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Concerns about Elementalist


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@lLobo.7960 said:

@Nath Forge Tempete.1645 said:I like the idea of swapping aurashare into tempest !

For the rest of the traits... why not making one only specific trait that grants boon depending on the aura you apply . And this boon would be more or less strong depending on how often that aura can be applied :
  • Shocking aura (rare) : grants alactrity And/or fury
  • Magnetic aura (decently rare) : protection and/or resistance
  • Frost Aura (pretty common) : regen and/or vigor
  • Fire Aura (common) : might and/or celerity

That Way you have only 1 GM trait ... or master trait and you have free slots for trait that could improve core ele in each trait line .

This would be a bit too much for a single trait, IMO.And considering the latest post from Irenio talking about how booms will be handled in the future, I think it would go a bit against their view.

The different traitlines giving specific and thematic aura buffs allows the elementalist to choose what buffs to give (self or others with share) based on the specs he chooses.This lets eles choose what boons to give based on their elemental traitlines without leting them give all the boons (as stated by Irenio to be not the way they are going forward)

Then you would have issues cause you need the whole traitline for the specific buff and the rest of the traits might not be very usefull in your playstyle. Better make 3 traits in the same tier then and you have to choose one of the three.Am I making it clear? I feel i got pretty confused there haha

Let's say the 3 adept or master traits in the tempest trait line are like these:

  1. Auras give fury and swiftness
  2. Auras give regen and vigor
  3. Auras gives might and protection

And now you have to pick one of these one at a time.

Furthermore, moving the aurashare to tempest and the aura heal to water you let tempest become an offensive buffer (fire/air/tempest) and you let core ele use auras for sustain.Giving fire auras a pulsing resistance buff lets ele have another way of dealing with conditions by trying to maintain resistance (by chaining fire auras) instead of cleansing everything. This lets the ele be more offensive (with fire instead of water) but makes it very vulnerable to corrupts/boom strip.

Woaw ... i mean it might be a really good idea to improve ele gameplay i think ... or maybe make it too powerfull? with some strange combination. But really good honestly

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Besides other suggestions, I think 20% cooldown reduction as a major trait the wrong way - they use to be the best option nowadays. I'm not sure this is the best solution, but maybe as a minor trait for each specialization (including arcane) will let one major trait more valuable than now (a new one).

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@Nath Forge Tempete.1645 said:

@Nath Forge Tempete.1645 said:I like the idea of swapping aurashare into tempest !

For the rest of the traits... why not making one only specific trait that grants boon depending on the aura you apply . And this boon would be more or less strong depending on how often that aura can be applied :
  • Shocking aura (rare) : grants alactrity And/or fury
  • Magnetic aura (decently rare) : protection and/or resistance
  • Frost Aura (pretty common) : regen and/or vigor
  • Fire Aura (common) : might and/or celerity

That Way you have only 1 GM trait ... or master trait and you have free slots for trait that could improve core ele in each trait line .

This would be a bit too much for a single trait, IMO.And considering the latest post from Irenio talking about how booms will be handled in the future, I think it would go a bit against their view.

The different traitlines giving specific and thematic aura buffs allows the elementalist to choose what buffs to give (self or others with share) based on the specs he chooses.This lets eles choose what boons to give based on their elemental traitlines without leting them give all the boons (as stated by Irenio to be not the way they are going forward)

Then you would have issues cause you need the whole traitline for the specific buff and the rest of the traits might not be very usefull in your playstyle. Better make 3 traits in the same tier then and you have to choose one of the three.Am I making it clear? I feel i got pretty confused there haha

Let's say the 3 adept or master traits in the tempest trait line are like these:
  1. Auras give fury and swiftness
  2. Auras give regen and vigor
  3. Auras gives might and protection

And now you have to pick one of these one at a time.

Furthermore, moving the aurashare to tempest and the aura heal to water you let tempest become an offensive buffer (fire/air/tempest) and you let core ele use auras for sustain.Giving fire auras a pulsing resistance buff lets ele have another way of dealing with conditions by trying to maintain resistance (by chaining fire auras) instead of cleansing everything. This lets the ele be more offensive (with fire instead of water) but makes it very vulnerable to corrupts/boom strip.

