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Please Nerf the Chef!!!


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No need to nerf the Chef. It's a pretty easy, even if RNG based, mastery challenge. I have busted wrist and my hand-eye coordination is shot to hell, and I still completed it in 15-20 minutes. There are jumping puzzles I spent more time on than this. The chef was a really nice break from standard commune with/kill this masteries. On the contrary, I wish they turned it into a mini game because it was damn fun even for a "cripple" like myself. Maybe you need to practice more?

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Please, nerf it. I found it very annoying. And because English is not my native tongue, I tend to need more time reading than he gives me, guaranteeing a fail. I'll see if I can get other mastery points in order to get to the springer mount. Otherwise I may end up stuck because certain mount masteries are required to progress to other area's. But I will need more time to find this out.

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No, please don't nerf the chef. I really liked the challenge! Nice with more unusual ways to get masteries instead of fighting/communing.During the demo it took me about 4-5 attempts to get the mastery, yesterday I got it at the first attempt.I have a few tips:

  • Try to remember the location of each ingredient.
  • Try to keep an eye on him all the time. If you know that he has been standing at a certain place for a long time (3+ secs) don't throw the ingredient at him until he has repositioned.
  • Don't run around to much. You can throw the ingredients from range.
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@lordmitz.2047 said:yeah this took about 3 tries, it's not that difficult. just learn where the foods are and only throw when he stops.

Took me rather more than that, but once I learned (a) to keep hitting the speed boost, (b) where everything was, and © what his movement tell and his pathing was (because it's usually quicker to wait for him to move somewhere new, than it is to throw stuff at him and have it miss), I cracked it. So I swapped straight to my second account (as planned - I saw no point in learning where everything was twice over) and got it first attempt. And now it's done, and (unless it gets shoved in as a daily) I don't ever have to do it again. But - honestly? Expect to fail the first 5 or 10 times; treat them as learning experiences; and it's actually not all that hard.

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Took me two tries. Learning where the ingredients are definitely helps. Also don't throw while chef is walking from station to station.

The ingredient list is random so it is possible to have good and bad spawns. On my 2nd try I got tuna twice in a row and boar twice in a row.

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I felt it was really hard too, but after 20th try, I learnt a few tricks, you can still throw at him while he is moving and it will register, he moves in a predictable fashion, make sure to aim the throw skill that covers most of the floor he mostly walk on- not with the chef at the center but at the edge of your ground target. Hopefully, this would help. =D

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Since some Mastery points are simply get to it and commune, difficulty isn't a definite requirement for Mastery.

Have the initial run for the Mastery point nerfed some so that most people can get it within 5-10 tries.

Then allow it to be repeatable at current difficulty for some currency that's earn-able in other areas but would be useful to have more of. Like how they've made some Hero Challenges repeatable.

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@Seera.5916 said:Since some Mastery points are simply get to it and commune, difficulty isn't a definite requirement for Mastery.

Have the initial run for the Mastery point nerfed some so that most people can get it within 5-10 tries.

Then allow it to be repeatable at current difficulty for some currency that's earn-able in other areas but would be useful to have more of. Like how they've made some Hero Challenges repeatable.

What tells you most people don't already get it within 5~10 tries though?

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@Haishao.6851 said:

@Seera.5916 said:Since some Mastery points are simply get to it and commune, difficulty isn't a definite requirement for Mastery.

Have the initial run for the Mastery point nerfed some so that most people can get it within 5-10 tries.

Then allow it to be repeatable at current difficulty for some currency that's earn-able in other areas but would be useful to have more of. Like how they've made some Hero Challenges repeatable.

What tells you most people don't already get it within 5~10 tries though?

The number of people agreeing with the OP and the fact the fact that even some who don't want it nerfed said it took them more than 5-10 times to do. It probably took me more than 10 tries to do it as well, but I wasn't counting time or number of attempts.

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@Seera.5916 said:

@Haishao.6851 said:

@Seera.5916 said:Since some Mastery points are simply get to it and commune, difficulty isn't a definite requirement for Mastery.

Have the initial run for the Mastery point nerfed some so that most people can get it within 5-10 tries.

Then allow it to be repeatable at current difficulty for some currency that's earn-able in other areas but would be useful to have more of. Like how they've made some Hero Challenges repeatable.

