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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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I love collecting stuff and therefore build up my home instance.

  1. I'd like the chests we unlocked to not require a key (Bandit Chest, the  3 Chests from heart of thorns)
    1. While I love doing the HoT Events I often find myself in the situation my HoT currencies and keys run out and it's bad feeling leaving the chests locked. Of course this is very subjective, I'd just think it would be nice.
  2. Please fix the Hidden Garden on Mount Maelstrom which we unlocked for building the Kudzu Precursor.
    1. The Nodes vanish on interaction instead of finishing gathering, which is sometimes a bit stupid if someone attacks the moss heart and you have to go to character select and back in just to finish gathering this one node
    2. Even though the price is very low, I'd like the Butternut Squash Nodes to also give 3 Squashes per harvest, just so it's consistent


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I know this is unlikely to get much traction, as it's probably one of the main drivers of monetisation. But it's always struck me as a shame that "bank access anywhere" is locked behind a Black Lion Chest Permanent Bank Access Contract.

I actually own one of these, and it elevates GW2 above every other MMO out there as a quality-of-life feature. Locking it behind BLCs or the Trading Post seems like the game is cutting off its nose to spite its face.

"Look! Our game has this amazing feature that NO OTHER MMO has! But only a few people can access it as we've made it ridiculously expensive to acquire!"

I mean, to be honest, I feel that way about quite a few of the QOL systems in GW2 (build and gear templates being probably the next most egregious example, especially as they were free in the first game), but the Bank Access one seems like the most regrettable decision on behalf of ANet.
That it's locked behind loot boxes unless you spend an ungodly amount on the TP is even worse.

If every player had access to this (maybe through Central Tyria masteries, like Advanced Logistics), it would be such a selling point.

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I am coming to you once again to request that you update the old weapon master achievements to work how the SotO ones do, it'd be an enormous QoL for me personally.

For the person who is "confused" by this it's quite simple: the old weapon master achievements require a killing blow with the weapon, this makes it very annoying to do with any condi weapon and also makes it extraordinarily tedious to do with off hand weapons many of which don't have any direct damage on many classes and all of which do minimal damage and have lengthy cooldowns. Getting 5000 kills with a skill from a shield, for example, will take nearly 28 straight hours if you are able to get a kill with your shield every time the 20s cooldown guardian shield of judgement skill is off cooldown, for instance by farming rats in that one personal story instance. Do you (does anyone????) want to sit for 28 hours grinding rats? You cannot just play normally and let them arrive in time, in 12 years and nearly 15K hours I have gained fewer than 500 shield kills.

Edited by Poobah.6254
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Please change the Jadebot buffs not to be applied when entering an instance zone, and
do not disappear.

Jadebot buffs
[Jade Tech Offensive Overcharge]
[Jade Tech Defensive Overcharge]
[Jade Power Charge]

When using Mistlock Sanctuary and Armistice Bastion Pass, the Jadebot buffs disappear.

Or, when entering an instance zone such as a dungeon or fractal, the above buffs disappear.

They don't have to be applied. Please make the buffs not disappear.
If you accidentally enter Mistlock Sanctuary and Armistice Bastion Pass, you have to receive the buffs again, which is very inconvenient.

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When opening the LFG window, please automatically open the region category for the current region.


The current LFG window appears as follows.



I would like the LFG window corresponding to the current map to open automatically as follows.



When we open the LFG window to join the current group, we find the current map and open the subcategory.

Please automatically open the subcategory of the LFG corresponding to the current map.

I find myself wandering around 10-20 times a day trying to find the subcategory to find where the current map is and which storyline the map is in.

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7 hours ago, Poobah.6254 said:

I am coming to you once again to request that you update the old weapon master achievements to work how the SotO ones do, it'd be an enormous QoL for me personally.

For the person who is "confused" by this it's quite simple: the old weapon master achievements require a killing blow with the weapon, this makes it very annoying to do with any condi weapon and also makes it extraordinarily tedious to do with off hand weapons many of which don't have any direct damage on many classes and all of which do minimal damage and have lengthy cooldowns. Getting 5000 kills with a skill from a shield, for example, will take nearly 28 straight hours if you are able to get a kill with your shield every time the 20s cooldown guardian shield of judgement skill is off cooldown, for instance by farming rats in that one personal story instance. Do you (does anyone????) want to sit for 28 hours grinding rats? You cannot just play normally and let them arrive in time, in 12 years and nearly 15K hours I have gained fewer than 500 shield kills.

better to do it with mesmer shield mate.