Woaw ... i mean it might be a really good idea to improve ele gameplay i think ... or maybe make it too powerfull? with some strange combination. But really good honestly

I am not going to lie these boons are worthless to give out with auras because every class even the non support aimed classes give these boons out to other ppl. To have them on auras simply makes them harder for ele to pull off then the other classes who are giving them out passively.

That and the boons named are far weaker then stab, quickness, resistances and alacrity all witch ele cant give out.

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@Nath Forge Tempete.1645 said:

@Nath Forge Tempete.1645 said:I like the idea of swapping aurashare into tempest !

For the rest of the traits... why not making one only specific trait that grants boon depending on the aura you apply . And this boon would be more or less strong depending on how often that aura can be applied :
  • Shocking aura (rare) : grants alactrity And/or fury
  • Magnetic aura (decently rare) : protection and/or resistance
  • Frost Aura (pretty common) : regen and/or vigor
  • Fire Aura (common) : might and/or celerity

That Way you have only 1 GM trait ... or master trait and you have free slots for trait that could improve core ele in each trait line .

This would be a bit too much for a single trait, IMO.And considering the latest post from Irenio talking about how booms will be handled in the future, I think it would go a bit against their view.

The different traitlines giving specific and thematic aura buffs allows the elementalist to choose what buffs to give (self or others with share) based on the specs he chooses.This lets eles choose what boons to give based on their elemental traitlines without leting them give all the boons (as stated by Irenio to be not the way they are going forward)

Then you would have issues cause you need the whole traitline for the specific buff and the rest of the traits might not be very usefull in your playstyle. Better make 3 traits in the same tier then and you have to choose one of the three.Am I making it clear? I feel i got pretty confused there haha

Let's say the 3 adept or master traits in the tempest trait line are like these:
  1. Auras give fury and swiftness
  2. Auras give regen and vigor
  3. Auras gives might and protection

And now you have to pick one of these one at a time.

Furthermore, moving the aurashare to tempest and the aura heal to water you let tempest become an offensive buffer (fire/air/tempest) and you let core ele use auras for sustain.Giving fire auras a pulsing resistance buff lets ele have another way of dealing with conditions by trying to maintain resistance (by chaining fire auras) instead of cleansing everything. This lets the ele be more offensive (with fire instead of water) but makes it very vulnerable to corrupts/boom strip.

Woaw ... i mean it might be a really good idea to improve ele gameplay i think ... or maybe make it too powerfull? with some strange combination. But really good honestly

I think the boons on aura traits really need to be on the specific elemental traitlines. This way, core ele and weaver can use them, while tempest can share them.Fire:

  • adept: auras pulse might
  • master: fire auras last longer and pulse resistanceThis way you have an option to go with fire auras to deal with conditions instead of water, but then you will not cleanse them so easily and risk taking a lot of condi dmg if you cant keep fire auras up or if you get corrupted/striped. A different playstyle that can be used as an alternative or complementary to the current cleanse (water). Auras pulsing might will make them a good way to build might, but slower than overloads, with fire aura (due to increased duration) providing more might than the others.


  • adept: auras give fury and swiftness
  • master: static auras give superspeed, when you apply superspeed, you also apply quicknessThis way you can apply quickness to yourself with auras or without (weaver superspeed traits, superspeed in air attune) making a good way to combo bursts. With static aura giving superspeed and quickness you can then provide constant quickness and superspeed to the group with FA tempest. This can be further comboed with fire to give might/fury/quickness between fire attune and air attune with FA, that can be then increased with warhorn alternating heatsink and sandsquall.


  • adept: auras give regen and vigor
  • master: frost auras give regen, heal when you apply an auraThis way you can have auras healing in other specs beside tempest, while tempest would focus to spread the auras to other players (with aura share or shouts and overloads). with the heal trait in water, core ele can use the auras to get some sustain and by using both traits frost aura can remove 2 conditions (in combo with the GM that removes conditions when giving regen). This makes the water line the cleansing line, while fire can resist conditions.


  • adept: auras give protection
  • master: magnetic auras pulse stabilityWith magnetic aura providing stability, staff can now use it to try to cast its long cast AoEs. Tempest would have a good access to stability (shout, overload, sandsquall or staff) providing a good amount of stability to the group without it being too common.


