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Gift of Battle

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@DMO.4158 said:Or are WvW people actually asking it remain exclusive so they can pad the numbers in WvW and have some easy noobs to kill?


Very unlikely. The people who are hardcore about WvW would prefer that there's no incentive for PvErs to join, because (in their estimation) it spoils the purity of the combat.


And it is actually a way to bring new blood to wvw, I don’t mind it become available from vendor after gift of battle reward track is completed at least once.

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For me, legendary weapons are the "Ultimate" we can get. I find it therefore normal - even good - that it needs to provide extra efforts to get one, "forcing" us to participate in activities we do not like and would not do otherwise. To my eyes, it's no casual weapons we get by doing only what we like and stay in our comfort zone, and it is also not only a matter of gold. It is more and it needs therefore more. Sort of "we-need-to-suffer-to-get-one" and it takes loooooong time too, and we complain, get frustrated, get impatient, complain again.... But at the end, when we finally get it, it feels good and we have something extraordinary. =)

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@BlaqueFyre.5678 said:You can get GoB without ever stepping foot outside of spawn in WvW, players can also get GoB playing semi AFK and not have to fight a single player, there is no reason to put it in other game modes, asking for GoB to be in another gamemode is like Asking GoE to be handed by not Exploring Open World.

If its so easy to acquire it, that's even more reason to have more ways to get it.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@BlaqueFyre.5678 said:You can get GoB without ever stepping foot outside of spawn in WvW, players can also get GoB playing semi AFK and not have to fight a single player, there is no reason to put it in other game modes, asking for GoB to be in another gamemode is like Asking GoE to be handed by not Exploring Open World.

If its so easy to acquire it, that's even more reason to have more ways to get it.

That doesn't even make sense... It is easy to require, so it doesn't need another route. The only thing that changed about the GoB was Anet stamped a real amount of time into obtaining it, rather than players saving their AP chest Badges of Honor. (IMO the vendor wouldn't have been removed if Anet didn't add Badges into the AP chests and left them as solely WvW reward via playing it, but then we'd still be having this discussion, hey-ho, not going to change now.)6-8hrs into a small portion of any legendary weapon is hardly souldestroying...

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@BlaqueFyre.5678 said:You can get GoB without ever stepping foot outside of spawn in WvW, players can also get GoB playing semi AFK and not have to fight a single player, there is no reason to put it in other game modes, asking for GoB to be in another gamemode is like Asking GoE to be handed by not Exploring Open World.

If its so easy to acquire it, that's even more reason to have more ways to get it.

Honestly I wish they'd make it harder to get, give all the people who come to this thread a real reason to complain and help them realize how good they have it right now. Know it won't happen, just like the topic of this thread won't happen thankfully, but man I wish it would. At least then I might have a reason to sympathize with some of the complainers because they'd actually have to put in some effort to get it, as opposed to how easy it is now.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@BlaqueFyre.5678 said:You can get GoB without ever stepping foot outside of spawn in WvW, players can also get GoB playing semi AFK and not have to fight a single player, there is no reason to put it in other game modes, asking for GoB to be in another gamemode is like Asking GoE to be handed by not Exploring Open World.

If its so easy to acquire it, that's even more reason to have more ways to get it.

That makes absolutely zero sense, it’s so easy to acquire that there is absolutely no reason to put it in any other gamemode, currently it can take less than 4.5 hrs and no more than 8.5 hrs to complete if doing it the normal way, or it can be done with never stepping outside of spawn in WvW never having to worry about participation or chance of seeing scary enemies.

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@Moonlit.6421 said:

@BlaqueFyre.5678 said:You can get GoB without ever stepping foot outside of spawn in WvW, players can also get GoB playing semi AFK and not have to fight a single player, there is no reason to put it in other game modes, asking for GoB to be in another gamemode is like Asking GoE to be handed by not Exploring Open World.

