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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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Okay ANET, simple enough one for you - some kind of support for ultra widescreen monitors when looking at the character select screen! Took me far too many years to realise my character screen cuts off the top and bottom!

Edited by Avenrise.3592
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What about older sets of unlimited gathering tools that now ship (for same price) with glyph containers but weren't having them back then (pre-Soto). I personally have bought a lot of sets in the timespan of release and pre Soto which obviously have either no glyphs at all or glyphs they came with like industry or flight or stuff like that. Imo, since they were the same price back then i think they should actually put them in that vendor too to receive a selection box for glyphs. 

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If you are still collecting QoL request, please, insist in a revision for the map closing feature.

- I feel very frustrated when we have invested a lot of time in prepare a map for a meta, and then we have to loose everything because it's time to close the map. If the map has an automatic reboot after meta, like Amnytas, Dragon's End, Drizzelwood Coast, etc..., I think they should be away of the automatic map closing feature.

- Also I found, "impossible" to fish the legendary fishes in Seitung Province, because the map clossing happens with so much frequency that I can't increase my fishing rank in time to find the hardest fishes. (If I stay, the hour passes and I'm kicked into a new map with my fishing rank resetted, if I voluntarily move, I also get my fishing rank resetted too, in any case, I can't reach rank 6 in that map because of the constant map closing).

- Also I find bothering that after voluntarily leaving a map that is closing, I get sent to another that is closing as well, there should be a minimal life time in the map before we get another map closing request, I don't know, 5 minutes at least, receiving so many requests to leave a map because of closure in so short time, makes me untrust on the system.

These are old issues, but I see they remains till the current day, so please send a reminder in hope for a revision of the map closing feature.

Edited by Adngel.9786
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so, guys… GUYS! Hear me out!

I have an idea that I think could make Homesteads even more amazing: bringing back the Watchknights (the original model, not the flattened can you introduced as part of your failed DEI agenda)!

my Proposal: Customizable Watchknights for Homesteads

1. Introducing Watchknights: Remember the Watchknights? Those awesome automatons that can take any form? I think they would be perfect for Homesteads, acting more or less like Housecarls from Skyrim (ever heard of Hearthfire?). They could help out with (simulated) chores, defend our homes from random attacks, and just add a lot of life to our Homesteads.

2. Customization Options: Of course, I’d love to just have a Watchknight in its glorious original form, but to make these truly special, you could add a customization interface similar to the Total Makeover Kit. This would let us change their appearance in all sorts of ways—height, physique, skin color, markings, face, hair, and even gender. Plus, and this is the best part, you could sell exclusive skins in the Gem Store, based on NPCs and other unique designs. Regular and premium skins (*cough* Bog Queen *cough*), just like with mounts, would be fantastic! I think exclusive skins in the Gem Store would be a hit, giving players more ways to personalize their game while supporting ArenaNet.

anyhow, thank you so much for your time and consideration. I hope you’ll consider my proposal and look forward to seeing Guild Wars 2 continue to evolve.

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Can you make GWAMM title have a unique color? Maybe the color of the original GW logo. I've not stopped using this title in GW2 ever, because it was a lot of work to earn in GW1 and I wanted to show my loyalty to ANET. I've been playing the GW franchise half of my life now...Since Nightfalls release. I don't want those with title to get special treatment, but I feel like with all these new unique color titles, it feels bland now. You decided not to create unique Bday gifts anymore for older Bdays, so I feel like how else can you recognize loyal players who've been with you since your beginnings? You've given color titles just for spending money in the gem store...that's doesn't compare to 18 years of loyalty, and I'm not even someone who started GW1 on Prophecies release, and those are out there too! 

I've seen this topic cause arguments in the past because people without the title feel like we are greedy or asking too much. But the real question to ask is, why didn't you play Anet games earlier?? Don't be hostile to us because we were there from the beginning and you were not. Also keep in mind most of the HoM skins are just obsolete compared to new cosmetics, so they feel useless and ugly.

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A suggestion i would like to make for helping people learn meta mechanics would be to add repeatable achievements for doing some of the event mechanics.  Using the janthir syntri meta as an example, i would say have the achievement be to block 'X' number of green lasers when fighting decimas or join in 'X' number of green circles when fighting greer.  The reward could be something like 1-5 (probably more for fist completion) of the charged titan cores, rotted titan ambers or ursus obliges (a select your reward box would be preferred but one type or a random of the set would also work).  These rewards would be minor and not game breaking but hopefully enough to encourage people to do the additional mechanics.  Similar things could be done to other meta events such as collection emotional essences when fighting eparch.  These events usually become figured out and second nature to many, but a repeatable achievement like this might help new players, understanding of new events, events players are not familiar with, or just to encourage players to keep doing the mechanics instead of just mindlessly attacking. 

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1 hour ago, TOONxTERROR.8072 said:

Has probably been mentioned, but would be nice to have the black lion skin sets include spears, as well as have the water dragon spear skin be available in the voucher.

Yes it have any Anet have spoken new blacklion sets will have spears and old ones even legendary like gen 3 wont.

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Just putting the idea out there since I made a topic long ago but it dropped off the face of the Earth and I'd rather bring it up here anyway:

Please allow transformations to grab items consistently. It is incredibly frustrating to not be able to use holoforge and other classes' shroud/transformation when stuff needs grabbing, especially in the middle of a fight. Some items let you do it, others don't, and it is just infuriating as well as unnecessarily punishing when you're facing a boss (i.e. Jade Maw) and doing mechanics and the game just decides that nope, your transformation is a problem, while it doesn't have to be, given more recent content does not have this issue.


Side note, please keep working on making things able to receive conditions. Just realized Vine Crawlers in Silverwastes still don't proc them, let alone most of Core Tyria's objects.

