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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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On 4/27/2024 at 10:38 PM, Therac.6431 said:

If you want gift of battle go to battle, if you want gift of exploration, do map completions, is how the game works, stop trying a baby treatment always looking for what u want doing what u want

technically fighting openworld mobs and bosses esp world bosses is also considered a battle 😁

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Hello,I don't know if this idea was talk about before so sorry if it was.I would like for the Bank window to remember the location on my screen. So that when I close it and reopen it, it is at my chosen location.Currently when opening the bank window, it will always be at the center of the screen and that is annoying.

And same thing is true for the mystic forge window

On the other hand, the inventory, the Hero panel, the merchant window, the friends and party search window, and many others, are all behaving correctly. They stay at the chosen location on the screen every time i reopen them.

Cheers o/

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Here are some QoL suggestions:

  • Add an option to select the dye channel first and then the dye color:

Currently, you would need to select a dye and then apply it on a channel. With this added change, you would easily preview how a dye looks on a certain dye channel by simply selecting the channel and then hovering over a dye color. Then, when the player is satisfied with the color, they simply click on it to apply it to the selected channel.

  • The hide/view selection should be saved separately for each equipment template:

I don't know if this is a bug, but currently, the hide/view selection for gloves, helm, backpack, etc., are shared between equipment templates. This is frustrating in case you have a template you don't want to show those pieces and you have another template in which you want to show them.

  • Outfits should work like armor when interacting with equipment templates:

One of the reasons to avoid wearing outfits is that they are applied to all equipment templates and sometimes you want them for a certain template only. Changing them to work similar to armor where you can slot them could be a solution.

  • Add an option to disable legendary weapon custom projectiles:

Certain professions like Elementalists have custom projectiles and sometimes you want to see them rather than the legendary ones. Adding an option similar to the hide/view selection for gloves, helm, etc. would be a simple solution. As an Elementalist main, I avoid wearing legendary weapon skins because of their projectiles.

  • Improve the option to disable AoE rings:

Currently, the option to disable AoE rings also disables some warning telegraphs from monsters' attacks, red AoE rings from enemies, and even some mechanic green/white telegraphs. While it seems the current content has addressed some of these issues, this feature lacks consistency, and old content while having this feature enabled becomes tricky. This feature might seem like a niche but it can help with visibility, and FPS and even improves immersion during solo combat. It would be incredible if this option would get the same treatment as the recently implemented Hide Ally Visual Effects where all skills were checked.

  • The Build Template Store should be individual for each profession:

The current Build Storage can hold up to 30 builds shared between all professions. Changing it to allow each profession to store up to 30 builds would be a huge QoL. It would still work similarly to how it is currently, where you can visualize and share builds from other professions, but a better option if this change is implemented would be filtering them by default to show the current profession and then allowing the player to filter them for other professions.

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Custom outfits.
— Turn your current armor skins into actual outfit by spending Transmutation Charges (or maybe new added item), so it can be stored in outfit tab.

— Let us stop little faster. It's much better to reduce speed from max to 0 in maybe 3 seconds, not 10.

Sound Options (Effects Volume).
— Separate volume of our own effects from other players effects and chatter. It's too messy during high populated events.

UI Options.
— Screen Border Effects: Toggle on/off.


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Posted (edited)

Re-sort how the player right-click menu is organised, so that positive things are at the top, and negative things are at the bottom. Example:

Top (positive)

  • Whisper
  • Invite to Party/Squad
  • Inspect Cosmetics
  • Send Mail
  • Join in (map name)
  • Add Friend
  • Invite to Guild

Then, a separator, followed by

Bottom (negative)

  • Kick from Party/Squad
  • Remove Friend/Block
  • Inspect Cosmetics (shows up twice for inclusivity)
  • Report
  • (Remove 'Kick from Guild' from this list entirely, please. You're never in a situation where you need to do this from anywhere other than the guild panel. Same for 'Leave Party/Squad', there's a button for that already.)

Multiple separate times I have accidentally Blocked somebody on my friends list - which removes BOTH of us from each other's friends lists! - while trying to Join them in a map. Because the buttons for that are right next to each other.

Edited by Dreggon.6598
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Please let us permanently face the direction of TP and Bank after entering Mistlock, it's a small convenience thing but it makes it much easier to navigate in a hurry, if I am facing that direction I already know the positions of the crafting stations and that the fractal portal is on my left and fractal robots are behind etc....

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  • Coalessence : I think it wouldn't be a bad idea if you consider adding a different way of obtaining the legendary ring. Similar to what you did with Skyscale when you launched SotO. Especially now that your focus has shifted away from RAIDs the majority of playerbase really struggle to obtain it. It is extremely difficult to find a training group, especially for RAIDs above Wing 4 for new players it's downright hell.
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I assume it has already been suggested before, but it'd be amazing if items from the legendary armoury could remember their previous settings. That would make it much easier to quickly swap out a weapon. Currently when you want to swap to a different (legendary) weapon you have to go through the process of selecting its stats and giving it a sigil again. This is not something you have to do with non-legendary gear, making it sometimes more worthwhile to use ascended gear over the legendary gear you worked hard for.

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It would be nice if we could add Black Lion Keys to the Wizard's Vault. Doesn't need to be an infinite number or anything, but being able to buy 3-5 keys per season would be really nice.

