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Why can't we side with Balthy


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@DarcShriek.5829 said:

@"Nick Lentz.6982" said:Well Anet has chosen the same story arch for all races now because reasons. Its not like different paths in the personal story mattered anyway. Besides that, lack of any quality story that we are going into, it really won't matter

Also being evil is bad

Explain what was evil about what he is doing.

For that matter explain why we kill someone for simply wanting to worship Dragon...as opposed to bear?

I think maybe you are the true evil.

Here is how he is evil. He is stealing magic from the dragons against their will, even though he knows that the end result of his actions will destroy Tyria and many innocent people that live on it.

When a farmer turns the soil in his fields in order to better plant his crops he is, "stealing," the nutrients of the land for his own benefit and is killing innocent worms and insects that dwell within it.

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So if you were allowed to side with (insert opposing force here -- Mordy, Mantle, Balthazar) and "good always wins" (which you know has to happen), then what happens next? Your character gets perma-deleted with the defeat of the Mantle, i.e., slain alongside them? Or just imprisoned and stripped of all valuables? There has to be consequences for making such a choice.

How would Anet ever create a satisfying, realistic story/MMO with two sides?

I say better to leave such choices to a single player game, or at least a game that already has opposing sides built into it. That's not GW2.

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Well the gods left and became distant for a reason, whenever they interfered with the affairs of mortals it would go catastrophically wrong somehow, even when they were trying to help. Balthazar is back, interfering with the affairs of mortals, so I am guessing history will repeat itself on that note. I do hope that the gods aren't all jerks that have given up on humanity and everyone else, and that it's just Balthazar. We know Lyssa has some degree of involvement because Balthazar used her mirror to cast the illusion of being Lazerous. So I am curious to find out if he betrayed her to get it, or if she's in on it, and what the deal is, Lyssa is my patron, so I wouldn't want to side with someone that betrayed her. Also since we are heading to Elona, I think Kormir should be making an appearance somehow, possibly as a benevolent one that we side with, but ANet doesn't let us deviate from the set path in any way, so we get no choice in the matter lol.

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:Largos aren't the 'edgy, evil guys', but that aside.

Any encounter with Largos in open world is with them as athathins, hunting innocent people.The only reason Trehearne survives encountering one is because he marysue'd his way into a "favor" owed. For reasons.They evil, yo. Leave them in their evil ponds where BubbleSteve can eat them by the dozen.

Balthazar is not just evil. Balthazar is the embodiment of war, fighting, glory of the fray. As a warrior, touched by him, I feel it's not that farfetched to place Balthazar over the common people. Sure, killing innocent people isn't 'good' but from his point of view they're just critters in the way of a swinging sword. He shouldn't be going out of his way to attack and destroy, unless they're on his path. It should be our duty to be by his side when he fights the greatest prey of all time: Kralkatorrik

I can understand exploring that. War will always cause damage and woe, and the followers of Balthazar would know that. It'd be an interesting perspective to view as a part of the story....as the PC putting a stop to it.Unfortunately, this isn't the kind of game that allows deeper exploration of the concept and still maintain a coherent meta-narrative.

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:I'm a warrior, Balthazar was my chosen god, I rather ride into armageddon with the trophy a' six dragon heads than kill the god I worship, to protect this prey.Al Jahai Balthazar! Our one true god! If I can't serve him in battle, the world may end just the same!P_TGYrkw.jpg

yeah kitten tyria ! i want to serve the true master balthy ! all who deny him must face theire end ! death to the dragons ! :D

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@Grimheart.2853 said:What's up with all the "unreasonable human fanatic" RP recently?

It's nor really about roleplay, more about sensical or realistic choices. As you can hear the priests of Balthazar claim, they'll gladly throw away their 'humanity' to be at Balthazar's side in battle. It's kind of like a birthright

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@dusanyu.4057 said:Silly Bookah, what part of one more dragon dies and the world is annihilated do you not understand? Do your job, kill your god, or we Asura will have to do it for you.

