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There is too much soft control effects getting thrown around.


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The amount of cripple, immobilize, and chill getting tossed around is way too high. In teamfights it's pretty common for me to be permanently crippled with immobilize also being far too frequent for how punitive it is. This has resulted in a situation where the only way to be mobile in fights is to play classes with heavy amounts of teleports, leaps, and attack avoidance. Classes that lack those 3 things are non-competitive. This heavy amount of soft control stems from the superfluous amounts of soft control effects certain classes have, there are several builds in the meta right now that can apply perma cripple with frequent access to immobilize and in some cases chill as well.

Below is a list of recommendations. The list was created by looking for soft control sources that are both common in this meta and are nonessential/superfluous for the affected builds or weapons.


  • (scourge) Scourge's shade autos should not apply cripple.
  • (mesmer) Master of Fragmentation trait's F2 cripple bonus should be reduced from 3s per strike to 1s per.
  • Pulsing immobilizes should not exist and skills that apply pulsing immobilize should be reworked to only apply a single immobilize.
  • (thief) Condi thief should not have cripple on both Impaling Lotus and Uncatchable. Recommend removal from Impaling Lotus and leave Uncatchable unchanged.
  • (thief) Panic Strike should not include a passive immobilize proc.
  • (mesmer) Mesmer's Swap skill should have its immobilize duration reduced from 2s to 1s
  • (necro) Spiteful Spirit should have its cripple duration reduced from 5s to 2.5s.
  • (firebrand) Echo of Truth should not apply cripple.
  • (spellbreaker) Slow Counter should have its cripple duration reduced from 3s to 1.5s
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@rank eleven monk.9502 said:Soft controls aren't the problem at all imo. The problem is the abundance of other condis which makes cleansing soft controls impossible (and in general, cleansing the things you want)

Yea I hope they give every profession a utility and trait that cleans non damaging condition that will help a lot without the need to nerf condition in the game

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@Crinn.7864 said:The amount of cripple, immobilize, and chill getting tossed around is way too high. In teamfights it's pretty common for me to be permanently crippled with immobilize also being far too frequent for how punitive it is. This has resulted in a situation where the only way to be mobile in fights is to play classes with heavy amounts of teleports, leaps, and attack avoidance. Classes that lack those 3 things are non-competitive. This heavy amount of soft control stems from the superfluous amounts of soft control effects certain classes have, there are several builds in the meta right now that can apply perma cripple with frequent access to immobilize and in some cases chill as well.

Below is a list of recommendations. The list was created by looking for soft control sources that are both common in this meta and are nonessential/superfluous for the affected builds or weapons.


  • (scourge) Scourge's shade autos should not apply cripple.
  • (mesmer) Master of Fragmentation trait's F2 cripple bonus should be reduced from 3s per strike to 1s per.
  • Pulsing immobilizes should not exist and skills that apply pulsing immobilize should be reworked to only apply a single immobilize.
  • (thief) Condi thief should not have cripple on both Impaling Lotus and Uncatchable. Recommend removal from Impaling Lotus and leave Uncatchable unchanged.
  • (thief) Panic Strike should not include a passive immobilize proc.
  • (mesmer) Mesmer's Swap skill should have it's immobilize duration reduced from 2s to 1s
  • (necro) Spiteful Spirit should have it's cripple duration reduced from 5s to 2.5s.
  • (firebrand) Echo of Truth should not apply cripple.
  • (spellbreaker) Slow Counter should have it's cripple duration reduced from 3s to 1.5s

Just a grammar note because it was bugging me: “its” shows possession. (i.e. It guarded its food) and “it’s” is an abbreviation for “it is.”

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:They could give reapers a utility skill (change a current one) on a 60-70 sec CD that pulses resistance, and maybe transfer a non-damaging condition with each pulse. (duration of 4 -5 seconds).

That might be a faster easier solution than hitting all those skills and traits.

Reaper is hardly the only class that is adversely affected by this. Warrior has been forced into a exclusively 1v1 class because it's too easy to control in a group fight.

As for your skill idea, I fail to see how using a 60-70s cooldown to counter debuffs that are continuously applied is going to solve any problems. Moreover my changes aren't even that radical and are pretty inline with the kind of changes Anet makes.

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indeed. conditions are much too spammy. too many conditions can be applied at a time, and removing it is too easy. just makes everything a spam fest

Trimming effects down to make things more decisive would be a notable bit of work, but it would do so much for the game, so the devs shouldn't write it off. Not only would it make it more balanced and fun to play, but also more enjoyable to watch, which is important nowadays.

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@pah.4931 said:There's too much of everything, much of which is just passively procced and spammed from button mashing.

Also, the entire condition systems is in need of an overhaul, imo.

I was watching yesterday's stream of a particular top-rated Notorious streamer, he was playing DPS Firebrand in that stream. He has played Scourge quite a bit the past 3 seasons. Honestly when I watch his streams, I'm not impressed by his commentary (as compared to that of Sindrener's) and he wasn't even anticipating his opponents' skills... yet he did very well in fights. He does similarly well with Scourge. It really comes down to him pressing buttons much faster than the average person and focusing on professions that spam AoE effectively. No hate to him personally, but really the fact that he's usually NA top 10 by virtue of good rotations and mediocre fighting ability is sad, and entirely results in his ability to press buttons faster than the average player. That particular skill shouldn't be rewarded so strongly.

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@Crinn.7864 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 said:They could give reapers a utility skill (change a current one) on a 60-70 sec CD that pulses resistance, and maybe transfer a non-damaging condition with each pulse. (duration of 4 -5 seconds).

That might be a faster easier solution than hitting all those skills and traits.

Reaper is hardly the only class that is adversely affected by this. Warrior has been forced into a exclusively 1v1 class because it's too easy to control in a group fight.

As for your skill idea, I fail to see how using a 60-70s cooldown to counter debuffs that are continuously applied is going to solve any problems. Moreover my changes aren't even that radical and are pretty inline with the kind of changes Anet makes.

Ok. Good luck, and maybe you can get what you want.

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Mesmers swap is fine as it is. It's a half second cast on the illusionary leap that literally can get destroyed before you even get the chance to swap in some cases. Complaining about a 2 second immob every 12 seconds for a skill that you have to prep with another ability is pushing it. When it comes to master of fragmentation I would agree, although I would like to see it nerfed to about 1.5 seconds would be a nice medium without making that part of the skill completely irrelevant.

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