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Homestead Alts

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Are we supposed to be able to have 10 of each weight class in the homestead? I have parked 6 medium but only 4 show up at one time.
I have logged off on one and jumped on another and it's always only 4 of them there.

EDIT: I just found one of them on my raptor, so maybe they're around the map, and I just can't find them?

Edited by MysticalGoddess.8637
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idk if this is working as intended but i put one of my alts in my homestead and logged out and logged back in with my main and cant find them, and if i logout on my main while in homestead and login to the alt i just put there i cant find them either 😐

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They'll appear in one of three places, depending on what kind of armor they have: light armor in a cave back behind the farm, medium armor near the bridge to the portals (except for one riding a mount in your stable), or near the front and side of your house by the gardens.  They won't stay where you move them, and they'll randomly appear in different set spots in the starting area.  There is an upper limit on alts, as well, it looks like (10, I think?) with the last logged in being the ones that show up.

Hope that helps a little.

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I do think it's neat that your alts appear in the homestead when you leave them there, but the fact that they just stand there rooted to the spot is boring. Is it some kind of technical limitation? I understand that they probably can't be programmed to recognize every random object that players put down, but it would be nice if they had some character or at least walked around a bit. Maybe they could occasionally use some of the emotes you have unlocked, like sip coffee or read a book. Maybe they could walk over to the pen and pet your warclaw or "talk" to each other. I don't know how practical any of that is, but anything's better than having them stand there like planks of wood.

I'd personally prefer there to be a specific space they could hang out in with more limited customization that they could interact with, like a shrine for the light classes or a set of practice dummies to hit for the heavy classes. Maybe a prebuilt block of a set of objects. I've certainly got more space than I'll ever use otherwise.

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49 minutes ago, videoboy.4162 said:

I really wish they'd stay where I left them. lol

Staying put where I leave them would be my preference. I feel like programming them to move about or otherwise interact with the environment would be a bit too complicated, considering everything else that's been put into homesteads. Being able to set them doing an emote would be kinda nice too though.

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14 minutes ago, Shadowfall.7148 said:

Staying put where I leave them would be my preference. I feel like programming them to move about or otherwise interact with the environment would be a bit too complicated, considering everything else that's been put into homesteads. Being able to set them doing an emote would be kinda nice too though.

I do agree that they should stay where I put them. What's the point of moving them otherwise? It would also be nice to be able to tell them to use an object, like a chair. I understand that there's only so much they can do with it. I'd just like to see them have some signs of life!

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2 minutes ago, Captain Superbacon.1954 said:

I do agree that they should stay where I put them. What's the point of moving them otherwise? It would also be nice to be able to tell them to use an object, like a chair. I understand that there's only so much they can do with it. I'd just like to see them have some signs of life!

Being told to sit, or sleep, or whatnot would be a neat idea. I think just simply sitting or sleeping would be the easiest. Though I could see the potential problem of what if you wanted to use or move that chair/bed/whatever and the alt is using it, thus bugging it out if you got rid of it and the alt was still programmed to interact with it.

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1 minute ago, Shadowfall.7148 said:

Being told to sit, or sleep, or whatnot would be a neat idea. I think just simply sitting or sleeping would be the easiest. Though I could see the potential problem of what if you wanted to use or move that chair/bed/whatever and the alt is using it, thus bugging it out if you got rid of it and the alt was still programmed to interact with it.

Could just throw an error message in that case, preventing you from moving the chair until the alt is removed.

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What happened to we can move them and have alts stay in the place we place them?  For now, you move an alt and they decide to move back to the default area for the armor type. 

I really would like to see characters inside the kitten house.

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7 minutes ago, niwaar.5631 said:

What happened to we can move them and have alts stay in the place we place them?  For now, you move an alt and they decide to move back to the default area for the armor type. 

I really would like to see characters inside the kitten house.

I dont think they ever said that would be a thing tho.

It will come in later statues that you can place to take the look of your characters and do afew poses.

It was pushed back to a later release tho.

Edited by Linken.6345
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8 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

I dont think they ever said that would be a thing tho.

They did during the live stream where she clearly said you can move them around and it was intimated that they would stay where they were left. Not stay until you logged out and reset back to a random position, which is what they do now.

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34 minutes ago, willow.8209 said:

the preview showed alts dancing so I did expect some small signs of life. pathing could have been a big ask, but they don't even do idle animations. 

pathing could be a future update. eso does it, but then again eso does house decorating better.

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2 hours ago, Shadowfall.7148 said:

I feel like programming them to move about or otherwise interact with the environment would be a bit too complicated, considering everything else that's been put into homesteads.

all the things that's been put into homesteads as far as decorating has been asked for since HoT launch. They finally did some of it. So yea maybe you're right... but I would think they would have looked into some of these concepts when researching housing in other games. Pathing might be something similar to Taco and Blish Huds ability to create paths. Apply that to their spaghetti code and they might have something. It could be a future patch update but i'd wager if it didn't happen this xpac then its really unlikely to happen ever.

It's still super early but as a year to year xpac game are they even considering expanding on the homesteading concept? I'd like to think so but history tells a different story. If history shows anything they release stuff and then do less and less with it. (Please prove me wrong gods!)

Edited by Kelly.7019
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For the Suggestions / QoL Box:

Introduce special Novelty Decorations to which to you can Assign NPC/Alt.

Each Novelty Decoration has own "NPC/Alt interaction"

example could be:

A small mining quarry = NPC/Alt Mine picking animation.

A group of Trees = NPC/Alt chop at tree animation.

A small Shooting range = NPC/Alt practice bow/arrow/rifle animation.

A campfire = NPC/Alt throw logs in fire animation.

Special Chair's, benches = NPC/Alt will chill on those.

