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Can we put PIPS into Unranked?


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They should put it the same way that it is in ranked. Otherwise who wants to just farm would go to ranked. I don't care of my rank and i just play for the lulz, to get salty messages and for the rewards. I would not play unranked if it gives less pips than ranked.Also for those who want to farm is actually better in ranked. You throw some games to get down in rank and then you snowball newbies ez pz. The system is just broken and exploitable

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I think this would be a great idea to be honest. So people that want to pvp just for reward can go unranked and leave those who want a competitive mode free to play with people that are interested too in ranked pvp. I still think that those in competitive should receive more rewards, but this probably will make not competitive player come back to ranked just for more rewards. Idk at this point having pips reward in both could at least mitigate the problem.

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@NecroSummonsMors.7816 said:I think this would be a great idea to be honest. So people that want to pvp just for reward can go unranked and leave those who want a competitive mode free to play with people that are interested too in ranked pvp. I still think that those in competitive should receive more rewards, but this probably will make not competitive player come back to ranked just for more rewards. Idk at this point having pips reward in both could at least mitigate the problem.

If in comp i receive more rewards then i will go in comp and i don't really care about my rank or the competitivity. I for sure try to win but i will never tryhard

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@polvere.2805 said:

@NecroSummonsMors.7816 said:I think this would be a great idea to be honest. So people that want to pvp just for reward can go unranked and leave those who want a competitive mode free to play with people that are interested too in ranked pvp. I still think that those in competitive should receive more rewards, but this probably will make not competitive player come back to ranked just for more rewards. Idk at this point having pips reward in both could at least mitigate the problem.

If in comp i receive more rewards then i will go in comp and i don't really care about my rank or the competitivity. I for sure try to win but i will never tryhard

As for me, I just want to farm with guildies and friends and not have to feel bad for playing casually. I also agree that people in ranked should be awarded more, I'd be happy with half the amount of PIPS, atleast it's something.

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Yeah but if it's half the amount of pips it'll still encourage noobies who want more rewards to fill queues in ranked polluting ranked. It should just be full pips in unranked that way people who only queue for pips won't go ranked and piss off people who are actually competing.

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@Fremtid.3528 said:Yeah but if it's half the amount of pips it'll still encourage noobies who want more rewards to fill queues in ranked polluting ranked. It should just be full pips in unranked that way people who only queue for pips won't go ranked and kitten off people who are actually competing.

But then vets complain about noobies in ranked mode.

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@polvere.2805 said:They should put it the same way that it is in ranked. Otherwise who wants to just farm would go to ranked. I don't care of my rank and i just play for the lulz, to get salty messages and for the rewards. I would not play unranked if it gives less pips than ranked.Also for those who want to farm is actually better in ranked. You throw some games to get down in rank and then you snowball newbies ez pz. The system is just broken and exploitable

Sir, did you just admit to match manipulation? I think we have a confession!

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Yes please, I would like be able to farm in unranked while having fun. Ranked is just bunch of boring classes/builds thanks to shitty balance and it's full of afks itself anyways I honestly cant tell the difference other than no team queues and a lot more braindead mesmers and scourges in ranked when compared to unranked

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@CaldaRaric.6305 said:Sir, did you just admit to match manipulation? I think we have a confession!

Actually no, if you check my games history i always try to win. But the fact that i am not abusing the system doesn't mean that it can't be abused. I don't play often enough to abuse it. Actually the decay system does it for me. (i usually play once in 2-3 weeks)

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@Aza.2105 said:

@Fremtid.3528 said:Yeah but if it's half the amount of pips it'll still encourage noobies who want more rewards to fill queues in ranked polluting ranked. It should just be full pips in unranked that way people who only queue for pips won't go ranked and kitten off people who are actually competing.

But then vets complain about noobies in ranked mode.

Um why? If you get full pips in unranked there will be LESS noobies in ranked not more. That's what I'm saying.

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@"Lucentfir.7430" said:Unranked Pips would be good for Spvp because it means more people will just be playing PVP in general, and there will be a sort of filter between people playing for fun and rewards and people trying to climb the season ladder for titles/rank placement.

It would bee to much of a smart move from anet. Also for some absurd reasons the ones tryharding in ranked would be pissed off because "omg casuls gettin rewards in unranked, this game is so casul fkn sh1t". Yeah so much better having them all in ranked, so then they can come complain on the forums instead because "omg nubs in ranked lose ma game, fkn matchmaking"

What do we learn from this: "Hardcore" pvpers will NEVER be happy, so just ignore them

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  • 1 month later...

@"Lucentfir.7430" said:Unranked Pips would be good for Spvp because it means more people will just be playing PVP in general, and there will be a sort of filter between people playing for fun and rewards and people trying to climb the season ladder for titles/rank placement.

I mostly just want to say in guild chat "anyone wanna farm PvP and have some fun"...

....Anyway, there's plenty of other MMO games that don't force you into solo content and it's been fun trying a few of them too

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Putting pips into unranked but less than in ranked will change nothing. People who play PvP for nothing but pips will continue to do so in ranked because they don't care about their rating or the game mode anyway and hey, more pips, so why not?

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Please don't. That will bring unranked play down to the joke level that ranked is at. I enjoy my unranked games during the season and off season but mostly during. While the season is going all the tryhards, afk pve reward hunters, bots, hackers, wintraders, and the rest of the junk players play ranked and leave me be.

These days the real pvp is min unranked and has been for a couple years. Ranked has been ruined by lack of caring to make pvp better, its now stale gameplay with no chance of a competitive side.

Let unranked stay fun and where the real pvp players play not for shiny objects but to play.

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@Chuck.2864 said:Putting pips into unranked but less than in ranked will change nothing. People who play PvP for nothing but pips will continue to do so in ranked because they don't care about their rating or the game mode anyway and hey, more pips, so why not?

And then you got people like me who work 5 days a week and want to play for the PIPS with friends but due to work can't actually be bothered to win the game or try hard and this causes mass frustrations and toxicity from those who care about rank.

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More pibs for winning ranked.Unranked gives the same as a loss.

This incentivises ranked and ranked players to win.People playing to win will fight!Casuals will have a place to get losses without match manipulation.

Can we also get some reward system for Mist arena? I get it’s not supported content but it is a fun area to spend time in game, and I think it’s reasonable to reward your players for participating in content.

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