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Request for race change


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I know many folks over many years have requested race changes...but man I do wish I could race change my human warrior to Char. I know because of personal story reasons and maybe other reasons arenanet is either reluctant or unable.

If the reason is because of the personal story issue and your choices, etc...Have a disclaimer pop up saying:

"Your personal story progress will be reset." or"Your personal story choices have been pre selected and as best matched up as they could be".

But I absolutely hate my female human warrior and would love to make it a Char. I could probably scrounge enough tomes over a few weeks to power level a new character but I would need to buy a new char slot so that I don't have to delete my current character and lose all of my maxed up weaponsmith with tons of exotic and ascended recipes, plus the birthday celebrations.

I'd also race change my norn to something else...as well as my revenant! I should probably make smarter choices with regard to race, which is why I cant decide: norn or char for my ranger.

I'd pay 20 bucks per race change. Lets do it!

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@"cesmode.4257" said:I know many folks over many years have requested race changes...but man I do wish I could race change my human warrior to Char. I know because of personal story reasons and maybe other reasons arenanet is either reluctant or unable.

If the reason is because of the personal story issue and your choices, etc...Have a disclaimer pop up saying:

"Your personal story progress will be reset." or"Your personal story choices have been pre selected and as best matched up as they could be".

But I absolutely hate my female human warrior and would love to make it a Char. I could probably scrounge enough tomes over a few weeks to power level a new character but I would need to buy a new char slot so that I don't have to delete my current character and lose all of my maxed up weaponsmith with tons of exotic and ascended recipes, plus the birthday celebrations.

I'd also race change my norn to something else...as well as my revenant! I should probably make smarter choices with regard to race, which is why I cant decide: norn or char for my ranger.

> I'd pay 20 bucks per race change. Lets do it!

Is a character slot more than $20?

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I think the issue was more how your race and story interlocked with the character. It might be impossible or cause damage to the character trying to change these data.

Before people start to point out that it is possible in other games: Things get coded differently and different issues arises. For example the starting bag in WoW was (or still is, not sure) not able to be changed for a larger bag because many things were hardcoded with the starterbag in mind.

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@Loosmaster.8263 said:

@"cesmode.4257" said:I know many folks over many years have requested race changes...but man I do wish I could race change my human warrior to Char. I know because of personal story reasons and maybe other reasons arenanet is either reluctant or unable.

If the reason is because of the personal story issue and your choices, etc...Have a disclaimer pop up saying:

"Your personal story progress will be reset." or"Your personal story choices have been pre selected and as best matched up as they could be".

But I absolutely hate my female human warrior and would love to make it a Char. I could probably scrounge enough tomes over a few weeks to power level a new character but I would need to buy a new char slot so that I don't have to delete my current character and lose all of my maxed up weaponsmith with tons of exotic and ascended recipes, plus the birthday celebrations.

I'd also race change my norn to something else...as well as my revenant! I should probably make smarter choices with regard to race, which is why I cant decide: norn or char for my ranger.

> I'd pay 20 bucks per race change. Lets do it!

Is a character slot more than $20?

No, but I keep my leveled up professions, timeplayed(age) on the character for the beloved birthday gifts each year, etc.

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I think there are structural reasons why this can't happen, but I'd certainly buy one to change my last norn into a charr. Unless norn shapeshifting actually becomes part of the race as it was in GW1, but sure enough there are gameplay reasons why that can't happen. :/

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I love Charr as a race, but I find it hard to do JPs with them (not to mention they are handicapped in fashion wars). Fortunately, it's only 800 gems to create a new toon of a different race, and a matter of hours to get them to where they have the same traits. Plus, I can just swap ascended gear.

If it were technically feasible for ANet to offer a race change, for me, it would have to be super cheap to be worth it. And I don't see that happening.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:I love Charr as a race, but I find it hard to do JPs with them

As a Norn I feel your pain. My friend hooked me up with an endless Quaggan tonic and it solved 99% of JPs for me. Sadly there are some that don’t allow, or otherwise messes with, tonics... :anguished:

Endless Miniature Tonic. Best. Purchase. Ever.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:I love Charr as a race, but I find it hard to do JPs with them

As a Norn I feel your pain. My friend hooked me up with an endless Quaggan tonic and it solved 99% of JPs for me. Sadly there are some that don’t allow, or otherwise messes with, tonics... :anguished:

Yeah, that's a really great tip that works for Norn (as does embiggening work with asura to see over ledges). But charr... well they are always going to walk funny and I just haven't gotten used to their "center of mass" not being where it looks to me.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:I love Charr as a race, but I find it hard to do JPs with them

As a Norn I feel your pain. My friend hooked me up with an endless Quaggan tonic and it solved 99% of JPs for me. Sadly there are some that don’t allow, or otherwise messes with, tonics... :anguished:

Yeah, that's a really great tip that works for Norn (as does embiggening work with asura to see over ledges). But charr... well they are always going to walk funny and I just haven't gotten used to their "center of mass" not being where it looks to me.

The worst part (aside from it being difficult to judge where the “feet” are when moving on all fours) is if you have a Medium armour class Charr: the way the inevitable trench coat balloons/parachutes out when you descend from your jump simply obscures everything! :anguished:

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i can see why it'd be hard for them to implement,they'd have to code things in like if your character is wearing cultural armour it'd need to swap to the other race's cultural armour,but what if you don't have that armour unlocked?

and thats not even delving into the personal story stuff,

it'd get complicated.

also with the amount of boosters/tomes it is very easy to just make a new char of the race you want and boost them to 80 instantly,plus its free XD

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Doctor: This will feel a little weird.

