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Gift of Battle

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I know many people out there are not fans of WvW. I know a I've quite a few people who were extremely angry when, as they put it "ANet is forcing me to do crap I absolutely hate, just so I can get a Legendary weapon" and they continue to say how it isn't worth it.So since we battle other players in WvW on a constant basis for our gift, do you think it would be possible to maybe add a Gift Of Battle Reward Track to PvP??I know a lot of people who would prefer to do PvP a lot more than WvW, because, and I am not trying to sound mean to anyone, there seems to be a lot of "Elitists" in WvW. Before anyone says it is true, I was whispered on several occasions by commanders telling "Follow me or get off the map".

So that is my Idea, a GoB track in PvP?

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Getting gift of battle is hard? Do you really need to follow a comander to... get a GoB?? Since when? Just do the dailies, solo cap camps/sentries, and voila! In less than a week it is yours. No grinding, just a few mins every day WvW. No effort required. Unless it is hard to cap a daily tower with 2-3 other people...

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@Voltekka.2375 said:Getting gift of battle is hard? Do you really need to follow a comander to... get a GoB?? Since when? Just do the dailies, solo cap camps/sentries, and voila! In less than a week it is yours. No grinding, just a few mins every day WvW. No effort required. Unless it is hard to cap a daily tower with 2-3 other people...

I am not actually complaining, I do enjoy the dailies, and every once in awhile I stick around longer then just to do the daily. This was just a suggestion for all the complaints that I hear while in WvW for people who don't generally do it, or like it.

@Linken.6345 said:You can earn it by only doing the easy dailys.Master of monuments, mist guard killer, dolly killer, guard point thingy etc.

Will it take awhile sure, but you can do it without fighting a single player.

You forgot camp capture :)

@zealex.9410 said:Exclusivity gives modes their lifespan. So no pvp should not get another thing as reward track rewards.

I seriously doubt adding a GoB reward track to PvP is going to kill WvW. As it stands WvW is extremely popular.

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It would make me more happy to have a PvE version of the Gift of Battle. Since I basically never engage in combat against other players in WvW to get the Gift, it feels like PvE for me anyway. I only kill guards or stop a caravan, take camps or claim land, or buy some nice cultural skin when spending badges gives you reward track xp.

I would rather do something in open world though where nothing requires you to cover space for minutes without mount and mostly without gliding.

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@Faaris.8013 said:It would make me more happy to have a PvE version of the Gift of Battle. Since I basically never engage in combat against other players in WvW to get the Gift, it feels like PvE for me anyway. I only kill guards or stop a caravan, take camps or claim land, or buy some nice cultural skin when spending badges gives you reward track xp.

I would rather do something in open world though where nothing requires you to cover space for minutes without mount and mostly without gliding.

This. I quite dislike PvP and for me WvW is just another mode for it. It would be much nicer to get an actual PvE path for getting the Gift of Battle.Maybe for example fractals could get their own reward tracks and the Gift of Battle could be added there? That would also encourage people for doing other than daily fractals for once.

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Crafted many legendary items so far and the two things that require the most buckling up on my part are always the Gift of Battle(as I don't WvW that much) and the Gift of Exploration(as mapcomp became boring for me after the 5th char). But, going from what my signature says, If I want the shiny and I have to get the gifts for the shiny, I have to want or at least accept the gifts as well.

Legendary Weapons and the way you aquire them are ok. You think getting your GoB as a PvE'er is bad, think about all the PvE stuff a WvW'er needs to do if he/she wants a legy. Dungeons, HoT-Metas, Farctals, Mapcomp, Events, Champs all that non WvW-content. If you don't want to WvW. If you can't get yourself to farm EotM, which is more like a PvE champtrain than actual WvW, for approx 10Hrs, less if you max out on reward-track bonuses, you should not get a legendary weapon.I would like to have more PvE-Only legendaries, I think we already have Aurora, but that's tied to ls3, which isn't available for everyone. But, and this is a big one, should there ever be another PvE-only legendary, they need to make it hard to get to give it value. But, and that's the even bigger one, if they make it hard, ppl will cry that it's too had or that it requires a portion of PvE they personnally don't play. Not everyone enjoys the same things in PvE, shocking right. I liked Fractals and loved Dungeons, I hate JPs and waiting for timed events to start. I'm sure out there there's a player that hates all the instanced stuff in the game but jumps all the puzzles everyay if he/she's not waiting for the next world boss to spawn. All the "I want my legendary to be PvE-only" ppl should really think about if they would actually want this. It would have to be grindy, it would have to be hard, it would have to be costly and it would still not be for everyone. Would you still want the GoB replaced by a PvE version if it required you to kill 500 open world bosses? Would you still want to ditch WvW if the PvE-GoB required you to gather 500 tokens of each Dungeon? Or dare I say...if the PvE-GoB was tied to Raids, i.e. endgame PvE content? New PvE-GoB requires 500 acc.bound tokens only available once per day per account form world bosses in lvl80 zones, how about that, still want to keep things PvE-only? GoB can be replaced with the Gift of Fractals, sold for 10k relics, or would this be more like it?

