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Necromancers are OP!


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@Avelione.6075 said:

Condition damage. Condition damage. Condition damage. They work like kitten lawnmowers!It's not fun anymore!:angry:

That's ALL I have to say! ANet do something about this

They already did, they've given players the ability to use Rangers which vaporize necros without batting an eyelash. If you have a problem with necros, use a Ranger. A single ranger can easily be a thorn in the side of a group of necros.

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@Optimator.3589 said:You can do something about it. Get on a LB soulbeast and pew pew the necros. Very few have any meaningful projectile hate, and none of them have great mobility.

all of em run in a pack they just pop their barriers and laugh at you.like saying a thief will tear em apart but in order to do so u need to get in first same with ranger u can focus one down bit away from his blob but inside a blob u constantly hit other people.

u see shades are just OP like it or not, its like old necro but instead of marks all staff skills would be wells and whenever u cast them u get 2/3k hp back and have little to no CD :) wouldnt that be cool just dump wells all over the place constantly

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Nice to see the replies and topic going!I'd like to add that NECROS RUN IN PACKS LIKE FLOCKS OF CONDI LAWNMOWERS!!!It's no fun anymore and I died like 5 dozens of times in a POOL OF CONDIS! (you can run and protect yourself but eventuLly they get you if there is 12 condi necros dropping on you AT THE SAME TIME! No other class does that (yet??) in WvW! This is getting REALLy old and really BORING very fast.... :/

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@Avelione.6075 said:Nice to see the replies and topic going!I'd like to add that NECROS RUN IN PACKS LIKE FLOCKS OF CONDI LAWNMOWERS!!!It's no fun anymore and I died like 5 dozens of times in a POOL OF CONDIS! (you can run and protect yourself but eventuLly they get you if there is 12 condi necros dropping on you AT THE SAME TIME! No other class does that (yet??) in WvW! This is getting REALLy old and really BORING very fast.... :/

Any class 12v1 will melt you.

Even 5-1

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if scourges get nerfed too hard too many times, power reapers are going to become the new OP.Scourges are literally what's preventing power reapers to be played effectively.

@Zero.3871 said:True...List of Classes that need to get toned down:

-Warrior (Dmg, Sustain)-Mesmer (Everything)-Scourge (Condi)-Firebrand (Support)

This list is spot on.FB needs to lose pretty much all of its healing capabilities. IT already provides an insane amount of boons, there is no reason to overshadow other healing professions as well. Big nerf to FB healing might bring heal tempest/druid back into the meta. Tho I hope to see some tempest/druid buffs, maybe add more boons to those classes on their support abilities.Scourge needs a nerf to sand savant trait. Lower range bonus. Maybe make extra range apply ONLY to the shades. Right now they simply cover too much of the battleground with condi fields..

Also hammer rev is still king when it comes to spiking with power dmg...

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

  • Tempest+Weaver (sustain)
  • Druid (sustain)

Healing power is the reason why those have good sustain, which is kind of intentional.


Take healing power out and Weaver is still squishy. Even with vitality and toughness gear.

Now only if they hold this type of balancing to the necro classes but for some reason there so much build in tanklyness and dmg and support all into one its a bit silly not to run a necro class.

For an ele or weaver or tempest to fill a roll they must give up every thing for a scorge to fill a roll they must build balances and then they fill all rolls.

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Btw, anyone did notice, that when you dps single target - golem for example as a reaper with trait Close to Death, which sounds awesome - 20% damage buff after hp of target drops below 50%! isnt that great? - why the hell I do 400-500 more dps with Signets of Suffering trait instead?...srsly what is going on

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@Justine.6351 said:

@dzeRnumbrd.6129 said:meta 1: Nerf Necro wells

meta 2: Nerf Reaper shouts

meta 3: Nerf Scourge shades

Oh 1 meteor hit me for 10k? 1 CoR hit me for 10k? Mesmer 100% to 0% in 1 second. This is fine. Everything's fine.


Can't recall wells nor shouts being nerfed as a category, while cor and mesmers have been repeatedly nerfed.

Shouts were nerfed, and that killed the condi-Reaper. But the power Reaper is nearly something special right now. Not quite, but very close. I've seen power Reapers that just EAT things.

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@Jski.6180 said:

  • Tempest+Weaver (sustain)
  • Druid (sustain)

Healing power is the reason why those have good sustain, which is kind of intentional.


