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[Suggestion] + Will we get some sort of Recompensation for The server Problems?


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Hello as the title says, will we get some recompensation for the problems with the game where we bought it but couldnt realy paly it?

In the forums alot of people where realy angry cause there was so many Problems and some even wanted a refund for it.

So here would be what i would suggest to calm down most of the people and it would be like a from of Refund:give the people hwo bought Pof Gems and so many gems they would have get if they paid for the gems instead for the addon so the 30€ Version buyers get 2400 Gems the 80€ deluxe buyers get 6400 gems or so ... or at least something like that as recompensation for not working

Why i am suggesting this it would cost the game publisher nothing but would realy calm the community a bit down that they couldnt paly what they bought.And they could buy some gimicks on the gemshop or skins or living story so they dont have the feeling that the money on the addon was wasted.

If you have any other suggestion fell free to post them, at least i hope we will get some Recompensation!


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I think this would be OK on one condition. Since it is compensation for not being able to play, the people receiving it would need to not be allowed to play going forward. It would be odd, otherwise, to give someone compensation for not being able to play if, going forward, they were able to play.

Not sure what they would do with the gems since they would need to be locked in some fashion to prevent being used to gift items to a new account, but if someone wants a reward for not playing thats their choice.

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I don't think this is a good idea. It does cost ArenaNet something: a loss in Gem sales. It's not like the Devs intended for connection issues to occur. Sometimes, skritt happens. It is unfortunate that some players are having issues, and although their access is delayed, and I sympathize with their frustration, the content is permanent and will be accessible as soon as the Devs can provide said access. No need to, in essence, give them the game free.

Maybe ArenaNet will offer a free Mini or Outfit or Weapon skin to everyone (not just to those affected, as it would be difficult and very time-consuming to try to determine and verify who was affected how). /shrug

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So let me see, I paid £26, which will give me access to all new content over the next couple of years = about £1 a month. The (not unexpected) disruption over the launch weekend kept me from playing for a couple of hours (actually no bad thing as I was binging a bit!). So I think that merits a pro rata refund of about 5p. Come on Anet, do the right thing and credit us all with 1 gem by way of compensation.

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@costepj.5120 said:So let me see, I paid £26, which will give me access to all new content over the next couple of years = about £1 a month. The (not unexpected) disruption over the launch weekend kept me from playing for a couple of hours (actually no bad thing as I was binging a bit!). So I think that merits a pro rata refund of about 5p. Come on Anet, do the right thing and credit us all with 1 gem by way of compensation.

Whahaha, ur killing me :D

@Dragisnaj.2053 said:

Hello as the title says, will we get some recompensation for the problems with the game where we bought it but couldnt realy paly it?

I think not, as they are working on fixing the issue, and it will be fixed in due time, the product is not "Not fit for purpose" so it does not justify any refund, also, if it was justified to get a refund, then you would have to give up access to any PoF content.

Best thing to do for now is to try and enjoy the content you are able to access for now and let Anet fix the remaining bugs. After that you can enjoy the rest.

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You are really asking for 30 euros value "recompensation" for two odd days of server issues? Are you serious? Just because there was a technical issue (which they are hard on fixing), you are essentially demanding to get the game for free? Sorry friend, but this is totally out of touch with both the common sense and the reality.

The way how this world works is the following: you buy stuff and you have the right that the staff works as advertised. If it doesn't work, you can demand it to be fixed, and if that doesn't happen within a reasonable period of time (which is usually a couple of weeks at LEAST), you can demand a refund. Under certain conditions, you can also demand compensation for losses suffered because of nonfunctional product. Like you know, if the new car you are driving has non-functioning brakes and you end up in a wheelchair. Or because a new computer you bough sets your house on fire. Honestly, grow up.

Problems happen and they are annoying for all involved. Believe me, they are even more annoying for ANet than they are annoying for you. You lose nothing except your patience. ANet actually loses their reputation which translates to potential damages for their business. This is why they are working hard on fix it.

@Ashen: good answer :D

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@Dragisnaj.2053 said:Hello as the title says, will we get some recompensation for the problems with the game where we bought it but couldnt realy paly it?( ...)If you have any other suggestion fell free to post them, at least i hope we will get some Recompensation!

