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Death judgement 25k single hit damage

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@babazhook.6805 said:KILLshot

Damage level 1 damage: 949 (2.25)?Damage Level 2 damage: 1,160 (2.75)?Damage Level 3 damage: 1,371 (3.25)?PiercesCombo Finisher: Physical ProjectileRange: 1,500

Deaths Judgment

Damage: 696 (1.65)?Damage bonus per stack: 20%Revealed (3s): You cannot stealthCombo Finisher: Physical ProjectileRange: 1,500

Killshot hits much harder base. In order to get DJ into killshot range , full malice stacks needed and one must kneel to make the shot. Just as Malificient 7 can be used to maximize damage on a DJ , there are traits that increase kill shot damage. (burst mastery ,Berserkers power)

As example , at 7 malice stacks the DE thief gets 21 percent bonus damage to the DJ. Berserkers Power gives that same 21 percent bonus damage to a kill shot. The base damage of a Kill shot is MUCH higher then a DJ meaning the only thing that brings DJ ahead is the bonus off the kneel. Note that while a Kill shot warrior can switch off his target and maintain the SAME high level of damage, a DJ thief will lose damage if they switch targets. Note a Killshot warrior has a shot that pierces and has an esier time making the shot unblockable.

So the FACT is yes a Killshot warrior can make a single shot and take someone out with that single shot. One does not need 25k damage to single shot another. The OP is continously moving the Goalposts. The reason DJ will hit harder then a killshot is not because DJ does more damage then KS. it due to other factors and bonuses not directly linked to Killshot (such as executioner , lead attacks, signet use on assassins and so on) which play a role in all thief attacks by design.

One note- Deaths Judgment is 15% not 20% in PvP and WvW.I still say that it’s unhealthy game play. But so is having the ability to shut a capture point with shades, etc.

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@Jace al Thor.6745 said:

@"babazhook.6805" said:KILLshot

Damage level 1 damage: 949 (2.25)?Damage Level 2 damage: 1,160 (2.75)?Damage Level 3 damage: 1,371 (3.25)?PiercesCombo Finisher: Physical ProjectileRange: 1,500

Deaths Judgment

Damage: 696 (1.65)?Damage bonus per stack: 20%Revealed (3s): You cannot stealthCombo Finisher: Physical ProjectileRange: 1,500

Killshot hits much harder base. In order to get DJ into killshot range , full malice stacks needed and one must kneel to make the shot. Just as Malificient 7 can be used to maximize damage on a DJ , there are traits that increase kill shot damage. (burst mastery ,Berserkers power)

As example , at 7 malice stacks the DE thief gets 21 percent bonus damage to the DJ. Berserkers Power gives that same 21 percent bonus damage to a kill shot. The base damage of a Kill shot is MUCH higher then a DJ meaning the only thing that brings DJ ahead is the bonus off the kneel. Note that while a Kill shot warrior can switch off his target and maintain the SAME high level of damage, a DJ thief will lose damage if they switch targets. Note a Killshot warrior has a shot that pierces and has an esier time making the shot unblockable.

So the FACT is yes a Killshot warrior can make a single shot and take someone out with that single shot. One does not need 25k damage to single shot another. The OP is continously moving the Goalposts. The reason DJ will hit harder then a killshot is not because DJ does more damage then KS. it due to other factors and bonuses not directly linked to Killshot (such as executioner , lead attacks, signet use on assassins and so on) which play a role in all thief attacks by design.

One note- Deaths Judgment is 15% not 20% in PvP and WvW.I still say that it’s unhealthy game play. But so is having the ability to shut a capture point with shades, etc.

Thanks for that.

That said to the issue of "nonhealthy gameplay" . This is not as straightforward as it might sound as there ramifications across the board if a given class san not be taken down quickly with a build that is designed to do so. That being the classes with better blocks/heals and the like will soon dominate and the game becomes a "bunker meta" which is just as unhealthy.

Thief by design is very flimsy in a power build designed to get those extra big shots. If they can not get this extra big shots there simply no reason to play one or they die too quick. The bunker type build will tend to outheal or prevent that lesser damage and will only need one hit to do that same thief in. I always find a problem with the mentality that "it not ok for a build to 1 shot another build but there an an exception if we can one shot a thief".