  • master: arcane shield is considered an aura for the purpose of traits, apply arcane shield when below 50% hpWith arcane shield becoming an aura, core ele can use it to further provide itself buffs, while tempest can use it to share a block to the group, giving a arcane tempest a good way to provide utility to avoid big hits in the squad. In combination with the arcane traits and fire, fire/arcane/tempest could be a great buffer and condi spec focusing on burn and providing aura and burns to the group (with shared arcane shield and arcane power providing extra burns)
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@lLobo.7960 said:I think the boons on aura traits really need to be on the specific elemental traitlines. This way, core ele and weaver can use them, while tempest can share them.Fire:

  • adept: auras pulse might
  • master: fire auras last longer and pulse resistanceThis way you have an option to go with fire auras to deal with conditions instead of water, but then you will not cleanse them so easily and risk taking a lot of condi dmg if you cant keep fire auras up or if you get corrupted/striped. A different playstyle that can be used as an alternative or complementary to the current cleanse (water). Auras pulsing might will make them a good way to build might, but slower than overloads, with fire aura (due to increased duration) providing more might than the others.


  • adept: auras give fury and swiftness
  • master: static auras give superspeed, when you apply superspeed, you also apply quicknessThis way you can apply quickness to yourself with auras or without (weaver superspeed traits, superspeed in air attune) making a good way to combo bursts. With static aura giving superspeed and quickness you can then provide constant quickness and superspeed to the group with FA tempest. This can be further comboed with fire to give might/fury/quickness between fire attune and air attune with FA, that can be then increased with warhorn alternating heatsink and sandsquall.


  • adept: auras give regen and vigor
  • master: frost auras give regen, heal when you apply an auraThis way you can have auras healing in other specs beside tempest, while tempest would focus to spread the auras to other players (with aura share or shouts and overloads). with the heal trait in water, core ele can use the auras to get some sustain and by using both traits frost aura can remove 2 conditions (in combo with the GM that removes conditions when giving regen). This makes the water line the cleansing line, while fire can resist conditions.


  • adept: auras give protection
  • master: magnetic auras pulse stabilityWith magnetic aura providing stability, staff can now use it to try to cast its long cast AoEs. Tempest would have a good access to stability (shout, overload, sandsquall or staff) providing a good amount of stability to the group without it being too common.


  • master: arcane shield is considered an aura for the purpose of traits, apply arcane shield when below 50% hpWith arcane shield becoming an aura, core ele can use it to further provide itself buffs, while tempest can use it to share a block to the group, giving a arcane tempest a good way to provide utility to avoid big hits in the squad. In combination with the arcane traits and fire, fire/arcane/tempest could be a great buffer and condi spec focusing on burn and providing aura and burns to the group (with shared arcane shield and arcane power providing extra burns)

Well my concern was to have more place to get brand new traits while for now it almost feels like each trait line has a copy/paste scheme from most traits (such as boons on auras and attunement specific skills cooldown reduction) and I thought it was not that healthy for the class. That's why I suggested one and only trait in that case.

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@Nath Forge Tempete.1645 said:

@lLobo.7960 said:I think the boons on aura traits really need to be on the specific elemental traitlines. This way, core ele and weaver can use them, while tempest can share them.
  • adept: auras pulse might
  • master: fire auras last longer and pulse resistanceThis way you have an option to go with fire auras to deal with conditions instead of water, but then you will not cleanse them so easily and risk taking a lot of condi dmg if you cant keep fire auras up or if you get corrupted/striped. A different playstyle that can be used as an alternative or complementary to the current cleanse (water). Auras pulsing might will make them a good way to build might, but slower than overloads, with fire aura (due to increased duration) providing more might than the others.

  • adept: auras give fury and swiftness
  • master: static auras give superspeed, when you apply superspeed, you also apply quicknessThis way you can apply quickness to yourself with auras or without (weaver superspeed traits, superspeed in air attune) making a good way to combo bursts. With static aura giving superspeed and quickness you can then provide constant quickness and superspeed to the group with FA tempest. This can be further comboed with fire to give might/fury/quickness between fire attune and air attune with FA, that can be then increased with warhorn alternating heatsink and sandsquall.

  • adept: auras give regen and vigor
  • master: frost auras give regen, heal when you apply an auraThis way you can have auras healing in other specs beside tempest, while tempest would focus to spread the auras to other players (with aura share or shouts and overloads). with the heal trait in water, core ele can use the auras to get some sustain and by using both traits frost aura can remove 2 conditions (in combo with the GM that removes conditions when giving regen). This makes the water line the cleansing line, while fire can resist conditions.

