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mounts still dismissing necro minions [Merged]

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On 8/29/2021 at 9:55 AM, MysticReaper.4318 said:

they help me get through the game due to my 58 year old physically challenged wrists caused by age and a life-long cerebral palsy health condition.

i can play rift and swtor despite my health condition. time to go off until they fix it. if they do not fix when eod is released, i will say bye to gw2 permanently.

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9 hours ago, Nagiil.1230 said:

same here.

Minions are still hidden with full cooldown after unmount.

Not quite that.  The cooldown happens on mount.  Not dismount.  So if you stay mounted long enough for the cooldown to end (like 60 seconds for the FG), then dismount you can summon them immediately.


Well, sort of immediately.  At 1.5 seconds per summon, and 5 minion utilities, that's 7.5 seconds of standing there tossing tennis balls into the air while the foes eat you.  Unless you dismount outside of agro range, do your tennis ball tossing, then walk into agro range, odds are you'll have to fight before you're done.


Plus the minions being dismissed entering or exiting water just BLOWS CHUNKS in those places where the water is just deep enough to kill off your minions, but doesn't let you equip underwater weapons.


Sure does take away virtually all of the reason for a necro to have a mount at all, as well as sucking all the joy out of the game.  It would be tolerable if this is what it was, and always has been, and nothing changed.  But like taking back basic freedoms, once you have it, you don't want to give it up.

Edited by mathion.8549
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59 minutes ago, mathion.8549 said:

Plus the minions being dismissed entering or exiting water just BLOWS CHUNKS in those places where the water is just deep enough to kill off your minions, but doesn't let you equip underwater weapons.

Sounds like you don't have the same minions slotted for underwater combat. Check your slots and make sure you have your minions slotted, else when you enter the water they'll despawn. Same thing happens (or at least used to happen) with Guardian and signets - if you didn't have the same signets slotted and hit water the signets would be removed.

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6 minutes ago, Aldel.8170 said:

Sounds like you don't have the same minions slotted for underwater combat. Check your slots and make sure you have your minions slotted, else when you enter the water they'll despawn. Same thing happens (or at least used to happen) with Guardian and signets - if you didn't have the same signets slotted and hit water the signets would be removed.

Actually, I do, exactly the same ones in the same slots.  I only noticed the problem after noticing that my minions despawned on mount.  It was consistent into and out of water, the minions would disappear, most notably the GH and the health minion, who have dedicated slots for them.


In checking back just now, it appears that part has been restored to functionality, which makes it much better in the situations I posted about.  But when this issue arose a week ago, both mounts and water were killing minions for me.  Now, the water isn't doing it, but the mounting still does.  I haven't played an MM since the issue first started, so didn't know the water part was fixed.  It wasn't a week ago when I was mapping Hilrathi.

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1 hour ago, mathion.8549 said:

Well, sort of immediately.  At 1.5 seconds per summon, and 5 minion utilities, that's 7.5 seconds of standing there tossing tennis balls into the air while the foes eat you.  Unless you dismount outside of agro range, do your tennis ball tossing, then walk into agro range, odds are you'll have to fight before you're done.

This can be especially painful on Path of Fire maps where there are places you can't get to without a mount and they don't skimp on the enemies, so you are likely to land right in the middle of a fight. Can't really go, 'please don't attack me until I'm ready, thanks!' Plus, my necro's minions add to my toughness, so getting hit while resummoning can be pretty rough.

Edited by Tanek.5983
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19 minutes ago, Tanek.5983 said:

This can be especially painful on Path of Fire maps where there are places you can't get to without a mount and they don't skimp on the enemies, so you are likely to land right in the middle of a fight. Can't really go, 'please don't attack me until I'm ready, thanks!' Plus, my necro's minions add to my toughness, so getting hit while resummoning can be pretty rough.


Reminds me of those superhero shows that have those lengthy transformations during which, for some mysterious reason, the foes don't attack.  Would that GW2 foes be so accommodating.

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Please. People. Of course they'll fix minions. They know how much that playstyle is appreciated (and if they didn't, the massive outbursts on twitter and this forums are proof enough).


But you are expecting from overworked devs (an expansion is coming, a festival is going on right now, next playtest is soon, alliances and stuff are coming too) to fix a complicated problem instantly. Give them time.

In the meantime, you can:

- Experiment with other aspects of the class (and maybe learn a trick or two to use once the minions are back to normal)

- ...or other classes.

- Enjoy the festival (2/3 of it are non-combat activities where you don't need minions at all and the rewards are nice).

- Take a little break from the game to enjoy time with your friends, family, the sun/moon/whatever.

It will probably be fixed asap, don't worry.


As any good Reaper would say: Just chill ❄️

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4 minutes ago, Kaladel.1670 said:

Please. People. Of course they'll fix minions. They know how much that playstyle is appreciated (and if they didn't, the massive outbursts on twitter and this forums are proof enough).

It would take Anet less than 5 minutes to post a reply here to let people know what's going on.

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8 minutes ago, Kaladel.1670 said:

Please. People. Of course they'll fix minions. They know how much that playstyle is appreciated (and if they didn't, the massive outbursts on twitter and this forums are proof enough).


But you are expecting from overworked devs (an expansion is coming, a festival is going on right now, next playtest is soon, alliances and stuff are coming too) to fix a complicated problem instantly. Give them time.

In the meantime, you can:

- Experiment with other aspects of the class (and maybe learn a trick or two to use once the minions are back to normal)

- ...or other classes.

- Enjoy the festival (2/3 of it are non-combat activities where you don't need minions at all and the rewards are nice).

- Take a little break from the game to enjoy time with your friends, family, the sun/moon/whatever.

It will probably be fixed asap, don't worry.


As any good Reaper would say: Just chill ❄️

no they implemented this on purpose  and every day we cannot play is a day we cannot properly  play the game, participate in some events or do map completions or farming. or simply playing another game and not coming back.
or just imagine the outcry if a similar issue affects something like guardians or elementalists. 

IF aNet is overworked, they should take smaller steps and not ruin the game for roughly one ninth of the player base, because they cannot code well enough.  the expansion is un- announced who cares for another week of delays. but they should NOT transfer the burden to their players and they OUGHT to communicate better

Or as any good reaper would say : they do not make the cut...



Edited by achwas.6190
added remark
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Actually achwas, I believe I also noticed that my elementalist had any summoned elementals vanish and go on cool down upon mounting. It's not as big an issue with them, as the elementals are not permanent like Necro minions, nor are they the key to an entire class build, but it still removes them upon mounting.  I believe it used to just hide them for any remaining duration they had if you mounted, just like the Necro.

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13 minutes ago, Samurai.9567 said:

Actually achwas, I believe I also noticed that my elementalist had any summoned elementals vanish and go on cool down upon mounting. It's not as big an issue with them, as the elementals are not permanent like Necro minions, nor are they the key to an entire class build, but it still removes them upon mounting.  I believe it used to just hide them for any remaining duration they had if you mounted, just like the Necro.

I was wondering about this. I don't use my Ele near as much, so could not remember whether the summons were dismissed on mounting before.

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Two reasons why ANet always choose other social media to communicate instead of their own:


1. The developers have been banned from using this forum, or

2. They must have paid a lot for tweeting and are now trying to force every one to use it or read it.


Appreciate that some of the members here helped to cover their jobs in this forum. Is it that difficult to just copy and paste messages to this forum?

Edited by Mil.3562
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