Edited by Dotveg.5108
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Please give the staff skin in the form of a spear as a spear skin

This game has had various skins for about 10 years now.
However, the spear, trident, and speargun are almost excluded from here.
There is a 10-year gap with other weapon skins.
This is a difference that will not be narrowed down quickly.
However, some staff skins are similar to or in the form of a spear.
The use of the same skin for staff and spear was often seen in the original region's skins.

Please give the staff skin in the form of a spear as a spear skin.

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Suggestion:  add the ability to better move/pose alts in homestead.  Something as simple as adding the ability to, when interacting with a chair, to choose to have the alt that is following you sit in it.  Another addition could be when interacting with alts, it brings a dialogue box with options of "follow me", "pose", "nevermind".  The pose would then be another selection allowing you to choose static emotes like sit, salute, sleep, etc. 

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give us the option to put all mount abilities/ skills/ actions or whateveryouwannacallthem on usefull hotkeys like..i don't know.. maybe 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, without breaking anything. 
right now, when i put mount ability 1 and mount ability 2 on 4 and 3, i can't use all warclaw abilities/ actions and many other things in story missons and stuff are broken too. 

and yes: i know this topic is as old as pof, and i know this will be ignored by the devs 

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Please add a Craf-able / vendor 20 slot "Harvesting" Bag that Auto-loads the Next harvesting tool (which are pre-stored in there)when the previous one is depleted.

Alot of harvesting tools have "low ammo";  and takes out of the flow of harvest runs each time.

Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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Please add a bio section to each character we have, similar to a message of the day, so we can write each character's bio, so other players can read just like when they inspect our gear, in the drop menu.

They can click bio and read that character's information. 

Age, place of origin, hobbies, and their story, which you can edit at any given time. 

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Make all mining tools strike four times, regardless of skin. Currently, some skins does this, like the Skyscale hitting mining nodes 5 times instead of 3. Just make all tools, regardless of skin, hit mining nodes 4 times to make it consistent. This will allow players to mine rich nodes in 2 uses instead of 3.
Figured it'd be better to just make all tools be equal to the good stuff, rather than nerfing the good stuff down to the base level. Though honestly, as long as it's consistent, I don't care which way it goes. Cosmetics should be cosmetic.

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40 minutes ago, Redpaws.3815 said:

Make all mining tools strike four times, regardless of skin. Currently, some skins does this, like the Skyscale hitting mining nodes 5 times instead of 3. Just make all tools, regardless of skin, hit mining nodes 4 times to make it consistent. This will allow players to mine rich nodes in 2 uses instead of 3.
Figured it'd be better to just make all tools be equal to the good stuff, rather than nerfing the good stuff down to the base level. Though honestly, as long as it's consistent, I don't care which way it goes. Cosmetics should be cosmetic.

Agreed, make all the tools consistent, not just mining. 

FYI, if 4 strikes, rich nodes (10 ores each) will be 3 hits.

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From the perspective of a blind player.


Another request for customizable character ordering on the character selection screen.  I cannot overstate how helpful this would be as a blind player.  I keep all of my characters in a specific order for ease of accessibility.  When I log onto a character further down the line, I have to then log onto every preceding character to maintain the order.  I would like to simply log onto any character without disturbing the order.


Next, make a more noticeable audio feedback when weapon skills change to something else.  A good example is the caches in SOTO.  This is simply for the accessibility issue.  This issue was highly problematic for the first tiered heart in the new expansion.  Specifically, I could not figure out how the ore refining worked for several days.  I finally realized the issue was that using the bellows switched weapon skills.

Concerning the mini-game involving pressing the correct weapon skill to advance the activity, sound cues would be immensely helpful.  This dynamic event is the perfect example of the system, located in Skymarch Archipelago.  There is no need to see the sequence or the weapon skills, as it is purely auditory (finding the unstable objects is still a problem).


Reduce the culling of auditory cues/feedback in general.  Vital auditory cues/feedback don't trigger and I am then unaware of the circumstance which a player with vision would easily notice.  This is most problematic in sPvP.  For example, the voice feedback when capturing a point does not always trigger.  My current solution is always to count to 15 when capturing a point.  However, this is disadvantageous given the competitive environment.  Also, add the audio feedback for capture points in the Djinn map to all others.  This is one of the most useful tools for me in sPvP.


Essentially, the more audio cues/feedback you implement into the game the more accessible it is for blind players.  One of the primary reasons why GW2 is accessible from the beginning is the implementation of character dialogue concerning status changes.  I know when I get a condition based on what my character states.  Unfortunately, this feature is often culled, resulting in a loss of information.


Thank you.  I still contend that GW2 is the most accessible online game for visually-impaired players.


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I have two suggestions please.

First, please create a +5 Ferocity agony infusion.  There are 9 stats that celestial items cover, however there are only 8 stats covered with by +stat agony infusions.

Second, please improve the filter function.  Let me explain.  Lets say I have lots of bags and want to quickly consolidate items in my bag with items already stored in my bank.  I can't go to the bank tab and type "bank" for my bag inventory search to see what items in my bags are already in my bank.  If we had this feature, it would literally filter out all the items you have in your bank and you wouldn't have to hunt and pick to see them.

I know these are pretty small and niche QoL requests, but I think they'd be helpful and I do appreciate your consideration.  Thanks as always for making such a great game. 😄

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Harkening back to the days of GW1, since it's now in the game that our own alts can show up and follow us, I'd love to see the ability to summon our own alts as full-size "minis."  No combat, no need for the "Follow Me/Stay Here" command, just the ability for us to adventure with one of our own other characters, for RP purposes.  

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