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Legendary weapons, sigils and infusions.


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@Rezzet.3614 said:still there is no excuse for said system to be implemented

its as simple as a copy paste of the armor script code and replace the Rune value with Sigil

in no way such a simple change should harm the economy on a grand scale

well if you can have all runes/sigils for your builds and swap freely in between then who is ever gonna buy them again after acquired once?

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@WolfSparkSmack.2649 said:

@Rezzet.3614 said:still there is no excuse for said system to be implemented

its as simple as a copy paste of the armor script code and replace the Rune value with Sigil

in no way such a simple change should harm the economy on a grand scale

well if you can have all runes/sigils for your builds and swap freely in between then who is ever gonna buy them again after acquired once?

lol you saying like 100% of the population of this game owns a legendary weapon/armor...i can tell that its way less then 10%, maybe armor is most likely 1% or something...this kind of change wouldnt hurt rune/sigil economy at all

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@WolfSparkSmack.2649 said:

@Rezzet.3614 said:still there is no excuse for said system to be implemented

its as simple as a copy paste of the armor script code and replace the Rune value with Sigil

in no way such a simple change should harm the economy on a grand scale

well if you can have all runes/sigils for your builds and swap freely in between then who is ever gonna buy them again after acquired once?

Those who don't have legendary weapons!

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@Hitman.5829 said:

@Rezzet.3614 said:still there is no excuse for said system to be implemented

its as simple as a copy paste of the armor script code and replace the Rune value with Sigil

in no way such a simple change should harm the economy on a grand scale

well if you can have all runes/sigils for your builds and swap freely in between then who is ever gonna buy them again after acquired once?

Those who don't have legendary weapons!

And those who don't yet have all their characters fully decked out in legendary weapons.

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@WolfSparkSmack.2649 said:

@Rezzet.3614 said:still there is no excuse for said system to be implemented

its as simple as a copy paste of the armor script code and replace the Rune value with Sigil

in no way such a simple change should harm the economy on a grand scale

well if you can have all runes/sigils for your builds and swap freely in between then who is ever gonna buy them again after acquired once?

People that don't own a Legendary weapon, which i'm going on a limb and say the majority of players don't own one legendary of each weapon type... So it won't have that big of an impact on the economy as that.It's like saying that legendary weapon stat swapping would ruin T6 material economy (it didn't).

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@"Solori.6025" said:https://amp.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/68vw84/flashpoint_devs_here_ask_us_anything/dh1po09/

Yes it's about the sigil economyNo, they won't add the swapping feature for weapons.

PaulElla (from that Reddit link)"We had originally intended that you should be able to change the sigils in the same way as runes for armor (so we had thought of it for everyone out there who thought we forgot :) ). However, when we started our economic impact analysis it became clear that we needed to do a deeper investigation to assess potential risks we had not previously foreseen. The investigation is currently ongoing."

This doesn't say that they aren't adding swapping to weapons. It sounds like they are still looking into possibly adding it later (who knows how long the "investigation" will take and if it is being actively done).

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+1 for this...all the time, everyday.This needs to be done so all legendary gear has the same functionality. Also, with the way ANet handles balancing, i.e. a new Meta approaches every three monthy which makes gear/infusions/sigils change and older stuff obsolete, changing stats/infusions/sigils is a fundamental part of gameplay and I don't see why I should spend time/money on ascended extra weapons when I took the time/money to craft a legendary.ANet, make it happen.

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@lockheedlight.5910 said:

@"Solori.6025" said:

Yes it's about the sigil economyNo, they won't add the swapping feature for weapons.

PaulElla (from that Reddit link)"We had originally intended that you should be able to change the sigils in the same way as runes for armor (so we had thought of it for everyone out there who thought we forgot :) ). However, when we started our economic impact analysis it became clear that we needed to do a deeper investigation to assess potential risks we had not previously foreseen. The investigation is currently ongoing."

This doesn't say that they aren't adding swapping to weapons. It sounds like they are still looking into possibly adding it later (who knows how long the "investigation" will take and if it is being actively done).

It takes them 6 months just to balance things.1-2 yrs to fix bugs3-4 months to add 1 hr content.You really think they are even remotely trying to "investigate " the impact of the sigil economy?

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@"Solori.6025" said:It takes them 6 months just to balance things.1-2 yrs to fix bugs3-4 months to add 1 hr content.You really think they are even remotely trying to "investigate " the impact of the sigil economy?

Honestly, it certainly does not feel like they are actively investigating the sigil economy. They probably don't have time or people to work on it right now. Or, they do not want to implement sigil swapping in legendary weapons at all.