The fact of the matter is certain classes start off with a significantly higher pool of health and in order to have some semblance of balance . those classes with that lower pool of health HAVE to be able to hit harder for more damage. If you try and normalize this spike damage downwards because of these isolated cases of "I was feared and out of dodges and stun breaks while fighting another" , then the damage that classes like warrior and necro and any other class with higher vitality can muster must also be adjusted dramtically downwards and across the board.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:During last game i was fighting a necro, got feared and got hit with 25k crit from death judgement. Come one thief mains, justify it. Justify one-push one-kill ability.

It's not one push for starters, so there's that. Losing to a bad build is another thing. Oh and, did I mention ranged DPS is the counter to necro?

The list goes on, not surprised to see more whining about thief from people who main necro. Try playing some thief and get back to me when you manage to find a game where your team doesn't demand you change classes before the start.

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@Imperadordf.2687 said:

@Imperadordf.2687 said:Your fault for not doing anything that will save you from Death’s Judgement in 15 seconds. 15. Freaking. Seconds. To. Build. Up. Maximum. Malice.


Why. Some. People. Don't. Understand. That. Deadeye. Can. Switch. Targets. And. Pop. Out. Of. Nowhere. To. Black. You. In. The. Face. With. 25K. Damage. While. You. Don't. Know. Whether. He. Is. In. Stealth. Not. Even. Mentioning. That. In. Team. Fights. You. Can't. Simply. Save. All. You. Defensive. Abilities. Just. For. Off. Chance. A. Deadeye. Might. Focus. You. While. His. Team. Mates. Are. Blasting. You. In. The. Face. With. CC. Boon. Corrupts. And. Other. Damaging. Abilities.

Why. Are. You. Not. Understanding. That. Deadeye. Loses. All. Malice. Stacks. When. Swapping. Targets. You. Still. Have. A. Ducking. Lot. Of. Time.

In. Teamfights. You. Will. Die. When. A. DPS. Role. Focuses. You. Whether. It. Is. A. Deadeye. Or. Not.

If. You’ve. Used. All. Your. Defensive. Abilities. And. Still. Fighting. It. Is. Your. Fault. For. Not. Leaving. Or. Your. Teammates’. Fault. For. Not. +1’ing. You.

You simply said a simple teamfight scenario where 2 people focuses 1 person and that person dies. It’s not exclusive to Deadeye.

Wait, are you saying that if a Deadeye marks a target and attacks someone who isn't that target they lose all their malice?

Anyway, nothing really counters a permastealth rifle deadeye. Except the game mode of conquest itself makes them completely irrelevant so it's a complete nonissue.

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So many things mitigate that shot.. you can easily line of sight it, block it, reflect it, roll, immunity to damage like Defy Pain or Balanced Stance because it COMPLETELY NEGATES CRITICAL HITS.. so many things. You can even just run out of range, since he is ROOTED IN PLACE while he takes the shot.

It's telegraphed, it is allowed to deal a lot of damage. That is an easy to understand game design choice.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:During last game i was fighting a necro, got feared and got hit with 25k crit from death judgement. Come one thief mains, justify it. Justify one-push one-kill ability.

Try playing a Deadeye before complaining about them. You kill a lot of things against the bad players and get countered heavily when against good players. You'll also very rarely if ever achieve max Malice in sPvP due to fights not lasting very long or you just being killed in a few seconds by a non-Deadeye Thief.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@"polvere.2805" said:I call it CC and burst executed by 2 players. Your fault for not having stunbreak/condi cleans and dodge. Death's judgement is quite telegraphed, you see the red laser coming to you. Sure 20 k burst counterable by using a basic ability that everyone has (let's not talk about the spam of vigor that almost all classes can upkeep, the ones that can't have invuln or other defensives). Also you were aware of the thief presence because he needs at least 15 secs to get to maximum malice stacks in order to do so much damage, and he need to have you marked (which put a big debuff on you with a really clear animation). I only see "i was not paying attention so i got killed" in your post.

I could make an entire list about why it's not OP but it's not worth the time. I think the previous statement is enough. Oh i don't play deadeye btw, and when i see one i usually /dance on his corpse. It's just such a bad elite spec power wise, but well it's fun to play against peeps like you :)

The fun thing is that in the game there are a lot of strong burst that leave almost counterplay and here you are complaining about one of the easiest to avoid.