  • adept: auras give protection
  • master: magnetic auras pulse stabilityWith magnetic aura providing stability, staff can now use it to try to cast its long cast AoEs. Tempest would have a good access to stability (shout, overload, sandsquall or staff) providing a good amount of stability to the group without it being too common.

  • master: arcane shield is considered an aura for the purpose of traits, apply arcane shield when below 50% hpWith arcane shield becoming an aura, core ele can use it to further provide itself buffs, while tempest can use it to share a block to the group, giving a arcane tempest a good way to provide utility to avoid big hits in the squad. In combination with the arcane traits and fire, fire/arcane/tempest could be a great buffer and condi spec focusing on burn and providing aura and burns to the group (with shared arcane shield and arcane power providing extra burns)

Well my concern was to have more place to get brand new traits while for now it almost feels like each trait line has a copy/paste scheme from most traits (such as boons on auras and attunement specific skills cooldown reduction) and I thought it was not that healthy for the class. That's why I suggested one and only trait in that case.

Having an aura application / detonation in master level for all element types dose fit ele and would fill an logic out come of added them in the first places. Core specs getting core effects on core weapons. It would world and help out core ele a lot as well as its elite spec in the long run just at a cost of giving up an core element line. It would be a real cost for running an elite spec line and give ele players a real chose.

I would not go for the same way as the person set up to go but its far better then what ele has now.

In some ways ele should not be about boons but be about its auras / detonation. It would give ele a real class roll with out getting taped in this rat races of boons balancing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

@"Quasar.1756" said:Ok, so let's get to the nitty gritty of things.

What is the "biggest' issue with Elementalists? - and - What can Anet do to satisfy / appease the Elementalist community of GW2?

All replies are welcomed.

just some:low HP: Why do Necros have more HP, good health, can cast long time marks and wells on the move and do their walking aoe of death run?

no protection against stealth: A mesmer or thief jumping out of stealth just kills you. Done. No defense, nothing. A deadeye marking you? Good luck running into the right direction, or you go down. Without any defense whatsoever. A soulbeast with his unblockable shots isn't much better either.

lack of mobility: While a ranger is pew pewing you from a save distance, you can stand still and channel pile driver - just to see it fail or do negligible damage. And for some reason even oh so slow necros are able to run away - how? It is said they are slow. All hackers?

lack of protection: warriors with their permablocks, guardians with all their stuff going on.. yeah fun. Fun to fight them.

evades are a bad joke: twist of fate can be interrupted. You can be pulled right out of it. And then you die. Great fun.

healing: just abysmal

barrier: exists for pretty much every class but ele. Oh, we get some. 200 barrier is a lot, isnt it? compared to the 2-4k other classes get. Good thing no Mirage will ever jump at you out of stealth for 24k damage. Oh wait, they do. A lot.

boon sharing: dead. FB does it better.

boon removal: other classes can at least take away or turn opponents boons. Eles can't.

damage: apart from the test golem, pretty bad. There is a reason why scourges dominate wvw group fights.

CCs: a joke

clunky: other classes can pop there defensive skills at will. Ele has to attune to the right element. And low and behold, that comes with so long cool downs between switching, you don't even really have to care. Just sit down and die. Good luck to double attune to earth, when you are in fire/air. But you can use unravel! No, you can't. Because the utility slots you need for such basic survival skills like flash or mistform. Which have both deliciously long cool downs.

Elite skill is just garbage: it could be good. But you have to time your 4 elemental switches perfectly and you have to hope that you don't need to go back to any element because of circumstances. Others just pop theirs and it is done. Winds of Disenchantment anyone?

anything else I missed?

Ele isn't good in any aspect and abysmal in most.

You basically hit the nail on the head, I'd have to say ele is probably the hardest class for Arena net to balance though. Ele is the jack of all trades, they either end up doing TOO much of everything or just not enough to be relevant. It's a hard sweet spot to find.

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@PrZone.4753 said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

@"Quasar.1756" said:Ok, so let's get to the nitty gritty of things.

What is the "biggest' issue with Elementalists? - and - What can Anet do to satisfy / appease the Elementalist community of GW2?