Take healing power out and Weaver is still squishy. Even with vitality and toughness gear.

Now only if they hold this type of balancing to the necro classes but for some reason there so much build in tanklyness and dmg and support all into one its a bit silly not to run a necro class.

For an ele or weaver or tempest to fill a roll they must give up every thing for a scorge to fill a roll they must build balances and then they fill all rolls.

Power damage cannot be cleansed. Scourge damage, for the most part, can be cleansed. If you're running with a group that is on point with their cleanse game the Scourge won't be an issue. Also Elementalists can build for far more active defense than a Scourge can. I'm still getting hit with 5-6K fireballs and 8-10K meteors in full TB gear. Not really getting whacked by CoR as much, but can still see the occasional 8K hit. A Scourge has to eat that damage, and hope the toughness and vitality can absorb it.

The problem is that zergs are stacking Scourges, because they are lazy, and that's an easy way to produce lots of downs. Stacking Revs or Elementalists could result in faster downs than a Scourge train produces, but would also require slightly more coordination.

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@Kaiser.9873 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:
  • Tempest+Weaver (sustain)
  • Druid (sustain)

Healing power is the reason why those have good sustain, which is kind of intentional.


Take healing power out and Weaver is still squishy. Even with vitality and toughness gear.

Now only if they hold this type of balancing to the necro classes but for some reason there so much build in tanklyness and dmg and support all into one its a bit silly not to run a necro class.

For an ele or weaver or tempest to fill a roll they must give up every thing for a scorge to fill a roll they must build balances and then they fill all rolls.

Power damage cannot be cleansed. Scourge damage, for the most part, can be cleansed. If you're running with a group that is on point with their cleanse game the Scourge won't be an issue. Also Elementalists can build for far more active defense than a Scourge can. I'm still getting hit with 5-6K fireballs and 8-10K meteors in full TB gear. Not really getting whacked by CoR as much, but can still see the occasional 8K hit. A Scourge has to eat that damage, and hope the toughness and vitality can absorb it.

The problem is that zergs are stacking Scourges, because they are lazy, and that's an easy way to produce lots of downs. Stacking Revs or Elementalists could result in faster downs than a Scourge train produces, but would also require slightly more coordination.

Cleans are on cd though and power is effected by a lot of counter tools not on cd but duration. Scourges has oddly good power dmg as well as condi dmg as well as support pt and self so this is not just a condi problem alone this is a class problem. Your rev or ele stacking will not help support your team if the rev and ele have to do the dmg where scourge stacking will help both your killing power for both condi dmg and power dmg it also helps your support.

There realty no chose in the class what you should be doing as you can do every thing at once and that is an "op" effect in a game more so in wvw when you can stack high numbers of players making the effect all the stronger as scourge having both a dmg and support roll that it can hit 10 targets with its effect making each scourge you add to your group exponential better.

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@Tammuz.7361 said:TBH the “nerf” that they really need is probably as simple as making resistance corrupt into literally anything other than immobilize...

that way resistance doesnt instakill your raid group when you push, and so it can actually be used wvw

So the thing about corrupt is it should be a rare effect or at least harder to have then just boon strip. Right now it seems corruption is on the same balnced as boon strip effects and that seems wrong.Condi clear is balanced but condi convention is not boon stop is balanced corruption is not.I just do not get why Anet chose to balance the game like this.

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@Kaiser.9873 said:

@dzeRnumbrd.6129 said:meta 1: Nerf Necro wells

meta 2: Nerf Reaper shouts

meta 3: Nerf Scourge shades

Oh 1 meteor hit me for 10k? 1 CoR hit me for 10k? Mesmer 100% to 0% in 1 second. This is fine. Everything's fine.


Can't recall wells nor shouts being nerfed as a category, while cor and mesmers have been repeatedly nerfed.

Shouts were nerfed, and that killed the condi-Reaper. But the power Reaper is nearly something special right now. Not quite, but very close. I've seen power Reapers that just EAT things.

chill bleed was nerfed, not shouts.

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@Justine.6351 said:

@dzeRnumbrd.6129 said:meta 1: Nerf Necro wells

meta 2: Nerf Reaper shouts

meta 3: Nerf Scourge shades

Oh 1 meteor hit me for 10k? 1 CoR hit me for 10k? Mesmer 100% to 0% in 1 second. This is fine. Everything's fine.


Can't recall wells nor shouts being nerfed as a category, while cor and mesmers have been repeatedly nerfed.