But really: But have you asked your human warrior girl? The humans have a complicated history with the Charr and many would rather die than becoming one. If she is not 100% comfortable with your plans, she may end up with an incurable depression and/or identity crisis. So maybe it is better to accept your girl just as she is now and show her some love. Don't let her profession fool you. While warriors most often have the highest strength of them all, they also can feel surprisingly insecure from time to time.

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@cesmode.4257 said:I know many folks over many years have requested race changes...but man I do wish I could race change my human warrior to Char. I know because of personal story reasons and maybe other reasons arenanet is either reluctant or unable.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the game's noodle code probably doesn't allow a change even if ANet wanted to implement the feature.

and lose all of my maxed up weaponsmith with tons of exotic and ascended recipes, plus the birthday celebrations.

Recipes are account wide now - so if you make a new character and level up their crafting profession you don't have to hunt down those recipes again.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:I love Charr as a race, but I find it hard to do JPs with them

As a Norn I feel your pain. My friend hooked me up with an endless Quaggan tonic and it solved 99% of JPs for me. Sadly there are some that don’t allow, or otherwise messes with, tonics... :anguished:

Yeah, that's a really great tip that works for Norn (as does embiggening work with asura to see over ledges). But charr... well they are always going to walk funny and I just haven't gotten used to their "center of mass" not being where it looks to me.

The worst part (aside from it being difficult to judge where the “feet” are when moving on all fours) is if you have a Medium armour class Charr: the way the inevitable trench coat balloons/parachutes out when you descend from your jump simply obscures everything! :anguished:

That's why you do JPs shirtless

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@Thalimae.3406 said:

@cesmode.4257 said:I know many folks over many years have requested race changes...but man I do wish I could race change my human warrior to Char. I know because of personal story reasons and maybe other reasons arenanet is either reluctant or unable.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the game's noodle code probably doesn't allow a change even if ANet wanted to implement the feature.

and lose all of my maxed up weaponsmith with tons of exotic and ascended recipes, plus the birthday celebrations.

Recipes are account wide now - so if you make a new character and level up their crafting profession you don't have to hunt down those recipes again.

So...already learned recipes that my weaponsmith has...I wont have to go out and find them again? Once I hit the appropriate crafting profession level on my new weaponsmith, those exotic and ascended recipes will be available?

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@derd.6413 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:I love Charr as a race, but I find it hard to do JPs with them

As a Norn I feel your pain. My friend hooked me up with an endless Quaggan tonic and it solved 99% of JPs for me. Sadly there are some that don’t allow, or otherwise messes with, tonics... :anguished:

Yeah, that's a really great tip that works for Norn (as does embiggening work with asura to see over ledges). But charr... well they are always going to walk funny and I just haven't gotten used to their "center of mass" not being where it looks to me.

The worst part (aside from it being difficult to judge where the “feet” are when moving on all fours) is if you have a Medium armour class Charr: the way the inevitable trench coat balloons/parachutes out when you descend from your jump simply obscures everything! :anguished:

That's why you do JPs shirtless

Don't try this in the volcano tho. Unless you like the smell of roasted bacon.

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@TheQuickFox.3826 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:I love Charr as a race, but I find it hard to do JPs with them

As a Norn I feel your pain. My friend hooked me up with an endless Quaggan tonic and it solved 99% of JPs for me. Sadly there are some that don’t allow, or otherwise messes with, tonics... :anguished:

Yeah, that's a really great tip that works for Norn (as does embiggening work with asura to see over ledges). But charr... well they are always going to walk funny and I just haven't gotten used to their "center of mass" not being where it looks to me.

The worst part (aside from it being difficult to judge where the “feet” are when moving on all fours) is if you have a Medium armour class Charr: the way the inevitable trench coat balloons/parachutes out when you descend from your jump simply obscures everything! :anguished:

That's why you do JPs shirtless

Don't try this in the volcano tho. Unless you like the smell of roasted bacon.

You get used to the smell of burning furr

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@cesmode.4257 said:

@cesmode.4257 said:I know many folks over many years have requested race changes...but man I do wish I could race change my human warrior to Char. I know because of personal story reasons and maybe other reasons arenanet is either reluctant or unable.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the game's noodle code probably doesn't allow a change even if ANet wanted to implement the feature.

and lose all of my maxed up weaponsmith with tons of exotic and ascended recipes, plus the birthday celebrations.

Recipes are account wide now - so if you make a new character and level up their crafting profession you don't have to hunt down those recipes again.

So...already learned recipes that my weaponsmith has...I wont have to go out and find them again? Once I hit the appropriate crafting profession level on my new weaponsmith, those exotic and ascended recipes will be available?

If you learned them from a recipe sheet, they are available on all characters on your account once they level up the relevant craft.

If you learned them automatically by levelling up, you learn them by levelling up on the new character.

If you learned them in the Discovery tab, you have to learn them again on each character.

EDIT: in fact, if you start a new character, you'll see all those recipe-sheet recipes for that craft listed in red (for "not high enough level to craft") even when you're at craft level 1.

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@derd.6413 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:I love Charr as a race, but I find it hard to do JPs with them

As a Norn I feel your pain. My friend hooked me up with an endless Quaggan tonic and it solved 99% of JPs for me. Sadly there are some that don’t allow, or otherwise messes with, tonics... :anguished:

Yeah, that's a really great tip that works for Norn (as does embiggening work with asura to see over ledges). But charr... well they are always going to walk funny and I just haven't gotten used to their "center of mass" not being where it looks to me.

The worst part (aside from it being difficult to judge where the “feet” are when moving on all fours) is if you have a Medium armour class Charr: the way the inevitable trench coat balloons/parachutes out when you descend from your jump simply obscures everything! :anguished:

That's why you do JPs shirtless

Don't try this in the volcano tho. Unless you like the smell of roasted bacon.

You get used to the smell of burning furr

You wouldn't happen to be an Elementalist, would you?

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