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1 hour ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

Why is it so hard for other gamer understand that there other game modes with different rewards for progression

That is fine. It only becomes a problem when as a reward for progressing one mode you use something that is aimed primarily at players of a completely different mode. GoB, in reality, is not a reward for WvW players. It's a bait for PvE players meant to get them in a mode most of them heavily dislike.

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44 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

GoB, in reality, is not a reward for WvW players. It's a bait for PvE players meant to get them in a mode most of them heavily dislike.

The GoB is a reward for everyone who wants to craft a legendary weapon. It is not aimed primarily at players of a different game mode. WvW players craft  legendary weapons as well. 

How do you know most of PvE players “heavily dislike” WvW? You have a source for that? 
The GW2 community is not as black and white as you want to portray it here.
There are a lot of PvE players who have absolutely no problem playing a little bit of WvW now and then to get the GoB.

So no there is no problem and there is no reason to change anything. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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43 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

That is fine. It only becomes a problem when as a reward for progressing one mode you use something that is aimed primarily at players of a completely different mode. GoB, in reality, is not a reward for WvW players. It's a bait for PvE players meant to get them in a mode most of them heavily dislike.

It's something that's a reward for WvW players for playing WvW.
It's been this way since 2012. 
It's an item used to show mastery over the game modes, even if it's a small sort of mastery.
Now you might be thinking "But Epsi! Map completion was changed!" and you're right. Map completion for Core Tyria was changed to exclude WvW.  This is because it's actually fully possible to have points of interest, vistas, and other map completion objectives be wholly inaccessible to persons for weeks or months at a time.  Getting the Gift of Battle though?  That's just a 4 hour adventure in WvW escorting yaks, killing sentries, or following the blob.  If someone starts griefing you by killing you in WvW, you can either go to a different borderland, call for backup, OR leave WvW to preserve your points.

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Please add a Grand Encyclopedia of Portal Scrolls or something similar that potentially holds all the Portal Scrolls in the game. It could even be a legendary or something. Heck at this point I would even buy it off the gem store.

It would also fit with the SoTO wizardy expansion theme. 

Between all the city, LW3, LW4, Icebrood, EoD, SoTO, etc the amount of inventory space dedicated to portaling items is getting excessive.

Edited by Entara.3075
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1 hour ago, jokke.6239 said:

What makes you think I don't?

I don't mind keeping gift of battle to WvW

But I also don't care if they put one in wizard vault from time to time


Seems to me that the reason it's only obtainable from WvW is to get people into WvW

So that's why I suggested it in wizard vault

Since they could do like a gift of battle once a year, would hardly affect the WvW activity in any negative way I think

I'd be down if they made a mystic forge recipe that used memories of battle and some exclusive (Yet tradable/marketable) items obtained within WvW.  Give WvW some method to make money.  Want a gift of battle without doing WvW? Pay a premium.  Don't want to pay the premium?  Do WvW.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

That is fine. It only becomes a problem when as a reward for progressing one mode you use something that is aimed primarily at players of a completely different mode. GoB, in reality, is not a reward for WvW players. It's a bait for PvE players meant to get them in a mode most of them heavily dislike.

I mean, I'm critical of Anet, but do you really want us to believe that Anet hates players so much that they would  make  most of them to do content that them dislike that many times? And kept it as a core design of most legendaries for over a decade.

If that were true, it would seem that nobody would make legendaries, or WvW players would be extremely rich with their monopoly over this aspect of the game. Until Gen 2's came out, legendaries could be bought straight up.

I think that'd be pretty hard to prove.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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1 hour ago, jokke.6239 said:

What makes you think I don't?

I don't mind keeping gift of battle to WvW

So that's the solution here. That's about it.

1 hour ago, jokke.6239 said:

But I also don't care if they put one in wizard vault from time to time

Ok. I do, because it doesn't make sense. Granted that I'd make all legendaries strictly require the broad content of the game shared between the different modes. Yup, each piece of it.

1 hour ago, jokke.6239 said:

Since they could do like a gift of battle once a year, would hardly affect the WvW activity in any negative way I think

What's the point of putting it there once a year? Those players can simply play a bit of wvw here and there and get it faster. If they don't want to? Well, legendaries are completely optional.

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So that's the solution here. That's about it.

Ok. I do, because it doesn't make sense. Granted that I'd make all legendaries strictly require the broad content of the game shared between the different modes. Yup, each piece of it.

What's the point of putting it there once a year? Those players can simply play a bit of wvw here and there and get it faster. If they don't want to? Well, legendaries are completely optional.

Gatekeeping gift of battle to WvW is not some hill I'm willing to die on

I don't share your strong stance on this

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5 minutes ago, jokke.6239 said:

Gatekeeping gift of battle to WvW is not some hill I'm willing to die on

I don't share your strong stance on this

Cool, hope you understand the reasoning I'm using here though. I'd still say "Do the content for the rewards you want" is the basic concept of games being games instead of "gatekeeping whatever", but I think I get why you're attempting to use this wording instead of addressing what I'm writing.

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27 minutes ago, jokke.6239 said:

Gatekeeping gift of battle to WvW is not some hill I'm willing to die on

Good thing then, that there is nothing that is "gatekeeping" the Gift of Battle in the first place. Everyone can just hop into WvW whenever they want and play it.