All replies are welcomed.

just some:low HP: Why do Necros have more HP, good health, can cast long time marks and wells on the move and do their walking aoe of death run?

no protection against stealth: A mesmer or thief jumping out of stealth just kills you. Done. No defense, nothing. A deadeye marking you? Good luck running into the right direction, or you go down. Without any defense whatsoever. A soulbeast with his unblockable shots isn't much better either.

lack of mobility: While a ranger is pew pewing you from a save distance, you can stand still and channel pile driver - just to see it fail or do negligible damage. And for some reason even oh so slow necros are able to run away - how? It is said they are slow. All hackers?

lack of protection: warriors with their permablocks, guardians with all their stuff going on.. yeah fun. Fun to fight them.

evades are a bad joke: twist of fate can be interrupted. You can be pulled right out of it. And then you die. Great fun.

healing: just abysmal

barrier: exists for pretty much every class but ele. Oh, we get some. 200 barrier is a lot, isnt it? compared to the 2-4k other classes get. Good thing no Mirage will ever jump at you out of stealth for 24k damage. Oh wait, they do. A lot.

boon sharing: dead. FB does it better.

boon removal: other classes can at least take away or turn opponents boons. Eles can't.

damage: apart from the test golem, pretty bad. There is a reason why scourges dominate wvw group fights.

CCs: a joke

clunky: other classes can pop there defensive skills at will. Ele has to attune to the right element. And low and behold, that comes with so long cool downs between switching, you don't even really have to care. Just sit down and die. Good luck to double attune to earth, when you are in fire/air. But you can use unravel! No, you can't. Because the utility slots you need for such basic survival skills like flash or mistform. Which have both deliciously long cool downs.

Elite skill is just garbage: it could be good. But you have to time your 4 elemental switches perfectly and you have to hope that you don't need to go back to any element because of circumstances. Others just pop theirs and it is done. Winds of Disenchantment anyone?

anything else I missed?

Ele isn't good in any aspect and abysmal in most.

You basically hit the nail on the head, I'd have to say ele is probably the hardest class for Arena net to balance though. Ele is the jack of all trades, they either end up doing TOO much of everything or just not enough to be relevant. It's a hard sweet spot to find.

give ele 4k hp, done.

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@PrZone.4753 said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

@"Quasar.1756" said:Ok, so let's get to the nitty gritty of things.

What is the "biggest' issue with Elementalists? - and - What can Anet do to satisfy / appease the Elementalist community of GW2?

All replies are welcomed.

just some:low HP: Why do Necros have more HP, good health, can cast long time marks and wells on the move and do their walking aoe of death run?

no protection against stealth: A mesmer or thief jumping out of stealth just kills you. Done. No defense, nothing. A deadeye marking you? Good luck running into the right direction, or you go down. Without any defense whatsoever. A soulbeast with his unblockable shots isn't much better either.

lack of mobility: While a ranger is pew pewing you from a save distance, you can stand still and channel pile driver - just to see it fail or do negligible damage. And for some reason even oh so slow necros are able to run away - how? It is said they are slow. All hackers?

lack of protection: warriors with their permablocks, guardians with all their stuff going on.. yeah fun. Fun to fight them.

evades are a bad joke: twist of fate can be interrupted. You can be pulled right out of it. And then you die. Great fun.

healing: just abysmal

barrier: exists for pretty much every class but ele. Oh, we get some. 200 barrier is a lot, isnt it? compared to the 2-4k other classes get. Good thing no Mirage will ever jump at you out of stealth for 24k damage. Oh wait, they do. A lot.

boon sharing: dead. FB does it better.

boon removal: other classes can at least take away or turn opponents boons. Eles can't.

damage: apart from the test golem, pretty bad. There is a reason why scourges dominate wvw group fights.

CCs: a joke

clunky: other classes can pop there defensive skills at will. Ele has to attune to the right element. And low and behold, that comes with so long cool downs between switching, you don't even really have to care. Just sit down and die. Good luck to double attune to earth, when you are in fire/air. But you can use unravel! No, you can't. Because the utility slots you need for such basic survival skills like flash or mistform. Which have both deliciously long cool downs.

Elite skill is just garbage: it could be good. But you have to time your 4 elemental switches perfectly and you have to hope that you don't need to go back to any element because of circumstances. Others just pop theirs and it is done. Winds of Disenchantment anyone?

anything else I missed?

Ele isn't good in any aspect and abysmal in most.

You basically hit the nail on the head, I'd have to say ele is probably the hardest class for Arena net to balance though. Ele is the jack of all trades, they either end up doing TOO much of everything or just not enough to be relevant. It's a hard sweet spot to find.