If its so easy to acquire it, that's even more reason to have more ways to get it.

Honestly I wish they'd make it harder to get, give all the people who come to this thread a real reason to complain and help them realize how good they have it right now. Know it won't happen, just like the topic of this thread won't happen thankfully, but man I wish it would. At least then I might have a reason to sympathize with some of the complainers because they'd actually have to put in some effort to get it, as opposed to how easy it is now.

They've made it harder to get twice now. Originally you just needed enough Badges of Honour but to get them you had to play WvW, then achievement reward chests made it possible to get badges without ever entering WvW so they added a rank requirement, then later the reward track.

But the intent has always been the same - to make it so you have to play WvW to get a legendary. Considering they've kept making changes to keep that requirement I think it's highly unlikely Anet will scrap it now.

(Although, as people have said in this topic, it is actually possible to get it without playing WvW by doing things like capturing ruins or using the Big Spender daily.)

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@"Dimi Gravedancer.1463" said:

I know a lot of people who would prefer to do PvP a lot more than WvW, because, and I am not trying to sound mean to anyone, there seems to be a lot of "Elitists" in WvW. Before anyone says it is true, I was whispered on several occasions by commanders telling "Follow me or get off the map".

Meh, this is exactly what the block feature was made for. Since the dawn of online multiplayer games there have been stuck up little twats who think that their play style is THE play style and you should play their way or get out. And it is those same people who always complain folks aren’t listening to them, not realizing it’s because most people have them blocked.

Go to WvW and play the way you want or need to. If someone messages you acting like a spoiled brat who is used to being able to demand others play their way, block them and keep doing you. Don’t let miserable people ruin your enjoyment of the game. They are doing enough damage making themselves miserable, and you shouldn’t let that infect into your own life in any way.

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@Mazreal Blackknight.1564 said:Because, as a wvw player, we have to go out do map comp, do world bosses, collections, or do a thousand other things. A pve player has to come into WvW for 6 - 8 hours max, while a wvw player has to suffer in pve maps for way longer than 6-8 hours, more like days or in some cases months. I happen to do both pve and wvw but its kinda one sided. Asking for another method to get 1 part of a legendary item is silly. It would be like a wvw player asking to have all of the pve items moved into wvw so they don't have to leave their comfort zone. I have 8 gob and 14 gifts of exploration in the bank.

Its about moving out of your comfort zone pulling up your underpants and getting into a new game mode. Learn why majority of wvw players don't like pve stuff. And some pve players might find that wvw is a great game mode.

You can not argue the Collections, They are not the sole way of getting a Legendary. If you choose to do the collections, you are choosing to part-take in PvE and WvW. My first map completion included WvW maps, As did my second. But as far as the collections, there are other ways of Obtainment. The argument seems moot

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@"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:For me, legendary weapons are the "Ultimate" we can get. I find it therefore normal - even good - that it needs to provide extra efforts to get one, "forcing" us to participate in activities we do not like and would not do otherwise. To my eyes, it's no casual weapons we get by doing only what we like and stay in our comfort zone, and it is also not only a matter of gold. It is more and it needs therefore more. Sort of "we-need-to-suffer-to-get-one" and it takes loooooong time too, and we complain, get frustrated, get impatient, complain again.... But at the end, when we finally get it, it feels good and we have something extraordinary. =)

Yes, so when you go into a camp, by yourself, because everyone is mindlessly following the Commander and pounding walls. You alone take down all the guards and the supervisor only to have 10-15 enemies come in and roll over you. Again, Elitists who, only wish to do for themselves in regards to being told "Oh Look another person who should stick to PvE for their dailies".

The other problem is the people who act like they lose something in real life if a keep is taken from them, throw hissy fits if a person doesn't follow their rules, adds you to a squad and then kicks you if you do not catch up to them fast enough. The list goes on and on and on of how a lot of people (not all of them) treat people who generally do not do WvW.