Personally, I really hope they do since it really discourages using a weapon from character to character as different builds need different sigils and often those sigils are very pricey. If they do not want to do sigil swapping, I wish they would put up a merchant who would exchange superior sigils for a single-use sigil extraction device. That way we could swap sigils and use up the endless amounts of worthless sigils in the market.

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@Magnus Godrik.5841 said:So it's OK to ruin the rune economy and not the sigil. Potato, potāto that's a lame excuse. Then again they need a way to sell the uprade extractor and blacklion keys for that juicy perm extractor.

the difference between those two is that there are about six times more accounts which have at least 1 legendary weapon compared to accounts that have 1 piece of leggie armor

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  • 7 months later...

I've build myself The Juggernaut. I play as WvW Scrapper Support, and i got in it healing orientated sigils. Now i can't give this hammer to my other class (like Guardian, Rev, Warrior) because those sigils are worthless for DPS char. So i have 2000+ gold worth weapon that i can use like 40g worth ascended hammer. We need this Sigil swapping thingy, so that it can feel like a got a LEGENDARY weapon, and not just regular ascended.

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@lokh.2695 said:+1 for this...all the time, everyday.This needs to be done so all legendary gear has the same functionality. Also, with the way ANet handles balancing, i.e. a new Meta approaches every three monthy which makes gear/infusions/sigils change and older stuff obsolete, changing stats/infusions/sigils is a fundamental part of gameplay and I don't see why I should spend time/money on ascended extra weapons when I took the time/money to craft a legendary.ANet, make it happen.

Still true ANet. Make it happen pls.

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@Lunateric.3708 said:

@"lockheedlight.5910" said:Hopefully they are working on it.


They aren't. As I said, the official stance is a "No, because Sigil economy".


It is

But that isn't an ANET answer afaik unless your link isn't the right one.

Exactly, there is a source however from Anet, telling that this information is wrong. There were some technical difficulties what I heard. I try to find this information. I hope they will overhaul the whole sigil/rune thing. I was actually hoping they would introduce rune changing on the fly similar to stats with legendary armor. Same with weapons. Just let us choose the rune/sigil with a drop down menu.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@"lockheedlight.5910" said:Hopefully they are working on it.


They aren't. As I said, the official stance is a "No, because Sigil economy".

I do not think this is Anet stance, considering that legendary armor, introduced later, had the ability to swap runes. In all likelihood it is a tech limitation that Anet does not think it is a high priority to change.

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They could add sigil-swapping without hurting the economy too much, but they'd have to at least make it harder than stat-swapping legendaries. What if they added something similar to a wardrobe system, that let you swap sigils or runes on legendary gear, as long as you had the upgrade "unlocked"? To unlock it, they could have you craft an unlockable "legendary" rune or sigil, likely made with ascended mats and some significant number of the relevant upgrade (for example, something like 15 sigils of fire and a deldrimor ingot or two to make a legendary sigil of fire). You could even tune the recipes to make individual sigils or runes harder or easier to unlock.

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They should have added a Mystic Forge recipe for each type of Sigil/Rune in which you could toss a full 250 stack along with some Mystic Coins/Mystic Forge Stones, a Bloodstone Shard, and a Vision Crystal to obtain a Legendary Sigil/Rune which unlocks that Sigil/Rune for your account (allowing you to toggle it on in any slot at any time. You would still lose a non-Legendary Sigil/Rune that was in a slot when you used it though).

They could then make all Superior Sigils/Runes salvageable so that as the demand for specific Sigils/Runes decreases as more and more players unlock the Legendary version, the Superior version would still retain value based on what it salvages into.

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@mtpelion.4562 said:They should have added a Mystic Forge recipe for each type of Sigil/Rune in which you could toss a full 250 stack along with some Mystic Coins/Mystic Forge Stones, a Bloodstone Shard, and a Vision Crystal to obtain a Legendary Sigil/Rune which unlocks that Sigil/Rune for your account (allowing you to toggle it on in any slot at any time. You would still lose a non-Legendary Sigil/Rune that was in a slot when you used it though).A stack of superior runes seems a little harsh. I think most people would just not bother with using the system at that point, and it would end up like Bloodbound weapons: useful in theory, but the cost outweighs the benefit to such a degree that nobody bothers. Maybe a stack of minor, 100 major, 10 superior, and an anthology of heroes, but a full stack of superior runes/sigils would be insane.

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I don't want sigil swapping. I don't even like runeswapping now that I have it. I was hugely disappointed in legendary armor. The whole POINT for me was to reduce my inventory space so I could swap between heal druid, Condi soul beast and power soul beast without lugging around two full sets in my inventory...except with rune swapping I still do.

What it SHOULD do is STORE a rune or sigil once acquired. Then you can just select. Want a new one? Get it, add it.

And if I'm doing the armor wrong please tell me. But I can't figure how it is any better than sets of ascended.

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