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Begging/scam tactic

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anyone seeing these people in map chat going "40g to go until i can get a legendary!" then they start thanking people for sending them gold. sometimes I see others interacting with them saying you're welcome. not sure if they're in on it or they geniunely got scammed. in any case, isnt scamming against TOS? its an option in the report section. not sure if scamming covers in game gold though.

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7 hours ago, Fipmip.7219 said:

anyone seeing these people in map chat going "40g to go until i can get a legendary!" then they start thanking people for sending them gold. sometimes I see others interacting with them saying you're welcome. not sure if they're in on it or they geniunely got scammed. in any case, isnt scamming against TOS? its an option in the report section. not sure if scamming covers in game gold though.

They're begging for gold. A scam would be that you would get something in return and they don't deliver. Sure, they might not be forthright about what they're going to use it for but you'll never know and that's the risk you take when you give gold to someone freely. 

I'm just amazed that people still fall for that but hey, it's their gold after all. So they can spend it on whatever or whoever they want. 

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7 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Thing is, for many of us veteran players(hate that name) 40g is chump change. 

I can totally see someone sending it over to some newer player, who can't wait to finish their first legendary. 


it is, but what that person should do if they really want to fast track it is invest in the game and buy a few gems.

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They might be telling the truth. I did that once, genuinely not expecting anyone to give me the gold. It was after one of the community fundraiser events (I think it was the MS Toga Party) and I said as well as being fun and raising real money for a good cause it had gotten me a bit closer to finishing my first legendary and said I only needed 13g for the last few materials. I wasn't asking for the gold, and didn't expect anyone to give it to me but when someone was kind enough to send me 13g I wasn't going to turn it down. (This was back before precursor crafting stabalised the prices, making a legendary, especially buying the precursor, had used up everything I could sell.)

We used to have a topic on this forum where people could ask for stuff they needed or wanted and other people could give it to them, or give them gold/items to put towards it. As long as they're not promising the donor something they won't recieve then it's not a scam. (Like in GW1 where people would say they needed gold to unlock the bank on a new character and would pay back 2x or 3x the cost once they'd unlocked it, then disappear with the money - that was a scam.)

If you don't think they're being honest, or you don't want to give it to them for any reason then don't. You can also block them if you want, but saying you need gold for something isn't a scam.

3 hours ago, Kinurak.5307 said:

Begging for gold or items is against ToS. Report and move on.

I'm not sure it is. There's a lot in there about how you can't use GW2 to buy or sell other products and can't buy/sell in-game items or gold for real money, but I can't see anything which says you can't ask other players for free gold.

The nearest I can find is this, in the code of conduct: "While using our Services, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to use and enjoy the Services. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, intimidate, or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other users of the Services. Similarly, you may not use communications facilities made available as part of the Services to “troll” other users or ArenaNet personnel, post or share memetic images or phrases without substantive content, intentionally cause unrest among users of the Services, or otherwise be disruptive." But that would only apply if someone else felt harassed by it, which probably only applies if they're spamming chat.

But as with anything if you're not sure it's best to report them (and maybe block them) and let Anet sort it out.

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1) Just asking for gold is not a scam.
2) If you send these people gold you are incentivizing the bad behavior.
3) Unlike in the real world, being a beggar should be a bannable offense.
4) Since it isn't, just block and move on with your live. They can't be bothered to play the game so why should you be bothered by them.

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The nature of a scam is to be promised x in exchange for y but never receiving y for x.

Begging is asking for x with nothing in return. Sometimes asking several times even after being refused.

The words that you described here is a statement, people donating after said statement is down to them. If the words reflect actual begging or a scam then you can report and/or block the player. Not to say scamming/begging doesn't happen but need to be careful of who you accuse of doing this.

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I agree with Dibit to a certain extent.  However, I have in the past seen the exact same person hopping maps and making the same statement, thanking people and all, and repeating in more maps when clearly they've gotten their "just 8 more gold" several times over.  I wasn't following them, I was just in maps where lots of players were congregating and they kept showing up to the high pop maps to maximize their chances.  Those, I reported.  There may be plausible deniability when they merely make a statement instead of outright asking, but they know darn well they'll get free gold with their lie.

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37 minutes ago, Donari.5237 said:

I agree with Dibit to a certain extent.  However, I have in the past seen the exact same person hopping maps and making the same statement, thanking people and all, and repeating in more maps when clearly they've gotten their "just 8 more gold" several times over.  I wasn't following them, I was just in maps where lots of players were congregating and they kept showing up to the high pop maps to maximize their chances.  Those, I reported.  There may be plausible deniability when they merely make a statement instead of outright asking, but they know darn well they'll get free gold with their lie.

Fair enough, but I suppose this is then a grey area as appropriate evidence would be required to prove they are indeed lying and/or scamming players. Screenshot would probably be best to give to anet to look at when reporting if they are using the same tactics on several maps.

Tbh if they do it frequently enough most people will catch on and recognise the name that either they will get reported more often or donations will diminish.

Edited by Dibit.6259
Added more and typos
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Oh, us Charr are often generous. We take washed up veterans that served the Legion under our wing.

But if the beggar is a Human, i always tell them to unequipped all their gear 1st before handing out boons.

Dont wanna get stabbed by a hidden blade if it turns out to be a disguised separatist.  o7

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Begging, while annoying, is not against the ToS - since, as others have already pointed out, there is no promise for any item to be received/exchanged in return it's not scamming. I don't have the amount of time needed today to list off all the things that are annoying in map chat, but the point is people say plenty of kitten all day long that's annoying, asking for coin is just one of them - /shrug, hit the block and move on.
If you're lucky, they will be online and you can whisper you preferred string of profanities before you do; I doubt it accomplishes anything, but I find it cathartic... 😆

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On 7/11/2024 at 1:14 PM, Dami.5046 said:

biggest troll in gaming. Probably has two accounts logged in too. Ignore.

Obviously the 2 of you who oO my post have no idea how these kind of trolls work. Some one asks for gold, someone makes a ' go farm comment' on chat then they 'use' the other account to supposedly give the gold needed and the usual 'thx dude/yw' response to make the complainer seem small and to flame. Seen it on other games.  In the other game i play it's a good day if no one asks for money.

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