What tells you most people don't already get it within 5~10 tries though?

The number of people agreeing with the OP and the fact the fact that even some who don't want it nerfed said it took them more than 5-10 times to do. It probably took me more than 10 tries to do it as well, but I wasn't counting time or number of attempts.

I didn't do it. I tried 5 times, said "fuck it" and moved on. It's too annoying for what it is. Waste of time and effort.

If anybody feels it should remain "challenging" or is somehow proud of doing it, might I suggest you put your sense of elitism to good use and go to raids? It's a fucking mastery point, god damn it.

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It was a bit of a challenge- but throw to where he's heading since there's a delay. Once I figured that out it became rather smooth (and once I found out where all the ingredients were and stopped getting stumped when he picked a new one suddenly).

I understand people are going to say 'well I have a physical difficulty'- but that's going to make anything challenging; jumping puzzles, the old arena fights, fractals/dungeons, etc... and nerfing something because it's difficult would lead to everything being nerfed.

This one really isn't that hard, and it's different. I think some people are frustrated more because of that, and it being right at the very start so everyone's given it a try.

But c'mon- asking for a nerf to content a day after release? That's just sad; if you still can't get it in a month I'd say revisit this, but I imagine by then there'll be guides up and enough tips that most of you will have put in the time to achieve it.

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I feel like they made a change to it between the demo and release and the change made it slightly harder. Though the change might also be on my end. I upgraded my system and changed some graphics settings. The change that I noticed is that some of the item labels seem to appear a bit slower but the main thing that is needed to complete it is still the same. Just memorize the locations of the ingredients.

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@Seera.5916 said:

@Haishao.6851 said:

@Seera.5916 said:Since some Mastery points are simply get to it and commune, difficulty isn't a definite requirement for Mastery.

Have the initial run for the Mastery point nerfed some so that most people can get it within 5-10 tries.

Then allow it to be repeatable at current difficulty for some currency that's earn-able in other areas but would be useful to have more of. Like how they've made some Hero Challenges repeatable.

What tells you most people don't already get it within 5~10 tries though?

The number of people agreeing with the OP and the fact the fact that even some who don't want it nerfed said it took them more than 5-10 times to do. It probably took me more than 10 tries to do it as well, but I wasn't counting time or number of attempts.

There's like 8 different people in this thread agreeing with op. That's not even 1/4 of the people who posted. "Most" implies above half.Also, Anet says there's 11million players (that's probably only account sold but anyway) which mean 0.0004% of the community posted in this thread. The 8 people agreeing with OP count for 0.00007%

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@Wintermute.5408 said:"No need to nerf, it's just RNG based" is a horrible statement, and a sign of atrocious game design. If you can't see what's wrong with it - too bad for you.

The ONLY rng aspect of it is which ingredients are being called out, and it's not enough of a factor to say it is atrocious game design. Memorize where the ingredients are and how to use speed boost properly and RNG won't be a factor. The only thing I regret is that it's not repeatable, as it is a wasted mini game with replay potential.

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@Oldirtbeard.9834 said:First let me say Path of Fire is a real quality art piece, the difficulty is in a nice sweet spot, the story has really hit it's stride.

How ever we need to talk about this chef in the Crystal Oasis, his Mastery Point quest is way way over tuned. There are times when I've thrown ingredients at him dead on and they haven't been acknowledged. If you screw up once you'll fail. kitten over the course of 2 hours there have been a few times I have been perfect but still have the timer beat me any way because I kept on being told to get ingredients that were far away from the Chef. Please nerf this chef so that I don't need a carpal brace to recover thank you.

Brainlets BTFO by the chef. =)

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It probably took me about 20 tries to get it. I play with a heavy ping (avg 200-300). I found it easier to play at a time when not many other people were trying to get it as well. I managed to get it when only 2-3 other people were also trying at the same time as me.

It definitely could do with a nerf on the cast time. I'm glad I don't have to do it again.

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It took me about 15 tries to get it. My "advice" would be to play it until he asks for stuff near him a bunch of times in a row. Play it enough times and he will. People who say they finished it in the first couple tries probably got lucky with the rng. I think they could definitely tone the timer down a smidge. It's a novelty one off mini-game that I would have found fun if the timer hadn't been so fast. Instead it was just annoying. I cannot imagine how infuriating it would be to try and play it as a second language.

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