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@"Ardid.7203" said:Legendaries should require you to play every single game mode and category of challenge there is.I really can't understand why some people think they deserve to get the hardest reward there is in the whole game just by grinding their comfort zone over and over. It doesn't make sense.

You See this why I know a lot of people left the game, it is Content. It has nothing to do with Comfort zones and all of that nonsense. What it does have to do with is like stated before, "Running around in Zergs, Mindlessy pounding walls" And not only that, but if I had a GoB for every time I ran with a zerg across the entire map, just to "tap" a keep, and then continue running in circles doing nothing, I would be able to make all of the Legendaries and then some future ones released. So it is about content and honestly the way people who are only working on that track are treated.

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@Dimi Gravedancer.1463 said:

@"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:For me, legendary weapons are the "Ultimate" we can get. I find it therefore normal - even good - that it needs to provide extra efforts to get one, "forcing" us to participate in activities we do not like and would not do otherwise. To my eyes, it's no casual weapons we get by doing only what we like and stay in our comfort zone, and it is also not only a matter of gold. It is more and it needs therefore more. Sort of "we-need-to-suffer-to-get-one" and it takes loooooong time too, and we complain, get frustrated, get impatient, complain again.... But at the end, when we finally get it, it feels good and we have something extraordinary. =)

Yes, so when you go into a camp, by yourself, because everyone is mindlessly following the Commander and pounding walls. You alone take down all the guards and the supervisor only to have 10-15 enemies come in and roll over you. Again, Elitists who, only wish to do for themselves in regards to being told "Oh Look another person who should stick to PvE for their dailies".

The other problem is the people who act like they lose something in real life if a keep is taken from them, throw hissy fits if a person doesn't follow their rules, adds you to a squad and then kicks you if you do not catch up to them fast enough. The list goes on and on and on of how a lot of people (not all of them) treat people who generally do not do WvW.

I ran into your camp situation a lot of times when i first set foot in wvw as a noob; i still ran into it on occasionally nowadays as well, i knew it is not fun. The only solution is increase your map awareness, never hit the camp when RI is up, learn how to effectively gather all npc into 1 spot and cleave them down as fast as possible.

For squad invitation i generally ignore unless it is from someone i knew, you don't join a squad, you don't get kicked. You can always follow a squad without joining them and effectively do what they do, and you are free to leave whenever you want, no body can tell you what to do, they cannot kick you out of the map either.

As much as i hate it, if the Dev designated a reward or partial of the reward is belong to a certain game mode, we do not have a say. I want every RAID skin add into wvw reward track as well, don't you think it will devalue those skin by a large margin? Try imagine if gift of battle is obtained by combining 250 battle fragments, which only obtained by killing keep lord or smc lord, 1 fragment per kill... you may as well buying gem convert>gold to buy a legendary from TP. Be glad it is as easy as is.

Gift of battle got very limited use and is only a small component of a legendary item, only couple hours of wvw play time each, deal with it.

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@Dimi Gravedancer.1463 said:

@Mazreal Blackknight.1564 said:Because, as a wvw player, we have to go out do map comp, do world bosses, collections, or do a thousand other things. A pve player has to come into WvW for 6 - 8 hours max, while a wvw player has to suffer in pve maps for way longer than 6-8 hours, more like days or in some cases months. I happen to do both pve and wvw but its kinda one sided. Asking for another method to get 1 part of a legendary item is silly. It would be like a wvw player asking to have all of the pve items moved into wvw so they don't have to leave their comfort zone. I have 8 gob and 14 gifts of exploration in the bank.

Its about moving out of your comfort zone pulling up your underpants and getting into a new game mode. Learn why majority of wvw players don't like pve stuff. And some pve players might find that wvw is a great game mode.