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I would like to ask the developers to bring back my companion, Inquest Golem Mark I, to the game. He helped me in the game and followed me. Besides, he was sweet. I miss him very much. I kindly please give him back to me.

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option to detach action cam when placing an AoE.

As an action cam user, i tried going back to normal cam when i picked up ele on account of needing to place AoEs all the time. but god the transition is mind wrenching. It would be cool if you could automatically switch into normal cam when using a skill that requires you to place an AoE. the mouse cursor should start in the middle of the screen where you are currently pointing and you can place it from there, or hold right click to readjust the camera if its not in the right place while casting. if you press the skill again while holding right click, or use another skill, it cancels the skill. there should also be an option to have the same functionality for directional attacks, although i would personally prefer to aim those with action cam. 

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Yeah, those POIs in Inner Nayos that you have to play the final step of the story to reveal? Delete those, yes. 
And do not ever make playing story/raid/strike/fractal/convergence/DRM/onslaught/uprising/rush/whatever-new-word-you-think-of mandatory for map completion.

Having great fun staring at my eight characters at 99% map completion, and having 0% will to engage with the entire story to make that 100% (or, lol, calling a friend who has the step, just to unlock the POIs).

Jesus, what a daft idea....

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In response to this tragic return of 3v3 monthly AT I think anet should make a new title for all participants available only to those of us that participated. The title should be a joke obv and use alliteration.
-Trashy Trio

-Tragic Trio

-Traumatized Trio

I think this is truly a genius idea and anet should cash in. GM Claude agrees. He told me while he spectated our match. :>

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On 8/7/2024 at 7:04 AM, Joonmo.7523 said:

Please add markers to pets that are not tamed by the ranger.

When playing as Rangers, there are many cases where you pass by untamed pets right in front of you.

Even though you know that there are untamed pets somewhere.

Some players find out that Rangers can tame pets only after they reach max level.

Add markers to untamed pets.

https://gw2timer.com/Pets ← lets you click the pets you already tamed until they are greyed out.

On 8/7/2024 at 7:12 AM, Joonmo.7523 said:

I would like to see portals to other areas displayed on the map.

I've been playing this game for a long time, so I know where most of the portals to other areas are.

However, some of the portals are so hidden that they're hard to find on the map or in the actual terrain.

https://gw2timer.com/ ← the 👁 Display menu in the top right has a toggle for ☑ Show Zone Gateways. Click the "down arrow" "Toggle Timeline" on the left to hide the event timeline.

The information you want added directly to the game is out there in easily accessible form for those who want to seek it out externally, but adding this to the game itself would take away from the exploration aspect. I believe it is a deliberate choice not to overload the game with too many markings. I oppose the pets suggestion, but I find merit in the zone portal suggestion.

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we can show our pvp badges to the public or turn it off so noone can see it.

a checkbox to chose not to show the rank in the season ranking, to friends or guild members would be good.

- prevents cheaters to identify your account to estimate if they want to make you to lose your matches.

- prevents other players grief or blame your for the rank

- lets players who dont care about the rank keep playing for the rewards without the necessity of anyone know the rank.


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Suggestion 1; Make non-combat events interact-able FROM/ON mount.

Here is example,

Normal Scenario; You mount up, go to item, interact, you dismount, you grab item, you remount and go to npc to give it.

Improved Scenario; You mount up, go to item, interact and return to npc to give it.

Suggestion 2; Hide Players

Like hiding name option, hide every player who are not in your squad/party (INCLUDING THEIR EFFECTS)

Edited by Netrizhul.3429
Another suggestion I forgot to add
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Small thing, but can we get an update to the autoattack action icons? When I'm trying to quickly discern which of three axes is the important one to not skip, all three being, well an axe, doesn't help. Could we get a little indicator, like [I, II, III] or pips in the corner to make those easier to read? 

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Make items in the shared inventory not appear for sale and be blocked for any type of NPC.

for example, the white mantle portal that drops in Wing 3 appears for sale at the aerodrome NPC for 250 magnetite shard.

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Elementalists pistol still needs a muzzle flash and still needs sound effects from alternate weapon skins applied. It's hard to feel good about buying more content when the smallest QoL things go ignored. 

Please finish elementalists pistol.

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