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5 man queue season 11 trial

Crab Fear.1624

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  1. I listen to arguments that follow current recognizable logic, that reveal current recognizable pieces to a puzzle. I do not listen to old and outdated points of view that are missing large pieces to the jigsaw puzzle as a whole. Your video of Helseth was seriously posted BEFORE the que split. That means that what he is saying is a hypothesis and NOT based from the actual experience of what solo/duo actually ended up feeling like. <- Missing pieces.
  2. "What it looked like when 5 man que was taking place." <- Another statement that was stated before the que actually split. You know what this argument is missing? A current statement from Helseth now going into S11. Thank you, thank you very much.
  3. Yup you're right. I would definitely be a top 100 player or better with a 5 man que system because I wouldn't be losing 1 out of 3 or 1 out of 2 of my matches due to win trading.
  4. You seem to be believing that the system is actually more competitive with solo/duo only and that it is a greater reflection of one's own skill. Apparently, rolling dice is a greater reflection of one's own skill than a game of chess with no RNG. Hey, we're all entitled to our own opinion. I can't blame you for that.
  5. "I've never heard any pro apart from those who already 5-manned during the time of the video (Car crashed, etc.) saying that 5 man should return" Here's a big secret that not a lot of people realize: All of the pro players... had 5 man teams... <- So by your own quote, that would mean that all of the pro players, whom you want to quote, were vouching for 5 man teams. In fact, I remember how many of them were posting in the forum after the vote and telling us all how stupid we were for voting yes. Then they all left. ~ Go figure.

One more thing though, imagine that we were in the court of law where the shit you said mattered and quotes/statements needed to actually make sense or the judge would completely ignore said nonsense. Imagine what would happen if it was a situation like this:

  • Bob is on trial for stealing a car. The said car was stolen on 3/22/2018 at 3:00 pm eastern
  • Bob is pleading "not guilty" despite evidence against him.
  • The judge asks Bob if he has evidence that can prove he did not steal the car.
  • Bob responds with a cell phone video that predates the night of debacle by 1 year. ?????????
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@Badcat.7320 said:

@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:5 man is only desired by an extremely vocal minority. But the truth is the only real reason to have 5 man ranked is largely so you can be carried and pubstomp randos. Of course, the 5 man crowd will never admit this so instead they have to perform mental gymnastics and conjure up psuedointellectual excuses about how the lack of 5 man is somehow killing the game despite the fact that 99.999% of the GW2 population could care less.

Here is the truth: We already have 5 man.
  1. You can already do 5 man in unranked
  2. We already have 5 man automated tournaments
  3. We already have 5 man custom arenas for scrims

So the actual gameplay of 5 man is absolutely not missing from the game at all. Right now, if you want, you can hop on discord with your friends and setup a scrim. There is no lack of 5 man in GW2. The only thing that doesn't exist is a version of 5 man that can carry your ranking - and THAT's what most people don't care for, because it's absolutely unnecessary. 5 man ironically ends up
the value of rank because it brings with it the possibility that an average player simply got carried.

I think 43% yes and 50% no is not extreme minority and that such large frequent argued topic is not 99% of people not caring.

Vocal minorities are always highly over represented on forums. I actually expected "Yes" to be winning by now purely for this reason.

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I am interested in seeing how it would go. I would not have high hopes for success because of certain expectations in competitive misconduct and certain abuses in a team system though.

Some claim in will revitalize the game mode, and possibly bring back players who left.

Others fear that the teams will either have atrocious waits times or find a way to win trade, and/or be carried to ranks they do not actually belong.

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@BeLZedaR.4790 said:If you actually are willing to listen to arguments, watch this, from when solo/duo was first offered and the ingame systems were 5 man:LOL, that video. Ya, that's just Helseth spouting nonsense for 17 minutes. Here's a summary of his arguments (to save others from having to suffer through it):

  1. Eventually you need to queue as a team in order to progress higher on the leaderboardWell no shit; it's a team-based game! Ability to play as a team is another part of being skilled - just like being able to win a 1v1, pick winning fights and avoid losing ones, etc.
  2. You can't find a team unless you're a top player - see previous argumentAbsolutely no factual basis.
  3. Queuing as a casual group ruins the game for othersAbsolutely no factual basis.

This video is an excellent example of why good players don't make good coaches or designers. In their subconscious, they focus only on how they play and overlook or have already discredited any alternative approach.

