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Hearts and Minds: What were you thinking?


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@Warscythes.9307 said:

@"Lonami.2987" said:Heart and Minds should have been a dungeon, not a story instance.

There is a dungeon version, is called extreme mode.

The instance itself really isn't that difficult. Is just buggy sometimes at the end.

Gotta love having Canach bug out and not function at all...or finishing off one of the three bosses and you "kill them" and they just stand there!!

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@Lonami.2987 said:

@Lonami.2987 said:Heart and Minds should have been a dungeon, not a story instance.

There is a dungeon version, is called extreme mode.

The instance itself really isn't that difficult. Is just buggy sometimes at the end.

That's not a dungeon, that's a story instance with a challenge mote.

Really no need for it, mostly because Dragon's stand exists. The instance's long enough that it serves fine as a final boss. We are getting off topic here anyhow.

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Ok, so I've again tried Hearts and Minds twice now solo, the last time with a complete change of gear to exotic berserker's to see if I'm too reliant on defense. Same results. Can't even get past the first boss, regardless of the NPC I choose to go with me. I watched a video on YouTube and noticed one guy who kept jumping back up after getting killed, but the video looked edited to skip the possible use of revive orbs. I don't even get that option despite having several in my inventory. I have to start at the beginning of the fight with the boss at full health.

Is it possible my storyline is now or even beforehand bugged to always be in challenge mode? I don't see any mote in the instance for that but then again I didn't earlier when I tried with a group. I've abandoned the chapter and picked it back up again after a complete PC reboot but it's still at the same difficulty. As I mentioned earlier, I went through the PoF storyline solo with the exception of Eater of Souls and had no where near this frustration and failure.

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@Wyrd.1432 said:firebrand with an ascended weapon and jewelry but the rest exotics. Haven't had the time or resources to get a full set dedicated to any particular build as the ascendeds are random drops with some crafted depending on available recipes.

Well there's why. You're probably running a random assortment of stats. Focus on Power or Conditions (or even a possible mix) for decent damage. For that class, invest in some Vita too. You can craft, buy from TP, or buy from Temple karma vendors.

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@Wyrd.1432 said:Ok, so I've again tried Hearts and Minds twice now solo, the last time with a complete change of gear to exotic berserker's to see if I'm too reliant on defense. Same results. Can't even get past the first boss, regardless of the NPC I choose to go with me. I watched a video on YouTube and noticed one guy who kept jumping back up after getting killed, but the video looked edited to skip the possible use of revive orbs. I don't even get that option despite having several in my inventory. I have to start at the beginning of the fight with the boss at full health.

Is it possible my storyline is now or even beforehand bugged to always be in challenge mode? I don't see any mote in the instance for that but then again I didn't earlier when I tried with a group. I've abandoned the chapter and picked it back up again after a complete PC reboot but it's still at the same difficulty. As I mentioned earlier, I went through the PoF storyline solo with the exception of Eater of Souls and had no where near this frustration and failure.

Who was your first boss?

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@Warscythes.9307 said:

@Wyrd.1432 said:Ok, so I've again tried Hearts and Minds twice now solo, the last time with a complete change of gear to exotic berserker's to see if I'm too reliant on defense. Same results. Can't even get past the first boss, regardless of the NPC I choose to go with me. I watched a video on YouTube and noticed one guy who kept jumping back up after getting killed, but the video looked edited to skip the possible use of revive orbs. I don't even get that option despite having several in my inventory. I have to start at the beginning of the fight with the boss at full health.

Is it possible my storyline is now or even beforehand bugged to always be in challenge mode? I don't see any mote in the instance for that but then again I didn't earlier when I tried with a group. I've abandoned the chapter and picked it back up again after a complete PC reboot but it's still at the same difficulty. As I mentioned earlier, I went through the PoF storyline solo with the exception of Eater of Souls and had no where near this frustration and failure.

Who was your first boss?

I've tried Blighted Canach first, then switched to Blighted Eir on another try. I think Blighted Pale Tree has also been attempted.

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@Wyrd.1432 said:

@Wyrd.1432 said:Ok, so I've again tried Hearts and Minds twice now solo, the last time with a complete change of gear to exotic berserker's to see if I'm too reliant on defense. Same results. Can't even get past the first boss, regardless of the NPC I choose to go with me. I watched a video on YouTube and noticed one guy who kept jumping back up after getting killed, but the video looked edited to skip the possible use of revive orbs. I don't even get that option despite having several in my inventory. I have to start at the beginning of the fight with the boss at full health.

Is it possible my storyline is now or even beforehand bugged to always be in challenge mode? I don't see any mote in the instance for that but then again I didn't earlier when I tried with a group. I've abandoned the chapter and picked it back up again after a complete PC reboot but it's still at the same difficulty. As I mentioned earlier, I went through the PoF storyline solo with the exception of Eater of Souls and had no where near this frustration and failure.