If you want the easy legendary...work some extra shifts in RL and buy one from the TP for cash. If you want to work for your legendary, accept that WvW is a SMALL portion of the process and get over it.

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@"Dimi Gravedancer.1463" said:I know many people out there are not fans of WvW. I know a I've quite a few people who were extremely angry when, as they put it "ANet is forcing me to do crap I absolutely hate, just so I can get a Legendary weapon" and they continue to say how it isn't worth it.So since we battle other players in WvW on a constant basis for our gift, do you think it would be possible to maybe add a Gift Of Battle Reward Track to PvP??I know a lot of people who would prefer to do PvP a lot more than WvW, because, and I am not trying to sound mean to anyone, there seems to be a lot of "Elitists" in WvW. Before anyone says it is true, I was whispered on several occasions by commanders telling "Follow me or get off the map".

So that is my Idea, a GoB track in PvP?

Only if you give raid legendary armor obtainable via PvP and WvW tracks.

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SPvP isnt a battle. You know those situations where two girls go at each other by pulling their hair and breaking a nail or two? Thats sPvP.

Getting gob is also like the easiest thing to do for legendaries. I got like 8 or something in the bank in case I decide to use them. Or maybe I should just toss them away. Could use the space.

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@Faaris.8013 said:

@"Plautze.6290" said:Why don't I get my legendary weapon for creating my first char? What madness is this?! Do you actually want me to WORK for my legendary?!?!

/sarcasm and hyperbole off

Which part of "...maybe add a Gift Of Battle Reward Track to PvP?? " didn't you get?

Which part of sarcasm and hyperbole didn't you get? =)I am just no fan of "I don't like the way X is supposed to be achieved, please change it to fit my needs". There was a time we used to play by the rules, not ask for the rules to be changed to play by our liking, but anyways. I play purely OW PvE and don't mind in the least that I'll have to spend many hours in WvW to get the GoB because that's just how things are. All those change threads make me think that people have completely forgotten how to conquer obstacles while growing disturbingly proficient at asking for things that need to be changed.

Just my humble opinion. In all honesty I don't care in the least if I have to play WvW or PvP to get the GoB, it's just very amusing to witness these problems being described as excruciating cruel.

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@Plautze.6290 said:

@Plautze.6290 said:Why don't I get my legendary weapon for creating my first char? What madness is this?! Do you actually want me to WORK for my legendary?!?!

/sarcasm and hyperbole off

Which part of "...maybe add a Gift Of Battle Reward Track to PvP?? " didn't you get?

Which part of sarcasm and hyperbole didn't you get?

Let me explain how sarcasm would have worked here. If the OP had asked for the Gift of Battle to be removed from the material list of legendary weapons, then your post would be perfectly fitting sarcasm. You would successfully have made fun of him by pointing out that there should be something you have to do, with sarcasm. Not nice or constructive, but you would have made your point.

Since the OP never asked for removal of the GoB but for other means to get it, what exactly is your point? You agree with him by using sarcasm? The same sarcastic sentence that would have worked had he asked for a free GoB doesn't work for the case where he asked for another way to work for it.

Maybe it's a language issue and the joke would work in your language, but it certainly doesn't work in English, sorry.

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@Faaris.8013 said:

@Plautze.6290 said:Why don't I get my legendary weapon for creating my first char? What madness is this?! Do you actually want me to WORK for my legendary?!?!

/sarcasm and hyperbole off

Which part of "...maybe add a Gift Of Battle Reward Track to PvP?? " didn't you get?

Which part of sarcasm and hyperbole didn't you get?

Let me explain how sarcasm would have worked here. If the OP had asked for the Gift of Battle to be removed from the material list of legendary weapons, then your post would be perfectly fitting sarcasm. You would successfully have made fun of him by pointing out that there should be something you have to do, with sarcasm. Not nice or constructive, but you would have made your point.

Since the OP never asked for removal of the GoB but for other means to get it, what exactly is your point? You agree with him by using sarcasm? The same sarcastic sentence that would have worked had he asked for a free GoB doesn't work for the case where he asked for another way to work for it.

Maybe it's a language issue and the joke would work in your language, but it certainly doesn't work in English, sorry.

Hm, language elitism? That certainly is new.Nevermind, Faaris, I don't need your approval.A good day to you.

