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The prologue is a waste of both the developers' time and ours.

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Should have just done the short cutscene stories like in core. 2-3 minutes of easily visualized explanation, then throw us into the expac.

All this nonsense is just a waste of time Anet could have spent polishing and improving the actually expac.

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35 minutes ago, Kitty.4806 said:

Should have just done the short cutscene stories like in core. 2-3 minutes of easily visualized explanation, then throw us into the expac.

All this nonsense is just a waste of time Anet could have spent polishing and improving the actually expac.

Can you expand? What nonsense? I think I missed it. The only nonsense I heard was when the


queen's pet mesmer

opened her mouth. The rest has been great so far.

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1 hour ago, Kitty.4806 said:

Should have just done the short cutscene stories like in core. 2-3 minutes of easily visualized explanation, then throw us into the expac.

All this nonsense is just a waste of time Anet could have spent polishing and improving the actually expac.

Wow... That explains why today's youth barely reads books anymore: an utter lack of patience and appreciation for proper story development! 😱 It's also why many movies from the past 10-15 years feel so boring: no proper story-telling, pacing or character depth, just action scenes and tons special effects. This saddens me.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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5 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Wow... That explains why today's youth barely reads books anymore: an utter lack of patience and appreciation for proper story development! 😱 It's also why many movies from the past 10-15 years feel so boring: no proper story-telling, pacing or character depth, just action scenes and tons special effects. This saddens me.

Ikr.  Heaven forbid something has a decent storywith plot XD

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6 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Wow... That explains why today's youth barely reads books anymore: an utter lack of patience and appreciation for proper story development! 😱 It's also why many movies from the past 10-15 years feel so boring: no proper story-telling, pacing or character depth, just action scenes and tons special effects. This saddens me.

There is a reason we got tiktok and youtube shorts etc mate

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16 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Wow... That explains why today's youth barely reads books anymore: an utter lack of patience and appreciation for proper story development! 😱 It's also why many movies from the past 10-15 years feel so boring: no proper story-telling, pacing or character depth, just action scenes and tons special effects. This saddens me.

what does voiced video-game have to do with books..

As OP said they could have done a cutscene showing all that dialogue or make it skippable. The voice acting is a matter of taste of course. But I would like to have those dialogues sped up. I don't want to listen to them mumbling. I rather read the darn dialogue.

Was it waste of time.. idk for my first playtrough it seemed ok'ish. for second i will probably get annoyed.

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35 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Wow... That explains why today's youth barely reads books anymore: an utter lack of patience and appreciation for proper story development! 😱 It's also why many movies from the past 10-15 years feel so boring: no proper story-telling, pacing or character depth, just action scenes and tons special effects. This saddens me.

"Proper story development" - do you read anything besides Twilight?

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50 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Wow... That explains why today's youth barely reads books anymore: an utter lack of patience and appreciation for proper story development! 😱 It's also why many movies from the past 10-15 years feel so boring: no proper story-telling, pacing or character depth, just action scenes and tons special effects. This saddens me.

For infos. My hubby who has read more books than i care to say finds points of the story, in general, too long..to the point he loss interest and left. I have tried to make him come back and he maybe lasted an hour for this x-pac He barely touched Soto. We are what you would call mature gamers now, spent years playing GW and GW2 and he agrees as i have posted in another thread. GW in my opinion did story telling better without the need for 10  minutes of chat.

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3 minutes ago, Dami.5046 said:

For infos. My hubby who has read more books than i care to say finds points of the story, in general, too long..to the point he loss interest and left. I have tried to make him come back and he maybe lasted an hour for this x-pac He barely touched Soto. We are what you would call mature gamers now, spent years playing GW and GW2 and he agrees as i have posted in another thread. GW in my opinion did story telling better without the need for 10  minutes of chat.

The writers are very much in love with their own writing and there doesn't seem to be any editor who reins them in and trims the excessive bloat.