There is an old saying: "Never play on patch day".

If you play on release day/weekend to play the content as one of the first, you can always expect a lot of bugs, that will be fixed after a few days.Yes, I didn't like the bugs either, but I see no reason for recompensation.

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I'm one of the people who have been hit by lots of connection problems. Before this weekend I can't remember the last time the game disconnected. Over Friday, Saturday and Sunday I was only able to get as far as the story step where you meet Rytlock and Canach at the main Forged camp in Crystal Oasis because I had so many problems entering instances, and then it would disconnect and kick me out again...if I could even load into Crystal Oasis at all. (Playing in any other map was absolutely fine.)

It also meant I was unable to use my Lily of the Elon pass because if I did I risked being disconnected while there and then unable to log into that character to move them somewhere else.

Even so I don't quite understand what I'm supposed to be compensated for. I didn't pay for any game time this weekend (or ever) and I still have the expansion which I did pay for. I haven't actually lost anything except some time which I chose to use trying to log into instances when I knew there were problems. If Anet can give me some extra hours in my day then that would be fantastic and very much appreciated. Other than that I don't know what they're supposed to be compensating me for.

And yeah, even if they were inclined to gift us gems as a thank you for putting up with these issues it would be utterly absurd to expect about 1/2 the value of the entire expansion. You'd be more likely to get 100-200 gems max. Or a free item like when they gave everyone who had bought gems in a certain period a kite.

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@shinjin.3924 said:

@"Endless Soul.5178" said:I can't believe this thread even exists.

Why? do you know there are some people that can't even start the first story mission ?Do you know that some people repeated 20 time the same quest over and over and can't progress,thanks to roll back?

Now you know why it exist,and if you are not taking part of it,don't post useless comments, Thanks!

May I refer you to the advice given a few posts above: "Never play on patch day".


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@Zok.4956 said:

@Dragisnaj.2053 said:Hello as the title says, will we get some recompensation for the problems with the game where we bought it but couldnt realy paly it?( ...)If you have any other suggestion fell free to post them, at least i hope we will get some Recompensation!

There is an old saying:
"Never play on patch day"

If you play on release day/weekend to play the content as one of the first, you can always expect a lot of bugs, that will be fixed after a few days.Yes, I didn't like the bugs either, but I see no reason for recompensation.

No. That's a wrong mindset and it gives developers a good excuse and reason to not release a game in its complete playable state which will become a bad habit. There's nothing wrong trying to cover for the devs, but wrong kindness could destroy those devs.

Anyway, we should really be getting that 1 gem as compensation. anet pls

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As long as ANET is doing something to fix the bugs that affect a certain percentage of the players, they are doing their jobs.Ever since the roll out on Friday there were updates to the game every five hours or so. That tells me they are finding solutions to problems, buffing some skills, and nerfing others. This is what a good software company does: it monitors its product and provides improvements in a timely manner.Look at everything that went off as planned.

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@Alchofas.8243 said:No. That's a wrong mindset and it gives developers a good excuse and reason to not release a game in its complete playable state which will become a bad habit. There's nothing wrong trying to cover for the devs, but wrong kindness could destroy those devs.

I don't think that was intended and GW2 is running smoothly for the most part. In the 4 years I played it was down for several hours on 2 days. I played WoW and there was a weekly downtime of several hours. I get that it's annoying that some weren't able to play on PoF launch, but anet are usually giving their best to make the game as comfortable as possible and I don't think this was intended nor that they will repeat any of it on purpose, so cut them some slack instead of feeling entitled.

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@Jana.6831 said:

@Alchofas.8243 said:No. That's a wrong mindset and it gives developers a good excuse and reason to not release a game in its complete playable state which will become a bad habit. There's nothing wrong trying to cover for the devs, but wrong kindness could destroy those devs.

I don't think that was intended and GW2 is running smoothly for the most part. In the 4 years I played it was down for several hours on 2 days. I played WoW and there was a weekly downtime of several hours. I get that it's annoying that some weren't able to play on PoF launch, but anet are usually giving their best to make the game as comfortable as possible and I don't think this was intended nor that they will repeat any of it on purpose, so cut them some slack instead of feeling entitled.

