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Racial elite skills and elite skills that need a reduce cooldown time.

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I would say 90% of them need a strong QoL most arent used or are completelly useless in a scale of 0-100% useless they are 200% useless out of scale :}

@Rasimir.6239 said:

@MoriMoriMori.5349 said:As somebody already asked above - why even bother? Remove them then.Don't touch my golem!!!

If you don't like the skills, don't use them.

I would dare to say golems elite skills need more mechanics depending the game ur doing, like wvw, pvp, pve etc...Golems elite skills are one of the few skills that actually could(more like a should) take some impact on game events.

imagine repairing wvw golems with it, carry more supply and waste less, boost on reapairing structures, on pve repair disabled waypoints for example or build a emergency waypoint that stays for 2-4 seconds while neaby waypint is contested or disabled, on pvp could be a funny counter to stealth or some other map mechanics interaction, could have its own golem mount as well like Taimi, so many mechanics to explore.

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@"derd.6413" said:that'd just beat the point of them being racial skills

I mean, that's the point. Since this game is all about the synergy of the five playable races/species getting along, and how they're all more powerful together, embracing each others cultures (and skills) would be thematically appropriate, and again I did mention how the ability to use other races/species skills would only be unlocked after a Mastery/achievement is done, which means the player has to get at least 1 character to Lvl 80 first. That's plenty of time to get the "flavour" of that character's race/species before doing the Mastery.

Anet could introduce an additional parameter, where even once the Mastery is completed, any character on the account that the player wants to use another race's/species' elite has to lvl 80 first, so they do the Mastery once, but have to fully level the character each time.

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@DietPepsi.4371 said:

@"derd.6413" said:that'd just beat the point of them being racial skills

I mean, that's the point. Since this game is all about the synergy of the five playable races/species getting along, and how they're all more powerful together, embracing each others cultures (and skills) would be thematically appropriate, and again I did mention how the ability to use other races/species skills would only be unlocked after a Mastery/achievement is done, which means the player has to get at least 1 character to Lvl 80 first. That's plenty of time to get the "flavour" of that character's race/species before doing the Mastery.

Anet could introduce an additional parameter, where even once the Mastery is completed, any character on the account that the player wants to use another race's/species' elite has to lvl 80 first, so they do the Mastery once, but have to fully level the character each time.

there's a difference between strong together and homogenized, this is homogenizing the races

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@MithranArkanere.8957 said:We do not need elites with shorter cooldowns. We need elites with longer cooldowns and stronger effects to make them a more important tide-turner element. 40s-60s is way too short for anything but a summon meant to stay up at all times like the flesh golem.

No thanks, Overwatch tier elites is absolutely horrendous.

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@derd.6413 said:

@derd.6413 said:not gonna happen because anet doesn't want them to be usefullEven with those cooldown reductions they still wouldn't be. They are

you'd be surprisedNah. the only cases where the racial skills ended up in a meta build (for a short while, until the inevitable nerf of course) was when there simply was no replacement. Sylvari core condi rangers (back in time before PoF and soulbeast, when condi core build was a thing) for example, were used because core ranger had no elite usable for a condi build whatsoever, while racial sylvari elite offered condi option. Anywhere where there was a non-racial skill doing the same thing (in general) that could occupy the same slot, racial skill always lost, and by a far margin.Racial skills always were, and still are, very bad. It's just that sometimes they offer options that the class in question simply doesn't have at all.
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Imo all Racial skills should be reworked into PvE only gimmick F6-7-8-9-0 skills that are not really that useful and have long cooldowns.Something that adds a little more uniqueness to each race but not at the cost of builds or benefit to them either.Just fun gimmick skills with minor uses that can't be spammed.. enough to maybe save you in a tight spot if used right but not enough to make any build or playstyle more or less viable on any class.Naturally these skills would not be usable in Raids, Fractals, PvP or WvW for obvious reason.Only PvE.

