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Amazing Anet Work harder for same Reward <3

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For Weekly PvE Wizards Vault before JW. We had "Complete 1 Fractal in the Fractals of the Mists" as objective.

Now we need to Complete Convergence or do 5 x Fractal for same reward. WoW!!

Next week maybe 5 Strike Mission ?

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I guess this may actually be a new task for convergences (fractals are just the second option for players without SotO and later JW) and not a change to the existing one fractal task.

As there were only two options before (1 strike, 1 fractal), let's see, if that is just another option, or it it's really a replacement.

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Wow, I saw that task this morning and thought "good change, I'd rather do a convergence than a fractal right now" but to have to do 5 fractals? Wow!

Seems to me that people in ArenaNet really don't understand the time commitment of a Fractal vs a Convergence.

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Eh. Compare 5x an easy t1 fractal to a convergence. You can rush through very quickly. And you have an entire week for it. The fractals you can do any time, even solo if you have a decent build - with a party its super easy on T1. For convergence you have to be there at the right time, or spend money to open your own. You have to be early to get into an instance that is guaranteed to fill, else you may end up in one with not enough people to do it. I think it's comparable to having to do 1 specific meta event or 10 random group events as a secondary option. A main option that has some conditions, a secondary that is easier but a bit more grindy.

Seems more like it's the alternate option for people that really don't like Convergences. Also you can always skip it and do the other weekly tasks if that one is somehow too much for you, or you really don't like that content.

Edited by Chyro.1462
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I think the idea is that 1 fractal was being completed by rushing through volcanic T1 - a 5-10min task. Not really a weekly and not really encouraging active play to other fractals.

5 for a weekly seems more appropriate and is in line with doing a full run of daily fractals

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47 minutes ago, Pifil.5193 said:

Seems to me that people in ArenaNet really don't understand the time commitment of a Fractal vs a Convergence.

5 fractals in a week is supposed to take unreasonable amount of time? People regularly do 3 dailies +recs for daily gold. But 5 (any tier) in a week is too much?
I'd say they might understand the time commitment (of fractal vs convergence) better than people who are complaining here, but who knows 😉 

1 fractal as a weekly target is a joke (and I'm not even a fan of fractals).

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I agree with the people saying it's using Fractals as a core-game equivalent to Convergences and basically the same as the ones asking you to complete a meta event chain or events in core Tyria, where the second option always takes longer but can be more convenient for some players. (We've got two of those this week too.)

I also don't think 5 Fractals is a big ask. I've sometimes ended up doing 5 when the Wizard's Vault only required 1, because the only groups I saw were doing dailies and it seemed unfair to quit on them after 1, and it allowed me to complete the dailies as well. (This time I might try to do a convergence, because I can't remember the last time I did one, but it might end up being Fractals because I know I can get them done.)

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17 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

5 fractals in a week is supposed to take unreasonable amount of time? People regularly do 3 dailies +recs for daily gold. But 5 (any tier) in a week is too much?
I'd say they might understand the time commitment (of fractal vs convergence) better than people who are complaining here, but who knows 😉 

1 fractal as a weekly target is a joke (and I'm not even a fan of fractals).

I never said anything about whether it was unreasonable or not I simply meant that a single convergence is a lot quicker than 5 fractals. It's not rocket science: the total time for one convergence is less than the total time taken to do 5 fractals.

However let's compare that with some of the other weekly tasks:

Kill a single world boss, Shatterer, for example, with the option of doing a bunch of other events if that's preferable. Can be completed in less than 15 minutes

Kill a single Legendary creature, this can often be combined with a world boss kill.

Single jumping puzzle, Coddlers Cove, easy, quick.

Identify or salvage some gear. Practically no time. These just happen of you're playing the game.

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Weeklies are still doing one important thing, getting people to try different game stuff. For example I know players who came back for Janthir and want WV loot, and just did their first Convergence. Not everyone's been doing those 3/week or daily this whole time.

They rolled hell sister so there was some cussing involved.

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Ppls really will  complain about anything it seems ; p

I  think @Schimmi.6872 has it right that the fractals are presented as an alternative for those who find the scheduled content inconvenient or not to their liking. The fact that five fractals takes slightly longer than a convergence is consistent with fifteen events taking longer than a world boss, for example . . .

That is I think the most likely explanation. Another possibility is that it was introduced to combat the glut of players who join fractal groups on Monday and then drop after the first one bc they got their weekly done so kthxbye. But I'd be surprised if that was the case.

I'd also agree with @Pifil.5193's assessment that most "weeklies" are completed very quickly and easily, and are perhaps better suited to dailies imo . . .

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2 hours ago, Pifil.5193 said:

I never said anything about whether it was unreasonable or not I simply meant that a single convergence is a lot quicker than 5 fractals. It's not rocket science: the total time for one convergence is less than the total time taken to do 5 fractals.

However let's compare that with some of the other weekly tasks:

Kill a single world boss, Shatterer, for example, with the option of doing a bunch of other events if that's preferable. Can be completed in less than 15 minutes

Kill a single Legendary creature, this can often be combined with a world boss kill.

Single jumping puzzle, Coddlers Cove, easy, quick.

Identify or salvage some gear. Practically no time. These just happen of you're playing the game.

Different tasks take different time to complete? Sure, always did. There will not be the overlap of time they take whether we only consider those "interchangable tasks" (like convergence vs x fractals or world boss vs x events vs y group events) or different tasks altogether. And here it gets even "better", since even the exact same task (like complete x events in the area) can often take different amount of time depending on number of people, map instance or timing.
So if your point isn't that it's not unreasonable for a weekly task then I don't understand what it was when you included "but to have to do 5 fractals? Wow!" ? There's nothing "wow!" about 5 fractals in a week (or even a day), even if we look for time comparison of completing a convergence.

6 minutes ago, Gop.8713 said:

I'd also agree with @Pifil.5193's assessment that most "weeklies" are completed very quickly and easily, and are perhaps better suited to dailies imo . . .

If that was the point he's making then I also agree 😉 

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12 hours ago, WhiteSmoke.5926 said:

I hope it will be the same with strike, we will see next week.

I usually skip the fractal weekly, but since Convergence is (a timed) drop-in-and-play, it's much easier to finish. And more options is good. 

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