Who was your first boss?

I've tried Blighted Canach first, then switched to Blighted Eir on another try. I think Blighted Pale Tree has also been attempted.

Eir? The mechanic to that fight is basically run around in a circle and not get shot while kill Garm. Once is down Eir will try to revive him. Go full damage on her and repeat the process. Eir sometimes also rapid shot you so if you playing DH there's F3, if you are firebrand there's a reflect in your F3 tome I think. Take a range weapon.

You are NA right. I got 30 minutes to kill.

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@Wyrd.1432 said:Ok, so I've again tried Hearts and Minds twice now solo, the last time with a complete change of gear to exotic berserker's to see if I'm too reliant on defense. Same results. Can't even get past the first boss, regardless of the NPC I choose to go with me. I watched a video on YouTube and noticed one guy who kept jumping back up after getting killed, but the video looked edited to skip the possible use of revive orbs. I don't even get that option despite having several in my inventory. I have to start at the beginning of the fight with the boss at full health.

Is it possible my storyline is now or even beforehand bugged to always be in challenge mode? I don't see any mote in the instance for that but then again I didn't earlier when I tried with a group. I've abandoned the chapter and picked it back up again after a complete PC reboot but it's still at the same difficulty. As I mentioned earlier, I went through the PoF storyline solo with the exception of Eater of Souls and had no where near this frustration and failure.

Check the date on the video, they made changes to that story a couple of years back. A couple of years ago, solo or party, if you died, you could revive while still in the the fight, now, if solo and you die, you have to start over at the beginning of the story instance and if in party, you get put in the time out box till either the instance succeeds or everyone dies. Migraine, non migraine doesn't matter.

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@"Wyrd.1432" said:Many thanks again to Warscythes for helping me get through the instance.

You did fine mechanically. The damage is fine and the survivability is good. The issue as you said is most likely you didn't know mechanics or couldn't react to things on the screen. Not much to say other than trying more difficult content to adjust.

Here is the server invite to the discord raid training. https://discord.gg/SvsVzVQUp to you what you want to do with it.

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@Menadena.7482 said:

@"mindcircus.1506" said:Gamers in 1998: "The boss is super hard, does anyone have any good strategy to beat it?"Gamers in 2018: "The boss is super hard, so the developers are sadists"

Gamers in 1978: "The boss is super hard, guess I will change the code." :)

Gamers in 1958: "Can someone take this lawn dart out of my foot?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, now that I see my GF play the game I can understand that some people just aren't that good.Mordremoth on normal mode is just a joke to me, but she was more than happy I helped her out on him.I did Migraine last week and with a good group even that one isn't really difficult.

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@Wyrd.1432 said:

@"mindcircus.1506" said:Gamers in 1998: "The boss is super hard, does anyone have any good strategy to beat it?"Gamers in 2018: "The boss is super hard, so the developers are sadists"

This is not a thread for the "muh challenge" crowd.

Yeah, but come on dude... it's not as hard as you make it out to be. The hardest part was when it use to bug out.

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When the entire floor is littered with health killing hazards in a game that doesn't encourage health gear (which still doesn't matter). Demands you keep moving with movement speed slow down in combat (running out of dodges and still not safe for a second). Being chased in every boss fight forcing you into those death zones. While asking you to keep attacking and position your character to face the targets suffering from strafe slow down on top of that. When having a slightly off build puts your damage dealing numbers so low the bosses' hp takes an hour to drain because its balanced on top end player bench marks. Yeah it can be a nightmare.

My point is, if your play style is off in any of the game's mechanics it compounds the difficulty.

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Never finished that one either. Screamed so much at my computer... Happy no one was home. It was really kitten (a big angry one with super pointy claws!).

One day, I might study the mechanics, but it sucks to have to do that, it feels like cheating. We need more tutorials to figure out ways to deal with these kinds of bosses without having to rely on wikis and youtube videos from external sources...

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@"mindcircus.1506" said:Gamers in 1998: "The boss is super hard, does anyone have any good strategy to beat it?"Gamers in 2018: "The boss is super hard, so the developers are sadists"

Gamers in 1988: "Hey, can you copy the cheat onto my diskette, buddy?" ;)

@Wyrd.1432 said:I'm a casual player, so I suppose HoT storyline completion is not for me. I've tried Hearts and Minds several times solo and just now with a five-member group, and it's still proving tediously difficult to get past the first boss and there's two more to face after that?

We are having this discussion repeatedly with story missions that look difficult at first. Learn the mechanics, then it's easy to beat. Always.

Also, in Hearts and Minds, you can choose which two fights you will face by selecting the respective NPCs from your group. It's hard to believe no one in your full party had any info on that or knew what to do. I've never had that issue, and I always do Hearts and Minds with a team of 2-5 people.

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