You can not argue the Collections, They are not the sole way of getting a Legendary. If you choose to do the collections, you are choosing to part-take in PvE and WvW. My first map completion included WvW maps, As did my second. But as far as the collections, there are other ways of Obtainment. The argument seems moot

They aren't talking about collections. If you're making a legendary from a bought or dropped precursor, you still need both PvE (for GoExploration) and WvW (for GoBattle). Or for the latter ones (4 of which can't be made without collections, btw) PvE is needed for Gift of Maguuma/Desert Mastery.

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@Crossaber.8934 said:

@"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:For me, legendary weapons are the "Ultimate" we can get. I find it therefore normal - even good - that it needs to provide extra efforts to get one, "forcing" us to participate in activities we do not like and would not do otherwise. To my eyes, it's no casual weapons we get by doing only what we like and stay in our comfort zone, and it is also not only a matter of gold. It is more and it needs therefore more. Sort of "we-need-to-suffer-to-get-one" and it takes loooooong time too, and we complain, get frustrated, get impatient, complain again.... But at the end, when we finally get it, it feels good and we have something extraordinary. =)

Yes, so when you go into a camp, by yourself, because everyone is mindlessly following the Commander and pounding walls. You alone take down all the guards and the supervisor only to have 10-15 enemies come in and roll over you. Again, Elitists who, only wish to do for themselves in regards to being told "Oh Look another person who should stick to PvE for their dailies".

The other problem is the people who act like they lose something in real life if a keep is taken from them, throw hissy fits if a person doesn't follow their rules, adds you to a squad and then kicks you if you do not catch up to them fast enough. The list goes on and on and on of how a lot of people (not all of them) treat people who generally do not do WvW.

I ran into your camp situation a lot of times when i first set foot in wvw as a noob; i still ran into it on occasionally nowadays as well, i knew it is not fun. The only solution is increase your map awareness, never hit the camp when RI is up, learn how to effectively gather all npc into 1 spot and cleave them down as fast as possible.

For squad invitation i generally ignore unless it is from someone i knew, you don't join a squad, you don't get kicked. You can always follow a squad without joining them and effectively do what they do, and you are free to leave whenever you want, no body can tell you what to do, they cannot kick you out of the map either.

As much as i hate it, if the Dev designated a reward or partial of the reward is belong to a certain game mode, we do not have a say. I want every RAID skin add into wvw reward track as well, don't you think it will devalue those skin by a large margin? Try imagine if gift of battle is obtained by combining 250 battle fragments, which only obtained by killing keep lord or smc lord, 1 fragment per kill... you may as well buying gem convert>gold to buy a legendary from TP. Be glad it is as easy as is.

Gift of battle got very limited use and is only a small component of a legendary item, only couple hours of wvw play time each, deal with it.

I still want to know how to increase my "map awareness" when perma invisible mesmers and thieves camp out at monuments and camps?

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@artemis.6781 said:

@"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:For me, legendary weapons are the "Ultimate" we can get. I find it therefore normal - even good - that it needs to provide extra efforts to get one, "forcing" us to participate in activities we do not like and would not do otherwise. To my eyes, it's no casual weapons we get by doing only what we like and stay in our comfort zone, and it is also not only a matter of gold. It is more and it needs therefore more. Sort of "we-need-to-suffer-to-get-one" and it takes loooooong time too, and we complain, get frustrated, get impatient, complain again.... But at the end, when we finally get it, it feels good and we have something extraordinary. =)

Yes, so when you go into a camp, by yourself, because everyone is mindlessly following the Commander and pounding walls. You alone take down all the guards and the supervisor only to have 10-15 enemies come in and roll over you. Again, Elitists who, only wish to do for themselves in regards to being told "Oh Look another person who should stick to PvE for their dailies".

The other problem is the people who act like they lose something in real life if a keep is taken from them, throw hissy fits if a person doesn't follow their rules, adds you to a squad and then kicks you if you do not catch up to them fast enough. The list goes on and on and on of how a lot of people (not all of them) treat people who generally do not do WvW.