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@Dimi Gravedancer.1463 said:

@Voltekka.2375 said:Getting gift of battle is hard? Do you really need to follow a comander to... get a GoB?? Since when? Just do the dailies, solo cap camps/sentries, and voila! In less than a week it is yours. No grinding, just a few mins every day WvW. No effort required. Unless it is hard to cap a daily tower with 2-3 other people...

I am not actually complaining, I do enjoy the dailies, and every once in awhile I stick around longer then just to do the daily. This was just a suggestion for all the complaints that I hear while in WvW for people who don't generally do it, or like it.

@Linken.6345 said:You can earn it by only doing the easy dailys.Master of monuments, mist guard killer, dolly killer, guard point thingy etc.

Will it take awhile sure, but you can do it without fighting a single player.

You forgot camp capture :)

@zealex.9410 said:Exclusivity gives modes their lifespan. So no pvp should not get another thing as reward track rewards.

I seriously doubt adding a GoB reward track to PvP is going to kill WvW. As it stands WvW is extremely popular.

Adding the dungeon skins i pvp tracks didnt kill dungeons but it sure was a big reason why tragfic went down.

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@"zealex.9410" said:Exclusivity gives modes their lifespan. So no pvp should not get another thing as reward track rewards.

Then I guess we should take out dungeon tracks for WvW/PvP.

How about we just make GoB tradeable? People who like WvW can set their price for it, and those who want legendaries without being "forced" can pay the premium. WvW folks complain about rewards anyway, so give them something worth their effort.

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@Rauderi.8706 said:

@"zealex.9410" said:Exclusivity gives modes their lifespan. So no pvp should not get another thing as reward track rewards.

Then I guess we should take out dungeon tracks for WvW/PvP.

How about we just make GoB tradeable? People who like WvW can set their price for it, and those who want legendaries without being "forced" can pay the premium. WvW folks complain about rewards anyway, so give them something worth their effort.

Right after they make Gift of Exploration tradeable so I can sell the 12 I have sitting in my bank please.

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@"Dimi Gravedancer.1463" said:I know many people out there are not fans of WvW. I know a I've quite a few people who were extremely angry when, as they put it "ANet is forcing me to do crap I absolutely hate, just so I can get a Legendary weapon" and they continue to say how it isn't worth it.So since we battle other players in WvW on a constant basis for our gift, do you think it would be possible to maybe add a Gift Of Battle Reward Track to PvP??I know a lot of people who would prefer to do PvP a lot more than WvW, because, and I am not trying to sound mean to anyone, there seems to be a lot of "Elitists" in WvW. Before anyone says it is true, I was whispered on several occasions by commanders telling "Follow me or get off the map".

So that is my Idea, a GoB track in PvP?

I don't know about elitists in WvW. I just do not find the game mode enjoyable. Running with the zerg and fighting walls is sleep-inducing and roaming is basically like PvP except you have to spend 10 minutes running around to find any action!

Having said that, I don't have any issue with the requirement. It's legendary crafting. Not every step in the process is going to be every player's cup of tea, but it does get you out there participating in content that you might otherwise skip. If PvP had a GoB reward track, that'd be fine with me as well.

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I pretty much only do WvW whenever I'm working on a Legendary (and right now I'm working on 2). It's not that I dislike it, it's just that I never found the time to reward ratio to be very good. That, and being on a low pop server always meant we just stayed huddled up in the invulnerable area waiting for the other two servers to get tired of spawn camping us.

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@Dimi Gravedancer.1463 said:

@Voltekka.2375 said:Getting gift of battle is hard? Do you really need to follow a comander to... get a GoB?? Since when? Just do the dailies, solo cap camps/sentries, and voila! In less than a week it is yours. No grinding, just a few mins every day WvW. No effort required. Unless it is hard to cap a daily tower with 2-3 other people...

I am not actually complaining, I do enjoy the dailies, and every once in awhile I stick around longer then just to do the daily. This was just a suggestion for all the complaints that I hear while in WvW for people who don't generally do it, or like it.

@Linken.6345 said:You can earn it by only doing the easy dailys.Master of monuments, mist guard killer, dolly killer, guard point thingy etc.

Will it take awhile sure, but you can do it without fighting a single player.

You forgot camp capture :)

@zealex.9410 said:Exclusivity gives modes their lifespan. So no pvp should not get another thing as reward track rewards.

I seriously doubt adding a GoB reward track to PvP is going to kill WvW. As it stands WvW is extremely popular.

If the reward is available elsewhere and people flock to it instead, then they were never there for the intended content anyways.

Or are WvW people actually asking it remain exclusive so they can pad the numbers in WvW and have some easy noobs to kill?

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