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Harvesting Tools in Shared Inventory slots unequippable

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@Gaile Gray.6029 said:

@Blanche Neige.7241 said:Here is abetter workaround : give a free shared slot to everyone until the bug is fixed.

No, that's not a workaround, that's a giveaway. ;) I'm sure you're kidding, but I'm gonna say it: No. Just... no. :)

Cannot blame for for having tried ^_^

~lol~ Yeah, I guess it was worth a few pixels tossed into the mix, eh? ;)

Doesn't mean a discounted sale couldn't happen! :grimace:

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Well, to be clear, I guess you don't 'see' tools in your shared inventory slots when equipping through 'equipment' (or 'the paper doll', for those that favor that old parlance).

I can, however, double-click on a tool in the shared inventory bag and it will swap with whatever I have equipped. Which for me, has always been how I do it. I even do that swapping weapons and gear and such, with some exceptions (usually involving fighting getting off hand weapons in the right place). I guess that way always made sense to me.

Not to detract from the fact that it's a bug and apparently 'should' work that way. Just, there is another way to do it. :)

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If you have the bug double clicking from anywhere doesn't work unless you have an empty shared slot. I was going to see if the embed shared bags feature would work to allow the double clicking but the bug in my case has that optioned greyed out even if I empty a shared bag slot or all of the slots, it does not allow me to embed the shared bags.

Why is there no further word on this issue? it's been over 24 hours and no word on this issue other than "should be soon" which is unacceptable.

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@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:In the meantime, yes, there is a valid workaround: either free up a shared inventory slot or move the item you wish to equip to your inventory and equip the item from there.

(O.o) 700gem for each shared inventory slot is a lot to keep it empty, don't you think? I'm gonna go with the free shared inventory slot. oh btw, it is about 2916 pixels on my screen which is not a few. if you give me a free "shared inventory slot" I'll promise to keep it empty

Aside from jokes, this is happening in regular bags too. I think if an item can be swapped, it shouldn't fall into bag full category. and same happens when you are trying to swap a leather bag for example with mithril bag of same size and both of them are full. it raises the flag of bag is full, which I think it shouldn't

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@bobsort.4097 said:

@Gaile Gray.6029 said:In the meantime, yes, there is a valid workaround:
either free up a shared inventory slot
or move the item you wish to equip to your inventory and equip the item from there.

(O.o) 700gem for each shared inventory slot is a lot to keep it empty, don't you think? I'm gonna go with the free shared inventory slot. oh btw, it is about 2916 pixels on my screen which is not a few. if you give me a free "shared inventory slot" I'll promise to keep it empty

A "workaround" means exactly "this is very broken, and an unreasonable thing to do long term, but right now you can make it work by doing this thing."

That is: @Gaile Gray.6029 is not telling you that keeping a 700 gem inventory slot empty is reasonable. She is telling you that you can work around this annoying problem while they work on a patch to fix it, if you want, so that you can swap things directly from shared inventory now.

I understand this isn't going to be clear to everyone: workaround is part of an industry specific jargon that doesn't necessarily translate to people outside the field, so I hope this has cleared up your confusion about the comment.

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Adding my voice (text?) to this one. And really hoping that bug gets swatted soon. It's adding some irritating extra management to something that was very smooth before.

And also maybe add in the ability to add glyphs from the shared slots. That'd also be nice.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey folks, I have a bit of new:

We want to confirm that the dev team is aware of this bug and is actively working on a correction. We realize this is posing an inconvenience and thank you for your patience about this situation. We anticipate that we’ll be able to implement the fix within the next few days. (Please note my earlier post about a temporary work-around that you may want to use until the correction is implemented.)

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@moonstarmac.4603 said:I'd love to see a harvesting tool share slot where it shares your harvesting tools via a shared equip

We all would but that would never happen because it would deter ppl from spending money on multiple tools. A business doesnt make decisions that arent profitable, unless they want to go bankrupt.

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@moonstarmac.4603 said:I'd love to see a harvesting tool share slot where it shares your harvesting tools via a shared equip

If you don't already... keep normal tools in your characters slots and your perma tools in your shared. That way you log in, double click the perma tools and they go into your character and the normal ones into your shared. When done and about to switch characters or log off, double click the normal tools in the shared slots and it'll put the perma one's back ready for your next character in your shared slots. While I do get the QoL of not having to worry about it, this way makes it pretty easy already.

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I'm so glad that Anet acknowledges this as a bug and not a "feature". I was getting a bit of "oh no here comes the drama" if this was to be a reality. I've been a critic in the past but gathering glyphs and Sunken Treasure/Master Diver have been well done. > @DawnSketch.7105 said:

@"moonstarmac.4603" said:I'd love to see a harvesting tool share slot where it shares your harvesting tools via a shared equip

I can't even begin to imagine the work that would have to go into something like that.That said, I would like that as well. lol.

I spent 2 years on a relatives farm/nursery. There were a lot of heavy repetitive activities. When crew would complain my uncle always had the same response, "If it was easy they wouldn't call it work".

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@"Zet.9130" said:

I can't even begin to imagine the work that would have to go into something like that."If it was easy they wouldn't call it work".

The two situations aren't comparable: your uncle was trying to motivate (or at least, de-unmotivate) people who were doing a task necessary for the business. The comment to which you were responding was implying a poor cost:benefit ratio for a luxury feature. Lots of people (including many at ANet) agree it would be a great QoL improvement not to have to swap gathering tools on each toon; the question is whether that's the best use of limited resources.

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