I ran into your camp situation a lot of times when i first set foot in wvw as a noob; i still ran into it on occasionally nowadays as well, i knew it is not fun. The only solution is increase your map awareness, never hit the camp when RI is up, learn how to effectively gather all npc into 1 spot and cleave them down as fast as possible.

For squad invitation i generally ignore unless it is from someone i knew, you don't join a squad, you don't get kicked. You can always follow a squad without joining them and effectively do what they do, and you are free to leave whenever you want, no body can tell you what to do, they cannot kick you out of the map either.

As much as i hate it, if the Dev designated a reward or partial of the reward is belong to a certain game mode, we do not have a say. I want every RAID skin add into wvw reward track as well, don't you think it will devalue those skin by a large margin? Try imagine if gift of battle is obtained by combining 250 battle fragments, which only obtained by killing keep lord or smc lord, 1 fragment per kill... you may as well buying gem convert>gold to buy a legendary from TP. Be glad it is as easy as is.

Gift of battle got very limited use and is only a small component of a legendary item, only couple hours of wvw play time each, deal with it.

I still want to know how to increase my "map awareness" when perma invisible mesmers and thieves camp out at monuments and camps?

Going to sound odd, and doesnt always apply, but watch for unattended minipets. I have found that its not uncommon fo a stealthed thief to forget to stow his pet. It doesnt stealth with him. I have yet to run into a perma stealth mesmer though. Perhaps they are less common than stealthy thieves?

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First, people complain theres not much contentANET gives em content.Then, people complain theres not much diversity.ANET gives em diversity.People, then, complain that it is too hard (insert laughter here) to get diverse content (in this case, GoB).ANET makes said content waaaay easier to get.People complain theres not much content, cause they get everything easily.

You see where this is going?

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@"artemis.6781" said:I still want to know how to increase my "map awareness" when perma invisible mesmers and thieves camp out at monuments and camps?

When they say map awareness I believe they were generally referring to the problem of being run over by 15+ man groups while taking a camp, to which map awareness can indeed be a helpful thing. Keeping watch on any scouting reports on your teams map chat, looking to see where sentries report enemy groups are, checking the RI time on objectives to see how recently a group was in the area, seeing swords on objectives nearby, noticing if a yak that was walking has suddenly disappeared off the map. It sounds a little complicated but the longer you play the mode the better you get at being more aware of your surroundings. As for your problem with gankers that is essentially what those players design their builds around, and that can be a difficult thing to prevent. One thing that I personally think could help people is for one not to go afk or stop paying attention. I've seen it numerous times where people run to a monument or sentry and just sit there waiting for it to cap/respawn and they aren't even paying attention and die without moving or casting a single skill. Aside from that if your worried about that happening to you design a build around negating it. Play something with good stun breaks or damage negation like warrior so you can just eat their burst, play a mes/thief yourself so you can just stealth and run away if you have to escape, play a bunker firebrand or druid that makes it hard for them to kill you (i've done this a few times with my heal ele and had people finally just give up and leave when they realize I wont die). If you just bring a character with no real build set up though yah you might be able to kill the npc's and whatnot but you'll have trouble vs other players, and they are the ones you should be concerned about.

@Ashen.2907 said:Going to sound odd, and doesnt always apply, but watch for unattended minipets. I have found that its not uncommon fo a stealthed thief to forget to stow his pet. It doesnt stealth with him. I have yet to run into a perma stealth mesmer though. Perhaps they are less common than stealthy thieves?I wouldn't say so much that theres an abundance of perma stealth mesmers, more that they like to stealth, blink over to you, and then do their little burst combo and then many of them tend to blink around and spam clones until your dead or use up their burst and run off until its back because thats all they have in their arsenal. Thats what I tend to encounter at least.