Edited by Fueki.4753
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I'm litterally not here to discuss whether it should or shouldn't be obtainable in other forms than WvW

I already said I don't have a problem with farming it in WvW, so I don't know why you keep assuming I do

I just said wizard vault would be a method that would make sense (IN MY OPINION) other than WvW

There's litterally nothing to discuss here

I don't care if it will or wont be

Good day 

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2 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

I mean, I'm critical of Anet, but do you really want us to believe that Anet hates players so much that they would  make  most of them to do content that them dislike that many times? And kept it as a core design of most legendaries for over a decade.

...yes? It would not be the first (or likely last) time either. They do like to channel players towards niche content and do it on constant basis. It rarely brings the results net expected, of course, but for some reason it doesn't stop them from trying.

2 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

If that were true, it would seem that nobody would make legendaries, or WvW players would be extremely rich with their monopoly over this aspect of the game. Until Gen 2's came out, legendaries could be bought straight up.

Nah. It's not like the case of legendary armor originally. It's small enough time investment that a lot of players will still be doing it, even though they do not like the content. It really doesn't make anyone happier though. Except maybe for some WvW players looking for free loot bags of course.

Still, the reality is that a huge majority of MMORPG players dislike PvP in any forms, and trying to push them towards those types of content can only result in lessening their enjoyment of the game. It's not something exclusive to GW2 either - it's been well known for years (although in GW2 it might be even more visible due to more casual playerbase it has). It's not as bad if you are in for one or two GoBs, but if you are after a lot more, then it starts getting painful.

I know that at least for me GoB is one of the things that heavily slows down my legendary gear production, with bigger and bigger impact on every subsequent legendary i make. And i have been semi-casually WvWing at some point - i know players that are so incompatible with the content that for them each GoB farming session means they need to take "vacations" off the game afterwards just to cool off.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

... I'd still say "Do the content for the rewards you want" is the basic concept of games being games instead of "gatekeeping whatever", ...

This argument doesn't work unless they remove all PvE rewards from WvW reward tracks.

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4 minutes ago, Bollocks.4078 said:

This argument doesn't work unless they remove all PvE rewards from WvW reward tracks.

You might think it doesn't and yet it's still a description of how games work and it's still not gatekeeping anything.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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16 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You might think it doesn't and yet it's still a description of how games work and it's still not gatekeeping anything.

I didn't say anything about gatekeeping.  I'm refering to the "Do the content for the rewards you want" concept.  That's clearly not how GW2 works.  If it were you would have to go to play dungeons to get dungeon armor.  You would have to play in Verdant Brink to get Pact Crowbars.  You would have to go to Inner Nayos to get Calcified grasps.  The list goes on and on.  How does "Do the content for the rewards you want" hold any water with so many PvE rewards available from WvW reward tracks?

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8 minutes ago, Bollocks.4078 said:

I didn't say anything about gatekeeping. 

Well then read the post you've quoted along with the full context -which is like 3 posts in this comment chain- and understand what you're commenting on.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Well then read the post you've quoted along with the full context and understand what you're commenting on.

I still didn't say anything about gatekeeping.  I'm commenting on "Do the content for the rewards you want" and nothing else.

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1 minute ago, Bollocks.4078 said:

I still didn't say anything about gatekeeping.  I'm commenting on "Do the content for the rewards you want" and nothing else.

Oh yes, I understand that. Which is why I wrote: Well then read the post you've quoted along with the full context -which is like 3 posts in this comment chain- and understand what you're commenting on.

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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Oh yes, I understand that. Which is why I wrote: Well then read the post you've quoted along with the full context -which is like 3 posts in this comment chain- and understand what you're commenting on.

You're clearly avoiding what I said.  When you're ready to respond to my point we can continue.  Otherwise I'll assume you realize I poked a hole in your argument that you can't address.

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1 minute ago, Bollocks.4078 said:

You're clearly avoiding what I said.  When you're ready to respond to my point we can continue.  Otherwise I'll assume you realize I poked a hole in your argument that you can't address.

None of those you bring up are pve exclusive rewards tho, since Anet implement the spvp/wvw reward tracks at the same time as the pve maps.

Its a thow away gesture just to give something to those otherwise neglected modes mate.

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8 minutes ago, Bollocks.4078 said:

You're clearly avoiding what I said.  When you're ready to respond to my point we can continue.  Otherwise I'll assume you realize I poked a hole in your argument that you can't address.

Anet sticking to their intended reward structures isn't poking any holes in anything I said. As I said, read the post you've quoted along with the full context -which is like 3 posts in this comment chain- and understand what you're commenting on. I can only assume you refuse to do that because you know you have nothing relevant to say about it. I'll be here when you finally decide to read and respond accordingly though. "You're clearly avoiding what I said" is what I'm saying for a few posts now btw.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Pet skins/variants for ranger and mechanist. Lots of drakes have cool new skins in newer areas like the gator-esque one. It would be nice if we could unlock those as skins for existing pets. Pretty sure lots of mechanists would appreciate a new look for their mech. Could also add more pets in general but a skin system for these classes would be a huge QoL buff.

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I'm still seeing other players' skill effects like the Unleashed pet's miasma and the Winds of disenchantment bubble. I though that with this option selected I wouldn't see any other player's effects? QOL or a bug I'm not sure...

Get rid of the constant tutorial popups. I KNOW I can destroy turrets and ride leylines and wind and xyz xD

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