Shouts were nerfed, and that killed the condi-Reaper. But the power Reaper is nearly something special right now. Not quite, but very close. I've seen power Reapers that just EAT things.

chill bleed was nerfed, not shouts.

Right but that essentially nerfed the shout runes?

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Make shades dissapear if scourge moves to far from them. I mean, that was a thing i saw a lot, lot of kiting.


Increase the cooldown of manifest shade, that will make shade repositioning harder if you have sand savant. Why they use sand savant? isnt better demonic lore or feed from corruption?

But still is job of the Scourge to be a lawnmower, i mean, to cover terrain withshades to suport allies and damage enemies.

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@Conqueror.3682 said:hmmm

Make shades dissapear if scourge moves to far from them. I mean, that was a thing i saw a lot, lot of kiting.


Increase the cooldown of manifest shade, that will make shade repositioning harder if you have sand savant. Why they use sand savant? isnt better demonic lore or feed from corruption?

But still is job of the Scourge to be a lawnmower, i mean, to cover terrain withshades to suport allies and damage enemies.

Make shades on a low cd do not get them ammo but make shades have a up keep cost of life forces. Make the aoe at the scourge feet hit 5 targets with out the trait and make the ranged shade hit 3 ppl when you traits it the ranged shade hits 5 targets but let it some how have up to 3 of them out but each one becomes even higher upkeep added.

Scourge should have a strong effect but there should be a price to pay.

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@Dralor.3701 said:

@dzeRnumbrd.6129 said:meta 1: Nerf Necro wells

meta 2: Nerf Reaper shouts

meta 3: Nerf Scourge shades

Oh 1 meteor hit me for 10k? 1 CoR hit me for 10k? Mesmer 100% to 0% in 1 second. This is fine. Everything's fine.


Can't recall wells nor shouts being nerfed as a category, while cor and mesmers have been repeatedly nerfed.

Shouts were nerfed, and that killed the condi-Reaper. But the power Reaper is nearly something special right now. Not quite, but very close. I've seen power Reapers that just EAT things.

chill bleed was nerfed, not shouts.

Right but that essentially nerfed the shout runes?

The rune wasnt nerfed, when the trait was nerfed the entire build became useless. The problem with the rune is the short 360 radius, it really only works in melee range, not shout range.

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What is needed is the number of targets scourge can hit at once has to be lowered, making scourge being able to hit 10 enemies with single skill was a mistake. Shade skills around necro should only hit 3 targets and each regular shade should hit 1 target with sand savant hitting 3 (and unnerf the cd). Same thing should be done to Winds of Disenchantment btw.

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@X T D.6458 said:

@dzeRnumbrd.6129 said:meta 1: Nerf Necro wells

meta 2: Nerf Reaper shouts

meta 3: Nerf Scourge shades

Oh 1 meteor hit me for 10k? 1 CoR hit me for 10k? Mesmer 100% to 0% in 1 second. This is fine. Everything's fine.


Can't recall wells nor shouts being nerfed as a category, while cor and mesmers have been repeatedly nerfed.

Shouts were nerfed, and that killed the condi-Reaper. But the power Reaper is nearly something special right now. Not quite, but very close. I've seen power Reapers that just EAT things.

chill bleed was nerfed, not shouts.

Right but that essentially nerfed the shout runes?

The rune wasnt nerfed, when the trait was nerfed the entire build became useless. The problem with the rune is the short 360 radius, it really only works in melee range, not shout range.

My point was just with the chill/bleed nerf it messes up the synergy with shouts.

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@dzeRnumbrd.6129 said:meta 1: Nerf Necro wells

meta 2: Nerf Reaper shouts

meta 3: Nerf Scourge shades

Oh 1 meteor hit me for 10k? 1 CoR hit me for 10k? Mesmer 100% to 0% in 1 second. This is fine. Everything's fine.



Today a deadeye came from invis hit me with rifle for 80%+ of max health, and before I even knew where they where they burst me down, all in under 1-2 second from invis, but sure necro is OP, have you seen the insane damage mesmers can pump out onto a target....

I think some of the people complaining are players who are hard countered by necros and want it nerfed so they can go back to playing the way they want, and forget anyone who doesn't play that way.

The truly sad thing is though that they will probably get there way, and Anet will nerf necro into the ground, and make sure they are bottom tier yet again across all game modes, gotta keep them thief's, Mesmers and warriors happy.

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