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@artemis.6781 said:

@"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:For me, legendary weapons are the "Ultimate" we can get. I find it therefore normal - even good - that it needs to provide extra efforts to get one, "forcing" us to participate in activities we do not like and would not do otherwise. To my eyes, it's no casual weapons we get by doing only what we like and stay in our comfort zone, and it is also not only a matter of gold. It is more and it needs therefore more. Sort of "we-need-to-suffer-to-get-one" and it takes loooooong time too, and we complain, get frustrated, get impatient, complain again.... But at the end, when we finally get it, it feels good and we have something extraordinary. =)

Yes, so when you go into a camp, by yourself, because everyone is mindlessly following the Commander and pounding walls. You alone take down all the guards and the supervisor only to have 10-15 enemies come in and roll over you. Again, Elitists who, only wish to do for themselves in regards to being told "Oh Look another person who should stick to PvE for their dailies".

The other problem is the people who act like they lose something in real life if a keep is taken from them, throw hissy fits if a person doesn't follow their rules, adds you to a squad and then kicks you if you do not catch up to them fast enough. The list goes on and on and on of how a lot of people (not all of them) treat people who generally do not do WvW.

I ran into your camp situation a lot of times when i first set foot in wvw as a noob; i still ran into it on occasionally nowadays as well, i knew it is not fun. The only solution is increase your map awareness, never hit the camp when RI is up, learn how to effectively gather all npc into 1 spot and cleave them down as fast as possible.

For squad invitation i generally ignore unless it is from someone i knew, you don't join a squad, you don't get kicked. You can always follow a squad without joining them and effectively do what they do, and you are free to leave whenever you want, no body can tell you what to do, they cannot kick you out of the map either.

As much as i hate it, if the Dev designated a reward or partial of the reward is belong to a certain game mode, we do not have a say. I want every RAID skin add into wvw reward track as well, don't you think it will devalue those skin by a large margin? Try imagine if gift of battle is obtained by combining 250 battle fragments, which only obtained by killing keep lord or smc lord, 1 fragment per kill... you may as well buying gem convert>gold to buy a legendary from TP. Be glad it is as easy as is.

Gift of battle got very limited use and is only a small component of a legendary item, only couple hours of wvw play time each, deal with it.

I still want to know how to increase my "map awareness" when perma invisible mesmers and thieves camp out at monuments and camps?

Keybind a look back button, always check your six no matter hitting the last npc, capping objective, moving around. I love to use free camera look myself, i always check my 360 whatever i was doing as much as possible.

Thief and mesmer usually got some little tells before they engage you. Thief will go to shadow refugee with a big circle, for mesmer usually you can see them go steath in front of you. Well of course there are exceptions, but pretty much 90% steath attacker can be discovered by just always look around. Run before hand if you don’t like being killed. Some server have pride and do not chase running low ranks, but some server do love it. They even love to chase solo newbie in a team, you need to experience yourself, stay alert when matchup with them.

I wasn’t a wvwer at first, i was just trying to do some fast daily to avoid those doing 4 event at a random map which take me forever because i was only able to play 15mins back in the time. Wvw provided me quick daily like land claimer, big spender, take ruins, camp captures to mix with pve vista, gathering etc.

I have been actively avoid any player foe until i am around 55 wvw rank where i won my first 1v1 fight in wvw. Then i started to love it and hug it until now.

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@"Crossaber.8934" said:I have been actively avoid any player foe until i am around 55 wvw rank where i won my first 1v1 fight in wvw. Then i started to love it and hug it until now.

Perhaps that's the whole point of "gating" GoB behind WvW? You never know if you're gonna like something unless you try.

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@Plautze.6290 said:

@"Crossaber.8934" said:I have been actively avoid any player foe until i am around 55 wvw rank where i won my first 1v1 fight in wvw. Then i started to love it and hug it until now.

Perhaps that's the whole point of "gating" GoB behind WvW? You never know if you're gonna like something unless you try.

Exactly this

I don't think i prefer pver went into wvw for ktrain, but i rather see new blood added after they tried and bond to the mode.

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