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Is Mesmer dead


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@"ventusthunder.5067" said:Mesmer is definitely dead, Anet just killed the totally balanced chrono build, and obviously mirage doesn't have enough damage or escapes and actually needed a buff. Elusive mind needs a buff. Portal needs to have its cd reduced to 20 seconds. For some reason people still play this class, they should all switch to rev or ele, the real strong classes in the meta.


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Mesmer will never be "nerfed" correctly if they dont go to the mechanic mesmer should have by concept, clones/phantasms with utility/dmg output and after a shater a significant period of not farting more IAs, shatering a sort of final blow/last resource that lets them defensseles not the continuos fart - shater mechanic that have now

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@Vieux P.1238 said:IDK, all i can say is that Mesmers is back as FREE Lunch to SD condi Thieves right now. The amount of condies dished out by em cant be cleared with inspiration line.

Welcome to the same game every other profession has been playing - where your spec actually has some bad matchups that force you to think before engaging instead of just running in any and every fight because who cares what spec they are playing, ur a mesmer.

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No more chrono in ranks. It was nuked and it's corpse was raped and nuked again. This was no balance IMHO, chrono is just straight up dead. Each time you see a mesmer in Plat+ ranking you can be pretty sure it's a mirage. The only playable spec right now. Anyone who disagrees with me, please tell me when was the last time you saw a good chrono in higher ranks?

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