Open air Mount Stables = NPC/Alt will feed Mounts animation.

Own patch of Farming land = NPC/Alt will maintain/farm own land animation.

A Stove = NPC/Alt stir a kettle of soup animation.

(endless possibilities)

Introduce Player/Alt orientated interactive Decorations to Which you can Assign NPC/Alt.

Each Interactive Decoration allows for Extra entertainment such as:

NPC/Alt becomes a Punching Bag / DPS Golem that can be challenged Arena Style. (Surroundings allow for own decorations)

NPC/Alt minigame of Fetch: The ball is a Mini Rollerbeetle that the player throws and the NPC needs to retrieve and bring back.

(endless possibilities)

Passive NPC/Alt emote activation's based on proximity .

Upon entering Homestead NPC/Alts:   /wave           Daily visit Homestead pattern : /cheer /bow.     Long absence from Homestead pattern:   /cry   /threaten


But lets just see what happens

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Hopefully we see them implement some of the ideas from Elder Scrolls Online's house guests.

You can place NPCs in your house, and make a custom route that they walk around. And you can do the same with minis and mounts.

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8 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

pathing could be a future update. eso does it, but then again eso does house decorating better.

It has harsher limits, cannot scale size of the item you are placing, precision movement is tied to be aligned just to the item you are placing (without ability to switch it to be alongside global axis), decorations are inventory items that when not placed can and will eat up limited inventory space, how is that "better" again?

Being able to path some stuff (mounts/pets/houseguests) is the first advantage of eso system outside of sheer quantity of different places to buy I can see. On decorating front ESO falls behind of GW2 homesteads (Which I find mildly funny, since just day before Janthir Wilds, ESO released update with "new housing feature" that have turned out to be.... lfg for house tours).

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11 hours ago, Arewn.2368 said:

Hopefully we see them implement some of the ideas from Elder Scrolls Online's house guests.

You can place NPCs in your house, and make a custom route that they walk around. And you can do the same with minis and mounts.

i hoped they previously looked at this. I know assume they don't want to copy other games even though other games copy them. But yea our duplicates should stay in the homes permanently like the npc house guests in eso. (i mean the rotation /new decorating tools feels sorts like eso)

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On 8/23/2024 at 9:04 AM, Trejgon.9367 said:

decorations are inventory items that when not placed can and will eat up limited inventory space, how is that "better" again?

Being able to path some stuff (mounts/pets/houseguests) is the first advantage of eso system outside of sheer quantity of different places to buy I can see. On decorating front ESO falls behind of GW2 homesteads (Which I find mildly funny, since just day before Janthir Wilds, ESO released update with "new housing feature" that have turned out to be.... lfg for house tours).

Why doesn't the new homesteading panel have decoration storage like guild storage? So you can see what decs you have from outside of your homestead.

Eating up limited inventory space could be a feature of a more thought out system like eso, but that's eso's thing (over there its called inventory wars 😄). anet won't do that. anet has a storage "void" (sort of) 😄 currently where all the unused desc reside so they are not taking up your inventory space(but you also can't sell them),you also can't see it( as far as i know) from outside of your homestead.'

I disagree on the purely decorating side i think ESO is better then GW2 (as new as it is, I'll have to suspend my true judgment for later once i dive deep on decorating homesteads in gw2)

The ability to drag an object around in a 3D space freely is ESO's method. Basically place an object then click on it and drag it anywhere you want. There's precision adjustments as well but that's where GW2 starts at which makes it a little more difficult. (sort of like drawing lets say, first you sketch out the general form and shape, then get more precise and add details with it.) vs gw2 once placed a decoration then you have to click on manipulator handles to move it around which coming from eso feels weird and takes more steps, but hey its still better then what we had before(i believe). Also i wish you could move decs with arrow keys (i'd have to revisit eso's decoration practices to compare more accurately it's been a while for me.)

ESO lets anyone view your house, gw2 you have to be in a party. ESo you just have to be on the persons friends list or in their guild and you can look at anyones home that is set to public view. Plus with ESO their are addons that let you do even more. You can look at all a persons homes 😄 but really the fun of visiting not in a party allows you to take your own tours when ever you want. when ever you want to be inspired. Or just check up on what yer guildies are doing :D. Snooping is fun!

It also allows for more then just 5 people at a time in your home instance so you can have holiday parties and such, build mazes and scavenger hunts (which i guess you could say that's what guild halls are for, except you couldn't do that with guild halls either. It would make you switch instances if too many joined yours - i would have hoped an updated decorating attempt would consider fixing that issue.) It would also be nice for your guild and friends and any followers from your youtube page that what to come see in person the awesome things you create in your homestead. (which you can still do but limiting it to 4 other people at a time hurts this community aspect.)

I mean just the idea of housing tours I kinda thought from a community aspect anet would try to make squads all be able to fit in a homesteading instance all at once- i mean if they have convergencies then its possible. (pretty sure its still not even possible to do that in guild halls- which is odd comparably)

(Now i know i'm comparing ESO vs GW2 and that's kinda what it is. It doesn't matter cause this is GW2 , not eso and anet did their take on a decorating system.)

edit: looks like you can click and drag an item around though it locks it to a plane x-y-z axis which can be good or bad.((see more testing (for me) needs done)) 😄

Edited by Kelly.7019
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3 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

i hoped they previously looked at this. I know assume they don't want to copy other games even though other games copy them. But yea our duplicates should stay in the homes permanently like the npc house guests in eso. (i mean the rotation /new decorating tools feels sorts like eso)

There's several problems that would disappear if they could just convert NPCs into interactable decorations.

Imagine if the vendors, repair anvil, scribing station, synthesizers, etc. were all decorations that you could freely chose where to place.

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