes unintentionally and the devs aren't aware of it to fix it. 

Yes, ques are a part of WvW; I'm perfectly aware of that. The problem is, that operating off of the previous standard of 5 and 4 tiers under this new system appeared to cause impossible queues not only on reset but during primetime for the rest of the week as well, which is why they increased the tier to begin with. But the problem with team population imbalance was caused less so by tier numbers (I won't say that this didn't have some level of impact on it) and more so with their faulty team creation process, faults that they were supposedly addressing and putting fixes into place for this matchup/linking. Faults which, from what I was able to hear last night, very likely still exist. 

According to the devs, one of the most common complaints during the on/off beta of this system was queues being absurd. Queues shouldn't be an hours long process with literally no position movement. Never mind the fact that they shouldn't be an hours long process with no position movement where every member of your guild is saying that they're basically all the same queue number... The queue system itself is incredibly broken in the game. And according to anet when they made this new system "permanently on", they were addressing this by increasing the tiers to reduce the load across the servers, but now they appear to have changed that once again, either intentionally or unintentionally. Personally, I would say that this is primarily caused by their faulty team creation system because while we did have ques with servers, they weren't nearly as bad or broken as they appear to be with the random luck of the draw team building process. And having clear information from the dev team about what they are or aren't doing would very much help us to know how to evaluate the system and make adjustments accordingly. 

Now, if something was put out that said they were going to reduce the tiers back down to the original numbers, great! Could you please link it to me? Otherwise, this current issue feels like a bug that the devs should know about, since it is negatively impacting gameplay for many, many people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Compare how many active players there were in WvW before the start of the beta and now, and you'll understand whether your experiment is successful or not. Personally, I think it's not. I have 3 different accounts and everywhere it's the same - there are fewer people playing WvW.

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On 8/7/2024 at 4:28 AM, XenesisII.1540 said:

It's kinda funny they were willing to disable transfers for WR, but not for servers. 🤭

There was a way to stop large guilds insta-transferring to another server when that server was open for transfers. Have the available space as a variable in the database (probably already is). Only process each transfer after decreasing that number by one. Trying to get a guild of 200 over to a new server. Hope that

1. There are 200 available spaces, and

2. No-one else is trying to transfer

Server bandwaggoning problem solved.

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59 minutes ago, Hesione.9412 said:

There was a way to stop large guilds insta-transferring to another server when that server was open for transfers. Have the available space as a variable in the database (probably already is). Only process each transfer after decreasing that number by one. Trying to get a guild of 200 over to a new server. Hope that

1. There are 200 available spaces, and

2. No-one else is trying to transfer

Server bandwaggoning problem solved.

The problem is they weren't willing to do anything other than implement WR, thus anything else would have been a temporary fix which they didn't want to waste time on. So they let wvw sit and rot for 6 years.


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Just now, XenesisII.1540 said:

The problem is they weren't willing to do anything other than implement WR, thus anything else would have been a temporary fix which they didn't want to waste time on. So they let wvw sit and rot for 6 years.


I'm not sure what problem WR is trying to solve. Nothing has been said by Anet that couldn't have been fixed by other means.

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7 minutes ago, Hesione.9412 said:

I'm not sure what problem WR is trying to solve. Nothing has been said by Anet that couldn't have been fixed by other means.

A number of problems.. most of which looks like it didn't, and the only one that works is no transferring, which could have been done in the old system too... 


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On 8/10/2024 at 2:10 AM, XenesisII.1540 said:

A number of problems.. most of which looks like it didn't, and the only one that works is no transferring, which could have been done in the old system too... 


Server transfer was the best way for the community to balance their own game mode. It's the same as before in terms of stacking...now though you can't transfer to avoid getting abused/spawn camped 24/7 with no tower owned for 1 month. There is no point for people to stick around, they can't fight boonblobs, these days people don't even try to defend T3 targets..no point getting farmed by boonblobs. WvW right now is just "cap tower behind their back" ....soon we will have only enough people to cover 3 worlds...This WR is just BS..

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/26/2024 at 10:34 PM, MercurialKuroSludge.8974 said:

Most ppl in the forums were begging for Tier reduction again, and now that most ppl finally have what they wanted, they are unhappy again.
I mean sure, you can blame the algorithm for MAYBE assigning too many ppl, but the que has always been nuts on resets.

Yea that's one of the biggest issues over all and always has been, anet needs to get rid of the que, the server needs to be able to handle its own population

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On 7/27/2024 at 6:34 AM, MercurialKuroSludge.8974 said:

Most ppl in the forums were begging for Tier reduction again, and now that most ppl finally have what they wanted, they are unhappy again.
I mean sure, you can blame the algorithm for MAYBE assigning too many ppl, but the que has always been nuts on resets.

What are you even talking about? EU had 5 tiers, EU still have 5 tiers. EU got 1 more tier during the first worldrestruction period where Arena Net apparently expected a rush to WvW to happen even though there was no advertising nor any buffs or anything else indicating that they finally where going to release a new thing in WvW, so with 6 tiers in EU and 5 in NA it became a wasteland on so many worlds. They instantaly removed those tiers both in EU and NA at the first re-shuffle.