How many stunbreaks do you have to take to deal with single-hit single-kill ability? Lets just ignore that necro can use more than 1 cc, lets ignore that Deadeye have CC on its own. According to you, how many stunbreaks a played needs to have to not be on-shotted by spammable ability?And you seen red laser as much as you want, it will still not stop it when you get cc or run out of dodges.And please, name those basic abilities who can counter 25k burst. Go on, enlighten me.And you get that during teamfights thief can switch targets, lets malice build and then one-shot you, don't you? Oh wait, every class have endless dodges according to you. Silly me. Of course everyone can have permanent vigor, because everyone builds their characters to counter specifically only Deadeye and nobody else. Everyone puts only stunbreakers into their utilities and all of them grant vigor. Now i get it, thanks for informing me. Thanks makes 25k from ONE SINGLE SPAMMABLE HIT perfectly fine. Thanks for such an enlightening explanation. Now it will be so easy to avoid 25k damage from a single ability which can be shot from stealth. Thanks.

A whole pile of things will kill you if you are feared and run out of dodges and stun breaks.

Name any other ability which can one-shot you with single hit. Thanks.

Warrior rifles bursts, warrior GS3 if the person is against a wall, Warrior Axe 5, any form of block that is traited to reflect, Wild Blow while on the hammer platform.... That's 5 just from Warrior.

DE might hit hard, but given the amount of projectile hate in the game, it deserves to hit hard. All it takes is for someone to play a Tempest Aura share build and that DE will have an extremely hard time hitting anything other than himself, combine that with a FB and well, that thief might aswell just sit in the corner and wait out for the next game.

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Deadeye is generally weak in 1v1s unless driven by a very good player with a good build. The problem with all of the high damage in the game is when it is a 1v2 or more. You only have so many defensives, and it's light's out if something connects. You should be at a disadvantage in a 1v2, but you should be able to take more than one full connect and still have a chance, IMO.

The problem is worse in WvW, where you have these instant gratification kids running around with 3-5 high damage builds just spamming their abilities on one target knowing that all it takes is for one of them to connect to end the fight.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@Imperadordf.2687 said:Your fault for not doing anything that will save you from Death’s Judgement in 15 seconds. 15. Freaking. Seconds. To. Build. Up. Maximum. Malice.


Why. Some. People. Don't. Understand. That. Deadeye. Can. Switch. Targets. And. Pop. Out. Of. Nowhere. To. Black. You. In. The. Face. With. 25K. Damage. While. You. Don't. Know. Whether. He. Is. In. Stealth. Not. Even. Mentioning. That. In. Team. Fights. You. Can't. Simply. Save. All. You. Defensive. Abilities. Just. For. Off. Chance. A. Deadeye. Might. Focus. You. While. His. Team. Mates. Are. Blasting. You. In. The. Face. With. CC. Boon. Corrupts. And. Other. Damaging. Abilities.

Why. Are. You. Not. Understanding. That. Deadeye. Loses. All. Malice. Stacks. When. Swapping. Targets. You. Still. Have. A. Ducking. Lot. Of. Time.

In. Teamfights. You. Will. Die. When. A. DPS. Role. Focuses. You. Whether. It. Is. A. Deadeye. Or. Not.

If. You’ve. Used. All. Your. Defensive. Abilities. And. Still. Fighting. It. Is. Your. Fault. For. Not. Leaving. Or. Your. Teammates’. Fault. For. Not. +1’ing. You.

You simply said a simple teamfight scenario where 2 people focuses 1 person and that person dies. It’s not exclusive to Deadeye.

Wait, are you saying that if a Deadeye marks a target and attacks someone who isn't that target they lose all their malice?

Anyway, nothing really counters a permastealth rifle deadeye. Except the game mode of conquest itself makes them completely irrelevant so it's a complete nonissue.

Nope, I am saying if Deadeye Marks another target he loses all malice.

Yes, as I already said 750 times, it is a one trick pony.

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@"babazhook.6805" said:KILLshot

Damage level 1 damage: 949 (2.25)?Damage Level 2 damage: 1,160 (2.75)?Damage Level 3 damage: 1,371 (3.25)?PiercesCombo Finisher: Physical ProjectileRange: 1,500

Deaths Judgment

Damage: 696 (1.65)?Damage bonus per stack: 20%Revealed (3s): You cannot stealthCombo Finisher: Physical ProjectileRange: 1,500

Killshot hits much harder base. In order to get DJ into killshot range , full malice stacks needed and one must kneel to make the shot. Just as Malificient 7 can be used to maximize damage on a DJ , there are traits that increase kill shot damage. (burst mastery ,Berserkers power)

As example , at 7 malice stacks the DE thief gets 21 percent bonus damage to the DJ. Berserkers Power gives that same 21 percent bonus damage to a kill shot. The base damage of a Kill shot is MUCH higher then a DJ meaning the only thing that brings DJ ahead is the bonus off the kneel. Note that while a Kill shot warrior can switch off his target and maintain the SAME high level of damage, a DJ thief will lose damage if they switch targets. Note a Killshot warrior has a shot that pierces and has an esier time making the shot unblockable.