There is no class in the game that has less then ele every one is a jack of all trades the only thing classes lack in this game are powerful boons counter to though boons and unblockables. Out side of that all classes can dmg tank and support. The thing is ele is the only class in the game whom is lacking nearly all of these effects there realty no class in the game whom has so few effects.

Ele is the non of all trades it only started out as the jack of all trades and this description is very very out dated.

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Ele was the first class I made. That was mistake #1, then I boosted my ele at about level 20, that was mistake #2. Then I suffered through playing a super squishy hybrid stat ele through HoT and put it away and only touched it for its artificer abilities, that was the first thing I did right. Recently after a long time of playing, 9 characters to 80 with both elites done, lots of raids, and tons of gameplay under my belt I pulled my ele out to fess in the lunatic armor I made this Halloween. I made right choice #2 going full zerkers to max his damage and rely on the playing skills developed in fractals and raids to keep “Mr. Squishy” ,as I think of him, alive and do significant damage enough to be useful. I found the skills developed playing support chrono make it possible for a lowly human to play an ele effectively instead of cuthulu alone having a monopoly on effective ele play thanks to a multitude of tentacles with which to play the keyboard like an organ. The tempest skill splitting remains clunky and slow. Attacks cast time is far too long and easily interrupted consuming the skill for nothing. Granted a great ele player can make mincemeat of both mobs and other players, but as it is such a popular first class - it needs more damage to be survivable or more base toughness. Weapons swap would be a game changer too allowing a second weapon set for close combat and staff for distance with its slower cast times and higher damage. Giving ele a fighting chance when mobs and players close in. The sword with weaver was a nice touch but ele is too squishy for close combat you could even allow distance attacks with the sword and dagger like Mesmer has with great sword. Otherwise play with a druid or support rev at your side and do your best.

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@Derkon.7408 said:Did anyone else noticed that this thread was reduced by 3 pages? anet moderators up and about again x)

I remember when this thread used to be 15 pages long. So, it looks like the mods frequent this particular thread quite a bit, but do nothing to relay the suggestions we have to the developers, or provide any feedback here. What a shame.

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First of all, i play engi, elem, war, mesmer and core guard.

As i say in an other post :

The problem here is that ppl mix between love playing a profession and knowing how to play it,

Weaver is not a class for everybody, there's a few gooooood weavers there, the rest !!? averages or bads.

Buffing Elem (Weaver) at the moment gonna just make Averages/bads weavers good and Good Weavers.... GODS.

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Speaking for Elementalist in sPvP (mostly) and Open World (somewhat):

I am deeply enjoying my Weaver experience with Sword/Focus. I feel as if this weapon choice negates a lot of the complaints about survivability in this thread. There may, however, be a fundamental survivability issue with the other weapon choices... Sw/Fo has the satisfying feel of a "battlemage" archetype, but I can also see why the general populace may want to see the ranged caster archetype as a viable option.

To be more specific, my build uses Glyph of Elemental Power and Primordial Stance to dish out massive condition damage, and I can just evade while I watch everything around me bleed and burn to death. Probably not an optimal DPS build, but I've certainly outlasted my allies in battle time and time again. I use Earth specialization for the Stone Heart and suddenly I don't instantly die to a deadeye, burst mesmer, or warrior.

I just wanted to share my success story with regards to Ele, since everyone here seems to be speaking negatively about balance issues. Don't forget to mention what you already like! I've found a build that works for me and has the general feel I enjoy in a character. I cannot speak for tempests or power-based builds, other than the fact that I know outright that I will defeat them in a 1v1... I guess that says something, though.

Despite my general success, I do see (from reading, mostly) a few fundamental issues I think could use some attention:1) (ranged) Elementalists don't feel like a caster that should be feared, other than their one meteor shower if you're not paying attention.2) Conjure Weapons still don't feel useful in most circumstances. I would love to see a re-work of these with a creative new way to bring them in to a class who relies heavily on swapping what's available in skills 1-5.

Recommendation for the others posting to this thread: try to clearly state the problems you're experiencing, rather than suggesting specific skill re-vamps or changes as solutions. We need to fully understand the problems and arrive at a few fundamental issues that we the player-base can agree upon. Then, the developers can, well, develop, solutions that address these problems involving specific skill, trait, or mechanic changes. Oh, and don't forget to mention the things that you really like, as well, because you wouldn't want to see those go away!

