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Daredevil - Suntouched Scythe

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So, today I bought the Suntouched Scythe Staff skin from the Gem Store and I looks amazing but once I started using my auto-attack on my Daredevil I noticed that the animation looks silly. My character is not slicing the enemy but instead bashing it with the other side of the staff.

Here is a GIF: Auto-attack demoThe GIF has been slowed a bit so you can notice that some movements have some slicing but most of them are the character bashing the golem.

I feel kinda betrayed because this looks pretty bad, and I just wanted to look as cool as Amala with her scythe animation.

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You only reskinned your staff. Does your original staff make a slicing motion? Mine does not. So I wouldn't expect it to suddenly change. Before HoT we had wings for back pieces; did we suddenly think we could fly? No. If you feel that strongly about your betrayal, then email customer service and ask for a refund. It may work or it may not. But it doesn't hurt to ask.

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@"Akath.2650" said:So, today I bought the Suntouched Scythe Staff skin from the Gem Store and I looks amazing but once I started using my auto-attack on my Daredevil I noticed that the animation looks silly. My character is not slicing the enemy but instead bashing it with the other side of the staff.

Here is a GIF: Auto-attack demoThe GIF has been slowed a bit so you can notice that some movements have some slicing but most of them are the character bashing the golem.

I feel kinda betrayed because this looks pretty bad, and I just wanted to look as cool as Amala with her scythe animation.

I guess it's just because DD staff design pre-dates any in-game scythes. Staff was intended to be a blunt weapon also so probably tricky to translate.Perhaps they can change some of the animations by editing the angle of any staff in the hands of a thief to match the blade trajectory on scythes. I'm not aware how much work this would be but maybe not a priority since we only have 6(I believe) scythe skins in total.

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@artemis.6781 said:You only reskinned your staff. Does your original staff make a slicing motion? Mine does not. So I wouldn't expect it to suddenly change. Before HoT we had wings for back pieces; did we suddenly think we could fly? No. If you feel that strongly about your betrayal, then email customer service and ask for a refund. It may work or it may not. But it doesn't hurt to ask.

Well, they could just simply readjust the animation so the scythe blade would slice the enemy instead of you bashing it with the rod. It's not much, just to create an illusion.Also, this is different from the wings, people knew that they couldn't fly and when HoT came out Anet turned it into a glider.

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@"MarshallLaw.9260" said:I guess it's just because DD staff design pre-dates any in-game scythes. Staff was intended to be a blunt weapon also so probably tricky to translate.Perhaps they can change some of the animations by editing the angle of any staff in the hands of a thief to match the blade trajectory on scythes. I'm not aware how much work this would be but maybe not a priority since we only have 6(I believe) scythe skins in total.Yeah, but yet the auto-attack on Revenants look fine with that staff and same for the other staff skills on Daredevil.Edit: Also, there was a scythe skin that pre-dates DD Scythe Staff

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@"Akath.2650" said:

@"MarshallLaw.9260" said:I guess it's just because DD staff design pre-dates any in-game scythes. Staff was intended to be a blunt weapon also so probably tricky to translate.Perhaps they can change some of the animations by editing the angle of any staff in the hands of a thief to match the blade trajectory on scythes. I'm not aware how much work this would be but maybe not a priority since we only have 6(I believe) scythe skins in total.Yeah, but yet the auto-attack on Revenants look fine with that staff and same for the other staff skills on Daredevil.Edit: Also, there was a scythe skin that pre-dates DD

Good point, that does pre-date, as does Final Rest I guess.

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@"Akath.2650" said:

@"MarshallLaw.9260" said:I guess it's just because DD staff design pre-dates any in-game scythes. Staff was intended to be a blunt weapon also so probably tricky to translate.Perhaps they can change some of the animations by editing the angle of any staff in the hands of a thief to match the blade trajectory on scythes. I'm not aware how much work this would be but maybe not a priority since we only have 6(I believe) scythe skins in total.Yeah, but yet the auto-attack on Revenants look fine with that staff and same for the other staff skills on Daredevil.Edit: Also, there was a scythe skin that pre-dates DD

This one too: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Final_Rest

Exactly, I think that if you simply flipped the scythe blade 180 degrees for this animation it would look better for the scythes and wouldn't have much of an impact on the other staves in the game (most of them it wouldn't have any).