So the FACT is yes a Killshot warrior can make a single shot and take someone out with that single shot. One does not need 25k damage to single shot another. The OP is continously moving the Goalposts. The reason DJ will hit harder then a killshot is not because DJ does more damage then KS. it due to other factors and bonuses not directly linked to Killshot (such as executioner , lead attacks, signet use on assassins and so on) which play a role in all thief attacks by design.

No one complains about killshot because you can see it coming.

There is a pattern to common complaints about gw2 pvp and damage:

Its either condition damage being too bursty or skills that you can't see coming doing so much damage. For the latter its why Mesmer and Thief are common targets, because you can not see their damage coming. The devs feed everyone the idea that gw2 is suppose to be a visual game. To paraphrase their words: "They don't have cast bars because they don't want their players to be glued to them, instead they want them to actually be observant of the animations etc". Stealth breaks this rule because you can't see anything initially, you can guess but that isn't the same as responding to something you see coming. In addition to that, aoe clutter and AI break those rules as well. Because it becomes TOO much for a person to observe.

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@Aza.2105 said:

@"babazhook.6805" said:KILLshot

Damage level 1 damage: 949 (2.25)?Damage Level 2 damage: 1,160 (2.75)?Damage Level 3 damage: 1,371 (3.25)?PiercesCombo Finisher: Physical ProjectileRange: 1,500

Deaths Judgment

Damage: 696 (1.65)?Damage bonus per stack: 20%Revealed (3s): You cannot stealthCombo Finisher: Physical ProjectileRange: 1,500

Killshot hits much harder base. In order to get DJ into killshot range , full malice stacks needed and one must kneel to make the shot. Just as Malificient 7 can be used to maximize damage on a DJ , there are traits that increase kill shot damage. (burst mastery ,Berserkers power)

As example , at 7 malice stacks the DE thief gets 21 percent bonus damage to the DJ. Berserkers Power gives that same 21 percent bonus damage to a kill shot. The base damage of a Kill shot is MUCH higher then a DJ meaning the only thing that brings DJ ahead is the bonus off the kneel. Note that while a Kill shot warrior can switch off his target and maintain the SAME high level of damage, a DJ thief will lose damage if they switch targets. Note a Killshot warrior has a shot that pierces and has an esier time making the shot unblockable.

So the FACT is yes a Killshot warrior can make a single shot and take someone out with that single shot. One does not need 25k damage to single shot another. The OP is continously moving the Goalposts. The reason DJ will hit harder then a killshot is not because DJ does more damage then KS. it due to other factors and bonuses not directly linked to Killshot (such as executioner , lead attacks, signet use on assassins and so on) which play a role in all thief attacks by design.

No one complains about killshot because you can see it coming.

There is a pattern to common complaints about gw2 pvp and damage:

Its either condition damage being too bursty or skills that you can't see coming doing so much damage. For the latter its why Mesmer and Thief are common targets, because you can not see their damage coming. The devs feed everyone the idea that gw2 is suppose to be a visual game. To paraphrase their words: "They don't have cast bars because they don't want their players to be glued to them, instead they want them to actually be observant of the animations etc". Stealth breaks this rule because you can't see anything initially, you can guess but that isn't the same as responding to something you see coming. In addition to that, aoe clutter and AI break those rules as well. Because it becomes TOO much for a person to observe.

Except ALL RIFLE SKILLS OF DEADEYE has red lasers or shiny-red projectiles you can see easily and dodge. And Death’s Judgement has voice tells too, such as “One shot, one kill.” - “This is the end.” - “It’s too late to run.” I can swear I didn’t get hit by DJ once when I wasn’t stunned. L2P issues mostly.