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The intro bit with the dignitaries was bearable. Ahem. For a first time play through, anyway.  Later on in bear town, though, when I saw all the kodan guys sitting around that table, each waiting for a turn to introduce themselves, well, I knew what was coming...

Silly Hyperbolic Emulation of the Experience (read it like a youtube video set at 0.5 playback speed):

"Oh, hi! I'm Chatty Windbag! I live here in Bear Town with my brother, Blabbermouth Ramble, and my other brother, Blabbermouth Ramble. Our father was Boring Monologue of the Bear Town Monologues. He married our mother, By The Way Off On A Tangent after they got into a fight about warclaw cubs: are they cute, or are they adorable? Never did settle it, either. Still a hot topic point of contention between them to this very day. But that's what keeps their relationship alive. They raised us on a  bean farm. I love beans. But my brother, Boring Monologue, says they make him gassy. Well, duh. That's what makes them so great! My other brother, Boring Monologue, likes to eat his beans one at a time. With a toothpick. Made of old growth mahogany finished with a 'thin skin' coat of nitrocellulose lacquer. Yeah, forget about that modern day polyurethane stuff. Might as well dip it in plastic. Tone woods gotta breathe, ya know. But enough about my brothers, let me tell you more about myself. This one time, at band camp, I got my head stuck in a pickle jar..."


Fortunately, that one seems like a one time and done deal.

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6 minutes ago, darkwombat.3695 said:


You are not forced to speak with Jennah, Braham or the others. You can ignore them all and go directly to the podium.

You are not forced to ask about Bangar, the pale tree or the rivalry of Cantha and the Asuras. You can ignore them all and directly get to the point of this meeting.

Yes, I am pretty sure you can skipp 80% of the dialogues if you really want.

Edited by Keymaster.7362
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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Wow... That explains why today's youth barely reads books anymore: an utter lack of patience and appreciation for proper story development! 😱 It's also why many movies from the past 10-15 years feel so boring: no proper story-telling, pacing or character depth, just action scenes and tons special effects. This saddens me.

There is not much to appreciate in there. In the first part of intro, the lines are pretty much on the Soto level and sometimes kitten right stupid and again inconsistent (or maybe sarcasm was lost on me). The delivery and pacing puts you to sleep. And if you somehow manage to stay awake until you meet the bears. Well instead of a fierce tribe of bears that live in hostile lands and are more likely to eat you (this would be my personal preference),  you are greeted by the slowest talking sloth in the whole Janthir pretending to be bear that leads you to a council of sloths that really like to talk. And then you can play some Farmville if you wish. 

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Well how much dev time was really wasted, when you think about it. Out of the 30 min of text bubbles, very little was NPC scripting. Most was just stationary NPCs talking. Voice actor and story department time, sure, but not much else.

For the players time, have to agree. I'm happy for the players who like this type of nonsense, but it really should be skippable. For me its another boring story I'll read/listen nothing of, just waiting and waiting and waiting for the NPCs to go away so I can finally fight something.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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I found it good. The mission after that felt a bit too lengthy for my taste though. Could easily have been split into two: Talking with the people in the Moon Camp (trying to do everything for achievementhing though there is not much and one item is broken for the reading thingy) then exploring. And then the village of the Kodan. If at least the Warclaw  would not stop to fight that often. How often did it happen? Like 4 or 5 times (at least 4). Once or twice would have been enough lol.

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Twenty minutes of semi-interactable dialogue designed to catch players up with story elements that have been going on over the past ten years isn't the worst way to introduce a new expansion, especially compared to, oh, say a certain other MMO that has the player spend over five hours watching cutscenes before being allowed to enter their first explorable zone.

The prologue was fine - it took just as long as needed to catch us back up to speed with what's going on, set the stage for the current expansion destination, and then cut us loose in an open map to go play.

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The solution for those who don't care for story is very simple. Go LFG and look for someone leading a group doing events in the new map. Port over and explore as much as you want. Of course you'd lose out on Mastery Points that come with completing stories. 

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