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Let's discuss the Soulbeast Aura (Green cloud)

Jaysin X.6740

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I enjoy the idea of the Soulbeast, and I'm chomping at the bit to get my hands on it and theory craft. However, I really don't like the green cloud, it just makes us look like we stink, and covers up so much of our characters that we worked hard on to make look awesome. Just spitballin' here, but a way to toggle the color or turn it off completely client side would suit me fine. I'm sure folks can come up with some other solutions, but I just want to identify that it is an eyesore.

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Have to agree, we do need a tell that can indicate when a ranger has activated beastmode to allow for a check and balance but the visual choice seems unfortunate. People do spend a good amount of time equipping their toons and making cosmetic changes to make them appealing to themselves for whatever their reasons and to have it covered by a smoky green aura defeats that purpose. I think the intent was to create something that feels ominous, but the green color doesn't hit that. Either some other color or some other tell would be appreciated.

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To be honest I'd almost rather have a small ground based effect like the herald aura or have the swirl go around our arms like the rev hand aura.

There's a ton of ways to visually indicate we're entering or in beast mode without a lime green version of Death Shroud.

It also frankly feels a little too obvious. Unless they keep that gazelle burst around, we aren't going to exactly blow people up in BM. If Anet gives thieves and mesmers the ability to spike you down from total invisibility, I don't know why Ranger of all classes needs a big giant "Holy fuck! Watchout!!!" quicktime event style warning. You'd think we were getting perma-Rampage the way they announce it to your opponent.

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With the improvements to core Ranger traits and this aura, I honestly can't see myself even using Soulbeast which is a massive let down for me. I don't have auras on any of my characters as I think they look absurd, I like somewhat realistic armor with no effects and then perhaps just weapons with the effects.

For my whole character to be obscured by this green aura that does not fit it at all is depressing to me.

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@ProtoMarcus.7649 said:Hand auras can stay I guess but the big fart cloud should fade away after 5-7s of entering beast mode and the vines should slowly dissipate after 10s or so

I think that would still essentially be the same if you are swapping in and out constantly.

The huge animation (which I actually do like) when you enter beastmode of the pet's spirit 'whisping' to you is enough of a tell, along with the fact there is no pet nearby and the huge blue icon on the health bar.

If some people actually want this eyesore of an aura, then they really need to make it a client-side option.

A Slider bar with duration for the aura, 0% to turn it off completely and then slide up to 100% for the effect as it exists now. It's the only answer that will satisfy everyone.

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Giving an option/slider bar for this would really be the best way. I myself would really like to not look like a walking fartcloud.

The kind of green used doesn't fit with my character at all, and I'm usually one of the last to complain about colors not fitting since I have a type of colorblindness.

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First i thougth this aura thing is pretty cool. After running around a few minutes while the stress tests it was pretty anoying. I'm overall a player who prefered less particle and glitter effects on his char. I hope the devs will build in an option to get it off after the inital animation or to tune it down if you're entering the mode. A little bit of the aura could stay all the time imo. Something like the revs have on their hands or we get a little glimpy thing around our feets.

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I have to agree. I'm the type that avoids auras and gear with effects because I have trouble focusing my eyes on anything else when there's something flashy that stands out so much on the screen (please give me an option to turn of backpieces of others) and unfortunately things like this aura will make me unable to enjoy soulbeast or play it effectively.

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There are some good suggestions by you all. Glad to see that even those who like it can see how it can be overwhelming. I was thinking , you remember the enlargement on SotW? How bout reusing that for Beastmode! Be pretty hard to miss someone that big, plus it would be like hulking out. Just a thought. =)

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The aura obviously corresponds to the main colour palette associated with Ranger, which is light green.

You can see the main colour palette for each profession on the wiki specialization page.. ie blue for guard / yellow for warrior / pink for mes etc.

So I'm not sure why some of you are so shocked that its light green.

It could be toned down but honestly I dont mind it.

Im am however curious as to whether Phospholuminescent Infusion (think toxic alliance npcs) can confuse people into thinking your in melded mode when you aren't though :D

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@Sandzibar.5134 said:The aura obviously corresponds to the main colour palette associated with Ranger, which is light green.

You can see the main colour palette for each profession on the wiki specialization page.. ie blue for guard / yellow for warrior / pink for mes etc.

So I'm not sure why some of you are so shocked that its light green.

It could be toned down but honestly I dont mind it.

Im am however curious as to whether Phospholuminescent Infusion (think toxic alliance npcs) can confuse people into thinking your in melded mode when you aren't though :D

I don't think most people are shocked that it is green, but the fact that it obscures your character or even exists in Fashion Wars.

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It is a horrible aura and it needs to change. I do not get a green "nature" vibe from it at all; this is just Shrek doing his worst.

I honestly do not know what they were thinking, there are so many cool graphical ways to show we are in Beastmode. Have seen like 10 better suggestions already from players.

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For me it would be nice enough if the leaf effect changed based on archetype.

For example:

  • Stout - Sunny summer yellow leaves.
  • Deadly - Withered autumn leaves.
  • Versatile - Tropical vines and roots at your feet instead leaves.
  • Ferocious - Winter's twigs and brambles instead leaves.
  • Supportive - Bright green spring leaves.

It should be possible if the visual effect is bound to the same effect that gives the archetype attribute bonus, as it varies with archetype.

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@Nayukhuut.4269 said:I absolutely adore it, I would be sad if they removed it entirely. I mean, I am still sore they removed the Sylvari pollen effect from beta. :P That said, I would be fine with a toggle that allowed those that enjoy it to continue to use it, and those that do not to turn it off.

The sylvari sparkle pollen effect was completely different though, since it only appeared when moving and it dissipated in two seconds. It was also quite subtle. They removed it for a reason too, whatever the reason was, the same reason can be applied to the soulbeast fart cloud. It's not subtle or aesthetic for many of us and it doesn't fit thematically at all. Not with the specialisation; What does a green cloud and vines have to do with taking the spirit of your pet temporarily? Imo, it detracts greatly from the excellent animations they have made for the actual pet melding. Not everyone has made a nature themed Ranger, so it also does not fit many people's character aesthetics thematically either.

The only solution is a slider bar for duration. 100% for as is now and 0% for it not to appear at all.

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