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@Master Ketsu.4569 said:5 man is only desired by an extremely vocal minority. But the truth is the only real reason to have 5 man ranked is largely so you can be carried and pubstomp randos. Of course, the 5 man crowd will never admit this so instead they have to perform mental gymnastics and conjure up psuedointellectual excuses about how the lack of 5 man is somehow killing the game despite the fact that 99.999% of the GW2 population could care less.

Here is the truth: We already have 5 man.

  1. You can already do 5 man in unranked
  2. We already have 5 man automated tournaments
  3. We already have 5 man custom arenas for scrims

So the actual gameplay of 5 man is absolutely not missing from the game at all. Right now, if you want, you can hop on discord with your friends and setup a scrim. There is no lack of 5 man in GW2. The only thing that doesn't exist is a version of 5 man that can carry your ranking - and THAT's what most people don't care for, because it's absolutely unnecessary. 5 man ironically ends up decreasing the value of rank because it brings with it the possibility that an average player simply got carried.

Was going to comment but this was perfect. Only thing that was missing was paid boosting.

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tfw people think rank in gw2 is something precious with integrity that must be protected

bro, it's a low pop game with bad matchmaking full of wintrading, bots and hacks. like dude, the value of rank in gw2 literally couldn't be lower right now. as if adding 5 man is somehow going to devalue it even more lol

as far as premades go, I mean you can code the queue so it avoids solo Vs full premade (or only allows premade Vs solo and 2 duo). so premade v solo can be completely removed. and uh, solos won more Vs premades anyhow so the fear is a myth anyhow

but like end of the day, without team play in ranked arena gw2 will NOT be a a game you suggest to your buddies in discord to play, because you can't even play it together

so keep it solo queue only if y'all need to protect your oh so precious ranking (lol as if rank in gw2 is impressive) so much, no skin off my nose. it's just means me and all of my friends will never reinstall or buy gems again

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Definitely not, and i think solo q only above 1600 is the right decision too. I don’t think many people understand just how easily good players would farm the leaderboard in a 5 man queue (seriously me and a few friends could just 5 man queue off hours and we would literally never lose a game. That’s not fair in the slightest). It removes any kind of competition because the leaderboard would simply be decided by who has the better team, not who is the individual best player. If you want games to be decided by who has better people to play with, do ATs. If you want to play with your friends, just do ATs. That’s what I do.

Solo queue is what keeps the top spots on the leaderboard competitive. If you allow duo queues above 1.6k, then the players who only play when they have a strong duo will make it so solo queue players (or people like me who would just play with whoever asked me, within reason, if duo was re-introduced) could not get top 10 spots and that, again, is simply not fair. Solo queue levels the playing field for everyone, so everybody has an equal chance to get god of pvp, which is something I will certainly be trying for next season now anet has dealt with the wintraders. Say what you want about the leaderboard not being competitive, because you are wrong. Why do you think the best players always are highly ranked? Because they have better luck than gold players? Of course not. 5 man queue removes any kind of competition from the leaderboard and should never be allowed to return.

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Ofcourse no, you don't even need to explain why. However I would agree on Duo q's in ranked and i believe its restriction is one of the reasons why playerbase got so low but Duo q has some minuses aswell. However it was way more fun to play with a friend competitevely than alone which is one of the main reasons why you actually playing the game, why bother playing it if you don't enjoy it.

You may say that its unfair for Solo q but its simply matchmaking problem, how is it unfair if u get 2 duo q's and 1 solo q in both teams? Its just healthy for the game, people communicate, find friends in game, play together, which leads to attracting more players to the game. If you don't let people to play together you may have more quality (which is also questionable cause of other obvious reasons like balance) games for a while but in a long run its just getting worse, players leaving so what we got later is the exact situation like now - bad quality matches and low population.

And yes i know that there is unranked where you can play with friends but its obviously less competitive or not competitive at all for high ranked players premade because players don't take the game seriously and just run around with meme builds just for fun. Moreover there is no rewards for unranked so you don't actually gain anything from this type of playing - no improving skill wise, no rewards, no competition unlike in ranked.