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@Teratus.2859 said:Imo all Racial skills should be reworked into PvE only gimmick F6-7-8-9-0 skills that are not really that useful and have long cooldowns.Something that adds a little more uniqueness to each race but not at the cost of builds or benefit to them either.Just fun gimmick skills with minor uses that can't be spammed.. enough to maybe save you in a tight spot if used right but not enough to make any build or playstyle more or less viable on any class.Naturally these skills would not be usable in Raids, Fractals, PvP or WvW for obvious reason.Only PvE.

why not just make them race exclusive novelties at that point. (that way we at least have the systems already in place)

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@derd.6413 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:Imo all Racial skills should be reworked into PvE only gimmick F6-7-8-9-0 skills that are not really that useful and have long cooldowns.Something that adds a little more uniqueness to each race but not at the cost of builds or benefit to them either.Just fun gimmick skills with minor uses that can't be spammed.. enough to maybe save you in a tight spot if used right but not enough to make any build or playstyle more or less viable on any class.Naturally these skills would not be usable in Raids, Fractals, PvP or WvW for obvious reason.Only PvE.

why not just make them race exclusive novelties at that point. (that way we at least have the systems already in place)

That could work for Norn Transformations but I can't think of much outside of that.I'd like them to remain combat usable though.

I guess you could set them as novelty combat skills and equip one at a time and trigger them with your assigned Novelty key.. that could work in theory.Although it would mean they'd all need to be somewhat rebalanced to have equal use to one another.Prayer to Lyssa for example would need a big upgrade to be able to compete with things like Summon Sylvan Hound or Nornbear Transformation.But yeah novelty combat skills could work pretty good for race skills.

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:Imo all Racial skills should be reworked into PvE only gimmick F6-7-8-9-0 skills that are not really that useful and have long cooldowns.Something that adds a little more uniqueness to each race but not at the cost of builds or benefit to them either.Just fun gimmick skills with minor uses that can't be spammed.. enough to maybe save you in a tight spot if used right but not enough to make any build or playstyle more or less viable on any class.Naturally these skills would not be usable in Raids, Fractals, PvP or WvW for obvious reason.Only PvE.

why not just make them race exclusive novelties at that point. (that way we at least have the systems already in place)

That could work for Norn Transformations but I can't think of much outside of that.I'd like them to remain combat usable though.

I guess you could set them as novelty combat skills and equip one at a time and trigger them with your assigned Novelty key.. that could work in theory.Although it would mean they'd all need to be somewhat rebalanced to have equal use to one another.Prayer to Lyssa for example would need a big upgrade to be able to compete with things like Summon Sylvan Hound or Nornbear Transformation.But yeah novelty combat skills could work pretty good for race skills.

i meant non-combat skills since anet doesn't want ppl to use them in serious combat

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They need to add a new slot that can only be used for racial skills, and it can only be activated in open world PvE areas. Then they can remove the racials from being able to be equipped in the other slots and then rebalance them to be fun and moderately useful.

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If they make the race skills into a cosmetic that you can toggle on for some skills it would be great. Instead of the default rampage form you get new tricked out bear form for Norn, humans get the avatar of the gods skills , asura get golems and so fourth. They could make it as Gem store mission dlc with some story to get the transforms something like the Caladbolg story line so you get content and they get some mulla for doing some new cool animations.

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@derd.6413 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:Imo all Racial skills should be reworked into PvE only gimmick F6-7-8-9-0 skills that are not really that useful and have long cooldowns.Something that adds a little more uniqueness to each race but not at the cost of builds or benefit to them either.Just fun gimmick skills with minor uses that can't be spammed.. enough to maybe save you in a tight spot if used right but not enough to make any build or playstyle more or less viable on any class.Naturally these skills would not be usable in Raids, Fractals, PvP or WvW for obvious reason.Only PvE.

why not just make them race exclusive novelties at that point. (that way we at least have the systems already in place)

That could work for Norn Transformations but I can't think of much outside of that.I'd like them to remain combat usable though.

I guess you could set them as novelty combat skills and equip one at a time and trigger them with your assigned Novelty key.. that could work in theory.Although it would mean they'd all need to be somewhat rebalanced to have equal use to one another.Prayer to Lyssa for example would need a big upgrade to be able to compete with things like Summon Sylvan Hound or Nornbear Transformation.But yeah novelty combat skills could work pretty good for race skills.

i meant non-combat skills since anet doesn't want ppl to use them in serious combat

They could block them in competitive, taking their combat use away would probably annoy people more than anything.Some may get some cosmetic use like Sylvari who could sprout flowers everywhere or summon a non combat dog pet but Norn players would be annoyed if their big hulking animal forms lost all combat capability and were reduced to a parlor trick equal to tonics etc.I think it's better to keep the combat options but make them gimmicks that don't take away from any characters build, that could easily be done by giving them big cooldowns and balancing their usefulness around that.