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Using the scythe that way makes sense from a practical perspective.Whacking the sharp point of a scythe against anything that isnt 100% flesh will shatter the blade. It would be more effective to sharpen the top end of the scythe's blade and sweep it across your opponent. That way you get lacerations and protect the blade.

The same technique applies to swords.

(Not that I think this was intended but it's interesting. )

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:Using the scythe that way makes sense from a practical perspective.Whacking the sharp point of a scythe against anything that isnt 100% flesh will shatter the blade. It would be more effective to sharpen the top end of the scythe's blade and sweep it across your opponent. That way you get lacerations and protect the blade.

The same technique applies to swords.

(Not that I think this was intended but it's interesting. )

Practical perspective on a game with magic, dragons, undead kings, teleporting and plant people. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah.

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@Ephemiel.5694 said:

@"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:Using the scythe that way makes sense from a practical perspective.Whacking the sharp point of a scythe against anything that isnt 100% flesh will shatter the blade. It would be more effective to sharpen the top end of the scythe's blade and sweep it across your opponent. That way you get lacerations and protect the blade.

The same technique applies to swords.

(Not that I think this was intended but it's interesting. )

Practical perspective on a game with magic, dragons, undead kings, teleporting and plant people. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah.

"The scythe is magic and is actually sharper when used as a club."


The orientation of the blade doesn't matter. I was just pointing out that you can use it that way to great effect. It's not wrong/in need of a fix. And since the OP seems to be concerned with a realistic/practical scythe animation...

Idunno. Unbound magic. Whatever.

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This is one of the reasons I never understood why people wanted a scythe skin so much. Of course it's going to look silly wielded like a staff. And the daredevil swing is clearly accompanied by sound effects like a stick would make striking something and swinging through the air, so I don't know what you were expecting. You've selected an inappropriate skin, that's all.

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@"Akath.2650" said:Yeah, but yet the auto-attack on Revenants look fine with that staff

No it doesn't. You end up stabbing the enemy with the point of the scythe.

I won't even get into a discussion of how you'd really use a scythe as a weapon - you mow the enemy by cutting him off at the ankles. Knees on an Asura, I guess. The blade on a real scythe is angled so that it is horizontal when you swing it to cut at that height.

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@Steve The Cynic.3217 said:No it doesn't. You end up stabbing the enemy with the point of the scythe.

I won't even get into a discussion of how you'd really use a scythe as a weapon - you mow the enemy by cutting him off at the ankles. Knees on an Asura, I guess. The blade on a real scythe is angled so that it is horizontal when you swing it to cut at that height.

Guys, you are missing the point. It's not realism or how-to-use it, its the freaking blade that's there and it just not being used. This is a game, stop overthinking!

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@"Akath.2650" said:Guys, you are missing the point. It's not realism or how-to-use it, its the freaking blade that's there and it just not being used. This is a game, stop overthinking!

Read this again and then slowly realize the irony.

Yeah, I knew that but some people here are overthinking more than me. I'm pointing out that I'm bashing enemies with a scythe like a fool while some are like "but if you change this it's realistic wrong" in a game where you throw a greatsword and it comes back like a boomerang. I just wish it looked visually better.

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@"Akath.2650" said:

@Steve The Cynic.3217 said:No it doesn't. You end up
the enemy with the point of the scythe.

I won't even get into a discussion of how you'd really use a scythe as a weapon - you
the enemy by cutting him off at the ankles. Knees on an Asura, I guess. The blade on a real scythe is angled so that it is horizontal when you swing it to cut at that height.

Guys, you are missing the point. It's not realism or how-to-use it, its the freaking blade that's there and it just not being used. This is a game, stop overthinking!

Sure, but that doesn't change the fact that the Daredevil smacks the foe with the blunt end, while the Revenant stabs the foe with the pointy end. Neither of them looks right if you watch closely.

Solution: don't watch closely.

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