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@suffish.4150 said:Definitely not, and i think solo q only above 1600 is the right decision too. I don’t think many people understand just how easily good players would farm the leaderboard in a 5 man queue (seriously me and a few friends could just 5 man queue off hours and we would literally never lose a game. That’s not fair in the slightest). It removes any kind of competition because the leaderboard would simply be decided by who has the better team, not who is the individual best player. If you want games to be decided by who has better people to play with, do ATs. If you want to play with your friends, just do ATs. That’s what I do.

Solo queue is what keeps the top spots on the leaderboard competitive. If you allow duo queues above 1.6k, then the players who only play when they have a strong duo will make it so solo queue players (or people like me who would just play with whoever asked me, within reason, if duo was re-introduced) could not get top 10 spots and that, again, is simply not fair. Solo queue levels the playing field for everyone, so everybody has an equal chance to get god of pvp, which is something I will certainly be trying for next season now anet has dealt with the wintraders. Say what you want about the leaderboard not being competitive, because you are wrong. Why do you think the best players always are highly ranked? Because they have better luck than gold players? Of course not. 5 man queue removes any kind of competition from the leaderboard and should never be allowed to return.

Even better 4 of you could boost people for cash.

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  • 5 weeks later...

It's amazing that this poll offers to only have a "trial" run of the 5 man que, and yet, a lot of people are against it anyway.Not even willing to give it a try is extremely narrow minded. It doesn't even have to last the whole season, just a week or two in order to see how it works out.

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I don't understand why RANKED even allows solo-qs. It's an absurd system that creates things like afkers and win-trading.

Ranked should be team only. Unranked should be solo-q, duo-queue, triple-queue, etc.--and should have more gamemodes than conquest. Both should reward chests (ranked, premades only, should have better rewards).

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Ioras Dagnir.3927 said:look at all those evil people who don't want people play to in ranked with their friends, shame on you.

I think you confused friendship with farming pugs.

Farming? Farming what? You don't really get any useful rewards from PvP, so only thing left is joy to play with teammates you thrust.

How about go play soccer with 9 ppl you don't know? Do you think you would enjoy it?

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@Mutaatti.2789 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Ioras Dagnir.3927 said:look at all those evil people who don't want people play to in ranked with their friends, shame on you.

I think you confused friendship with farming pugs.

Farming? Farming what? You don't really get any useful rewards from PvP, so only thing left is joy to play with teammates you thrust.

How about go play soccer with 9 ppl you don't know? Do you think you would enjoy it?

People dont get it anymore..... they want a competitive game on one hand but then will complain a day later about how the game has failed in its attempt to be competitive because of gamemodes or balance or matchmaking or etc etc etc....needless to say the game is not good in a competitive format it just is not for so many reasons!

People who just want to enjoy the game with friends those are the people who will grow the population.... Yes you may have some SOLO que players leave spvp bc premades stomp me and i cant be asked to join a guild...(in guild wars)... but forced solo que was literally the worse decision ever made IMO ....

might as well jump on in and randomize WVW and move everyone to random worlds on reset bc we cant have it be unfair and let people party up and be on coms....its not competitive i dont have time to find a guild....i just want a fair environment! while were at it id like to say raid groups should be qued individually so everyone can get on a team without having to tediously look for a raid group lol (it's a trash idea for WVW and its a trash idea for PVE) so why is it its a GOOD idea for spvp lol (let me help ya its NOT)

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I voted yes because it's the first step needed to repopulate the mists.

Just implement a cap like duo has so everyone is catered too, players can play with friends and the rest can chase their leader board position...

Some of us actually care about the health of this game and not just our leader board position.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:I voted yes because it's the first step needed to repopulate the mists.

Just implement a cap like duo has so everyone is catered too, players can play with friends and the rest can chase their leader board position.

I have often suggested that they simply should just ban 4 man premade but allow you to que as either 2 3 5 (and 1 if you have combined ques)

The only match up that was unfair (to me anyways) was to put a 4 man premade together and a 1 pug vs 5 pugs (for some reason if you were not a full premade it didn't appear to prioritize vsing other premades) and also keep the rule that if your que'd as a 5 man premade you may only face other full premades (either a 5 man or a 2/3 man) .....as for 1, 2, and 3 they will just all be qued together as norm i realize that means scummy people will try to que as 3 stack for optimal chance to fight pugs but it was already poven by anet that premades dont have higher win rates vs pugs....AND even if that were not the case the damage caused by not having a team que is far worse then the ladder.

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