I know, but this isn't just about anet but gaming industry itself. precisely i didn't mention anet in my first paragraph.

Also, I am not in anyway affected by the known issues so I am not really complaining or anything. just simply trying to correct our way of thinking

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on topic given all the problems I been seen with EU servers and them not able to play and then the people in NA with all the problems we are having and all the bugs and so forth for 3 days . honestly I think their should be some sort of compensation to not just some but to every one that played the game at that time. and yes even tho they are trying to fix it and make it work. but honestly I do not see that happen at all

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There are players who have finished the entire expansion; 100% map completion, all mounts, all masteries earned, and are asking what to do next.These threads are in conflict with each other. On one hand you have people who not only were able to play, but play well enough to do everything (on opening weekend) and the other you have people who say they can barely get out of the starting gate (and want something for their "loss").

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yes i think the compensation should be high enough, why?

So first of i buy the gme to paly it then you dotn ahve much time cause you had to work and so than you think ok take 2 days vacation to enjoy the game and than you cant play it?

That would bee the same as i buy a new car drive until home and than it never starts up again so i need to bring the car somehow back to get it repaired??

And never play on a patch day is absurd so we should say we dont use lifesaving medicaments on the day after they can be release after medical studys?? would be absolutly the same!!!there you have medical studys than you bring it out here you have stress tests .... so in both it has to work the same day it is released.

When not than it is not to much to get a recompensation.

I mean if this would be the first mmo and the first addon ok ... but they could already learn from others that it makes problem blizzard also get it to have longer loadscreens but nearly no dcs i played the draenor update poiunt on release without problems. if there are some bugs ok it is so but it should be playable from the start of release.

And if they need more tests why not have a ptr??? or at least instead of 2 day stresstest 2 weeks beta play to see that so that problems does not occur on release day.

There are so many ways that something like that dont happen on release day but they still apeared so yes i am asking for recompensation for this!!

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@Alchofas.8243 said:

@Zok.4956 said:

@Dragisnaj.2053 said:Hello as the title says, will we get some recompensation for the problems with the game where we bought it but couldnt realy paly it?( ...)If you have any other suggestion fell free to post them, at least i hope we will get some Recompensation!

There is an old saying:
"Never play on patch day"

If you play on release day/weekend to play the content as one of the first, you can always expect a lot of bugs, that will be fixed after a few days.Yes, I didn't like the bugs either, but I see no reason for recompensation.

No. That's a wrong mindset and it gives developers a good excuse and reason to not release a game in its complete playable state which will become a bad habit. There's nothing wrong trying to cover for the devs, but wrong kindness could destroy those devs.

Anyway, we should really be getting that 1 gem as compensation. anet pls

I call BS here, Anet did not release an incomplete game (or Xpac for that matter), it is very much completed, there are just some unforeseen bugs and server issues in the Data center in Frankfurt.Anet is not like EA, Ubisoft and Activision (just to name a few) who do indeed launch incomplete games and promise that they will fix and complete it later (They actually do this!).Also, keep in mind, this is a large scale MMORPG and not some console game.

@WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:on topic given all the problems I been seen with EU servers and them not able to play and then the people in NA with all the problems we are having and all the bugs and so forth for 3 days . honestly I think their should be some sort of compensation to not just some but to every one that played the game at that time. and yes even tho they are trying to fix it and make it work. but honestly I do not see that happen at all

In relation to the server issue, Mo gave us an explainnation, there was an issue in Frankfurt. “a network connectivity issue between a group of game servers and their character database servers, but as we reconfigured the datacenter to avoid that problem, we introduced a configuration error.”See below or have a read at: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/4556/update-on-instance-creation-failure#latest for more info.

@Mike O Brien.4613 said:Hi all,

We hope you’re enjoying the launch of Path of Fire. We’ve been in the game with you this weekend, but also, tracking down and hot-fixing the launch issues that have come up. In particular we’ve been working on the connection and story instance creation problems that have been cropping up during peak hours in Europe. I’m writing to give an update on that.

We quickly identified a root problem, a network connectivity issue between a group of game servers and their character database servers, but as we reconfigured the datacenter to avoid that problem, we introduced a configuration error. Now we’ve tracked down that second error. We believe the issue is resolved, but we can’t know for sure until tomorrow’s peak hours. In the meantime, thank you for bearing with us through this, and know that we’re watching closely and ready to jump in if anything else goes wrong.



