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RIP Superior Sigil of Demon Summoning: The only Sigil that Mattered

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As will I. :( Sure, it was stupidly underpowered, but it was a fun little flavour sigil (especially when paired with a Minion master, as Makuragee mentioned above). You could get some hilarious use out of it in WvW zerg battles too (since each enemy player gives 5 charges when killed, and you can easily rack up lots of charges by dropping big AoEs into the enemy zerg); the Fleshreavers would usually die instantly upon being summoned anyway, but if they didn't, you got to see some funny comments and "WTF"s from your fellow allies when they see 8 - 10 Fleshreavers following you around. XD

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I was sad to see this go as well. The Rune of the Privateer lulled me into a false sense of security (it's absurd functionality is still intact) and then I checked this one and was quite disappointed.

It did make me realise I need to be more willing to use some of the obviously not 'best-in-slot' but fun runes and sigils, because I bet part of the reason it was changed was not many people used it. For some reason I'm happy to do that with skills and even stat combos on equipment but then I go looking for the best possible upgrades as if that's going to balance it out. I've got 11 characters and most of them will never do anything except open-world PvE so it's not like they even need good builds. Time to get more parrots I think!

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