I think we'll have to do that anyway, the humans are obviously too... emotional about this "god" thing. We can't rely on them, it'll be like Mordremoth and the Sylvari all over again. I never thought the Charr would be the rational ones, mind you, with the fur they do smell worse when they get wet.

About ten minutes after a heavy shower the Black Citadel is probably one of the worst places on Tyria.

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:I'm a warrior, Balthazar was my chosen god, I rather ride into armageddon with the trophy a' six dragon heads than kill the god I worship, to protect this prey.Al Jahai Balthazar! Our one true god! If I can't serve him in battle, the world may end just the same!P_TGYrkw.jpg

Being evil, even in a game is bad. Sad but true :(

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@MiniMe.1960 said:

@Ayakaru.6583 said:I'm a warrior, Balthazar was my chosen god, I rather ride into armageddon with the trophy a' six dragon heads than kill the god I worship, to protect this prey.Al Jahai Balthazar! Our one true god! If I can't serve him in battle, the world may end just the same!

Being evil, even in a game is bad. Sad but true :(

Evil is a term used by the weak to describe the strong. All hail the one true God, Balthazar!

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@Helbjorne.9368 said:

@MiniMe.1960 said:

@Ayakaru.6583 said:I'm a warrior, Balthazar was my chosen god, I rather ride into armageddon with the trophy a' six dragon heads than kill the god I worship, to protect this prey.Al Jahai Balthazar! Our one true god! If I can't serve him in battle, the world may end just the same!

Being evil, even in a game is bad. Sad but true :(

Evil is a term used by the weak to describe the strong. All hail the one true God, Balthazar!

Despite favoring the evil I would more likely chose Palawa Joko to side with rather then with a mad god like Balthazar is.

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:

@Grimheart.2853 said:What's up with all the "unreasonable human fanatic" RP recently?

It's nor really about roleplay, more about sensical or realistic choices. As you can hear the priests of Balthazar claim, they'll gladly throw away their 'humanity' to be at Balthazar's side in battle. It's kind of like a birthright

Religious fanaticism qualifies as sensible behavior or a sensible choice? You're welcome to the opinion that it is, but it difficult to back up that opinion with a reasoned argument. The priests of Balthazar are weak willed people who don't recognize what is in their best interest or in the best interest of a free people. They are one dimensional characters described by one feature; devotion to a more powerful being and their willingness to do whatever that being asks. Nothing the PC protagonist has said or done shows them to be a religious fanatic and there is a huge difference between being a warrior who asks Balthazar for strength and a religious fanatic who would help Balthazar destroy Tyria.

I would love to see the studio take player agency more seriously, I just don't get how a choice to make the PC protagonist more one dimensional qualifies as player agency.

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I wish Balthazar wasn't portrayed as just "evil", in the "you're all fleas to me and can die" way he has been shown in season 3. I wish he had simply been driven, following a "the Elder Dragons must die, we'll fix whatever happens later" mentality. I could even see Braham joining him (as well as a big part of public opinion).

I would really like, though, if in the end Balthazar kills a dragon then the other gods take the dragon's magic for themselves, thus avoiding Taimi's predicted "end of the world" scenario. It would show how Taimi can actually be wrong, how she should have allowed others to share her data, and it would point how the PC was actually wrong in preventing Jormag and Primordius' deaths. A plot twist like that would be a big innovation.

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I think that the story will turn, as we really don't know Balth's reason for coming back OR why he is going for power. I expect a twist on both of these points.

And for the record, has he ever acted any differently for things he is motivated for? Would you expect a god of war too act differently even if the motivation was good or just? I don't think so, he is a believable character.

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@Eldric.2109 said:This video actually suggest that dwarves are comming back and betting on baltazhar.

Welp, that's Balty's new theme tune sorted. I shall be incapable of taking him seriously now, with that going on in my mind when we deal with him. =)

Add in the Benny Hill music for when I've seriously overestimated myself and am kiting like crazy, and I think I have a new playlist coming on.

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