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Posted (edited)


I'd like to request the following, please:


1. Siege turtle to be added to WvW.

Also add a new mount quest for WvW.

The Siege Devourer.

In this quest, you have to travel to Charr Homelands aswel as complete achievements in WvW. 

This will motivate people to play Icebrood Saga aswel as End Of Dragons. Could potentially bring more players to buy EoD.


2. Update and improve classes visuals, and mechanics.

A few examples:

A: Make engineer bow a weapon kit, and give it an off-hand mace that works loke a stun weapon and flare.

Also make turrets like mini bots that can follow you around.

Allow us to buy mech pieces from gem store to upgrade our jade mech look into a unique one, such as adding jet wings, and legs, and change colours. 

More gemstore money. Which is good.

B. Revenants could actually become the legend they summon, visually. 

C. Soulbeast could have a mode to become the animal they fuse with.


3. Naming characters.

Please consider adding and extra couple letters to names.

Also, add a [] which contain their account unique 4 digit number by their name.

This way, it's always guaranteed the name they want for the character to be available.

Players can choose to either didplay or hide that account unique 4 digit number from ingame names.


4. Sidekicks for Personal instances.

Add a gemstore sidekick character slots item.

Once bought, it will appear in character select screen.

We then have the ability to assign to each playable character a sidekick from our roster.

For instance, I click on Mario, then I click on sidekick slot.

Then will be prompted to select the character we want.

Let's say I click Luigi, then confirm. 

From that moment on, everytime you play with Mario, then Luigi will always appear in private instances as sidekick.

You can do that with any and every character individually. 


5. Increase wizard's vault currency cap to at least 1500.

Also, add black lion statuettes to the items.


That's all for now.

Thank you.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Can you make the Royal Terrace Pass stop equipping itself as an improvised weapon every time it's used? I use that pass after every world boss just to get out of combat zones and to use the vendor to sell junk, so i use it every 15 minutes or so, and having to hit my weapon swap button every time i use the royal pass makes my eyes twitch with "why is this even a thing" it feels like i'm being forced to press a button for absolutely no reason. You dont get kicked out of the terrace if you unequip the pass so why even being forced to equip it. I realize this sounds like cherry picking on the least problematic issues but it just feels like a weird game design. if at least your character ended up sheating it after a second it would be fine but she's just standing there in combat pose holding the pass until i hit weapon swap, and it feels bad.

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@Rubi Bayer.8493, I have a big QOL request of the Live Team.

Add in lanterns to the core maps, HoT maps, LWS maps, and PoF maps.

I realize that would not be a fast request to turn around at all, but having the lanterns in EoD and SotO were a massive QOL improvement of legendary crafting and it would be nice to adapt that to the older maps or the Gen 1 and Gen 2 skins.

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Posted (edited)

Core Tyria Graphic upgrade and SFX upgrade, FFXIV just had a graphic update few days ago

Why cant we??

PS: what's with the negative reactions?? just because your PC cant handle it???? lol

Edited by Tofu.1865
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Posted (edited)

Stop making random unique drops (like Knaebelag's Fang) ascended.   Make them exotic and tradable.   Let the lucky person who gets one sell it to people who actually like the skin.


The new NPC in wizards tower that lets these sort of random drops be bought for currency is ideal.  I can now progress towards getting them instead of praying to RNG.   Keep doing that for other RNG event drops.  brilliant.

Edited by Sadie Stikk.4729
they fixed it
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Two things.

» Reward track for core tyria gift of exploration - Requirements to unlock it: Have completed map completion at least 1 time. It would let those of us who have done the deed able to get it in another way, and it will still have newer players experience it as well. No harm in that. 

I posted that back in 2021, it still applies. Not having the gift of exploration as a reward track is just unacceptable at this point.

» When you open the crafting menu, have each category collapsed already! OR add an option to collapse all categories. Why does every category need to be open when first viewing? Makes no sense.

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Posted (edited)

Can we please get an overhaul of LFG? I would like to see all the teams that are forming around tyria in ONE single tab, also i would like to have a dedicated button so that i dont have to go down through friendlist first. And then we could also get a way to mark people that are doing quickness and alac so its easier to form/reform teams. Aswell as a rehaul to how 5 man teams work, let the team leader kick afk people and eliminate the hability to free merge. 

This is seriously killing the interaction in the game. And is being toxicly abused.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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On 5/1/2024 at 10:51 AM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Also, add a [] which contain their account unique 4 digit number by their name.

This way, it's always guaranteed the name they want for the character to be available.

Players can choose to either didplay or hide that account unique 4 digit number from ingame names.

I can only support this idea if the people who want to borrow a name  already in use are required to have the [] and only the original player who created the name is the one without the square brackets. I come up with distinct names for my characters, and I don't want to be seen as an imposter of my own name. There can be only one Zera, and that's me. For your request to be implemented, there must be a way to preserve the distinction between the original name creator and the imposters.

Your request is already in effect for account names, just leave it at that. Otherwise, what's the point in naming your character at all? At that point just have your character's name show up as your account display name for all your characters like Last Epoch does.

Either that or come up with your own names (it's easy and much more rewarding), or add a bunch of Xs or other characters to a name you want.

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