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@Imperadordf.2687 said:

@Aza.2105 said:

@"babazhook.6805" said:KILLshot

Damage level 1 damage: 949 (2.25)?Damage Level 2 damage: 1,160 (2.75)?Damage Level 3 damage: 1,371 (3.25)?PiercesCombo Finisher: Physical ProjectileRange: 1,500

Deaths Judgment

Damage: 696 (1.65)?Damage bonus per stack: 20%Revealed (3s): You cannot stealthCombo Finisher: Physical ProjectileRange: 1,500

Killshot hits much harder base. In order to get DJ into killshot range , full malice stacks needed and one must kneel to make the shot. Just as Malificient 7 can be used to maximize damage on a DJ , there are traits that increase kill shot damage. (burst mastery ,Berserkers power)

As example , at 7 malice stacks the DE thief gets 21 percent bonus damage to the DJ. Berserkers Power gives that same 21 percent bonus damage to a kill shot. The base damage of a Kill shot is MUCH higher then a DJ meaning the only thing that brings DJ ahead is the bonus off the kneel. Note that while a Kill shot warrior can switch off his target and maintain the SAME high level of damage, a DJ thief will lose damage if they switch targets. Note a Killshot warrior has a shot that pierces and has an esier time making the shot unblockable.

So the FACT is yes a Killshot warrior can make a single shot and take someone out with that single shot. One does not need 25k damage to single shot another. The OP is continously moving the Goalposts. The reason DJ will hit harder then a killshot is not because DJ does more damage then KS. it due to other factors and bonuses not directly linked to Killshot (such as executioner , lead attacks, signet use on assassins and so on) which play a role in all thief attacks by design.

No one complains about killshot because you can see it coming.

There is a pattern to common complaints about gw2 pvp and damage:

Its either condition damage being too bursty or skills that you can't see coming doing so much damage. For the latter its why Mesmer and Thief are common targets, because you can not see their damage coming. The devs feed everyone the idea that gw2 is suppose to be a visual game. To paraphrase their words: "They don't have cast bars because they don't want their players to be glued to them, instead they want them to actually be observant of the animations etc". Stealth breaks this rule because you can't see anything initially, you can guess but that isn't the same as responding to something you see coming. In addition to that, aoe clutter and AI break those rules as well. Because it becomes TOO much for a person to observe.

has red lasers or shiny-red projectiles you can see easily and dodge. And Death’s Judgement has voice tells too, such as “One shot, one kill.” - “This is the end.” - “It’s too late to run.” I can swear I didn’t get by DJ once when I wasn’t stunned.

Don’t forget DJ also Reveals before any Damage is ever done on top of the Obvious Laser before Damage and the obvious Red trail of the slow moving projectile.

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Not going to argue for or against DJ, but I'll say this OP:

Working with what you have now, you CAN reliably counterplay DJ. Here are some scenarios:

  1. You get marked, deadeye is shooting you: Immediately focus and target them, do not relent. If you have reveals or cc, sneak them in after the deadeye uses 1 or both dodges. Match your mobility up with their shadowstep. Aoe pressure if they stealth.
  2. You get marked, deadeye is one of those losers camping in stealth for 15-20 seconds: look at a skill of yours on cooldown and keep track for 10-12 seconds. Afterwards, keep your eyes peeled. Have your finger ready on a condi clear, stun break, reflect, block (or all of the above if possible) + dodge and use it the moment you hear and see DJ (it is reactable on reflex). Also move away from where you think they're stealthed (more distance = more time to dodge projectile).
  3. Same as #2, but it's a smart deadeye and they open with triple round burst (#3 skill) followed by DJ: This one is a bit trickier, but at least you have a target to watch now. You probably blew a dodge on their initial triple round burst out of stealth. If possible, pop a sustain skill, target and move to the deadeye with a cc ready. Have a dodge, block or evade ready. You should easily be able to use it since you'll hear and see DJ the moment the deadeye fires it. If none of that is available, try to line-of-sight them or leap out of range (DJ has a strict 1500 range).

If none of that works, then you're playing necro (so you're fighting an uphill battle vs. a hardcounter) and fighting them in the most wide-open space possible so you deserve that DJ.

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@brannigan.9831 said:One shots should not be a part of any game. Stop defending it. Its bad gameplay and the vast majority of people hate it.Try it yourself? You will see that it is far from ONE. There is a whole ritual that needs to be performed beforehand. If you can not block/reflect/dodge/LOS it, may be you being in silver is the problem? Maybe?