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@Don Vega Van Kain.9842 said:First of all, i play engi, elem, war, mesmer and core guard.

As i say in an other post :

The problem here is that ppl mix between love playing a profession and knowing how to play it,

Weaver is not a class for everybody, there's a few gooooood weavers there, the rest !!? averages or bads.

Buffing Elem (Weaver) at the moment gonna just make Averages/bads weavers good and Good Weavers.... GODS.

This implies that it's impossible for Anet to buff non-sword weaver builds and tempest builds without buffing the sword build. I don't buy it. Just because the sword build could potentially get crazy, it is no excuse for them to ignore the problems with ele.

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Anet listen!The short way to " help / fix " Elementalist: < increase BASE HEALTH >

The " long " way:

  • Elemental Attunement baseline !

  • Elemental Contingency ICD down to 5 seconds

  • Arcane Precision Chance on Critical Hit: 33% ----->>>>> 100 % Chance on NORMAL HITS ICD 2 or 3 seconds. WORST TRAIT EVER!

  • Final Shielding ICD DOWN to 30 and BLOCKS INFINITE DAMAGE for 3 seonds.

  • Zephyr's Speed Move faster while attuned to air. ????? WHY only AIR ? its a useless trait .. because all Elementalists have 33% speed Boon.... Remove it Rework it- make it 3-5 seconds Superspeed when switching to Air. Or give it 3-5 seconds Fury when switching to Air. USELESS TRAIT!

  • One with Air ---> Rework it because zephyris Speed should give the Super Speed.

  • Inscription (trait) ...... Really ? That bad?? Give it 5-10 Stacks might on fire. Give it Fury; give it retaliation, give it super speed. give it Quickness. ( USELESS TRAIT)

  • Burning Precision : Chance on Critical Hit: 33% ----> 100 % CHANCE!

  • Blinding Ashes ICD 8 -> ICD 4-6*Pyromancer's Puissance ->> each skill your are in Fire = 2-3 Might | in other attunements 1 might.

Soothing Mist: Number of Targets: 5 -> 10 Targets .Radius: 600 -> 900Powerful Aura : 5 Targets -> 10 targets. Radius 600 -> 900Cleansing Wave (trait): 5 Targets -> 10 Targets


Twin Strike: Range 130 -> 180Pyro Vortex: Range 130 -> 180Lava Skin: Remove CAST TIMEShearing Edge: Rework it .. its a bad skill.. dont know its just a bad skill . . .Natural Frenzy: no changes, i like this skillGale Strike: Range 170 -> 180

Utility:Mist Form: CD 60 -> 30 or Maximum Count: 2Armor of Earth: CD 50 -> 25 or Maximum Count: 2Lightning Flash: Since its last nerf from 1200 to 900 Range -> Maximum Count: 2Arcane Shield: Duration 3 seconds and can block infinite; CD reduce to 20 or Maximum Count: 2Cleansing Fire: revert break stun.; Reduce cooldown to 20 or Maximum Count: 2

Elite Skills:ohm.... Give Elementalists finally 1 good Elite skill. I think we are the only class without an elite skill.Let us pick some utility instead.

Thank You Anet!

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The problem im seeing with tempest, is that its a immobile turret spec spewing out attacks most of the time. The rotation im seeing on snowcrows is to stand in one place throw lightning.The range on the scepter is not great and to do its full damage you have to stand still to charge up lightning or even the glyph of storms.

I feel like some sort of reduction on mist form or some sort of access to aegis would be nice, since I have to stand still to cast these and in close range and get pummeled to death while casting lightning storm, at least for the damage it does.

The snowcrows build says use lightning orb overload air and lightning storm then wilfire phoenix dragons tooth then dust storm conjure lightning hammer invoke lightning overload air dragontooth lightning orb again conjure fiery greatsword fiery rush firestorm and overload air

You got some good aoe attacks, but even the discretize one is super slow casts and you got to get into melee range, increasing odds of getting downed and killed.

Some of that lost sustain is needed for these to work in melee range, because you are going to take a hit.

What if something was changed to make the next cast instant on the channeling spells? you could have a rotation even if its not all instant so at least you have a rotation involving making channel casts instant in melee range, since you run the risk of death in hard fractals.

You could always split the skills, after all: The channels are pretty long, giving plenty of time for monsters to kill you.

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