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@Alchofas.8243 said:I know, but this isn't just about anet but gaming industry itself. precisely i didn't mention anet in my first paragraph.Also, I am not in anyway affected by the known issues so I am not really complaining or anything. just simply trying to correct our way of thinkingOh 'correct my way of thinking'. Well, I tried to reason with you - I should've opted for correcting your way of thinking.

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@Dragisnaj.2053 said:yes i think the compensation should be high enough, why?

So first of i buy the gme to paly it then you dotn ahve much time cause you had to work and so than you think ok take 2 days vacation to enjoy the game and than you cant play it?

That would bee the same as i buy a new car drive until home and than it never starts up again so i need to bring the car somehow back to get it repaired??

And never play on a patch day is absurd so we should say we dont use lifesaving medicaments on the day after they can be release after medical studys?? would be absolutly the same!!!there you have medical studys than you bring it out here you have stress tests .... so in both it has to work the same day it is released.

When not than it is not to much to get a recompensation.

I mean if this would be the first mmo and the first addon ok ... but they could already learn from others that it makes problem blizzard also get it to have longer loadscreens but nearly no dcs i played the draenor update poiunt on release without problems. if there are some bugs ok it is so but it should be playable from the start of release.

And if they need more tests why not have a ptr??? or at least instead of 2 day stresstest 2 weeks beta play to see that so that problems does not occur on release day.

There are so many ways that something like that dont happen on release day but they still apeared so yes i am asking for recompensation for this!!

You've lost it m8, comparing a buying a game, to buying a car. And booking 2 days off for release day? No-one forced you to do that, you choose to.And to compare Stress tests to medical studies? ROFLWake up and smell the coffee, other’s, like Blizzard also has issues, keep an eye on BDO, I can already see issues coming there, even though the Xpac hasn’t fully launched yet.But you can’t realistically Compare Anet to Blizzard, for WoW u need to pay a supscription and for GW2 u don’t, so yes, different budget, different resources

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@Dragisnaj.2053 said:but they could already learn from others that it makes problem blizzard also get it to have longer loadscreens but nearly no dcs i played the draenor update poiunt on release without problems.

There were no DCs or issues with the launch of Heart of Thorns. Also, there are very few isolated problems with Path of Fire in NA. So Anet has a past record of amazing expansion releases, plus the release of Path of Fire was excellent in NA. In other words, they don't have to look at other companies to see an excellent release. The problem with Path of Fire in EU was probably something completely unexpected, so a PTR or 2-week testing period wouldn't help identify it or fix, it was something that happened after the release.

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If for the next two years, until the next expansion, PoF is unplayable for you, then I think you should definitely be refunded your money and maybe even recompensed for your troubles. BUT ... since I doubt that will happen, you will indeed play the game you bought and were promised and agreed to upon purchase. So ... I don't think you "deserve" anything more than that.

GW2 is a casual game that doesn't penalize you for missing out on a day or two of playing (though maybe they can give you the log-in rewards you missed if it was literally unplayable all weekend). It's not like Archeage's launch where you are SCREWED out of getting land because of their terrible launch.

I'm sorry you were one of those who had difficulties this weekend, but you'll be able to play and you'll have LOTS of time to do so. Good luck!

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@Dragisnaj.2053 said:So first of i buy the gme to paly it then you dotn ahve much time cause you had to work and so than you think ok take 2 days vacation to enjoy the game and than you cant play it?

Did ANet in any way push you to take that holiday? Why should they be responsible for choices you make? Their responsibility to you as a customer is to provide the service and if there are any interruptions — to fix those ASAP, and thats exactly what they are doing. They can't be responsible for your choices.

That would bee the same as i buy a new car drive until home and than it never starts up again so i need to bring the car somehow back to get it repaired??

And what, do you expect them to give you money for the car back? They will either repair the car or replace it. Maybe they'll give you a free rental car for the time, if its a premium dealer. Best thing you can expect in this case is free pickup for your broken car. Though this is usually handled through insurance. You'll lose time either way.

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