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What I miss when I play Guild Wars 2 @TheDevs

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First of all I love GW2 thats why I do care about the game otherwise I wouldnt write this, I love the game so much that I would love to play it for ever but some things are just missing in the game or arent up to date and should be overhauled or even made new from skretch, I knew some points may arent even possible or maybe not important to you the reader, but they are for me and many other people, ok lets start :)

  • Charakter CustomizationsThe charakter customizations are very poor for 2019, sure they are old but been old dont mean you cant improve it, for a RPG / MMORPG player been a indivitual in a big world is important for me, I had the freedom of been unique in pretty much every MMORPG I been playing for a longer amount of time, but sadly the best MMORPG GW2 don't give the players enough customizations to be unique, we have very few and very limited sliders, we have some more face presets with the total makeover which costs 10 statues or 350 Gems which would be fine tho the presets given by the system are just not unique because of the few options and the very limited slider options, also the most of them don't look good at all in my opinion, you are almost better of chosing a vanilla option (spoken about female human) but its not only about female human, its just everything too limited to be unique, you should have to rely on items to be a indivitual.

  • Feet MeshesThe meshes of the feet are disgusting, there is no way to say it different even if you are a super optimistic they are horrible, its a block with painting as feet not even indivitual toes, still people pay 4k for a barefeet skin, I wish you guys would do new feet meshes / textures, they dont have to be HD just do them so people can watch their feet and be happy about it ^-^

  • Action CombatI was suprised when I saw GW2 has a action combat tho I was very suprised and happy about it I think it still could be improved would be cool if you look into that from time to time, because having a good action combat 2019 is a pretty big advantage against all other MMORPGs

  • EmotesI would love to have some sort of window where the emotes are listed and maybe ready to play, also couple emotes would be such a cool thing,many people really do RP in your game and I think they and much other people would love to see such a feature where you can hug your partner or pat a Asura or danke together.

  • Home sweet HomeYour Home instance should have a house where you can do stuff maybe get special buffs exclusiv when you sleep in your own house in your own bed, having a house could also be unique way to access things like crafting and so on, it should be possible to invite people into your house and expand your house like the guild hall maybe with mini games or something like that

I will edit this in the future and add some more things, maybe some day a Dev will see this and some of those points will be changed or nobody will see it and this post will vanish into the rift :)

thanks for reading ! And sry about my english :D

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@Ezsper.3097 said:

  • Home sweet HomeYour Home instance should have a house where you can do stuff maybe get special buffs exclusiv when you sleep in your own house in your own bed, having a house could also be unique way to access things like crafting and so on, it should be possible to invite people into your house and expand your house like the guild hall maybe with mini games or something like that

100% support this idea

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@Ezsper.3097 said:

  • Character CustomizationsThe character customizations are very poor for 2019, sure they are old but been old dont mean you cant improve it, for a RPG / MMORPG player been a indivitual in a big world is important for me, I had the freedom of been unique in pretty much every MMORPG I been playing for a longer amount of time, but sadly the best MMORPG GW2 don't give the players enough customizations to be unique, we have very few and very limited sliders, we have some more face presets with the total makeover which costs 10 statues or 350 Gems which would be fine tho the presets given by the system are just not unique because of the few options and the very limited slider options, also the most of them don't look good at all in my opinion, you are almost better of chosing a vanilla option (spoken about female human) but its not only about female human, its just everything too limited to be unique, you should have to rely on items to be a indivitual.

  • Feet MeshesThe meshes of the feet are disgusting, there is no way to say it different even if you are a super optimistic they are horrible, its a block with painting as feet not even indivitual toes, still people pay 4k for a barefeet skin, I wish you guys would do new feet meshes / textures, they dont have to be HD just do them so people can watch their feet and be happy about it ^-^

  • EmotesI would love to have some sort of window where the emotes are listed and maybe ready to play, also couple emotes would be such a cool thing, many people really do RP in your game and I think they and much other people would love to see such a feature where you can hug your partner or pat a Asura or danke together.

Re: character customization — I couldn’t agree more! <3

Re: feet — I had not noticed, but you are probably right. For that matter, I would love it if the sandals from the female version of the monk outfit were an armor skin for both male and female characters! =)

Re: emotes — Yes! I’d love different expressions, gestures, dances, etc.! I spent so much collecting these in SWTOR! Lol, maybe it’s good they don’t have them because I could not resist paying $$$ for any I liked! B)

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People buy 4K tech to better see bare feet? Did I read that right?

Also, you say they should look at improving the action combat but fail to say what that means. I’d say the one thing that doesn’t need improvement is this, but perhaps some clarity in your meaning?

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@Randulf.7614 said:People buy 4K tech to better see bare feet? Did I read that right?

Also, you say they should look at improving the action combat but fail to say what that means. I’d say the one thing that doesn’t need improvement is this, but perhaps some clarity in your meaning?