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@Zedek.8932 said:

@"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:During last game i was fighting a necro, got feared and got hit with 25k crit from death judgement. Come one thief mains, justify it. Justify one-push one-kill ability.

Sounds like an excellent
these guys did. You
were in a fight already
, with a
huge mark over your head
, and then a
fully stacked
that used his class as designed, just the same with the Necro that feared you the right moment. Deadeye need to
before doing this, so he could roam freely or you were in the same place all the time that allowed him to land a bullet on you (clear Line of Sight) etc. Apparently
the environment
also did not help you or you were not using it, but that's not a class balance problem.

There is your justification. I bet if it worked in your favour you'd be satisfied. So instead of calling Deadeye's useless all the time, maybe work with one and learn such tactics and teamwork (even though I know you'd just come back with "dats cheese" or "i no abuse this kitten" or something similar, but man, this game does not cater only around your playstyle).

When I see how much things have to come together for that one kill,
I can think of other professions succesfully faceroll way easier than this.


^^ This guy gets it. Deadeye takes a lot of set up and team coordination to get that kind of burst. Personally , when I see I am marked and in a team fight .. i try to get out of LOS as quick as possible because I know what is coming if I dont.

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@FyzE.3472 said:

@brannigan.9831 said:One shots should not be a part of any game. Stop defending it. Its bad gameplay and the vast majority of people hate it.Try it yourself? You will see that it is far from ONE. There is a whole ritual that needs to be performed beforehand. If you can not block/reflect/dodge/LOS it, may be you being in silver is the problem? Maybe?

So you are ok with GS Mesmer burst?

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@Jace al Thor.6745 said:

@brannigan.9831 said:One shots should not be a part of any game. Stop defending it. Its bad gameplay and the vast majority of people hate it.Try it yourself? You will see that it is far from ONE. There is a whole ritual that needs to be performed beforehand. If you can not block/reflect/dodge/LOS it, may be you being in silver is the problem? Maybe?

So you are ok with GS Mesmer burst?

Did you read the title, my friend?

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@FyzE.3472 said:

@brannigan.9831 said:One shots should not be a part of any game. Stop defending it. Its bad gameplay and the vast majority of people hate it.Try it yourself? You will see that it is far from ONE. There is a whole ritual that needs to be performed beforehand. If you can not block/reflect/dodge/LOS it, may be you being in silver is the problem? Maybe?

So you are ok with GS Mesmer burst?

Did you read the title, my friend?

Aye. I was just curious since you were ok with DE one shots if you were ok with Mesmer “one shots”

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Again when it comes to "one shots" and the claim "The game should not allow a one shot to occur".

Consider a Warrior versus a thief and easy comparison given they exist on both ends of the spectrum and both have rifle access. Both are in all Zerker gear.

Just out of the gate if they both all geared up in zerker for maximum damage the warrior has an 8000+ hit point advantage. When the added armor consider the warrior sits at around 20k health while the thief sits at 11.5k. BOTH are geared for maxiumum damage yet people are stating that a one shot kill should not happen. Assume this made the case and the maximum single attack the thief can get on his own is 18k damage. In order for "there should be no one shot kills happening" the warrior would have a maxium hit of some 10000 damage. I assure you I can make 11K+ hits on warrior. Again the gist seems to be "It ok to one shot a thief but no other class should be subject to such" unless people agree all damage across the board be dropped wherein the maximum damage done by a warrior (as example) is thousands of points less then that of a thief.

Now this example is Thief versus warrior. What of Zerker thief versus zerker Elementalist? Should that 18k DJ shot that can no longer one shot a warrior be made less then 11k so that a zerker elementalist not be taken out in one shot?

Now in that brave new world we are talking about zerker vs zerker those designed for maximum damage. What happens now when one geared up in something other then Zerker and starts to bunker down? You have slashed the maximum damage that can be done by thousands on something like a DJ or killshot, so who is going to be able to muster the damage in order to kill a bunker. If you are doing thousands of damage less that bunkered warrior (again) will just heal through it with sustain.

You will end up with everyone going Condition. Everyone in condition means more and more in dire and TB. If a person in Zerker does not have to worry about single hits taking all their health then bunkering up makes it easier to survive power then it does today.

When we are disussing power builds EVERY advtantage a given build has to be looked at. When a class comes out of the gate with 8K plus HP advantage without having to trait for that advantage or gear for that advantage or choose one skill over another for that advantage then there already "imbalance"

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