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Art Issues: Characters, Weapons, Armor - [Merged]

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I am mostly a lurker on these forums but this time i have to to express my deep disappointment with the crafting of this legendary weapon. 

I have 9 legendries and Hope was by far the most annoying and expensive to make, bugged NPCs on some events prevented me from completing achievements on some occasions. Other times events needed to fail to progress to next step of the quest chain, this made things extremely frustrating when there are other players involved.  

But after all was done, I was extremely disappointment with the sound of the weapon, you can barely hear it, I was looking forward to the PEW PEW but you hear nothing. It just can’t be right, it must be a bug, the normal pistol sound effects or any other sounds are so loud compared to Hope's.  

I immediately trasmutaded the skin back to what I was using before, waste of time, gold and materials.  

Arena Net please fix the sound issue. 

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Should have went to youtube, searched for "gw2 hope", watched one of the videos, listen to the sounds and then decide if you want to craft it. Not sure there's anything more to say about it.

But if you really think it's a bug, make a thread in a bug subforum. I don't think it is though.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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HOPE was my first legendary ever.  It was indeed grueling to make, so was almost my last one too.  But even though I don't play with super loud sounds, it's had a distinctive pew-pew instead of bang-bang, plus a draw/sheathe sound, that my friends have also commented on when I use it around them.  You might want to check your sound settings, look for any projectile weapon sound toggles.  (I mostly use it on my Thief/Daredevil, if profession affects sounds as posted above).

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Don't get me wrong, I do like the sound it makes, thats why I  went for it and not the other options, but I think there's something wrong with the sound mixing or sound levels. If anything else is happening around you while you are using it, the sound of the shots just disappears. That really annoyed me when it was so painful and expensive to make and I could just easily had gone with easier options.

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This might be obvious, but just in case: check the sound options - make sure you haven't turned off or limited your unique item sounds. There's a drop down for exactly that, and it applies to several different items so you might have changed it at some point in the past because of some other item.

I'm not sure if HOPE is the same, but I know the Dreamer sometimes reverts back to the default bow sounds when there's a lot going on (even with that setting off), like during big meta events. I think it's a type of culling where the game is limiting how many things it has to do, like hiding mini pets and reducing some effects. It doesn't bother me because there's usually too much going on to pay attention to individual sound effects anyway, but sometimes I notice when it starts happening.

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2 hours ago, Batel.9206 said:

What class are you playing? Pistol sounds are bugged on elementalist,. at least.


Playing on Willbender. It feels like a bug because you can hear the first couple of shots and then it just mutes, sound comes back really low after several shots.

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2 hours ago, SaugotiLV.5362 said:

Race: Sylvari Sex: Female Profession: Thief (Deadeye) 

When I apply different dyes to the armour, it only changes shade of green (brighter or darker) on my character in the game. 

Please help!!

Dear Salad, you have a polyluminescent infusion equipped. Look through your gear.

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Posted (edited)

A lot of gliders on Asura male character are attached to head in stead of shoulders. A few examples, Soul river, classic, phoenix, largos fin, mursaat wing. There are alot more but too many to name all.


Edited by Dhonti.5162
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I'm in "A Raw Deal" story in EoD (Chapter 16) and picked up some tea from the table.
The description says "Politely sip your beverage, pinky out" but the animation does NOT, in fact, show that my pinky is out while politely sipping the beverage.

This is literally unplayable, completely game-breaking,

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hello, recently while playing with my female sylvari ranger, I've noticed that certain animations that used to be smooth are now bugged. The first one I noticed was when, at a specific moment, having a one-handed weapon equipped (sword or axe, in my case a sword but I've confirmed it happens with any one-handed weapon), the animation that occurs when there's a little distance from the jump to the ground (when the character lands and crouches a bit) isn't smooth, and there's a cut in the animation, specifically in one leg that seems to "teleport."

This is a bug, because when having a bow, a greatsword, or any weapon other than a one-handed one (or going without any weapon), this jump is executed normally and smoothly. I'll leave some gifs to show the problem.

Gif of the visual bug when jumping.


Gif of jumping without having a one-handed weapon.


On the other hand, I've seen another even more visible bug in the animations, it's about the skill "Pounce." the animation stops abruptly in mid-air.

Gif of the visual bug using Pounce


Edited by HojaDanzante.1498
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Posted (edited)

All Obsidian legendary medium hood variants on (all) asura (still) have some blob accidentally baked on the colour texture that goes over the face, head, eyes, teeth and lash islands.

If I'm allowed to guess it's a shadow that was supposed to be on the face when the hood is equipped, but not only it's moved in a wrong place, it's also upside down?... 😄

Edited by Marge.4035
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Posted (edited)

(Female) Asura have some weird issue with backpacks. When you equip a short bow and are in the combat idle animation your backpack is quite a bit larger than it is with your weapon sheathed. The backpack shrinks as soon as you transition into another animation (e.g. running, jumping, walking), something is clearly wrong here.

Side-by-side image:


Also Asura weapons shrink way too much when sheathed, might be related?

Edited by Energized.1789
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Posted (edited)

Race: Asura

Gender: Male/Female

Class: All

The Tier 2 Suffused Obsidian gloves (just the normal, not the slumbering variant) are warped on the Asura character's right hand. The left hand looks fine. The Tier 1 version of this armor did not have this issue. This is occurring for both genders and all 3 armor weights. 

This issue also occurred on the perfected envoy skins on Asura characters.

Edited by raft of otters.8915
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Race: Human
Sex: Male
Profession: Thief

The new Obsidian T2 Armor is removing the Dragonvoid infusion when weapons are drawn. If atleast one Tier 2 Obsidian Armor Piece is equipped this bug happens.

Screenshot of Hero Panel: https://gyazo.com/ec173460a6ab89643c0446145fc0ca8b

Screenshot of Weapons NOT drawn: https://gyazo.com/5e29ae2bc5e888ad1ed4927aace68a7b

Screenshot of Weapons drawn: https://gyazo.com/e56b89100a10c232c2d8969f235b41ec

Youtube Link as an Example:


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