Maybe the OP was referring to the cost of the Invisible Shoes skin?

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:People buy 4K tech to better see bare feet? Did I read that right?

Also, you say they should look at improving the action combat but fail to say what that means. I’d say the one thing that doesn’t need improvement is this, but perhaps some clarity in your meaning?

Maybe the OP was referring to the cost of the Invisible Shoes skin?

Ohh thank God. My faith in humanity was severely shaken for a min

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I have to admit, my favourite updates happen to be small things like beetle races, chairs or character customisation (clothing and hairstyles in particular). I think these sorts of updates are just as cool (if not cooler) than living world releases...

The feet part is a little weird, but who am I to judge?

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About the feet part: As far as I've heard it's difficult to program realistic feet in the majority of games because of physics and clipping. Take Skyrim for example (which came out in 2011, one year before gw2). The feet model there is also a shoe with a texture layered on it. Today such thing as realistic feet are possible and no problem at all due to high end super modern engines and technology. But gw2 is based on a modificated version of the gw1 engine and thus very old as gw1 was released in 2005 (or 2006 I don't recall it correctly anymore but I believe it was one year after WoW).Also another part is that all games, even modern ones, still use polygons for rendering instead of atoms. Polygons make renders stil a bit edged and square at some places while atoms can make everything precisely more rounded and "realistic". The only engine as far as I've seen using atoms instead of polygons, which is not used for any game programming yet, is called something like "Euclidion"(might have mispelled it but it's been about a year ago that I've seen something about it on Youtube).

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@Randulf.7614 said:People buy 4K tech to better see bare feet? Did I read that right?

Also, you say they should look at improving the action combat but fail to say what that means. I’d say the one thing that doesn’t need improvement is this, but perhaps some clarity in your meaning?

No you didnt read it correctly at all lol, having indivitual toes doesnt have anything todo with the texture resolution, dunno why you think people would buy better hardware for feet?

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@Ezsper.3097 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:People buy 4K tech to better see bare feet? Did I read that right?

Also, you say they should look at improving the action combat but fail to say what that means. I’d say the one thing that doesn’t need improvement is this, but perhaps some clarity in your meaning?

No you didnt read it correctly at all lol, having indivitual toes doesnt have anything todo with the texture resolution, dunno why you think people would buy better hardware for feet?

The mixup in 4K graphics and 4K gold to buy the item, when said just 4K people make different assumptions.

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@VDAC.2137 said:

@Dami.5046 said:You forgot to add 'fishing' to your list. Completion sake and all.

What is the obsession with fishing in game? Of possible game-within-the-game type of activities, fishing seems to me like it would be quite boring. Yet I see it brought up a lot.

So is everything OP wants. I have no idea, personally

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@Ezsper.3097 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:People buy 4K tech to better see bare feet? Did I read that right?

Also, you say they should look at improving the action combat but fail to say what that means. I’d say the one thing that doesn’t need improvement is this, but perhaps some clarity in your meaning?

No you didnt read it correctly at all lol, having indivitual toes doesnt have anything todo with the texture resolution, dunno why you think people would buy better hardware for feet?

Consider it a silly misreading on my part!

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@VDAC.2137 said:

@Dami.5046 said:You forgot to add 'fishing' to your list. Completion sake and all.

What is the obsession with fishing in game? Of possible game-within-the-game type of activities, fishing seems to me like it would be quite boring. Yet I see it brought up a lot.

Wows fishing was a fun casual way of passing the time and making gold, and leveling up trade skills. Was a fun enough mini game. I think that's why people want it

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This game might not be BDO with character creation, but it's nothing like WoW, where I have run into three clones of my paladin, down to the face, skin tone, hair, and even gear, since MoP. I have yet to see anyone that looks like my twin in GW2, and gear skins and coloring help that so much.

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@Ezsper.3097 said:First of all I love GW2 thats why I do care about the game otherwise I wouldnt write this, I love the game so much that I would love to play it for ever but some things are just missing in the game or arent up to date and should be overhauled or even made new from skretch, I knew some points may arent even possible or maybe not important to you the reader, but they are for me and many other people, ok lets start :)

  • Charakter CustomizationsThe charakter customizations are very poor for 2019, sure they are old but been old dont mean you cant improve it, for a RPG / MMORPG player been a indivitual in a big world is important for me, I had the freedom of been unique in pretty much every MMORPG I been playing for a longer amount of time, but sadly the best MMORPG GW2 don't give the players enough customizations to be unique, we have very few and very limited sliders, we have some more face presets with the total makeover which costs 10 statues or 350 Gems which would be fine tho the presets given by the system are just not unique because of the few options and the very limited slider options, also the most of them don't look good at all in my opinion, you are almost better of chosing a vanilla option (spoken about female human) but its not only about female human, its just everything too limited to be unique, you should have to rely on items to be a indivitual.

yep option to hide buttcapesoption to hide shoulders on costumes too

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