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:Imo all Racial skills should be reworked into PvE only gimmick F6-7-8-9-0 skills that are not really that useful and have long cooldowns.Something that adds a little more uniqueness to each race but not at the cost of builds or benefit to them either.Just fun gimmick skills with minor uses that can't be spammed.. enough to maybe save you in a tight spot if used right but not enough to make any build or playstyle more or less viable on any class.Naturally these skills would not be usable in Raids, Fractals, PvP or WvW for obvious reason.Only PvE.

why not just make them race exclusive novelties at that point. (that way we at least have the systems already in place)

That could work for Norn Transformations but I can't think of much outside of that.I'd like them to remain combat usable though.

I guess you could set them as novelty combat skills and equip one at a time and trigger them with your assigned Novelty key.. that could work in theory.Although it would mean they'd all need to be somewhat rebalanced to have equal use to one another.Prayer to Lyssa for example would need a big upgrade to be able to compete with things like Summon Sylvan Hound or Nornbear Transformation.But yeah novelty combat skills could work pretty good for race skills.

i meant non-combat skills since anet doesn't want ppl to use them in serious combat

They could block them in competitive, taking their combat use away would probably annoy people more than anything.Some may get some cosmetic use like Sylvari who could sprout flowers everywhere or summon a non combat dog pet but Norn players would be annoyed if their big hulking animal forms lost all combat capability and were reduced to a parlor trick equal to tonics etc.I think it's better to keep the combat options but make them gimmicks that don't take away from any characters build, that could easily be done by giving them big cooldowns and balancing their usefulness around that.

so keep them as they are now. i'd rather have them be as "useless" as a tonic then completely unusable.

also i would mention i think making them trasform utilities like the wolf totem would be the best approach (and keep them around that level of useful)

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"Metasynaptic.1093" said:Another option is just remove the racial lock. Yeah, you lose 'muh immurshun' but it'd make it possible to balance them.

Why, then, have different races? Immersion is a pretty big deal to quite a few players.

So you're totally ok with never being able to beat a Charr? Charr are physically superior to every race except sometimes Norn. Charr are the most intelligent and creative of races, equalling even the Asura's magitech. Charr have superior tactics and cunning to any Human or Sylvari... For this kind of "immersion", Charr must be the superior race and win everything all the time.

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@Trise.2865 said:

@"Metasynaptic.1093" said:Another option is just remove the racial lock. Yeah, you lose 'muh immurshun' but it'd make it possible to balance them.

Why, then, have different races? Immersion is a pretty big deal to quite a few players.

So you're totally ok with never being able to beat a Charr? Charr are physically superior to every race except sometimes Norn. Charr are the most intelligent and creative of races, equalling even the Asura's magitech. Charr have superior tactics and cunning to any Human or Sylvari... For this kind of "immersion", Charr must be the superior race and win everything all the time.

Says who? After playing since Beta I've seen the Charr do some truly dumb stuff. Yeah they kicked human butt but what did they gain, an equal amount of land to the other 4 races. If they were really as great as you make them out to be then all of Tyria would be theirs. Besides, if they were truly as smart as you are making them out to be they would be mounted up in huge machines instead of looking stupid on a mount... :p

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@Trise.2865 said:

@"Metasynaptic.1093" said:Another option is just remove the racial lock. Yeah, you lose 'muh immurshun' but it'd make it possible to balance them.

Why, then, have different races? Immersion is a pretty big deal to quite a few players.

So you're totally ok with never being able to beat a Charr? Charr are physically superior to every race except sometimes Norn. Charr are the most intelligent and creative of races, equalling even the Asura's magitech. Charr have superior tactics and cunning to any Human or Sylvari... For this kind of "immersion", Charr must be the superior race and win everything all the time.

Charr Superior Master Race!For Ascalon! There is no doubt charr is the master race in GW2.And yes, I am racist against asura because they are ugly rats.

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