The reduction of tiers when servers was a thing in NA was ages ago and they are still on 4. And the tier reduction many of us asked for, including me was asked for the server version. Because that meant that more players would be spread out to the already empty servers. Which would have been a improvement.


What ever going on now where just a few worlds in EU and NA are overpopulated and the rest seem to see the outnumbered buff even on prime more often then not, well i dont really think tier reduction is going to change anything since it is Anet  that is populating the worlds now, and on each re-shuffle they have overpopulated a few of the worlds and left the rest to just struggle against those over populated worlds. I guess it could also be more players that is not playing the game often enough whilst the overpopulated get all the veterans. At this point i dont really know tbh. 

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Endless queues for hours; it was impossible to play this afternoon. Where is the number balancing to balance the servers that ArenaNet promised? You have no shame, when you pay for a game you want to play it, not wait for hours to enter a map. Keep fooling us, we'll see how long you last wvw.

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1 hour ago, rthgw.4901 said:

Endless queues for hours; it was impossible to play this afternoon. Where is the number balancing to balance the servers that ArenaNet promised? You have no shame, when you pay for a game you want to play it, not wait for hours to enter a map. Keep fooling us, we'll see how long you last wvw.

There are those who have endless queues everywhere, and those who never have a queue. That's how things seem to be. you just have to get over it. 😉

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15 hours ago, rthgw.4901 said:

Endless queues for hours; it was impossible to play this afternoon. Where is the number balancing to balance the servers that ArenaNet promised?

Issue is that most plays only hop in WvW when they see a Q. This is prelavent issue now that there is no other way for individuals to tell when your server has activity now that restructuring is out.

The developers should probably look into adding some kind of LFG panel into WvW menu so some servers aren't stuck playing with 15-20 because no Q with enemy servers having constant Q.

Edited by Riba.3271
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I choose team manually, but it never works. Still got put in random team. Several times i choosed the team i wish to join. Still got different. Is there a time frame you have to choose teams? I user WvW menu, World Restruction folder, choose a team, accept with ok.. Still ended up in a different Team.

So i assume there is a timed "window" you have to choose. I choosed several tiimes through laste period.. But not days before 30 aug.

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On 7/16/2024 at 8:27 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Sorry about the vanishing "Join Team" button! 😬 We are working on that right now and will get a fix to you asap.

I've joined team manually many times(same team several times). Still i get random team again. Is there a time frame you have to choose(i choosen several times from last period started, but not days before new started). Through last period i choose team several times. But still was put in another team. I do not use guild, so none of my guilds are chosen. 

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4 minutes ago, maini.2564 said:

I've joined team manually many times(same team several times). Still i get random team again. Is there a time frame you have to choose(i choosen several times from last period started, but not days before new started). Through last period i choose team several times. But still was put in another team. I do not use guild, so none of my guilds are chosen. 

You can only choose a team manually if you haven't entered WvW for a certain time period (at least 1 month i would guess). Otherwise you will always be assigned a team by anet whenever teams are recreated. If you want to play together with certain players you have to join a guild together and set it as your WvW guild.

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[SOLVED]I am on the wrong team again, send in a ticket and get some generic answer.

Yes, I did set my guild as my wvw guild, but I'm just told to wait it out.

Stuck on some lobotomized fall off server with GoB tourist standing around, staring at their shoes.

Have to resist not spamming troll tickets with: WRONG TEAM, WRONG TEAM, WRONG TEAM!

Wouldn't even care if I got banned, can't play anyway.[SOLVED]


Guess I had the wrong GM.

They xferred me to my team/server

GM ZODY, I love you! 


Edited by Caille.7214
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I wish they would just go back to the way WVW was.  I play or should say, played with alot of casual guild members' from another guild I'm a member of.  Since this crappy new restructuring BS has come into play and I had to pick a guild for WVW and I picked a guild where some of my more active friends formed,   it's isolated me from being able to play WVW with my casual guild member's and now we can't earn favor together in WVW to build the guild up.  Also even when some of active friends were on and some casual friends were on we all joined up to earn favor for the one guild.  Now we can't even do that 

This restructuring really sucks and needs to be scrapped. I enjoyed WVW more when all the guilds I belonged to and all the members of those guilds and I would be in the same worlds and maps and on the same team. 

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3 hours ago, Majstk.7986 said:

I wish they would just go back to the way WVW was.  I play or should say, played with alot of casual guild members' from another guild I'm a member of.  Since this crappy new restructuring BS has come into play and I had to pick a guild for WVW and I picked a guild where some of my more active friends formed,   it's isolated me from being able to play WVW with my casual guild member's and now we can't earn favor together in WVW to build the guild up.  Also even when some of active friends were on and some casual friends were on we all joined up to earn favor for the one guild.  Now we can't even do that 

This restructuring really sucks and needs to be scrapped. I enjoyed WVW more when all the guilds I belonged to and all the members of those guilds and I would be in the same worlds and maps and on the same team. 

You can earn favor for a guild doing the guild missions while being on different teams, just like you could while being on different servers.

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The matchmaking is no working for two week we have to fight .huge number of people that camp castle and attack is all the time. No one tag will lead because everyone is random this is sad and make want to quit wvw. Return it back to the server option was way better them you want to do something for wvw add maps to it like we have copies of one map what about you making a new one so each team has their unique map. 

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