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Physics of the Beetle Mount

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I know. I should suspend reality for a moment and just accept it... but...

I can't help feeling the roller beetle isn't necessary for the new mount. You get to ride this awesome jet powered mini-bike that is... pushing? the roller beetle. From the trailer, it appeared like the bike was somehow tethered to the beetle, but why and how? Does the beetle provide speed to the bike somehow? Who is actually holding the reins here?

Let's hear some theories. How does this roller-beetle-bike work?

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I think the bike is hitched to the beetle like a pod racer to its engine pods ~~sulky to a racehorse. We need it to be a ~~Star Wars speeder bike magically powered floating bike, because whizzing along at those speeds would tear any leather harness to shreds and batter wooden wheels into splinters. I guess the alternate to being dragged behind would be to magically float above it like BB8's head an asuran on a magic carpet.

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Well roller bettles have been around for a long long time... in GW1... they are very much able to move/roll on their own accord without being pushed. They should be fairly fast at that, having once (in GW1) been used for racing. So it is definitely the beetle that makes you move forward if using this mount. I assume some asura technology allows for the teethering onto it so you can benefit from its speed and wrecking power? without being crushed under it as it rolls. The teethering probably is what allows for controling the beetle too. Normally they are perfectly able to navigate themselves... somehow.

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@Brother.1504, exactly , still when u upgrade your charriot with a roller beatle xD


I would want a skill to roll over those awfull rabit mounts >_> with a sound of a anouncer saying "ROAD KILL! !!!!

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This is my theory... the Mount uses a Ley energy system, which naturally repels the strong shell of the Roller Beetle, driving it fast depending on the amount of energy released, thus allowing to travel great distances through the vast landscapes of the desert. :)

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It's absolutely a new mount. From what I saw it moves faster than anything else on the ground, seems to carry momentum on ramplike surfaces for jumps with its own unique physics and can apparently break through certain walls. Anet wouldn't market a skin as a big part of a LS release anyway, that and they've been listening to player feedback about trailers and are using much more precise wording.

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@Sarge shot Grif.6450 said:It's absolutely a new mount. From what I saw it moves faster than anything else on the ground, seems to carry momentum on ramplike surfaces for jumps with its own unique physics and can apparently break through certain walls. Anet wouldn't market a skin as a big part of a LS release anyway, that and they've been listening to player feedback about trailers and are using much more precise wording.

Did anyone think it wasnt a new mount? The trailer does say new mount so i think it's safe to assume lol

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@Zalavaaris.5329 said:

@Sarge shot Grif.6450 said:It's absolutely a new mount. From what I saw it moves faster than anything else on the ground, seems to carry momentum on ramplike surfaces for jumps with its own unique physics and can apparently break through certain walls. Anet wouldn't market a skin as a big part of a LS release anyway, that and they've been listening to player feedback about trailers and are using much more precise wording.

Did anyone think it wasnt a new mount? The trailer does say new mount so i think it's safe to assume lol

Several people have said they think it's a new premium skin for skimmer or raptor, but IMO the evidence is against them. Still, there will be no hard answers till Tuesday, so no point arguing.

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@"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

@"Sarge shot Grif.6450" said:It's absolutely a new mount. From what I saw it moves faster than anything else on the ground, seems to carry momentum on ramplike surfaces for jumps with its own unique physics and can apparently break through certain walls. Anet wouldn't market a skin as a big part of a LS release anyway, that and they've been listening to player feedback about trailers and are using much more precise wording.

Did anyone think it wasnt a new mount? The trailer does say new mount so i think it's safe to assume lol

Several people have said they think it's a new premium skin for skimmer or raptor, but IMO the evidence is against them. Still, there will be no hard answers till Tuesday, so no point arguing.

Does the trailer not specifically say "new mount"? I thought it did but I'm at work and can't check.

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@Shazam.6943 said:This is my theory... the Mount uses a Ley energy system, which naturally repels the strong shell of the Roller Beetle, driving it fast depending on the amount of energy released, thus allowing to travel great distances through the vast landscapes of the desert. :)

This is the best explanation so far. Of course, we're now debating whether or not it's a skimmer, so we've gotten off topic.

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@Zalavaaris.5329 said:

@"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

@"Sarge shot Grif.6450" said:It's absolutely a new mount. From what I saw it moves faster than anything else on the ground, seems to carry momentum on ramplike surfaces for jumps with its own unique physics and can apparently break through certain walls. Anet wouldn't market a skin as a big part of a LS release anyway, that and they've been listening to player feedback about trailers and are using much more precise wording.

Did anyone think it wasnt a new mount? The trailer does say new mount so i think it's safe to assume lol

Several people have said they think it's a new premium skin for skimmer or raptor, but IMO the evidence is against them. Still, there will be no hard answers till Tuesday, so no point arguing.

Does the trailer not specifically say "new mount"? I thought it did but I'm at work and can't check.

It did.

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