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Guild Wars 3 vs Living World Season 5

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I'm hoping that there isn't another multiyear jump between GW2 and GW3. I believe the last chapter of GW2 should be part of the transition story into GW3. I know I want to keep my same characters (we have spent enough time and money on them).

Or would you rather just see a continuation of map expansion in GW2?

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@Game of Bones.8975 said:I'm hoping that there isn't another multiyear jump between GW2 and GW3. I believe the last chapter of GW2 should be part of the transition story into GW3. I know I want to keep my same characters (we have spent enough time and money on them).

Or would you rather just see a continuation of map expansion in GW2?

Both. I want the LW transition as well as map expansion and continuation. I don't think GW 3 should or needs to go ahead so many years, but a new story focus could easily pave way for a new installment. Add new races, professions, features, and possibly make it truly open world instead of instanced.

I would like for everything we have achieved here to greatly effect and help our characters in GW 3, so that none of it is dismissed and so that new players that come into GW 3 want to go back to GW 2 to earn what we have achieved here. Make 3 and 2 far more connected than 1 and 2 were.

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yea have played G.W. for so long and the time line gap from G.W. 1 to G.W. 2 was a bit much as for LWS and Xpack's vs G.W. 3 have to say if its 250 years later I better see more starship type stuff and honestly if I wanted that id be playing something else and major Kittens if the Monk class don't return and am forced to run an ele or ranger as a healer ill charge per healing spell cast not that I did much healing on my G.W. 1 monk but when I did I was good at it un less the toad was just doing dumb stuff

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@Nuka Cola.8520 said:LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.

GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.

The choice is clear.

Same old great content or a new game where we get the same cycle of players complaining and asking when GW4 is due

Think I'll stick with the great game we have

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When people say that gw3 is possible they forget the huge amounts of money that Anet needs to sink in to actually build the new open world from scratch on a better more stable and flexible system with the races, weapons, armor, styles, mounts(probably), a story, new specs, new metas and events, and more fresh content. A thing like this is possible but its like when Bethesda announced TES:6 now and it will release after a few more years from now just without the announcement and barely new content in gw2.

Doesn't sound like the best deal.

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@Nopesarenotforme.5190 said:When people say that gw3 is possible they forget the huge amounts of money that Anet needs to sink in to actually build the new open world from scratch on a better more stable and flexible system with the races, weapons, armor, styles, mounts(probably), a story, new specs, new metas and events, and more fresh content. A thing like this is possible but its like when Bethesda announced TES:6 now and it will release after a few more years from now just without the announcement and barely new content in gw2.

Doesn't sound like the best deal.

Reminds me of a car I had, where every year, I had to decide whether I was paying more money to keep it running (in service charges that are beyond regular maintenance) than it might cost me to get a new car. For a long time, it just made more sense to fix my existing car.

Well, it had a crazy, custom car stereo on it too, and I rather liked my entertainment system with an engine and 4 wheels, so there was that. :#

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@Tyson.5160 said:

@Nuka Cola.8520 said:LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.

GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.

The choice is clear.

And many years to develop. It takes a huge amount of time to build s brand new mmo.

Obviously. But if i had a choice, GW3 would be it and it wouldn't even be a contest. New engine alone would make a much much better experience.

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@Nuka Cola.8520 said:

@Nuka Cola.8520 said:LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.

GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.

The choice is clear.

And many years to develop. It takes a huge amount of time to build s brand new mmo.

Obviously. But if i had a choice, GW3 would be it and it wouldn't even be a contest. New engine alone would make a much much better experience.

Sure, I would always ask for brand new things too, just not realistic.

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@Tyson.5160 said:

@Nuka Cola.8520 said:LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.

GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.

The choice is clear.

And many years to develop. It takes a huge amount of time to build s brand new mmo.

Obviously. But if i had a choice, GW3 would be it and it wouldn't even be a contest. New engine alone would make a much much better experience.

Sure, I would always ask for brand new things too, just not realistic.

GW2 has been out for almost six years. The game is running on DX9. WvW is dead. SPVP is dead. Everything is so unbalanced, its a mess that will take em years of reworking. New player experience is atrocious.

I think its time. The state of GW1 is 2012 (pre gw2 launch) was much better than GW2 in 2018. With the gem store, of course they're making money, but the game is a wrecked car, good luck fixing it.

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I only want a GW3 if they make the combat more like GW1.

Otherwise just keep with GW2.

Honestly it's still one of the best looking MMO's in the market.

As for the issues above. I really think WvW should be retired and resources used to develop new types of content or balancing the remaining ones. WvW is a convoluted mess that doesn't run properly in most machines. It actually does the game no favors.

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@Fenom.9457 said:Why do ppl assume GW3 even has the tiniest chance of happening? Its GW2 for the coming decades, people

Because GW2 is spaghetti code, dx9 and has a lot of limitations that make a lot of simple changes or implementations very difficult for the devs. Moving forward after finishing the elder dragon story, it's only logical to move onto something else that gives them a lot more freedom and allows them to completely revamp how the systems work.

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@Nuka Cola.8520 said:

@Nuka Cola.8520 said:LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.

GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.

The choice is clear.

And many years to develop. It takes a huge amount of time to build s brand new mmo.

Obviously. But if i had a choice, GW3 would be it and it wouldn't even be a contest. New engine alone would make a much much better experience.

Sure, I would always ask for brand new things too, just not realistic.

GW2 has been out for almost six years. The game is running on DX9. WvW is dead. SPVP is dead. Everything is so unbalanced, its a mess that will take em years of reworking. New player experience is atrocious.

I think its time. The state of GW1 is 2012 (pre gw2 launch) was much better than GW2 in 2018. With the gem store, of course they're making money, but the game is a wrecked car, good luck fixing it.

Woah now partner, I hate it when people say this. You know what dead means yeah? Devoid of life as in nothing is happening. Like absolute nothing. If I went into pvp and wvw and literally no matches were being played or no people were in the map, then I would agree with it being dead. What you are doing is hyper exaggerating.

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Continue GW2. It would take several years to develop GW3 and nothing to do while waiting (same thing happened in GW1). Also, GW2 is still a young MMO compared to WoW, Lineage 2 and other old games that are still alive. Let's talk about GW3 around 2025.

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@Nuka Cola.8520 said:

@Nuka Cola.8520 said:LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.

GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.

The choice is clear.

And many years to develop. It takes a huge amount of time to build s brand new mmo.

Obviously. But if i had a choice, GW3 would be it and it wouldn't even be a contest. New engine alone would make a much much better experience.

Cannot disagree.

I would love for an overhaul of the engine, and other elements that devs have said are not likely to happen (dyeable weapons for example) because of decisions (some regretted now) made early on in the coding process.

But the time and cost seem prohibitive.

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